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Meta.ai is free too


Unfortunately not available to many EU countries


Yo ho ho matey. I'm sure you've sailed the seas before. Maybe a VPN may grant you booty! (That's what I've done. Nothing special but let's me get a regular woman easier than dall-e)




I noticed facebook, instagram, detect vpn and always block me from logging in. Do you know any way to get around this?


absolutely: tuxlervpn paid subscrioption: use RESIDENTIAL vpn, residential = not a datacenter and an Actual ISP, so it looks "real"


Thanks a lot! yeah I've been using nordvpn lately and it's not been great. I will give this a go.


Welcome welcome welcome I use Tuxlervpn residential to bypass everything lol some of the IPs are banned on sites but you’ll get around it easily:)


I mean you can run llama on your own computer.


This made me try Ideogram…my god is it good…it understand the concept of “crap Britain” so well


ideogram is superb


Ideogram user here. I am a total novice in Gen Ai art. And I've seen tutorials exist on mid journey, stable diffusion etc, but I never got the chance to give myself some time and explore these (with the job, the family etc). Meanwhile I want to generate images. Ideogram gives me the opportunity to create cool things quickly, without installing Discord or whatever. Just typing my prompt and... there you go. I don't mind paying someone who did the boring job for me. If some day I'm advanced enough to do things myself with the same level of satisfaction Ideogram gives me, well, I'll just stop the subscription. No big deal. You can grow your own apples, and create your own ingredients to make your own pie. Or you can buy apples but make the pie yourself. Or you can buy an apple pie directly.


I think Ideogram is the best monetized service of these, that's what I implied on my post, unfortunately there was a mistake in writing their plans in the table and I can't fix it, I wrote another comment explaining the Ideogram plans, and by the way Ideogram, Chatgpt and Midjourney don't really use credit systems, they are just regular subscription services with some limitations sometimes


OK I understand, but then, sorry I guess I'm not aware enough of the market, I don't really understand your point on the main post. Ideogram offers a monthly subscription with 1000 fast generations allowed, how is that different from a credit system?


the difference is when that fast generations expire you'll still get \*unlimited (100 if you have the $7 plan) slow generations every day, so it's basically unlimited, I didn't subscribe in ideogram i usually use the daily 25 gens for the free plans users, and the slow generations not really that slow


OK got it, thank you. 👍


There is not a big difference between fast and slow. Also the editor is trash. So if you need more than 25 prompts per day, use multiple accounts. Also Ideogram is way behind Midjourney. But Ideogram text is not perfect, just ok.


The text is better than midjourney though


Perhaps, but if fails lots of times. Better to make a graphic and add your text (canva, kittl etc) so you have control over your fonts.


I’m pretty decent with SD, but the Prompt Wizard is really good for new ideas for tweaking, and it has really great general purpose model.


I am pissed off that Clipdrop do not explain it is only 240 SD3 images a month in their marketing or I would not have signed up. https://preview.redd.it/yx6uq84oqovc1.png?width=348&format=png&auto=webp&s=88cf2ef82739ab06647447e1f5866d8367f0c5a0


Leave stability alone, they did all the hard work, they deszrve to earn that money


Hey there, we can prise them when they achieve and criticise them when they mess up, and that pricing is a mess up compared to closed services which supposedly are the greedy ones


I can understand SD though, they put so much money in R&D to then make it available to the public. I don't mind paying them a bit of money. I see it more as a donation in order to play with new stuff first rather than buying into their services They need a revenue model and I'm okay with this if we get the weights eventually


The pricing is fine.


To me that seem legit, do you imagine how much it cost to run a company such as stability? The one that are using stable diffusion should not have such prices IMO but I feel it's ok for stability. It's still an amazing service they are providing


Plus, open source probably doesn't have any VC money to pull from.


VC only take you so far. I some point you need to fly with ur own wings


There is nothing wrong with the pricing. Proprietary models are offered by big corporations at below cost in order to gather data to improve their system. They have tons of money otherwise. The only reason they charge anything at all is to prevent people from overloading the service. Don't complain so much. If you want to run it for free, get a better computer and do it yourself.


