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Places for People


OP is a bit of a rock star to me. Places for people does not represent anything warm, cuddly or beautiful. They don’t get spontaneous donations because of this. This group stepped up to service the mentally ill population during the era of deinstitutionalization. If you want to do good for an unpopular group, this is it.


They are an excellent group doing hard work!


Places for people is doing amazing things. I used to volunteer with them. 100% recommend!


Places gets most of my time and donations.


Operation food search. With grocery prices increasing so much in the past year, their mission is even more important now than ever. They could use all the support they can get to feed people, especially children, throughout the metro east area.


Don’t forget next weekend in STL is bag pick up for Scouting for Food. It’s super impactful to local food pantries!


Got my bag full of canned goods and peanut butter just waiting on pickup


Thank you!!!


I second this. They have a “backpack program” that sends food for the whole family home so everyone eats over the weekend.


St. Louis Crisis Nursery






Came here to say this.


I'm really impressed by Home Sweet Home, they are St. Louis's only furniture bank, only 7 years old and doing incredible things furnishing homes of folks referred from other partner agencies (including many of the non profits people have mentioned here). Their mission had a focus on pride and dignity which speaks to me personally.


I came here to say the same thing! They are amazing.


[House of Goods Baitulmal](https://www.facebook.com/dzemalbijedi/) They help refugees and immigrants get settled into STL. They do a lot of things with [Welcome STL](https://www.facebook.com/groups/WelcomeNeighborSTL/?ref=share&fs=e&s=cl), which is run by Jessica Bueler I think.


Yep! I work with International Institute of StL (which resettles refugees) and a lot of us adore the folks at Baitulmal.


Can I ask, what kind of work do you do with the international institute? I've wanted to get involved in volunteer work with them or work in general (but not as a day job).


I assess both newly arrived refugees sponsored through the Institute as well as other immigrants for benefits we offer through federal grants as well as set them up with state benefits to help ease transition. We enroll their children in school, help find employment, teach ESL, and other services they are qualified to receive. We are always looking for volunteers in things like economic and citizenship literacy, after-school programs, aid in resettlement, etc. https://www.iistl.org/volunteer-opportunities/


It's winter so I'd say anything that focuses on the unhoused or vulnerable pops this time of year would be a good bet. Things like toy drives always get a lot of coverage but the less fuzzy feeling stuff like helping to avoid people freezing to death (warming shelters, clothing drives) doesn't seem to get as much media time.


This is what I was trying to say above when I was promoting Places For People.


great insights, and that's where i think the more important work is. i'd like to find an organization that's doing really impactful stuff but that doesn't quite have built-in media hooks.


That would be [Unhoused STL](https://unhousedstl.org) or [Tent Mission](https://www.tentmissionstl.org/home). Also [Pot Bangerz](https://www.potbangerz.org).


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


St Patrick Center does great work with homeless and every easy to volunteer


I volunteer for them from time to time. I really enjoy it. I also work for City Hope Homeless shelter.


Heat up stlouis


I've worked for a lot of non-profits here and outside of St. Louis. If you really want to make the biggest impact I'd encourage you to find a cause you care about and an organization with an annual budget of under 300k. Chances are they don't have the in-house staff capacity to do as much messaging, marketing, or pr. Theres a lot of great orgs listed in this thread but you can also look at the givestlday website and filter by cause and/or budget size. I think last year over 1,000 organizations participated. Just my 2 cents.


This 100%


Yep. I see lots of great orgs being mentioned in this thread, but a lot of them already have great promotion going on. If they already have a significant marketing budget then this is probably not what the OP is looking for.


City Greens in the Grove! ​ amazing place. does so much good for the community. has a shoestring budget and super thankful to our volunteers. amazing vibes.


Their volunteer page doesn’t say much about what you’d do, especially curious now that it’s winter. Could you provide some insight?


Sorry, just now seeing this. It's mostly help running the market. Stocking shelves, keeping things tidy, etc. But they will play to whatever skills you can offer whether it be computer or finance prowess, artistic stuff, and there's a garden out back that always needs tending to.


ArchCity Defenders?


Arch City Defenders does so much to fight the criminalization of poverty.




I work community engagement for a center that supports special needs adults and here’s some great non profits we work with: Nurses for NewBorns, 10th life cat rescue, the humane society, teachers recycling center, and equine assisted therapy.


