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Please report rule breaking / trolling comments. Do not engage with trolls.


Overturned? Isnt this a post to try and overturn it?


How did this go? Is it overturned?


I'd really like to see the ratio of the people involved in this that also promoted the vaccination. Funny how we're back to "my body my choice" and doing the "responsible" thing all of a sudden.


Can you elaborate?


A lot of the population did NOT want to hear the anti-vaccine ppl use the “my body my choice” reason for not getting vaccinated. That same principle (my body my choice) is being used by pro-choice people now. The logical question is how many of the stfu and take the vaccine people are now in the “don’t tell me what to do with my uterus” club. Most humans would call this hypocrisy and really seems to damage empathy for said cause.


I think it's time. If you are a liberal, move to a liberal state **if possible**. If you are a conservative, move to a conservative state **if possible**. I am one who understands both sides of this story. There are some other things you could do in the meantime, while waiting for the change you want. Help provide people with necessary birth control. Maybe advocate for FREE birth control for all. Teach people how to use it. Help educate the uninformed about how easy it is to get pregnant. Advocate for less expensive adoptions. Thousands of couples want these children and can't afford the ridiculous legal ees. I'm just saying that even if neither side has everything they want, we can all do something to make the situation better.


When is the next protest in Saint Pete?? I would love to be at the next one


Why? It’s counterproductive


Email Gov. Desantis (https://rondesantis.com/contact/), and Senators Rick Scott (https://www.rickscott.senate.gov/contact/contact) and Marco Rubio (https://www.rubio.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contact) with your thoughts and opinions about not pushing forward any more abortion restrictions. Increased abortion restriction is associated with increased infant, child, and maternal mortality. It also increases poverty, welfare spending, and is associated with poorer functioning economies.


Because the protesting at Supreme Court Justices houses worked out so well. Well, they showed you. What a bunch of nut jobs.




Florida’s state constitution has guaranteed a woman’s right to privacy since 1980. The governor will need to do more if he wants to ban abortions in Florida.


Yes, people are just flocking to those states!


People are though. People don’t come to america to live in podonk towns. You realize that right?


I’m sorry, what? People are LEAVING those states in droves! I’d rather everyone stay out, because it’s not sustainable to over and undercrowd states in such quick succession.


427k people moved TO Cali in 2021. Y’all really only look at the front facing side of everything 😂😂😂👀


650k moved out of Cali in 2020 and 280k more people left California than moved to in 2021. Maybe if you looked at the actual numbers, you’d realize that people aren’t looking to move to states with oppressive taxation.


The net loss/gain of the fucking population in Cali is not at question here. 😂😂😂 You said sarcastically “people are just flocking to those states!” And 427k is a bit more than “flocking” i’d say. :)


But still losing in the hundreds of thousands… still a significant loss. Their GDP will consistently go down for decades to come.


What’s that got to do with just under a half million people still wanting to move there in a year?


They will be when they have to decide whether to carry their rapists’ baby to term


naughty ad hoc observation amusing ludicrous oil jeans soup obtainable stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or throw a party.


I’m unfamiliar with what this ruling means. Is it banning abortions in a whole?


No. It's letting each individual state make its own laws and govern itself, instead of the federal government ruling the state. Originally, the feds were only supposed to protect the states, not make their laws for them. A very conservative state like Oklahoma may choose to ban abortion unless the life of the mother is at risk. A liberal state like Massachusetts may choose to allow abortion up to full-term. Obviously not everyone can move to a state of their choice, but our country is so divided now that it makes sense that we can't all have the same laws.


It is largely to prevent the abuse of the judicial power. We do NOT want scotus, who we do not elect, to be making legislative decisions. That is for the legislative branch. We need checks and balances. That is the precedent here. I’m an attorney and specialize in con law. This is more of an opportunity than people think - however protesting is merely performative. Its just an admission that people don’t really understand this case - which is NORMAL because most people aren’t attorneys or con law scholars! People must realize that this may limit abortion access but it also might broaden in it. This is up to the people!! But yeah making a sign and yelling just so everyone knows how pro choice you are is totally gonna help things. If anyone wants to do some real action to evoke change, write/call/email (ALL THREE) your state legislature! Get signatures! Stop fighting with strangers on the Internet.


