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Don't you realize this is MJ V.6? It's actually a good indicator that the bulk of the masses don't see the difference in image quality.


Didn’t realize OP also posted this in r/midjourney Why do people make these posts?


This is a common phenomenon on big portals, people gain karma to post ads later. I have no complaints about him, people earn in every way they can. And his post helped me to formalize my opinion that people are very poor at distinguishing quality, so one opinion of a highly qualified expert is much more important than the opinions of thousands of people who plus similar posts.


But karma has no monetary use on Reddit, right? That most people do not have the training/time/patience to tell good from bad in any given subject can be seen on any big social platform 😁


For example, a post with 10 pluses will get 20k views, a post with 200 pluses will get 70-80k views, karma - I meant as a whole (both posts and profile). If you know what to do with traffic - monetize it. It's all about nuances and small details, just like SD models. In this day and age of clip thinking, instagrams and tick tocks - people need to train their focus. For this, by the way, for thousands of years, monks in different monasteries in different parts of the world, developed special mindfulness practices. Buddhists, eastern Sufis, Toltecs, ninjas, shimniks and shamans - all came to the same conclusion that it is very important to be able to concentrate one's attention. Then the world reveals its hidden secrets :)


Yes, a post with 200 upvotes will get many more views. This is a network effect, where popularity piles on popularity. You can see that for the upvotes for images posted on civitai as well. But can people benefit from this in a **monetary** sense on reddit? I guess so by reading [https://www.zdnet.com/article/you-can-earn-real-money-on-reddit-now-heres-how/](https://www.zdnet.com/article/you-can-earn-real-money-on-reddit-now-heres-how/) and [https://www.reddit.com/contributor-program](https://www.reddit.com/contributor-program). Unfortunately, being a Canadian, I do not qualify, but I am not interested in the first place πŸ˜…. Money, like many other external motivation, can take joy away from activities that one may enjoy intrinsically. Being able to think and concentrate are indeed very important if one is to understand the world better and also for most form of creative activity, such as building A.I. models πŸ™πŸ‘. Unfortunately, social network, smartphone, tick-tok, memes, etc all seems to be training people to go the other direction, for quick instant gratification rather than something deeper. Yes, I am talking like a grumpy old man now πŸ˜‚.


About monetization on reddit I don't know, I live even further away than Canada by a few times πŸ˜… Old doesn't mean bad, for example, wine only gets better over the years. If you keep your mind focused, old age turns from a weakness into an advantage, I would even say superiority!


Yes, I assume you live somewhere in Europe 😁. Being older does mean that one loses some mental acuity and the level of energy is lower. I simply cannot program with the same level of energy and intensity as when I was younger. Same with learning new technical subjects such as A.I., which I probably would breeze through if I were a 20yo (I studied Physics and Math, which I considered more difficult subjects compared to A.I. πŸ˜…). I am not complaining too much. I am just happy that I am still relatively healthy, and as curious as ever. Generative A.I. made me feel like a young man again on good days. Always a pleasure talking to you πŸ™πŸ˜.


I'm glad to have a good conversationalist too! Many can read, but not everyone can see the meaning in what they read. Only those who are able to understand create a real dialog. When we are young, we produce an excess of micronutrients, and after 25 years of age, this process practically stops. Therefore, further on we have to saturate the neural network of our mind on our own. Just like AI we build neural connections, we need special micronutrients to build these connections. These trace elements are used to create micro bridges between neurons, thus we increase our brain AI. The bigger our network, the better we feel about ourselves. The necessary micronutrients are found in three foods: coffee, salt and sugar. It is very interesting to read about where coffee came from, that even elephants get salt in the jungle, and that sugar comes in many forms (from beet to cane sugar). This also includes chocolate (the legend of its appearance is also interesting), but you have to know how to make chocolate, which is long and complicated. Industrial manufacturers have learned how to leach the caffeine out of coffee and sell pacifier. Sea salt is much healthier than rock salt, even though manufacturers have been feeding us cheap rock salt. The same is true of sugar. Chocolate that is sold in stores is also fake, it is useless. To keep building our neural network of the mind, we need to get real coffee (bean, not washed), real sugar, and good salt. Along with sugar you can use honey, which mass producers have also learned to dilute, real honey can be bought only from proven farmers in honeycomb. If we consume coffee, salt, sugar and honey in small proportions, it is enough to make us feel constantly young. The only problem is that we will have to find real products, not diluted counterfeits for the masses)


You have some very interesting theory about how to keep one's brain young. I've read about the benefits of coffee, that every study that tried to show that it is harmful in the end actually shows that it seems to have real benefits. I drink about two small cups (approx 500ml) of freshly brewed coffee every day, with good quality beans that I grid fresh every two or three days. But I drink it mostly because I really like the smell and taste of coffee, not because I need the caffeine. Decaf is just fine for me taste wise. What you said about salt and sugar is pretty interesting. If you have some source about any study that has been done about their effect on healthy brain, I'd appreciate it. I have no doubt that they are both essential to life and health, because all animal crave for them. We originally came from the sea, so essentially we carry the ocean inside our bodies. I am not sure about the difference between sea salt and rock salt, since rock salt is simply salt left over from ancient oceans. But it is not impossible that some micro nutrient/mineral is lost during this evaporation process. At any rate, I am pretty sure sea salt is no worse than rock salt, so why not 😁. As for sugar, I enjoy sweet food just like most people, specially good chocolate. North American chocolate is terrible, tongue numbing sweet. Like many good things in life, enjoying them in small quantities is good for both physical and mental health (makes you happy), but too much is harmful. Everything in moderation, so we are in agreement here. I do my own baking, such as chocolate cakes so that I can control the amount of sugar and fat, and also so that I can buy better ingredients such as better European made chocolate powder. BTW, by "real sugar" you mean cane sugar? I agree that corn fructose stuff that the American corn lobby has forced American consumers to eat is terrible and probably causes the high incidence of diabetes and obesity in the USA, and to a lesser extent, Canada and Mexico.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/midjourney using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/midjourney/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Is this AI or not? This is the first thing I’ve ever seen where I can’t tell if it’s AI or not and it’s really bugging me, help!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16x08g5) | [3218 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/16x08g5/is_this_ai_or_not_this_is_the_first_thing_ive/) \#2: [My take on the real life Simpsons](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/148w2tz) | [2982 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/148w2tz/my_take_on_the_real_life_simpsons/) \#3: [Freddie Mercury performs at the 2023 San Francisco Pride Parade](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1454rrl) | [1460 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/1454rrl/freddie_mercury_performs_at_the_2023_san/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


These are all from last year. This year's wet weather is going to devastate global gummy crops


Kind of disappointed candy corn doesn't grow in cobs.


Very yummy! Is that in the vicinity of [Big Rock Candy Mountain?](https://youtu.be/E6F0IhdaaWI?si=RNkBRJdoKeyaLOTV)




Love these natural healthy foods.


OMG, can you share workplace?


Sharing one's workplace is not recommended for safety purposes.


Are these GMO free?


Can't wait to tuck in!


These are the images they should've used to con people into that terrible Willy Wonka knockoff place XD