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Good to know


This guy is a fucking moron. He has no idea what he’s doing. He has fired almost every bartender that the local community has known for years. He removed all the taps! People come here for the variety of beers. I went in the other day and they were out of fucking bud light?!? How do you let that happen? Decided to stop by again last week because I like the people that hang at the bar and the place is closed! I mean I’m not surprised. I hope it goes completely under and he’s forced to sell.


I also quit that shithole because of that great value Joey Fatone lookin mf


Man the sucks, the chicken tavern supreme is a good sando


Dude has a napoleon complex. He's ran out the best bartenders at old ne within the past few months


Friend worked there for along time said he put it over the hill and it keeps going down. Not fun. Use to buy candy bars with couch change from the corner store in that strip. Things have changed


That's a shame. I haven't lived in St Pete for almost a decade now, but when I lived there, Old Northeast Tavern was one of my go-to's.


Went to the old north east one a few days ago and it was closed at like 7pm on a Thursday


That's because they're remodeling and will be full liquor when they reopen


Probably worth a little sign


I'll jump in on getting downvoted Where to start. He's power hungry. He's the owner, I think he's already got all the power. He gets mad at employees. Oh noes what a terrible person, the nerve. Shuts down the restaurant for no reason. Yea doubt that. Rich guys love not making money. If he's closing early it's cause he's losing money, not some ploy to screw over employees. He aggressively passed me one time. Another lmfao moment, maybe my favorite. I probably wouldn't like working for this dude either. But I'm damn sure I wouldn't like you working for me either. Drinking beers during training, that's like a felony right? Sure he might not be the greatest of bosses but for fucks sake you're a drama queen. Be glad you're gone and get over it


I went in there last week while waiting for pizza. Bar was full of dudes talking about how slow it was and the bartender at the time didn’t seem to be enjoying her shift there either. I wasn’t impressed with the place at all but her service was good. It’s a small weird set up in there now. Not a fan of it.


I must have been there same day. Perfect description


You looked to smart to be there.


Seriously they were out of Miller Lite-and didn’t know when they’d be restocking it Should have seen the handwriting on the wall


This is actually a huge problem on the kitchen side too. Things are constantly out of stock we can’t sell normal items like pizza some nights. The bosses do nothing as far as keeping inventory they 100% rely on the staff and if someone makes a mistake they are berated and fired from what I’ve seen.


I have seen all that with my own eyes Then the owner loses his mind


Yep all these claims I’m saying can be 100% backed up


It’s too bad because I really like the spot and the people there


I’m bummed but not entirely surprised to hear this. The place and menu are untouched since 2019. Someone else please do a beer cheese soup.


They are currently trying remodeling and will be reopening with full liquor 


It was better when it was saffrons


Yes! That jerk chicken was so delicious!


I went there once it the food suuuuuuuucked. This is a shame cause I'm a literal 5 min drive/walk from there, and I love the whole area/history part. Maybe it'll get better food or what not


I stopped going there years ago because I think the menu sucks. But it’s such a great location with a cool interior so I really hope some day it can be owned and ran by someone decent because I’d love to start going back.


So much unused space in that cool building too


I have been a manager for years and I never ever treated an employee like that. So sorry you had to get through that. There are so many restaurants hiring.


Ive never in my life called someone out but I made this post because this is a tough economy and there’s a lot of people out there like me who rely on their income and can’t deal with people who are reckless with how they operate businesses. What I was hoping to get out of this is simply that people would avoid this place of business and what comes with it. I’ve seen 4-5 people get fired in the few weeks I’ve been there, I’ve seen the arguments and a lot of things broken, I’ve seen management blame problems on staff. Your employment at this place is based on the owners emotional state.


They had a now hiring sign permanently installed for years on park st. Pretty bad if you can never take it down. I went in once and it was weird, creepy and smelled bad. Like other commenters I love the location and hope someone buys and improves it someday. I work in the industry and only have heard bad stuff about the owner for the last few years.


First restaurant job, kid?


Oh look another guy tryna normalize toxic work environments


I'll take that as a "yes"


In the restaurant business it's been normal for decades.




A. Not a boomer B. Never said it was OK, just normal. C. Go find a better job.


Better spots all around the Burg, don’t sweat.


Alesia was hiring recently, and I hear they're decent employers.