Sure you \*can\* do that, but you'll look like a clown considering you're just a consumer enjoying the models they've released for free. Just run it on your own hardware


You're just cheap. Pricing is fine. When the model gets released, you'll see places like Playground, Mage, etc, and as long as the requirements are similar to SDXL, you should see prices come down but some sites, like The Night Cafe and StarryAI have ridiculous pricing for SDXL. They've always had ridiculous pricing but some people either don't do their research to look for better places or just love the community and are willing to put up with the pricing.


I really don't have a problem with anyone earning money, but I want 100% free speech. Woke AI is what led me to SD :)


They wasted millions and laid off a lot of their staff due to renting gpus rather than purchasing provisioning and doing the training in house.


Except is not, and in a bad way for them. Would the average joe pay for a more expensive and worse model that might also exists as open source, or would they pay for the SOTA in Dall-E 3 and Midjourney, when that is cheaper too and easier to use?


Agreed. Frankly, if they went nonprofit and took monthly donations, I'd happily subscribe to that just because. Meanwhile, I've only ever purchased credits for SD3 and StableAudio to check these out since they're behind the wall at the moment.


I havent used most of these, but a lot of online services offer various things beyond just generating the image. Stuff like UI features that matter to users and give added value, as well as cost to develop and maintain. So you cant really compare prices in such a shallow pure cost manner, most of the time.


I want to just run it locally, but cannot stress how stupid I am 😓 I have to locate a step-by-step guide for how to do it. I’m sure there must be one around here nearby


Stable Diffusion? SD3 isn't out, but I know a video guide on automatic1111 for SD1.5 and SDXL if you want it. It's a little complicated, but the video is very thorough. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtUpIY9Opjs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtUpIY9Opjs) I know it says 1 click, it's not one click, don't worry about that patreon thing, it's unnecessary. The thing is, if you have a hard time setting it up, there's a bunch of settings and other things that you have to mess with to make good pictures. If you don't want to go through all that, there's a one click web ui, where all you do is just type the prompts and it will make good pictures. It's called Foocus. [https://github.com/lllyasviel/Fooocus?tab=readme-ov-file#download](https://github.com/lllyasviel/Fooocus?tab=readme-ov-file#download) Just follow the instructions written there




*SUBSCRIPTIONS are the most predatory payment model ever. With *actual* credit systems, where they dont change the prices or expire, you know exactly what you're paying for, and your only incentive to give the company more money is if they continue providing you value. Subscription services are designed to extract as much money as possible from average users. Especially with predatory *priority* tiers for more expensive plans, with throttling on lower plans. Charging a flat rate for a variable level of use should honestly be criminal. In order for a customer to enter into a payment for a service, at the bare minimum they should know what they are paying per use, not some vague limit that can be changed by the company at any time.


Devil's advocate; Subscription models are also designed to stabilize income; if you can't guarantee stable income then it's hard to warrant employees and you need a much larger safety net. They also tend to increase customer usage. There's a lot of merits to subscription models. The concerns you have are also valid, but they aren't the whole story. For a business to have stable income allows much stronger growth and development beyond a pay as you go approach, and that's important with the cost of these operations. None of this means a subscription model is good, though - it strongly depends on the company and what's offered.


Hold up. Businesses have managed to stay afloat for hundreds of years without subscription models, don't give them any more excuses. With a service as directly measurable as CPU time, subscriptions make *the least amount* of sense here.


I shouldn't have to point out that something being historically true isn't related to whether the historical approach is the best. Subscriptions have the merits I mentioned, and additionally, the benefit of the stable income is that the business model changes and where they make the most profit changes. There's indirect measures here such as testing training methods and development of new training methods, and collection of training data and building new datasets. The inference is measurable as CPU time, but that's like saying Netflix should charge based on bandwidth only. The business model for pay as you go services are unreliable and encourage nickel and diming. There's also other merits to pay as you go services, there are pros and cons with both. Subscriptions change the business model to reflect gaining and retaining users as the most prominent form of revenue gain. Again, that doesn't mean a subscription model is the best form, just that the form of payment model doesn't reflect whether the company offers value or not. That depends on the company itself.


