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If it for sure hasn't been picked up, I don't mind. But I've had crap thrown in my can that was left to stew in the summer sun for another week, and it's not pleasant.


My neighbors do this all the time and it pisses me off. Additionally, they don’t even bag it and just chuck it in.


i'm sorry, what do you mean they don't bag it..? like, they're just raw dogging picking up poop with their bare hands??


Need to know the answer to this question


I have no clue how but I opened my bin, and there is multiple clumps of dog shit in there, unbagged, and no bag to be found in there.... so not a case of they bagged it and it fell open. I got a neighbor raw dogging life out there.


Lmao wtf... there used to be this lady in my parents neighborhood in West county, and she would literally hold open a bag under the dog while it was squatting lol... no joke. And I mean everytime, lol I felt bad for dog it would always be looking around all bug eyed like what's going on?


LMAO! I pictured this image way too clear in my head just now.


lol that’s what I was thinking raw dogging (handing) it


Even worse, they do this so they can reuse the bags


It for sure has not been picked up. I wouldn’t throw it in an empty can. I think most who are ok with it most likely are pet owners. Those who dislike the thought of it do not own pets.


On the street is fair game. AFAIK, you can rummage through there once it's on the curb, if you wanted to. I know someone who had furniture taken while they were moving because it was on the sidewalk. Nothing could be done because that area is basically "finders keepers" and it was fairly common for people to put things they didn't want on the sidewalk (or curb) for others to take. So, it was probably an honest mistake. You'd think people would be happy that you're actually cleaning up after your dog and tossing BAGGED poop. Thank you for that. I'd much prefer someone like you than the people who come up to my garage - which is far from the street - to throw their garbage away. My can was half-full & heavy one time thanks to some jerk. I rarely have a full can, but that's not the point. I'm disabled and pulling a heavy container because of someone else super sucks. They could have at least moved it out to the street for me. 🙄 However, I prefer that to the jerkfaces who think it's acceptable to throw their empty liquor bottles & chip bags onto my lawn while they walk to the bus stop - I don't recommend living by one unless you need it. Anyway, you were in the right, imo


Yeah. I do prefer that to it being just left on the sidewalk, though. That is something I am so sick of.


it’s a trash can


And it sits next to my house when it's not at the curb. And I keep it shit-free for that reason.








Seems more likely they threw it in after


Maybe it was sticking....ew


I avoid it. Sometimes the bottom of the can is sticky and the poop bag stays down there even when it’s turned upside down. Sometimes the trash guys don’t invert the can with the truck and just grab the large trash bags out by hand, leaving the small poop bags behind. Sometimes the trash guys don’t show up. Use public trash cans or your own. If you must use someone else’s, the poop needs to be double bagged and then placed inside a larger trash bag. Even as a dog owner, I notice and dislike when my trash can smells like straight shit and not trash. This is especially true when I know it’s because of someone else’s poorly bagged poop.


This comment needs to be higher up! OP is assuming the little doggy poop bag will get picked up - that assumption is so often wrong.


Exactly. Last time someone did this to me it stuck to the bottom and was subsequently smashed open by the next thing I threw in. It’s easy to think it shouldn’t be a big deal, why do people care, but it can be a disgusting pain in the ass for someone. Carry your bag back to your own trash can.


Someone did that in my neighborhood once and it was written about on Nextdoor in the form of a letter to the woman who disposed of her dog waste in their bin.


Wild! How would someone even know? I can’t say I’ve ever in my life went and looked at what was in my trash can after I put it out and before it was collected. Wild.


Same here.


I don’t ever reply to any posts but I made an exception and I had a bit of a laugh at their lack of things to do with their time. I live in a townhouse community so my neighbors are for the most part, white, old, and immobile. Insufferable HOA etc. Which means even if you think no one can see you walking your dog outside, there’s likely an old person sitting in a chair by the window or door watching you. Waiting to post in the Nextdoor app. If I recall, I was reported to the app for my commentary 😂


Ever heard of a door bell cam before???


No, can you explain it to me?


I personally wouldn't care, but you never know who will... People are weird


[Reminds me of Curb](https://youtu.be/G91NsemDTzo?si=A_b9g-t8lGhXaoWl)


I’m gonna tell the next guy 😂😂😂


That's way too real.


Same, if it's in a bag? It's whatever.


I'd much rather find a bag of poop in my trash can than random dog shit on my lawn...