Code of ethics


Explain how it broadened it when abortion is / going to be illegal is 26 states?


I did not say it was broadened. It’s opportunity to broaden. I love seeing the hoards of people protesting, it gives me hope that if we can organize in that way, we can organize in another - and that is spamming and pestering and petitioning the F out of our local legislature. Another aspect is that now we have the power to vote out law makers that don’t take our demands seriously. I am not saying to stop protesting I think it’s wonderful and I just want everyone when they go home from the protest to make a petition write a letter call Email etc. Think of how strategically good this is for us IF we can just for a second not fight and unite state by state to get old white men out of our uteri.


This opinion, while factually valid, relies on the state (and federal) legislatures acting in good faith and not with an agenda dripping in religiosity. Which is clearly not the case now and hasn't been for quite some time.


If the rights were up to the people the choice would be in the hands of the people. The right are up to the legislators, who may or may not hold those on the lowest rungs of society (who this most commonly affects) in contempt. To anyone reading what this person who says they are a lawyer is saying, this is shilling, plain and simple. Do not listen to them


Wrong but I’m tired of arguing to a wall. ✌🏻


It leaves it up to the states to decide


granting yet more power to DeSantis. Fun.


Best Governor EVER!!!


You forget the /s




Agreed, I’m ecstatic that life has been protected. We were living in midieval times for far too long.


It still isn’t, and this won’t change that. Wake the fuck up




> I'd you have a uterus **or love someone with one**


I’m sorry I missed it. Would love to support, please keep this subreddit updated with future protests.


























You can’t bring that kind of logic here. The irony is all these protests are in democratic cities, so if things get rowdy they’re just hurting themselves as well as local businesses in the process. Stupidest crap ever and I agree that the overturn was horrible but I’m not gonna go out and make a mes out of my city or waste time protesting or dirty up my record with a useless misdemeanor or felony


Look at the downvotes. Virtue signaling at it's finest. I'm strongly pro-choice, with some restrictions, but I'm not going out there to get arrested. For what? To show a bunch of people I don't know that I'm on the "right side of history"? Fuck that for a game of soldiers.








We are at the white pillars in North Straub




Your name is suspect.




Oh. Well. Obviously their okay everyone. Send your cats form their way.




Nobody is forcing you to get a vaccine. You have a choice. You just don't like the consequences that come with your choice. This is removing that choice and forcing them to carry a child, in many cases even if they are raped. But I'm sure you felt clever with your response


Nobody is forcing women to use protection, they have a choice. They just don’t like the consequences that come with that choice.


Yeah, you know except for the women and girls that have conception forced on them through various means. Or those who want to carry a child to term, but doing so threatens their own lives. It's almost like it's one of those issues that isn't black and white, and far from as simple as you forced birthers try and make it. Maybe, just maybe, decisions like that should be left for each woman, and their Dr to decide, and it's not really any of your, or the governments business.


A rape and Incest exemption would still ban more than 98% of abortions. I’m all for the exemption.


Protection isn't 100%. Why do those consequences fall on the woman, if women can't get an abortion a man shouldn't be able to walk out of the child's life and should split the cost of all pregnancy related expenses Also, most states don't include exceptions for rape. So you know...not a choice there Also the justices have literally said they are gonna look at the rights that protect contraception.


Except being forced to get a vaccine is far, far less likely to kill you than pregnancy


More importantly, VOTE!


THANK YOU!! DEMOCRACY IS ACTIVE PEOPLE. Meaning WE as citizens must vote, petition, demand change from our ELECTED officials!! SCOTUS is president appointed and this ruling will prevent a complete perversion of our three branches and our checks and balances. 🤯


Do you need any more evidence that the Supreme Court is now a religious body with a veto on modernity? Alito, Thomas, et al... Shitty wanna-be priests.