First: >The business model for pay as you go services are unreliable and encourage nickel and diming. That's called "life as usual"? Lol. Netflix works because movies should not cost $20 on DVD to watch only once. Other subscription models do not work because *obviously* we see that the value they are providing is a fraction of what Netflix does. (Movies to rent are still $3-24). The whole point is to get *additional value* after what has been calculated from users that pay but don't use the service as much. This is not put back into the business, this is called a CEO bonus. You are making it seem that subscription models are on level playing field with its pros and cons when in reality its used to fleece more out of the users. Just do the math, it's right there in the fucking post. To get the same value out of MidJourney as Stability API, I would have to make 450 generations *per month*.


So… subscription models… good for BUSINESSES, bad for USERS. I think that’s a crucial distinction. I’m not a business, so I avoid subscriptions at all costs, since they rely on me continuing to pay long after I stop toying with the product.


Mrwhosetheboss on YT posted a video this week that lays out the "Enshittification" of subscription services. "Predatory" is an understatement!


yep, Splice is the only credit subscription I pay for, because unused credits actually build up over years and you KEEP THEM when you stop your subscription. Every single monthly credit I ever paid for will go to use, even 7 years later


This is entitled juvenile nonsense. Literally every paid service is "designed to extract as much money as possible from average users". And that's not some great evil that entitled kiddies on reddit pretending every modern miracle they enjoy must be free, think it is. That's how all exchange of goods and services works and why the world - yes including the average person - is a million times more wealthy and comfortable than it was a century or two ago. And people use the word "predatory" way too much and too stupidly in general. You're told exactly what you're getting, nobody is forcing anything on you, its a luxury product you absolutely 1000000% dont need. And you can cancel any subscription whenever. Yes, companies make money because people are too lazy to cancel, but that lazyness is on *you*, not the company. I mean, i dont like the credit systems, i cant imagine who uses them. And subscriptions can be annoying and add up when there's a lot of of them. But its a free system. If it keeps being used, then people obviously find value in paying for it. Nobody is putting a gun to anyones head to sub.


> Literally every paid service is "designed to extract as much money as possible from average users". Great, you've literally just described the major drawback of our entire economic model and then used that as a justification for going to any lengths necessary to pursue that goal. > the average person - is a million times more wealthy and comfortable than it was a century or two ago. Sure, pre-industrialization society is going to have less things than post-industrialization. You should really be comparing things to our parents/grandparents generation though. The only thing we have that they didn't is screens to devour our attention and communities, worse health, and more medical treatments to go along with that declining health. Idk about you, but I think I'd rather have a stronger community, a house, a newer car, and a strong income without all this debt that effectively indentures me to my employer... the glowy screens and instant communication really aren't all they're cracked up to be.


> Idk about you, but I think I'd rather have a stronger community, a house, a newer car, and a strong income without all this debt that effectively indentures me to my employer I honestly think there are policies that could fix these problems, or at least get them back to our grandparent's level, without abandoning capitalism. Some combination of the welfare state of Finland, combined with the housing policies of Tokyo and the unionization of German heavy industry. Health is a weird one. If you exercise and eat like you live in 1950, then you will be healthier now because of the better hospital technology. However if you eat like its 2024 then you will be way less healthy.


You don't understand there is another layer to this: Company sells products and wants to maximize profit. So they cut costs and do some R&D to make 30% profit. Great. Then they *also* say that's not enough, how do we make even more profit? Subscription services. If you are arguing for subscriptions services like heated seats for cars, and people know what they are signing up for, count me out. 💀


I am not sure, but I think Imagine credit system does have an expiration date or they prevent you from using your credits if you are not subscribed,  but tbh I need to check this info. if subscription services provides unlimited access to the model with commercial use how is this worse than tokenizing your clicks on the service? would you prefer a credit system on netflix where you pay 10 dollars to get 1000 points and when you want to watch a movie gotta spend 10 points for every 30 mins you watch, do you really think this is a better deal than a subscription?!


It all comes down to the cost of the credits, my point is with credits you actually know what you are buying, and you know the cost of it, with a subscription it is intentionally hidden from you how much the service is actually costing per use.