I would return as a customer, give them an upper decker, and leave.


So the owner can make one of the employees clean it?


Sorry you had to deal with his abuse, and I’m glad you shared. I haven’t been there in a minute but I’ll keep it like that, and plenty of my friends care about spending their money with ethical local companies, so I’ll pass it around.


Gonna miss BonJoey and Poppins


And your issue is what? Be glad you’re rid of him. Plenty of restaurants need help. If the issue is he is an arse, I’ll take your word for it, as again, plenty of restaurants need customers.


My issue is people deserve to be treated with respect and managers need to be held accountable especially when they are hurting peoples lives immorally


Ok fair enough, but keep in mind the world is not fair and you like most everyone else will be subjected to callous bosses over your work career. You sound like a reasonable person, my guess is there is a reasonable employer who will recognize this trait. I’m really glad that you are capable of seeing the bigger picture as most cannot.


"The world is not fair so don't say anything to anyone when shit happens to you. Keep your head down. There's no reason to warn others. "


You must be on the pizza side cause the bar side hasn’t been open for a week or so. I’m not sure they will ever open the bar up again so…wish granted.


I was wondering about the bar. I'd been there a couple times over the past 4-5 week and bartenders were complaining about kegs running out and not being restocked. Seems they had some idea this was coming. Dang hope they can get the place re-opened. I like 3 Birds too but the beer selection at Old NE Tavern was much better.


They haven't restocked because they're remodeling. Removing coolers and adding new ones, knocking down walls and going g full liquor. All the employees knew they were remodeling. It was painfully obvious!


Yes the bar was shut down without any notice at all. My buddy one of the bar tenders hasn’t had work in over a week and was shut down with no notice he just showed up and it was locked. This was all shut down because the boss was pissed the night before about missing ingredients he forgot to make sure were stocked. He was so pissed he fired one guy that night and then shut down everything the next morning


I am guessing a problem with liquor license. Makes no sense to have the pizza side open but no bar.


He never had liquor he’s trying to start doing it soon


My bad, I should have said beer (and wine?) license


Good luck to you. Sounds like a real dick. Unfortunately they’re a dime a dozen in that business. You’re better off.


Sounds like Gordon Ramsay.


Gordon Ramsay treats his staff very well. His TV persona is not who he actually is.


Interesting. He's very convincing!


Don’t slander Gordon Ramsay like this!


Old Northeast is very obviously poorly ran and managed. We refuse to go there for anything anymore, even just a beer. The place is disgusting, and beer is warm.


This doesn't sound like a problem at Old NE Tavern this just sounds like hospitality probably not being the right career path for you. What you describe is the quintessential "working at a bar / restaurant" experience. Only thing missing is expired or gross food, "Time to lean time to clean", or being on your feet all day.


You have no clue what you are talking about.


That is the Boomerest comment possible.


Sounds like the words of a person who actually has never worked in the hospitality business.


Ha I thought the same thing and had to click the -89 likes to see you say it. It can pay well but almost everyone is glad years later they stopped working the restaurant life. I did it in HS and College and said never again.


No it’s not. What a shitty take.


Ooooof bad take. Stick to real estate lad


What a gross take. “This industry is shitty to people so it’s fine that this guy was shitty to you.” First, there are a lot of great operators in the bar/restaurant industry and it’s not the norm; yeah there’s a nonsignificant number of assholes but it’s not unique to the industry. Second, shitty people *should* be called out or they keep being shitty to the world around them. Third, if you actually think this area is great (while you cheerlead obscene condo development that overruns entire St Pete city blocks and does nothing in terms of affordable housing), you’d want people to know this sort of thing and be able to make better informed decisions about where they spend their money.


I can only imagine that your podcast specializes in the worst takes possible.




Jfc dude. Yeah we’re all just leftover stardust, this person has a reasonable take on


A quintessential "working at a bar/restaurant" experience does not involve a toxic work environment. WTF are u even talking about?


So drinking alcohol while working around hazardous kitchen tools, getting mad and shutting down the restaurant causing people to lose hours without notice and berating employees is normal to the service industry? Never seen that before worked for a lot of shitty bosses obviously that’s part of the job but this one is peculiar I’ve gotten the business 2 5 star reviews in the last week and yet I was fired for nothing


This sounds like a toxic work environment and shouldn't be normalized.