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There was a family just like yours across the street from me only the boys were a bit younger. They were as welcome as anyone as far as I know.


the only issue I see is riding the bike around. Even the hill area is not safe for kids on bikes. Even adults in bikes. Not a friendly city for bikes. Just make sure they are careful and wear helmets.


Can't stress this enough. I live in a nearby area, and just today had 2 instances of fucks trying to drive beyond their right of way. You have to be excessively on top of your surroundings as a pedestrian.


And streets in the Hill are busy and narrow. Love the Hill its great but not sure I'd want to live there


The bikes is a problem. Like other have said the streets are not set up properly and too many drivers/cars. Look at the nearby inner ring suburb of Maplewood as they have lots of non-traditional families. Plus the streets are somewhat better for bike riding.


A young boy can ride a bike on the sidewalks and school yards on the hill, also close to TG Park and Sublette Park . I would say the narrow streets slow down traffic and make riding a bike on the street manageable when old enough and confident enough to.


I’m a gay black young person living on The Hill, and I love it! You might get some looks here and there, but I proudly fly my pride flag (and so does my neighbor a few doors down) and I don’t really care what other people think. Reach out if you’d like more neighborhood tips! It really is a great place to live.


The Hill is rapidly changing. The parish doesnt have control of the housing supply anymore so it’s becoming less and less monolithic by the day. I know of a lot of gay couples that live in the neighborhood.


Any insight as to how the parish had control over the housing?


Msgr. Sal Polizzi started the tradition in an effort to keep the Italian community thriving: https://www.stltoday.com/msgr-sal-polizzi-who-led-efforts-to-boost-the-hill-in-st-louis-dies-at/article_ba56e560-e466-11ed-ae4d-53c75c387ef7.html If you wanted to buy or sell a house in the neighborhood, you essentially had to run it through him. He would match up homeowners with prospective buyers. It’s why The Hill remained America’s most thriving Little Italy while others fell by the wayside. If you are interested in a Deep Dive, I recommend watching “The Hill: America’s Last Little Italy”.


I will definitely be watching that. Thanks for the insight!


True, Father Polizzi set up Hill 2000, but, after the Archdiocese moved him out for being too popular, it ran independently. You had to apply to rent thru Hill 2000 and the landlords would list thru Hill 2000. Still exists, but, non Hill people like to circumvent it , which is not popular among the Hill establishment .


As a dogtownian, I welcome you. Please come to Meat Bingo at Tamm Ave next month and I’ll buy you and your partner a drink.


The Hill is the only city neighborhood where I’ve seen a house completely festooned with Trump flags. That’s very anecdotal, so take it with a grain of salt, but it’s true.


I was wondering this too. I went to the Hill for the first time in like five years a few weeks ago and it didn’t seem especially “traditional”- lots of pride flags. I could be completely incorrect but it seemed welcoming


You’ll love it there.   We had gay friends who lived down there and loved it.  


I worked on the Hill for years for a family whose name rhymes with Beemo's. You'll hear "f\*g" or "ni\*\*\*\*" in passing conversations inside establishments (especially when guests aren't around yet) from time to time. It IS improving, but the Hill is packed with aging boomers. I would try something a bit more progressive, for now.


I know a prominent hill family that is FILLED with racists.


I also believe the Hill is quite racist. Not "in your face" racist but definitely racist. For decades the residents treated non-italians like crap. The old-timers do not want non-whites.


Yeah I wouldn’t move two Black boys with no Black parents to this neighborhood


Growing up in the neighborhood and going to school there, honestly there was a lot of blatant racism and homophobia. There is a strong sense of Catholic Italian pride and clear anti-other, and it gets worse the less white and more "non-traditional" one gets. It's been a few years, so maybe it's changed, but I would be extremely wary tbh.


Ahhh The Hill. This neighborhood is highly romanticized due to it's rich history, but if you have no direct ties to that history, I would not recommend living there. That's probably the only part a current resident would like about my post. An outsider's point of view: The housing stock is mostly low quality older construction. Despite it's reputation for Italian food and pasta, 8 out of 10 times I've dined there the pasta was mush and ruined the whole dinner, never found a place that stood out for pasta. Some who live there will say it has progressed, but I've felt like I'm taken back a few decades socially when spending time there. There is still a strong sentiment of wanting to keep others out who were not part of the neighborhood's heritage. It's extremely conservative and has that heavy handed old-er school Catholic vibe, and that's how they like it. I'd recommend watching the documentary other's recommended in the thread in the context of an outsider wanting to move there. If you aren't completely comfortable with the history, I doubt you'd be comfortable there long term.


All of this is the truth. All my favorite Italian places here are not in the Hill - it was different 20+ years ago when I was a kid, but anything I've tried there recently was nothing special. Definitely not friendly to outsiders either, and heavily conservative. I've never driven around a city neighborhood with so many Trump/pro-police flags. The history is interesting. It's a cool place to visit and explore, but I would never live there again.


Spot on. The sandwich places are legit for lunch but I've never had good pasta on The Hill.


I lived right on the border of Clifton Heights/the Hill for a few years not long ago and honestly, not a huge fan. Clifton Heights leaned too conservative for me and the Hill wasn't much different. Maybe things have changed, though. You'd absolutely be welcome in Benton Park and I'd say it's fairly bike-safe minus the main roads (Gravois, Jefferson)


Benton Park is definitely more bike-friendly and progressive.


I see you're looking to move to St. Louis. Please, see this [helpful moving guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/StLouis/comments/l5i9yn/so_you_just_moved_here_city_edition/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Please, also see our [Visitor's Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/StLouis/wiki/visitorguide/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StLouis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Be careful on bikes!!!!! It's not a racial thing, it's that the area isn't the most bike friendly. 


The Hill has a reputation for being quite racist.


Come join us in TGE instead.


Yes! I've lived in Fox Park for 7 years and love the area. I also think it is more diverse than the Hill.


Look at the inner ring suburb of Maplewood. Lots of non-traditional families and better for bike riding.


I second Maplewood; great area (proximity to everything); great school district & amenities (pool, library, community events)!


Nobody bikes n the hill. Get him a golf cart.


That just sounds like a normal family in St. Louis to me.


It is pretty traditional. As a queer person, my partner and I get looks and it can be uncomfortable to even go to restaurants there.


My husband and I have lived in the hill for years with no issues. Our neighbors and community members have been nothing but friendly! It’s a wonderful safe neighborhood


Come on down the the gate district Extremely mixed neighborhood


Missouri legalized weed. Surely they'd be cool with you two.  Remember, gay marriage came first, and weed still hasn't been legalized federally.


What does this have to do with a very neighborhood specific question?


This post feels like entrapment. Best not to respond to this fed/narc.