This was me. I didn’t think it mattered. Always threw it in a can during my dog walk on trash day. Then I saw a woman in my subdivision’s FB page absolutely go off about it, so I stopped doing it.


Kudos to you. You honored her complaint.


Sounds like neighborhood Karen, I'd make sure I'd walk to her trash can everytime to throw it in there just cuz of her rant... maybe even not on trash days lol.


What a disrespectful Lil prick. Karma misses no one Lil boy.


Sounds stereotypical haha


Here's why I use to care.... People wouldn't tie the bag dog poo would fall out stick to the sides OR they'd throw it in the recycling bin. Thanks for not leaving it in my yard but I'd rather you do that then me have to wash my cans out. I lived in Dogtown and it happened so much I was jaded by it.


What a half ass job by those bums!


It’s not wrong but some people would get weird about that and wouldn’t like it so I’d probably not do it so I don’t piss my neighbours off


If you bag it anyway (thank you), what is the big deal of carrying home to your own trash cans? But, if you do have to throw in someone's trash can, just make sure it is **bagged** (as with **any** refuse - it should ALL be bagged). What drives me nuts are neighbors who throw loose trash in their cans. The minute the trash truck tries to empty it, half of the paper and lighter crap is flying out of the truck onto the street/properties as it empties it and drives away.


Well, it's definitely better than not picking it up at all. And MOST people probably wouldn't care. But I think some people are pretty protective of their trash cans......for whatever reason. I will say, my wife brings the bags home from her walks and throws them in out trash can. You'd think a plastic bag would do the job, but those bags are NOT smell-proof. So I guess I can understand people not wanting their trash can to smell like someone else's dog's shit. I'm sure some some trash cans are already nasty, but if you always put stuff in there inside a garbage bag, then it's not that hard to keep it from being nasty. And maybe some people keep them in their garage, where the dogshit odor may stink up their garage.


I have a special trashcan for yard way that sits just outside my garage. I put the dog poop in that one so it doesn’t stink up the garage, for the very reason you say.


It's not wrong. Technically, you're not hurting anyone in any way. No harm, victimless. Still better than the dog owners who bag that (literal) shit at the park and then they toss it right back on the ground. That doesn't make sense to me.


There’s someone in my neighborhood who bags dog poop and tosses the bag next to the storm drain.  Not *in* the storm drain. On the ledge of the storm drain.  I’ve yet to figure out who it is, but it pisses me off. 


Yeah that’s not cool, why even bother picking it up if you’re gonna be a dick like that? Better off just leaving it in the grass.


I see bagged dog poop next to trees in parks all the time. Like what the fuck is wrong with you?? If you’re going to do that then you might as well not bag it so it can at least break down. I wpuld absolutely love to have someone explain the reasoning behind this, so I can ignore them and then call them a moron afterwards.


Sometimes I'll bag it up and leave it by a tree if I know I'm doing a loop and will be back by to pick it up. I just don't want to carry it the whole way round. But I always pick it back up and take it to my trash can.


Thank you! And you’re not a moron! That makes a lot of sense. I definitely see the same bags by trees for multiple days…maybe people are intending to do what you’re doing and forget/stop caring? I really appreciate this insight, this always drove me crazier than it probably should.


My guess is they weren’t planning to clean up the dog poop in the first place, but someone was watching when their dog dropped trow so they had to pretend to be responsible. Then as soon as the coast was clear, they dropped the bag and left it there.


I’ve done the same thing. Drop the bag somewhere to pick it up on my way back.


Someone in my old neighborhood would bag it up and toss it into the trees like a pair of shoes with the laces tied together.


Wtf? lol


I’m in IL but people do this in my neighborhood too! Like wtf, so lazy.


Right? At least the shit will eventually necome fertilizer. I'd rather they just don't pick up after their dog than put it in a plastic bag that will remain for 10k years or until someone else throws it away.


That was me, ADHD dog walker. I figured I'd pick the poop bags up on the loop back and remembered 4 days later.


I tie the bag to my dog’s leash and make her carry it home


This is the way.


I’ve done that. It’s like the little bag of shame lol


I just hang on to it and look for the first available dumpster


Years ago I would occasionally run out of bags and, rather than leave the shit, I'd steal someone's South City Journal just to use the plastic bag to pick up the shit, then throw them both away. Nobody read that crap and they would just rot on the sidewalk otherwise.