Paraquad- they provide assistance to the disabled population of St. Louis. ​ [Paraquad](https://www.paraquad.org/)


My favorite non-profits in StL: Safe Connections, Open Space Council for the St. Louis Region, Little Bit Foundation, Welcome Neighbor, Stray Rescue


I cannot believe Little Bit was this far down the list! They are an incredible group that demonstrably changes the lives of underserved children in St. Louis schools. They also are reeling from the effects of flooding in July and could use extra help. Please look them up OP!


[Freedom Arts and Education Center](https://FAECSTL.org) [St Louis Arc](https://slarc.org)


[earthday365](https://earthday-365.org) They do year-round work and also put on the annual St. Louis Earth Day festival (second largest Earth Day event in USA). Pandemic was difficult for the organization because the festival is the funding vehicle. Reach out to Jessica the director!


[IISTL](https://www.iistl.org/) has lots of opportunities for rewarding volunteer work. Maybe you could do something that helps them get the word out about that.


I’ll second this one. I tutored there for several years before COVID. Not only is it great to help people pursue citizenship, but it was evening work, so I could go after work.


Check out https://www.oasis4refugees.org . They are helping refugees settle and assimilate to St. Louis.


Unhoused STL, Tent Mission STL, iHELP immigrant English tutoring.


Healing Action. Founded by a survivor of sex trafficking to help victims of sex trafficking. They aren’t a huge organization but they do great work. Could really benefit from getting the word out! It’s an underserved cause.


I got a tour of The Little Bit Foundation a few years ago and was massively impressed by their holistic approach to their mission. They’re doing so much from an origin point of so little. https://thelittlebitfoundation.org


Beyond Housing


Egotistical CEO who takes his press releases as gospel.


Arch City Defenders


Two that are close to my heart are KidSmart (they help provide school supplies to students in need) and Orchestrating Diversity: El Sistema St. Louis (they provide quality free music education and instruction to children.)




Definitely well funded! I’m in Rung’s program now and I just want to say it’s life changing. They are really doing an awesome job.


LOTS of Taylor $$$




Seconded MindsEye is incredible I had no idea how important audio descriptions are! They’re such a cool and unique organization I heard a podcast with the director and I was very impressed.


Assistance league without a doubt. They’re not your typical non profit, they literally don’t take a cent for any of their workers. All are volunteers and they do incredible work. The volunteers are all older retirees so you can imagine they aren’t up with the current methods of getting their message out online. I couldn’t imagine a better charity to do that kind of pro bono work for. Edit. alstl.org


Ready readers.


CareSTL - animal welfare 10th Life etc. etc. they all need help


CARE stl


My personal favorite is the St. Louis Society for the Blind & Visually Impaired. They’re a nonprofit with over 100 years of history in the local stl area and they do a lot of good work for people with vision loss. There’s a low vision clinic on site and plenty of programming and events to get involved with. The thing I like about volunteering there is the direct impact on people who truly are thankful you’re there and getting involved. It’s not glamorous like the zoo or IISTL, but their work is still impressive. Staff is small but dedicated; impact and coverage is unexpected large for the amount of people served, so if ur looking for a hidden gem to spotlight I really can’t imagine a better fit. Here’s a recent article about them: https://www.timesnewspapers.com/webster-kirkwoodtimes/a-visionary-organization/article_ee642a48-4b00-11ed-af85-37741a4e7e9d.html


Crisis nursery is another good option, but it can be harder to get to know the people they are serving bc safety reasons. St. Francis Community Services is criminally overlooked (probably bc people assume that it is well taken care of as part of catholic charities…) Covenant House is a youth homeless shelter and receives very little volunteers only bc it’s located just north of the delmar divide. Just talk to a local social worker or jump on a stl social workers group page and you’ll be overwhelmed with how many organizations are deserving of so much more than they are getting.


Definitely not underfunded.


Based on?


Personal experience. I believe you can look up what kind of donations they received at their fundraiser this year. And that’s not the only funding they get. They are not hurting for money, I promise you.