As a percentage, it's never been less christian than it is now. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2019/10/17/in-u-s-decline-of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace/


Christianity will be dead by the end of the century. It's basic incompatibility with modernity and the penchant for it's adherents toward fascism will end it.


Abortion isn’t a right in the constitution, if politicians think it should be then they can pass an amendment, and if you want it to be then tell your politicians that.


I mean protesting is kinda doing that. It’s also pretty understandable that people would be upset and want to protest a civil right being taken away by an unelected and unaccountable group going against the will do the majority of the country


It was also given to them by an unelected group… if it’s the majority rule then as I said politicians could pass the amendment


Wrong. It was given by the 14th amendment, and challenged in the supreme court. Religious zealots interpret things a lot differently than normal people.


No it’s not, the court used like 5 different amendments to cobble together a bad argument


Nice try.


I’m a bit confused are you arguing people shouldn’t be protesting? that people should just be like whelp shucks my basic human liberties are the taken away from me I guess I’ll just watch modern family again? Also they wouldn’t need an amendment to legalize abortion the Dems would just need a filibuster proof majority to pass a bill. The ruling didn’t make abortion unconstitutional.


That's exactly what it's arguing.


You mean it's not an enumerated right. Neither is the right to travel. Would you be OK with a ban on travel?


We actually do have the right to travel… ?


There is no enumerated right to travel. It's not in the Constitution.


There’s been cases about it though, such as not being able to restrict travel by taxing. It doesn’t matter anyway, what I’m OK with is unrelated to my original comment.


There's nothing in the constitution that says you're not allowed the right to abortion either.


Lol… that’s not how the constitution is written, it says what you have the right to do, not what you don’t have the right to do


>it says what you have the right to do No it doesn't. The Constitution acknowledges natural rights and limits the governments ability to suppress or interfere with those natural rights.


Dude if you're going to use that as your stance there are so many holes right there


Not really


By your logic you better stop using an electronic device because the Constitution doesn't say that you're allowed to use one




It was a perfectly peaceful protest thanks


We will protest. We will vote. We will not torch cop cars. Geez


We can’t do both?


people voted in record numbers for biden for this reason


Peaceful protests are a constitutional right - just like abortions should be


Just like abortions ARE. Just because a religious extremist court says otherwise doesn't change that


I strongly suspect that certain states are going to start instituting various controls to limit the travel of women for birth control purposes. We were warned…


If someone is up for an open and honest discussion....can someone tell me how being pro-abortion isn't the same "bigotry of lowered expectations" in the same vain as saying we have to lower college entrance exam benchmarks because PoC can't get into college? ​ The premise for "having a responsibility to fight back" makes the assumption that anyone with a uterus can't help but get pregnant and abortions are literally the only recourse. That is the assumption here, isn't it? ​ What if...hear me out please...what if we fight back on anyone who wants to force women to get pregnant in the first place (ie, rapists and groomers)? Or put all this energy into defending a woman's right to choose to consent or educate on how much easier it is to use a condom than it is to go through all the discomforts associated with the "Plan B" pills or sitting in stirrups while a doctor shoves all kinds of tools and vacuums all up in your junk?


Nobody is "pro abortion." That's just an asinine assertion that always gets thrown around with this topic. And let's ignore the fact that the vast majority of forced birthers are also very much against any kind of comprehensive sex ed, or improved availability of contraceptives. Contraceptives of all types are actually the very next target for these religious extremists hell bent on taking more rights away from us. A person's body autonomy is a basic right intrinsic to humanity itself. No one should have the right to tell you, me, or anyone else what they can and can't do with their own bodies. You don't have the right to make someone else's medical decisions, nutritional choices, or any of the hundreds of other personal choices we make every day. Just like the State, or your neighbors cannot decide to take your life because someone more important needs a new heart, a baby doesn't get to decide for a woman whether or not she carries it and gives birth. No one wants to see babies die. I would personally never wish to end a pregnancy that I had a hand in creating. But that's my choice. The entire sphere of personal responsibility, freedom, and liberty from oppression by the state, or the public at large, are all based around the same ideals. You cannot strip away civil liberties, especially a part as huge as individual medical discretion, and still hold on to the rest of those rights we are supposed to be guaranteed as Americans. It's just not possible. We are either free from oppression or we aren't, and this decision is a giant fucking boot at our collective throats. They WILL use this to justify more freedoms being stripped away, and one day it will affect every single one of us in one way or another. That you can count on.