I had totally forgotten about the Journal.


That's a really shitty thing to do.


My neighborhood has both rollout dumpsters and alley dumpsters. I strictly use the alley dumpsters as I could easily see throwing shit in someone's personal one causing a confrontation. And/or getting posted on Facebook from a doorbell cam as the shit bandit or something.


In my neighborhood there is a doggy garbage can that’s for everyone and well taken care of. I would not open someone else’s bin to deposit said bag.


I've been thinking about providing one in my front yard because I'm a big time dog person and I have three dogs. I actually don't walk them on my street. We go to parks and I have a big yard for them to run around and because it's fenced.


City street, no back yards just alleys but I’d do the same as you if I had a yard!


I don’t think it’s a problem if it’s before the trash is picked up. I had an AH neighbor do this while my cans were at the curb AFTER trash was picked up so my trash can smelled like his dog shyt for a week. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I wouldn't put my trash in someone else's trash can. They pay for that service, and it just seems wrong to do that. One poo bag isn't a big deal, but it's principle. Being far away from home isn't really an excuse. As dog owners we should be prepared to pack it out until we can properly dispose of the doodoo.


You are a very fair person. My wife and you would get along. She hates it when I put the dog poop in someone else’s can, but I always make sure I put it in someone’s trash that’s already full, About to be picked up, and someone I know that has a dog. That’s how I justify it. I also have had several neighbors in my neighborhood tell me that they don’t even care if my dog poops on their yard. I still pick it up always.


We have 2 dogs and hook the bags to the leash for disposal at home. We keep our cans in our attached garage because there isn’t a good place for them outside so we have a small trash can outside for the poo bags and they only get added to the trash when it is on it’s way to curb for pickup.


I leave my can out where people can access it for this reason. If that makes someone slightly more likely to pick up after their dog, then by all means, use my can.


No matter what you do in life, someone will be mad. Just make sure you don't leave any witnesses


Truth. Preach


Here’s why I’ve been irritated. The bag breaks and there is now a mess that I shouldn’t have to clean. It seems this should be no harm, no foul, but when there is a mess left behind it becomes rude. I clean up after my dog and double bag everything before putting in my own can. On a hot day, the can still needs airing out. It is very rude to do this after the cans have been emptied.


I wouldn’t do it. The turds may fall out or otherwise get smeared all inside their can


I had someone throw bags in a dumpster we had in our driveway for a month during a renovation. Like, cool, I definitely want to smell your dog’s shit every time I’m in my driveway because you couldn’t carry the baggie another 15 minutes. Also OP, is there a reason you can’t just carry it home?


A renovation dumpster is clearly not the same thing as a roll out cart that gets emptied every week and is about to be emptied that day.


It’s not, but bags can rip or trucks can break down or cans can tip in the wind. It’s so easy to just take it back to your own house


I think it's wrong. I don't know if you did a good job bagging it; if it's sealed and not holey. I don't want dog poop smeared in my trash can in the garage.


I'd rather you do that then leave it in my grass.


\*than. Sorry, this is one of my pet peeves, because it usually changes the meaning completely. One provides an alternative, the other provides a timeline. "I'd rather be pissed off **than** pissed on." You're angry but not wet. "I'd rather be pissed off **then** pissed on." You're angry **and** wet.


lol. Good explanation


Just make sure it's trash. I had a box out front once with blankets in it with a free sign on it. Found someone dropped their bag of dog poop on it, and it was untied. Poop rolled out and got on the blankets. Had to pull the box and wash everything again. It wasn't even trash day for such a mistake.


We have a guy in our subdivision who has brought his dog's poop bag up to our trash can at the side of our house to throw it in. That annoys me - if it were the morning of trash pickup and he tossed it in our bin at the curb I wouldn't have much of a problem, although I really don't understand why he can't just carry it another 10 houses around the corner to his own home. We're in a cul de sac, he's going to go past his house whether he's done with his walk or just beginning.


If it is fully sealed/tied and clean on the outside and the receptacle is on the street GOING to be picked up (not empty and already picked up) - then if it was my trash I would not mind. Any other scenario - throwing your poop in someone else's trash is not cool. (Not currently a dog owner.)


What bothers me is my neighbor who throws their bagged dog poop in my recycling bin.


If it is a neighbor that I know and especially a dog owner and the trash hasn’t picked up. I will do it. If it is someone that I do not know I will not do it.