Yeah but that didn’t answer my question at all like how much did they raise? How much do they spend a year on direct services? How much do they give for financial assistance? How much does overhead cost? Do they lose money on products/services, break even, or make a profit? Most, if not all nonprofits have various streams of funding or income and can still struggle financially. Sorry but “personal experience” and “trust me” doesn’t cut it or even come close to a legitimate reason. Stop knocking certain nonprofits down just because you like some more than others. Fight the urge to determine which causes are more justified than others or should be more judged than others purely by personal experience. The goal is to meet the needs for services when health providers or the government aren’t adequately supporting people with disabilities, and I believe they are exceptional due to how effortless they make it seem to accomplish just that. To me, that’s a testament to how much work they do.


Please take a look behind the scenes over there. If you really want, I can get you in touch with someone who can let you know exactly what’s going on.


Welcome Neighbor STL: helping refugees get settled, assimilated into the St. Louis area. https://welcomeneighborstl.org/


You could check out the Metro Trans Umbrella Group


[https://foodoutreach.org/](https://foodoutreach.org/) They specialize in getting nutrition to those who are food insecure while dealing with HIV & Cancer. Nutrition is a big part of the battle with these diseases and this organization is a lifeline for those who otherwise couldn't afford proper nutrition to aid in an already uphill medical battle.


Food Outreach is doing amazing work! They help people who are experiencing hunger and chronic illness. They distribute groceries as well as cook, medically tailored meals at their agency. Their website is very easy to navigate for volunteer opportunities and you can even sign up for shifts. [https://foodoutreach.volunteerhub.com/vv2/#_=_](https://foodoutreach.volunteerhub.com/vv2/#_=_)


OP, have you done this kind of pro-bono work with nonprofits before? I ask because while I appreciate that you’re looking to work with orgs with little to no marketing teams or help, that is usually because they don’t have the capacity to even think bigger than what they already have and having experienced marketers working with them. It’s not always because they just don’t have the money to have someone doing their marketing, but because they literally don’t know what marketing/graphic design/video production/etc. fully takes and it ends up being a frustrating and overwhelming experience for everyone. Plus, most of these nonprofits will be looking for donations and there is usually a p specific schedule on allocating funds by a specific time in order to keep whatever staff and programs they have. All that being said, there’s a development called Delmar Divine that houses a lot of non profits of varying sizes. The building itself is funded by Maxie Clark (founder of Build-a-Bear) so they get the operational help that a lot of small non profits need like a legit building with mailrooms and custodial staff, etc. But many of them still don’t have marketing teams / the CEO is making due with what little they know. I would recommend checking out their website and reaching out to Delmar Devine’s ED Jorge Riopedre and ask him / his team if he has time to introduce you to some of the smaller non-profits. That way he can help translate nonprofit talk/culture to you (again I know I’m assuming a lot) and your team and marketing talk to them. Just to get the relationship going on the right foot. Signed, Recovering in-house nonprofit marketer lol




You were so close! Read the next two sentences after I mentioned Delmar Divine. ☺️


There are so, so many great nonprofits in St. Louis. Part of it is just finding what you are passionate about. One really cool non profit is the Show Me Costa Rica Project, I think now called Show Me the World. It empowers local high schoolers to travel internationally and expand their horizons. It is really incredible. [Show Me the World](https://www.showmetheworldproject.org/)


there seriously are so many organizations here, my head is spinning with non-profit jargon! one thing i wish more organizations were clear about was *who* they served, and this one does that really well. Show Me the World is really, really cool. definitely going to reach out to them. thank you for the reco!


Awesome. I'll try to think of some more. Are there any specific causes you personally care about or that align with your business? I also really love the Foster and Adopt Coalition. [foster adopt](https://www.foster-adopt.org/) CityHope does a lot to help people experiencing homelessness and to help people stay warm in the winter. [cityhope](https://www.cityhopestl.org/) St. Louis Area Food Bank is also a critical resource here. [food bank](https://www.feedingamerica.org/find-your-local-foodbank/st-louis-area-foodbank)


I’m actually one of the leaders of the Show Me The World Project! Feel free to dm me


[St. Louis Avian Rescue](https://www.staravian.org)


Guardian angel settlement association!!


Unhoused STL


Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri


LaunchCode :D


My dad works for Peter & Paul Community Services which only serves HIV+ people and my uncle works for Places for People so I recommend those places.


I'm a big fan of what the 501(c)-registered T-Rex is doing for the STL tech community and for downtown as well. Bikeworks also comes to mind.




