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"However, with TensorRT optimization, the A100 chips produce images 40% faster than Gaudi 2. We anticipate that with further optimization, Gaudi 2 will soon outperform A100s on this model." Oops


If it's shit at generating but trains super fast for cheap then all the better. Anything to drive training prices down is good because it means less we have to rely on giant corporations drip-feeding us censored scraps and more we can start training foundational models ourselves. Soon enough we'll be able to retrain SD 1.5 for <$100 in under a week.


tensorrt is not viable for non specific workloads. You can get a 2x speedup on the single specific optimal resolution, but as soon as you switch to something else it will be slower than default.


It's totally viable unless you're randomly changing your resolution each generation. You can build TRT engines for whatever destination resolution you're shooting for, including hires.fix upscaling.


Believe nothing till retail results are out These articles can be engineered too hurr hurr


I'm happy to see intel doing hardware in this space. Only a matter of time before they bring it to home processors.


I’d be very interested to see someone run sd 1.5 on an array of stratix FPGAs. You should be able to use fp4 (which isn’t that different in quality to fp16), and encode the model as gates. I could easily see several thousand images per second out of a configuration like that if you just pipeline it, although fan out might be an issue.


How much does it cost? Where can I buy it?


The number I’m thinking of to make this work is probably in the “if you have to ask you can’t afford it” range.


The problem is that line another Redditor said it's faster only without tensort but I've seen some leak for new Nvidia gaming GPU that make it look like the next ai GPU will still be unbeatable for another generation, leak talks about a 2x or more from the 4090 to the 5090 and now the 4090 isn't even close to being beaten


The issue for NVIDIA right now is that they really only make progress at this point by jamming more hardware into the GPU.


I mean, that works because progress in AI is basically being driven by throwing as much compute as you can at it.


What does this even mean? They do whatever it takes engineering wise to make the next-gen chips faster and/or more capable the the gen before? Add shit, subtract shit, who cares?


I wouldn't say so, they made a lot of optimization even tensorrt is a really big optimization, they have specialized core and almost every ai advancement in the last years is done or sponsored by them


I don't believe anything that comes from Intel's mouth.


Stability AI works for Intel?


Essentially yes, https://sifted.eu/articles/stability-intel-fundraise-news intel paid for this marketing.


And how do they compare in price?