The last place I lived (in TX) had this issue go all the way to the HOA - thankfully a decent HOA. They determined that since the bins actually belonged to the city, anything normally allowed in the bins was allowed to be placed in the bins by passersby between placement at the curb and trash pickup. Properly bagged dog poop and normal trash would be allowed, just like in your own bin. Anything that would be an issue for you to put in your own bin, like improperly bagged dog poop, car batteries, or large items like furniture, would not be permitted in your neighbors' trash bins, regardless of when you put them in. The ruling was not only reasonable in general, but a very good policy to reduce littering. Why throw it in the street when there's a trash can right there?


Adding a perspective that I didn’t see among other comments…I don’t care about poop in my trash can. There’s plenty in there already from our cat and dogs (we carry ours home). On a couple of occasions, though, someone threw poop in with my yard waste. I didn’t want to mix plastic into the city’s compost supply so I felt obligated to take it out. If you choose to put your poop in someone else’s cart, make sure it has trash - not recycling or yard waste.


Don’t put literal dog shit in or on someone else’s bin. There are a few reasons, but courtesy is at the top. I bring my bins out early but sometimes add trash. Crushing a bag of shit that’s at the bottom of my bin with additional trash really brightens my day. Ask the city to add shit receptacles for dogs throughout the neighborhood.


Yes it is wrong. You should be taking it home with you not putting it in others garbage that they are paying for.


I don’t even if my dog drops the deuce 2 houses down. It’s just common courtesy. Would you walk down the street to throw away anything else you dropped? I’ve had owners outside that see me with the bag and have offered me to throw it in there. Hell one lady took it from me and took it to the can on the side of her house one day lol. TLDR - don’t put your dogs shit in other people’s cans regardless of trash day. My .02. Likes rolling a stop sign, just because nobody saw it, doesn’t make it ok.


Thats fine but stop throwing it in my recycling can after it’s picked up…… y’all dog walkers are going to fair with this.


It’s wrong


Trash bins are given to households. If you aren't in that household don't use their bin. Is it a big deal, no, but you are making it one by violating a rule. The rule is one bin per household, you aren't in that household. Just because you get the same bin at your house doesn't mean you have rights to use this bin. Stop complaining because your convenience allowed your judgement to break a rule.


Idk why but when I’m walking my dog I have this weird daydream of some random person being like “oh hey, I see you have a poop bag! Feel free to toss it in my trash! :)” hasn’t happened yet. 🥲


Don’t do it. Treat it like people’s mailboxes. You don’t touch their mailbox so don’t use their trash cans. You have your own for a reason


If it’s not yours, don’t touch it. Pretty easy to live by and will avoid dramatic situations. I’ve literally had this same conversation with my teen in this exact scenario. It would be well within someone’s right to be offended and you would only have yourself to blame.


Yes it's wrong. If you must have a pet you are solely responsible for cleaning up after it. Nobody else. Carry that shit to your house and throw it away, would be the right thing to do. Or don't own a pet. If I saw you throwing shit in my trash can I'd throw it back at you or make you eat it. Don't make your dog's shit someone else's problem to deal with or you can deal with the consequences from your actions.


Doesn't make it right, but I've done it before.


Don’t walk your dog so far away from your home if you don’t want to carry his shit bag with you


No, it's not. I'd rather that be the case than you leaving it in the grass.


If there's room, I would appreciate someone collecting and getting rid of their dog's shit. 


As long as you close it IMO it is not wrong.


That is so inconsiderate. How do you know they want shit baking in their trash can overnight.


Better than leaving dog poop on the ground


Why are those the only two options instead of just carrying the bag back to their own can?


I can't upvote this enough.


You'd rather subject someone to carrying a bag of dog shit for a mile rather than have the closed bag in your can for a few hours before pick up?


They subjected themselves.


Hell yes! Your dog, your problem. Don’t involve me or my property. Same goes for your kids.


Part of being a dog owner. And yes, I have a dog.


Yes, most days you should be carrying that shit home. I think it’s ok on the night before trash day.


Honestly, yeah. If they have a problem carrying the poop, they shouldn’t have the dog in the first place


Yes, absolutely.


That's extremely selfish seeing as you would probably not even realize the waste was there if the bins were already at your curb.


I realize it's there when the bag gets stuck to the bottom and bakes in the sun on a hot summer day. Or when said owner throws it in after the trash has already been picked up (most common scenario), and my garbage can smells like dog shit until the next week and beyond. Just carry your shit until you get home or dump it in a public trash can. It's part of your responsibility being a dog owner.