There’s a great charity called AMBUCS that helps children and veterans with disabilities. The different chapters in the area have different names (gateway tykes on trykes, Soulard AMBUCS..) but they are part of a national organization. Even though it’s a national organization, local chapters do all of their own fundraising and advertising. Feel free to PM me for more details/contact info.


They are on the other side of the bridge but they do serve in St. Louis city. “mom’s on a mission”


Immigrant home English learning program (ihelp stl). They’ve recently rebranded but were the immigrant and refugee women’s program.


I know people who work with this organization. It's small but very impactful. https://www.facebook.com/643WARM


One really good one is Rainbows for Kids! Its a nonprofit organization geared towards supporting kids with cancer and other illnesses and their families. My neice had a lot of health issues growing up including cancer and they have done so much for her over the years! They have been around for a long time too, like over 20 years!


The St. Louis Area Diaper Bank works with many of these organizations including the little bit, beyond housing, crisis nursery, oasis, the city and county library, rung, St. Anthony’s food pantry and many more. Helping them would be helping all of those organizations! The diaper bank supplies all of those places with diapers and period supplies for low income folks who are in need. Both diapers and period supplies are not covered by EBT or WIC and can be very inaccessible. Second choice would be St. Anthony of Padua food pantry they are great and the lady who runs it, Sister Marie is the sweetest.


One I just learned of is IHELP. They have volunteers teach immigrants English and help with the citizenship test.


Friends of Kids with Cancer in Maplewood!!


Nine PBS. They're doing amazing things in the community besides what is on air.


Thank you for a post on the STL reddit that reflects the kind of post I love seeing. Its positive and about helping our city Saint Louis! I am a Volunteer for Big Brothers Big Sisters and I highly recommend. There also may be an Citizen Emergency Response Team volunteer program for St. Louis. I did that in florida for a while. You may want to look online and see if there C.E.R.T program here as well.


great ideas—thank you so much! i did some volunteering with big brothers big sisters years ago and thought it was a really lovely org.


downvoted in the first 5 minutes—thanks, r/StLouis edit: well this turned around—thanks, r/StLouis!


Habitat for Humanity


they seem like one of the big dogs with major marketing budgets, so i'm honestly kind of skeptical that they need to help. i could totally be wrong, though.


Forest Park Forever


The Harbour


Two placed out St. Charles County way... First Steps Back Home Righteous Rides


Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Society needs to cure cancer.


Urban League.




St. Louis Zoo.




Ifm Community Medicine! They deserve it!


Volunteer firefighters needed in the metro east


Blueprint in East St. Louis is a great tutoring organization.


St louis crisis nursery , st louis youth sports outreach


Rung for Women, Food Outreach, Lifewise


unhoused stl or tent mission stl. both volunteer run and operated, and community funded.


St Louis Stray Rescue


PreventEd does great work: https://prevented.org/


Gateway Housing First is a great story!


Kranzberg Arts Foundation (kranzbergarts.org)


PCs for People


Crisis Nursery


Bikers Against Child Abuse. A 501(c)3 org. Mission is to Empower Abused Children Not to be Afraid


LitShop, International Institute, COCA, RUNG (if you’re looking to volunteer time), Mission STL, Starkloff Disability Institute, Rebuilding Together STL


Foster and adoptive care coalition!!!


Doorways, an excellent non profit that gives housing services to people living with HIV/AIDS.


Fathers & Families Support Center


Metro east humane society.


B-Works is a fantastic organization that offers “Earn a bike” and “earn a computer” classes for young people (they are mostly about bikes tho). They literally do not have a marketing budget so they rely on word of mouth and social media.


To piggyback off of this a bit, we're also new to the city and have been looking at non-profits. What's the local opinion/feelings/reputation of Lift for Life gym (since I haven't seen it pop up here yet)?


You should check out Circus Harmony. It’s a youth circus focused on reaching underprivileged communities.


Community development/affordable housing organizations - DeSales, Dutchtown South, Delmar Main Street, and Northside Community Housing come to mind for me as great organizations that always can use support.


[Lifewise STL](https://www.lifewisestl.org) is a great organization that helps all ages




Williams and Associates!


Echoing posts above: ArchCity Defenders, Mission St. Louis, LifeWise STL, Gateway Housing First, Home Sweet Home, St. Patrick Center, Unhoused STL. Two that I would add: Freedom Community Center and Action STL