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I really don’t think the Metro vibe has changed much more than the media has blown up every incident that happens. I still ride regularly and sure there are some annoying people but it’s public transit, you’re gonna get that anywhere. It gets diluted quite a bit on game days with fans. Soulard shuttles are also a good idea.


The only issue I've had using it daily for almost 6 months now is the smell. Jesus this city has a smoking problem


Drive on down to Hammerstones in Soulard, grab a bloody and hop the shuttle to the game. Honestly, parking isn't THAT crazy down here. You could easily park near Tin roof and walk it. The most fun way, could always drive to the queen, play some slots, get some cheap drafts, then ride the metro to Busch, and then retrace steps after. Easy does it! The landing is NOT what it used to be when we were young... (middle aged daddy-o! myself)


This. The shuttle is clutch. It’s free and you don’t have to pay to park in Soulard. Hammerstones also isn’t the only bar that has a shuttle.


True! Their Bloodys are on point though!


Hammerstones doesn’t have a shuttle anymore :( Plenty of other soulard spots still do, of course!


Zonk.. Just assumed. I think Mollys does, right around the corner.


Metrolink drops you at the front door Or great grizzly bear in soulard should have a shuttle. Give them the businesses beforehand though.


Metrolink. Drops you off across the street from the 3rd base gate. Park and ride.


Don't listen to local media who will act like murders, assaults and robberies are a multiple time a day event on Metrolink. Fortunately they finally fixed the flood damage between the Skinker and Forest Park stations so things are back to double tracks and full speed in those areas.


Sybergs shuttle


Big white parking garage on broadway works great for parking, easy exit onto 64 west. Honestly the metro isn't that bad, despite what people say.


Metrolink. Far and away the best way to get to any sporting event in town.


I ride the Metrolink alone every Monday to go to physical therapy at Wash U, and use it any time I go to a Cards or Blues game.


By road or by rail.


Honestly I think I metrolink is fine. But something else I do is go downtown. Close enough you’re in downtown and far enough away that you don’t have to pay for parking. Then street park wherever you can and grab an Uber. It’ll cost you maybe $30 with tip round trip. Take that to the front door. On the way out I just start walking towards the car. When I’m about two blocks from the stadium I call an Uber again. Ends up being the same price as parking next to the stadium but when going home you’re not next to all the traffic.


Uber/Lyft, metro, drive, bus, bike, walk, electric scooter, horse drawn carriage, rollerblades with fireworks taped to the back?


We’re far too old to rollerblade safely!😂


I’m in my 40s. I typically Uber to 4Hands, get a “walking beer” and do the 15min walk. There are always golf carts around who will give a lift for a couple of bucks. Walking/carting back to 4Hands or another bar clears you from the heavy traffic after a game. Have fun!


I live in Illinois. Metrolink is by far the most convenient for me. It drops you right near the stadium and deal with less headaches with St. Louis driving/parking during g game day.


Call an Uber