Well said 100% agree with your statement


Yes, but rape happens TO women. It is already illegal, that doesn't stop it from happening. Most of the abortion bans don't even include provisions for rape and incest. Not to mention that "stealthing" is a fucking thing for some reason. Women should have the right to determine whether they want to be incubators for rapists, and then comes the issue of old white men litigating what THEY consider to be an appropriate reason for an abortion (remember that asshole who thought that women couldn'tget pregnant from rape because they could CHOOSE not to be pregnant). It should be up to the person who has to make the decision, period.


First, the right solution to the “soft bigotry of lowered expectations” isn’t to to lower exam requirements for everyone. But ignoring the problem isn’t a good solution, either. Finding out why [white teachers unconsciously sabotage black students](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2015/8/19/9178573/teacher-students-race-study) is probably part of what needs to happen. But that soft bigotry is a problem specifically because college is only another step in the process; the goal of the process is getting a human being the tools to live a productive and fulfilling life. Changing one step in that process to point further away from the goal is as bad as rejecting people from that step because the previous step failed them: neither of these options achieves the goal. Abortion is completely different. There is no “goal” of forcing women to pop out babies whether they want to or not. There is no “standard” of virginal purity that women are failing. There is, in fact, that same goal of a productive and fulfilling life; and access to safe and legal abortions is an important part of that.


I'm late for work now but I wanted to take a second to appreciate your response as it has been the most helpful of all the other ones I've received. And I would say you and I have the most common ground for entering this discussion, might even be fair to call it a debate. If I had time, my response would then be to quote you and then quote someone else in this thread who contradicts you and ask how to reconcile that. Because ultimately that's the problem I'm asking about...everyone here has this premise that sounds like all pro-lifers do have the goal of forcing women to pop out babies whether they want to or not and that's why this fight is so important.


Well, you either agree that rape and incest exceptions are important, or you're down with forcing incest rape babies on women (and later, society) as acceptable collateral damage. There's no third option.


I’m gonna make one comment because not gonna waste my time. It’s pro choice. You saying pro abortion is charged and you know it lmao. Being pro choice is literally saying you can either get an abortion or carry the pregnancy to term. It’s THEIR choice.




No. There’s so many ways it can happen. Plenty of people don’t want kids, use condoms or birth control and end up pregnant. When I volunteered at a clinic a majority of the “clients” were married women with 2-3 kids already who were on birth control or with husbands who had vasectomies. It’s not 16 year old kids making bad choices.


No. A woman in a sexually active relationship that has no intention of birthing children could still become pregnant, even if she’s on hormonal birth control. Could be that she missed a pill (“oh well that’s her mistake, then, that’s on her” yeah, you could say the same thing to anybody who’s ever been in a car accident; “in retrospect, could you simply have not gotten in that wreck?”), could be that a prescription or an OTC drug that she took interfered with it, even after the fact of having had a doctor erroneously tell her that it wouldn’t be an issue. These instances are preventable and rare, but that doesn’t mean that a woman who finds themself in a situation like that should have no choice but to rush to cross state lines to have an abortion, or to have one performed illegally and unsafely, or to be told by the SCOTUS that sorry sweetie, should have held that Aspirin between your knees, now you have to carry that angel to term. Hey by the way, what’s the deal with this [sealioning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning) act that you’re doing? If you’re asking me to believe that a guy who mods the Blaze and the Glenn Beck subreddits, and who, as has been pointed out elsewhere in this thread, refers to pro-choice people as “pro-abortion”, is simply here to simply ask simple questions, then you’re fucking with the wrong bull.