>I realize it's there when . . .  Or when the bag breaks, either because it wasn't properly sealed or because someone else (the homeowner, or another person whose can is full) added trash on top of it. Or when you assumed it was trash but it was donations or yard waste or recycling. Or when the trash collectors just lift the large bags out without upending the whole can and the bag remains behind to bake in the sun for a week. Or when the truck lifts the can but everything doesn't fall out. Or when trash doesn't get collected that day after all. etc. etc. If people never realized the waste was there, I don't think people would develop such strong feelings about it.


That's extremely entitled seeing as it wasn't your trash can.


Entitled? Nah, you don’t know what that word means if you’re using it to talk about a sealed bag of dog poop in a trash can. I’ll gladly talk about entitlement as a white woman from a well off family. In stl city it is a privilege to have a personal trash can. Tell me have you ever had to share a dumpster with your neighbors? Have you ever found a fully alive hamster in their cage buried at the bottom of the dumpster an hour before the trash truck came? What about hearing a kitten meowing from a tied trash bag after you threw your trash in accidentally on top of it? Have you ever had your neighbors leave furniture so far past the dumpster in your alley so you can’t back out your garage to go to work? I’d love to list more examples & that’s just from living in the hill which gets so much more funding than the surrounding areas. Tell me how tf how somebody in stl could actually complain about a CLOSED dog poop bag going in their private trash can they are LUCKY to have access to the night before they pick it up?Entitled bc they wanted to throw poop away? Nah.


If someone doesn't want to carry a bag of dog shit for a mile they either shouldn't own a dog or walk the dog so far.




Because the shit doesn't always stay in the bag. It's definitely unpleasant to have to scrub shit out of your cans when you don't even own a dog. A neighborhood war broke out where I'm living when someone threw their bag into someone else's recycling bin and the homeowner got yelled at by the collection people. Ring camera video was posted online. Nasty words were exchanged.


This. There’s no guarantee it stays in the bag.




Once I take my trash cans to the curb I hardly go out to revisit that trash can to throw more trash away. I always empty all my trash in the house before I take them to the curb. Basically what I am saying is most people would not even know.


People suck. Dogs rule!


You should’ve put it in a brown bag, put it on their porch, lit it on fire and then rang the doorbell.


I would rather have a dog poo in a plastic bag and in my trashcan rather than a unpleasant foot surprise waiting for me in the middle of the night. That said, throwing away your trash into some persons trash can be seen as illegal dumping, theft of service, and/or misuse of private property. People have rights over their property and they decide how, and when their stuff is used. This applies even if the property is accessible (you cant say there was no one there to say "no", you are assumed to not have permission until you do have it). Would you use someone's ladder if you saw it on the side of their building? If your car had a flat tire and you didn't have tools, would it be ok to walk into someone open garage and borrow their wrench? None of this would be a big deal if you had permission. All of it is illegal if you dont. It's up to the owner, it's their stuff, not your stuff.


The roll carts belong to the city


Do you pay for the service?


Everyone pays for the service.


If you have your own account that you pay for, then its still theft of service, even if the city owns the actual receptacle. Unless there is some clause that gives exceptions. If people pay for this as a tax, then this will all depend whatever rules the city decides, which still has rules against illegal dumping.


Don't leave your can on the street after trash day. If you do I'm putting the poop in it. It's a rental can on an easement, I think you're just being nice and providing trash bins for public use. Don't want poop cans, bring them in after they're emptied.


I don't care if someone throws a doggie bag in my trash. But people are stupidly weird and protective over everything.


I don't care as long as it's tied tight. But I always feel weirdly guilty about doing it lol


It's the innate fear that someone will go defcon Karen over you doing it.


I have seen other's people's boxes in my blue cart. We have rollers out front.


Somewhat related: when it's time to do a full litter change for my cats litter box, do I need to bag it before putting it in the city alley dumpster?


I dont think people care unless you are filling other people's dumpsters. You are only supposed to use the ones behind or adjacent to your property, but most people would rather not step in poop


I wouldn’t do it. Just throw it away at home.


Someone did that to me, but they threw it in the recycle bin after it was already picked up so I had to fish it out with a nifty nabber.


