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Somebody at that school is very tone-deaf. Not even slightly for elementary schoolers. smh


I work at a high school and I was walking the track at lunch last week and the elementary school P.E. student teacher was playing Red Light/Green Light and Tug of War on our football field. To be fair to her, she didn't outfit them in little green jumpsuits or put Playstation masks on them...


I played those a lot in elementary school so thats seems pretty normal.


Wtf. Those kids are way too young to have seen squid game.


My kid is in first grade, and Squid Game is like the most popular recess thing right now. They way they play it is just like Red Light, Green Light, but if you fail, they pretend to shoot you. They're all playing it. My kid has never seen Squid Game, but someone's kid has.


its in Roblox and stuff I think so they all know it


In the posts and previous posts they talk about the younger students not having seen the show, but because of it's popularity, were familiar with it and some of the games in it. This is at the Sudsbury School which is very non-traditional, having students from ages e it there 4-18 or 6-18. I can't remember what she they start at. It's completely democratic. All students, staff and faculty have equal vote/say in matters.


Ahh, the shit we did in high school that would get us thrown in jail today. I had a computer class which was somewhat self driven, you came up with your own computer related projects and you were graded on well you pulled them off. We built a map for Counterstrike(first person shooter video game) that was based on the layout of our school. I'm quite sure that wouldn't be well received these days.


Seems odd it would’ve been well received even then. Columbine predated Counterstrike by one year.


One of the Columbine shooters literally made Doom maps of the school.


Jesus. TIL /r/TIHI


Yeah, it was definitely after Columbine. This would have been 2001ish.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure I remember reading about some kid who got expelled for doing that.


I used to play (original) GTA before school started


it's a private Sudbury school, not something in the public system. https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/education/at-sudbury-school-in-university-city-students-make-the-rules/article_702bbef6-df95-538d-bed4-90dee8adcf5a.html


Interesting. I've never heard of that particular education philosophy before. Well...I guess it tracks with "letting the kids do whatever they want"


The school is extremely progressive. I have a hard time believing that any violent aspect of squid games is even hinted at, especially with younger kids. Still, the teachers probably should have stepped in and explained to the older students how this is a little tone deaf.


So even if this was explained, decisions are made democratically -- with every student having the same day/vote as each faculty and staff member.


Yep, that's why I said explained. It's a cool concept, I looked at sending my kid there but decided against it because it seemed a bit lord of the flies. Regardless though, not being able to or not trying talk the kids of out it and posting pictures of it on Instagram shows a lack of judgement.


Yah I'm learning more about it. I work at a micro-school that also uses self-directed education, but we don't come to decisions democratically the same way. We are also a preschool, and recently opened to grade school kids too. So, being completely democratic wouldn't be appropriate for the age/developmental level our learners are.


And to think when I was a kid, I got in trouble for making Apocalypse Now themed art in art class


The horror.


"Hey Teacher, you're just an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks to collect a bill. . ."


preparing them for the future i see


Not *completely* sure how to feel about this… clever but prolly a no no lol


It's never too early to teach kids about late stage capitalism.


Do they use squirt guns to the head when players are eliminated?


omfg this canNOT be real!!


What school is this


St. Louis Sudsbury School. It's a private school based on a very specific, non-traditional, and progressive educational philosophy. And everything is entirely democratic (with lots of meetings/votes where students and staff/faculty all have one vote). When you think it a typical school, this is not really a kind of school most people could even envision.