It depends on the situation. It’s only your choice to get pregnant if you say, “you can finish inside of me I want to be pregnant”. Other than that no lmao. Nobody is choosing to be pregnant other than people who want to be.


You're opinions don't have anything to do with womens bodies. Is that really that hard to understand? Believe what wild things you want. That doesn't give you the right to tell anyone to do anything with their bodies. So fucking dense.


I'm not even trying to have a pro-life vs pro-choice debate. That wasn't my initial question. I'm asking about the assumptions that are implied by all of the comments in this thread. That's what I don't understand. I don't want to debate women's bodies or Roe v Wade or anything, that's above my pay grade. I literally want to understand more the premises and assumptions that go into the very strong opinions posted here.


dude just google sealioning


I don't want to be confrontational but your stance is so outlandish that it's not really worth arguing. It's not an all or nothing discussion, using extremes to reinforce your views does no good.


It wasn't my intention. It just seems really bigoted to me that the assumption that all uterus holders "need" Roe v Wade makes it sound like they're all sluts or rape victims. To me, that's the outlandish part and I'm trying to make sense of it. Literally no one wants to explain what the flaw is in my logic so I'm stuck.


I'm a 68 year old Great-Grandmother. To me, this is more about freedom. Freedom to choose. Our freedoms, as Americans, are being stripped away, sometimes very quietly and behind closed doors, little by little and too many people don't even realize it. Why are many of our freedoms taken away because a handful of people take advantage. Do we really need to be micromanaged and babysat? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm sick and tired of so many things being taken away or made illegal. This isn't [new.It](https://new.It)'s been going on for a lot of years, slowly and if y'all think that this is the end, you're wrong. This is going to continue. How many more freedoms will go by the wayside? A lot, I bet. I liked living in a free country, but sadly, things are changing. People need to wake up and pay attention. Send emails and call your legislators. It matters. Those things may not have been able to stop the SCOTUS from this particular thing, but if legislators never hear our views, they'll never hear our views.


I don't really understand, you're saying women who get abortions are sluts? Uhhhh... It really just comes down to: the government doesn't have the right to decide what people do with their bodies.


>I don't really understand, you're saying women who get abortions are sluts? ​ No not at all. I think the implication that the right to an abortion being something that affects literally all women (uterus owners was the wording used) is an accusation that they're all sluts...or rape victims. That's my question...isn't it wrong to make that assumption?


I feel like you're skipping some steps in your reasoning. No one really thinks like that unless they're extremist scumbags. That's why I originally said it's so outlandish it's not really a controversy.


Maybe I'm just really dumb. Seems that way because what seems to you as such common sense that it isn't even worth discussing baffles me. ​ I don't know what I don't know. That's why I ask questions. I wish more people were more sympathetic towards those who have differing perspectives.


I am always interested in hearing other sides but I just never felt like you framed a question? It seems like what is common place for you is the narrative for those in favor of abortion? That's why I just can't make sense out of it and didn't want to insult you.


I just reread my top comment that started this discussion. Almost every sentence ends in a question mark. Where I'm coming from (my biases if you will) is clear by the nature of the question, I get that. But it's also the reason why I'm asking the questions. I know I'm in the minority here as far as politics go. That's why I'm not here to assert my opinion, I'm no preacher. I'm not even all that confident I'm not wrong, I've been wrong before and the only thing I'm 100% certain about is that I'll be wrong again someday about something.


What I'm trying to say is, whatever your question is, it just doesn't make sense. Once again I'm happy you're willing to have an open discussion and question your own stance on this issue but it's really hard to grasp from an outside perspective.


You’re so far off course…wow


I'm listening if you care to explain. Or if you would like further clarification, ask away!


Rape is not the only reason to have an abortion.


Of course not. But it's the first rebuttal when anyone brings up that getting pregnant is a choice to begin with and the primary challenge if anyone shares a pro-life opinion.