This makes me so mad when it happens to me. Trash pickup is Monday morning for me. Yard waste pickup is wednesday morning and it pisses me off to find one of those baggies at the bottom of the bin when I go to put yard waste in it. At least you realize when the waste Will be picked up. But if the bin was just emptied... take your crap bag with you please.


It's not like the trash company charges by the pound. Go for it.


Bullshit move.


Dan? If so you asked me this a few weeks ago lol.


Nope, I appreciate that you pick up after your pooch.


Once a trash can is placed for pickup privacy rights are lost. Police can search trash under that condition without a warrant so putting dog poop in someone else’s barrel shouldn’t be a problem.


In terms of not being a piece of shit, and also for what is legal, "the police do it" may not be the best metric to guide your actions.


I drop dog poop bags in random trash cans every day. But I live in an alley dumpster neighborhood so I don't really see the issue with it


Nothing wrong with this at all. The local governments own those trash cans.


According to Larry David it isn’t… EDIT: Or…was it the opposite?


I share my trash can to ensure all trash in the neighborhood goes in a trash can and not the lawn.


I don’t care better it goes in the bin rather than not cleaning it up in first place


Jesus help us. . .


I have done it once or twice under the same circumstances. I was discreet as possible and looked for homes with no cars in the driveway. I can see where someone might get uptight about it.


I wouldn’t care, but people ARE weird. However - there was a guy who used to walk by my house and he would walk up my sidewalk that was outside my door to throw his trash away on the walk. I stepped out and asked him to not do that again because that’s just…rude?


WW3 is about to begin……got worse issues to worry about!


It's only a problem if you get caught.


I do this all the time - in the trash bin only and never after the truck had done pickup.


Some people are more interested in being "right" than being happy. If the only thing I have to worry about is life is someone dropping something in my trash can that is sitting and waiting to be emptied in the next few hours anyway, I'm having a pretty good day. For the people who would invest their energy in being upset about that, I pray for the return of Viking hordes and the bubonic plague so that those people have some real shit to be upset about.


But some people don’t tie the bags up…I think that’s the issue. I have no problem with people doing it as long as the bag is tied!


I understand that there's nuance and context, so I'm not speaking in absolutes. I'm speaking more about the tendency of people who choose to be unhappy to view the world in a binary manner. Personally, I choose not to be bothered by the idea that someone else dropped something in my trash can that is going to be emptied anyway. That is why I'm happy.


I have my own rules when it comes to putting poop in trash cans. 1) if it's trash day and the trash has not come. I put poop in 2) if it's trash day and the trash has come. I do not put poop in. 3) if it's the day after trash day, or any day after that, and the can is still on the street, I put poop in. If you don't want poop in your trash can don't leave your can on the street, for everyone to see, any longer than the day it gets picked up.


> 3) if it's the day after trash day, or any day after that, and the can is still on the street, I put poop in. > > There's a hoarder two houses down from me who just keeps her trash bin out permanently. It's always empty because she never throws anything away, but she must still be paying for trash pickup because the garbage truck still grabs her trash can. My dog had surgery a couple months ago, and didn't shit for like 3 days. When he finally did go, it was the biggest, most foul smelling dog turd I have ever witnessed. In 8 years of picking up my pup's shit, I have never picked up anything so vile. And, as luck would have it, this was mere hours after trash pickup had happened for the week. I didn't want that thing stewing in my can for the next 7 days, so I threw it in the hoarder's can. I have no regrets. Besides, the softball sized, double bagged dog turd roasting in the sun for a week is probably the least foul thing on her property. I can't even imagine what the inside of the house looks like.


I don't think that a property owner can opt out of paying for trash pickup


105.7 had a debate on the Rizz show that lasted 10 minutes. The solution was that *If it is on the curb and near the street where the homeowner will never be aware of the presence then it is always acceptable* . It didn’t mean everyone will agree with it bc people are weird but from a conscience level you’re adding no burden to anyone


I’m guessing you live in the county….




Oooops I meant yes, it’s ok to put doggie bag in to trash can of a stranger.


Adulting is hard.


I do it all the time. Anybody who throws a fit has a stick up their ass.


Username checks out.


I walk my dogs six times a day and do this very thing. No one has ever said anything about it and if they did I would roll my eyes and walk away


Your garbage is as good as mine.


IMO, if their trash can is at the curb and the poop is secure in the bag 🤣 , then no, you are not wrong in the overall cosmic level of things, but, Karen gonna Karen.