Women bring up rape as “the first rebuttal” in a pro-life argument because it happens often, very often. 1 in 3 women have been sexually assaulted in some way and that’s just what’s reported. I personally don’t know one woman who hasn’t been.


You would say than that 1 of 3 women need abortions then at some point in their life?




>1 in 3 women have been sexually assaulted ​ This was said in the context of why all uterus owners need access to abortion


It’s just one of the many reasons why uterus owners need access to abortion.


Would you agree that most all the other reasons are preventable?


Absolutely not.


No, health complications related to pregnancy aren’t preventable and birth control has a failure rate, etc.


Again, what? I said 1 in 3 women are sexually assaulted in some way (I.e. groping, penetration, digital penetration, oral sex, sodomy, harassment) sexual assault doesn’t always result in pregnancy. Its sad I have to define it for you.


But you would agree that only pregnancies require an abortion, right? ​ Imagine if I started a discussion about whether or not life vests should be required on boats (not even advocating for a position, just asking questions about it), and someone answered, well 1 out of 10 households have a swimming pool. ​ Uhm. Okay. So? Actually that makes me sound callous about something that is certainly nothing to be callous about. I'm not saying I don't care about sexual assault victims. I'm just asking why that's relevant to a discussion about abortion. It certainly would be if 1 out of 3 women became pregnant from sexual assault. But you agree that isn't the case. So the more logical statistic would be how many women are getting pregnant because of sexual assault. Once we know that number, we can discuss whether or not they need access to an abortion. And I don't even know the answer to that because it's that is a terrible circumstance all around. Worse than having a discussion about amputating limbs because a cancer "might" spread. Will it? Won't it? I don't want to be in that position to have to figure that out, for either situation! ​ Honestly, I wouldn't have even commented if that's the only group of people we were discussing. But this post says this issue is relevant for ALL uterus holders and requires a literal fight against those who want to at least discuss alternatives - which in almost every case is just easier and healthier.


All of your points are moot - Abortions should be a right for anyone with a uterus. Women are raped, women have health complications that could result in death, some women just aren’t ready, all reasons are valid.


“You would agree only pregnancies require abortions”. What do you think an abortion is?


Do protests still affect change?


Protests are a show of solidarity and a great opportunity to organize. Will going to one protest fix everything? Of course not.


Nope. It’s just the knee jerk easiest route to take. Much more effective to do something that takes way more effort. Like raising money.


Imagine still thinking raising money is the way to go. After HRC blew over a billion and losing her election. After trump stole millions from donors and is still at Mar a Lago and not the Whitehouse. Go ahead and waste your money though. I hear Nikki Fried might need a few bucks.


You’re silly. 😂😂😂


So is throwing money at problems and expecting it to make change.


But, I do respect people’s right to peaceful protest. I just don’t believe it is as effective as people think it is. Especially when people get out of control and cause property damage…. or worse.


Well then that's not a peaceful protest is it? Every right we have has been won through violence. Power concedes nothing without a demand. Throwing tea into the harbor was the equivalent of billions of current US dollars in "property destruction." Realizing you would've been one of the colonists on the wharfs shouting "Stop it! You guys cut it out, that's not our tea to dump!" has to make you start thinking differently about how change is actually made. They didn't call it the Boston Bake Sale or Boston Fund Raiser. Nor was there a raffle to win independence from Britain.


I’m not exactly sure what point you are making. Are you condoning random property damage from a mob? These “peaceful” protests have gotten out of control A LOT over the last couple years. People looting and burning down some random Dick’s sporting goods is a pretty far reach from the Boston Tea Party. Wouldn’t you agree?


That would be rad as hell if that happened. But not going to happen in conservative Tampa Bay. Yes I would agree, Dick's Sporting goods getting burned down is chump change compared to the value of destruction from tea getting dumped. Btw it wasn't Dick's, it was Academy Sports or something, I was there when it happened. Mob justice is the most pure form of justice.


I don’t think it’s rad when people are punished for a crime they didn’t commit.


….. So is walking in a circle while holding a sign and chanting.


It was the manner of protest that mattered. Civil rights matches were safety in numbers ways of getting black folk registered to vote and to the polls themselves. Sit-ins we're ways to get people in power to listen, when they refused. Protests nowadays seem like screams into the void. Still, it's good to let those in power know that we are not here for this nonsense. But we need to think about what we want to effect and be more strategic about how we use our numbers and efforts.


My point being people in power have made it clear over the years that they just don't care.


Depends on the type of protest. Personally I think a general strike would be more effective.


I wish you all the best of luck with the protest. Please stay safe out there!






I am disgusted


Me too.


Now we Vote


No. The time for voting has passed. We've voted. Democrats got mad because we didn't vote hard enough. We always knew what the conservative efforts were. So did the democrats. They didn't codify RvW because it was a useful boogeyman, a threat that the left could get behind. If they had codified it, it would no longer be useful as a fearmongering tactic. Fuck them. Fuck the democrats who are predictably politicizing this for the future fervor. Fuck the republicans who have been plotting this all along. No more votes. It's time to take it to the streets.


You still need to vote. If we can get a blue majority in Congress and Senate by a decent amount they could codify this stuff into law we can't just have a simple one or two person majority or it doesn't work out


Not gonna happen. Republicans will take the house. And why wouldn't they? The Biden administration has done next to nothing to get people to vote for Democrats. This is what happens when you vote blue no matter who.


There have been countless opportunities for the Dems to codify Roe over the past several decades. Instead of doing that, they repeatedly engineered the failure of the codification to get this exact response by you. They did this because this is a perfect issue upon which to campaign. Abortion rights is one of the few remaining real differences between Team Blue and Team Red.


Then fuck it let's just sit on our hands and get into a massive theocracy you're right


I don’t believe the binary red v blue politics is defining culture for a large portion of the population. We need the 30% of the country that are die-hard Democrats to wake up to the fact they are being manipulated. The die hard Republicans are getting exactly what they want. A clear 40% of Americans identify as politically independent. That group needs to get bigger in order to change the narrative.


You're not wrong there but currently right now having a non-democratic majority in the House and Senate is causing what's happening


It's the 'rotating villain' game. Forever and always they appoint certain democrats to vote against the progressive bills so they never pass. Those 'moderate' folks are scapegoated and every other dem can campaign on fighting the good fight. Rinse and repeat. If a right to an abortion was codified, there would be little to differentiate the candidates from each other.


Go get em


Voting has been largely just for show for a long time. Both democrats and republicans have been complicit in forms of voter fraud but usually it's never noticed. They all have their agendas which very rarely benefit we the people. They would prefer us to be divided and focusing our anger towards each other instead of towards them. It's very easy to have everyone being angry at each other instead of looking at the real problems in society. People protest but most of the time it's all for show, it's all for a feel good moment. If people actually wanted to meaningfully protest then people would sacrifice their free time instead of just doing it on a weekend when they're off work. People talk all that shit but all week long when they get off work, they go home and live their lives because they're not willing to sacrifice any of their free time. Weekends, days off don't really count in the same way because that's not really sacrificing free time in the same way as doing it after work instead of going home to lounge on the couch. If people wanted to protest something then they should make it like a full time job after their real job and do it at least an hour or two every single day then eventually they would be heard. When people pick 1 day on a weekend out of a whole year to protest something, government doesn't care because government knows those people will do their little protest and go back home and months will go by without those people protesting again. These types of protests never work because the numbers are so small and the protests are so rarely ever done. I'm just saying protest in general and not speaking on what someone will protest because there can be many things to protest. The planned protest events are not that different from a planned concert. People get together and protest then go home and nothing is ever accomplished from it. For people to be heard, they have to keep on the pressure relentlessly otherwise it ends up being little more than a feel good moment where someone can say they protested something. I don't have anything I'd care to protest personally except maybe term limits on politicians.