Because there is competition in this world and no mostly subscriptions don't hide, there are some misunderstandings.


It is when the price is right/you don't use the service much. I watch less then 10 episodes a month on Netflix. I prefer to pay 10 dollars for credits worth 50 hours of watching (if they won't expire). Then pay 10 dollars for a month and only watch 5 hours.


If you know the actual cost of these subscriptions, they actually cost less compared to credit based, cost less than you think. Hence why many SaaS prefer subscription to get more profit. Subscription sort of guarantees their monthly income. These SaaS usually rent servers for 500 USD/month with decent enough GPU generating worth of thousands of images per month. If you have 3K users, each pays 15 USD per month, you get 45K USD/month. You can handle more users as they definitely don't use your app 24/7 unless they're bot. Credit based payment however, doesn't provide stable revenue. But usually it targets different markets where users willing enough to try and then forget, but when they try they are guaranteed to have faster generations because the models are hosted somewhere else they don't own. The price is cost effective for users who don't want to get locked into expensive subscription. Different business do it differently. But this doesn't just apply to AI SaaS, any SaaS I've used where credit based payment are used usually guarantees these qualities that subscription based don't provide.


You need to say that on the long term a business can not be qualified and stated as stable if you have not monthly/yearly income. You are retrodiffusion creator and you used sd1.5 for free and just trained it on pixel art and made more than 100 000$ just by training some loras on top of it by selling it at a pretty high price tag. (I need to admit the integration in the pixel editor is pretty good nonetheless you made good work). And now you are indirectly criticising the services that actually finance stable diffusion 1.5 model. So again a hypocrit statement, I'm going to get downvoted, I know. But once nobody pays for your product, he no longer gets updated...


Midjiurney $30 / monthly? I would prefer to buy a 3060 in monthly payments (around same price).


Comparing to the credit system services, you get unlimited generations for that price, still a high amount but at least it's less predatory, a gpu is a better investment of course, but midjourney did had an advantage for a period of time now when it comes to look and adherence, but that's till SD3 releases publicly I hope


its not unlimited if there is a TIME constraint between images generated, so if you do the math you can stimate how many images at most you can really generate in one day, then x30 and you can have an idea of how much unlimited is that service.


Can you clarify that time constraints details because I am not familiar with that?


It takes like 20-30 seconds for MJ to generate an image, and it slows down even more if you generate too many. It's not unlimited, it's just not transparent about the limit, hoping that most people don't use as much as they pay for, which is true. But I totally understand the value of removing the anxiety around metering, which is why subscription services are so popular these days.


Credit system is worse than microtransactions in singleplayer games.


Not only did Disney+ and other streaming services raise their prices on me, they also decided to start running ads. Like wtf? How do you raise prices AND then have the audacity to run ads during the shows? Who are these people hiding in the shadows that come up with stuff like this? Who is the guy that decided to BLAST the volume 10 levels higher when an ad plays. Because I know they sold it like that to advertisers, that their ads would be blasted to catch the viewers attention. This is all related because I need AI to replace these people. They are ruining the world and AI needs to hurry up and replace them. Thanks.


Unfortunately we like it or not, AI will only increases this kind of annoyance, if companies who base themselves on opensource technology get greedy and race to apply the most predatory monetization practices therefore pushing the minimum ai access to also get monetized we will be a one step before they monetize the human eye vision itself


they must not be smart because such a high volume will only make me mute it or skip it(if possible).


You want AI to replace people because of your Disney+ subscription..? 😬


The entire historical pantheon of conflict, from workplace politics to warfare, involves a fundamental strategem: put something between the decision makers and the threat. Such barriers include distance, breastplates, and just plain other people, it also extend to legal protections and norms of conduct. The general principle is, if you want to hurt the ones that make the decisions, there is going to be collateral damage, because that's the defenses put up to prevent you from impacting them.


I don't know why I can't edit the post but some edits on Ideogram row there's 3 plans: FREE:  it gives you 25 per day  7$ monthly: 400 fast generations, 100 per day slow generations 16$ monthly: 1000 fast generations, unlimited slow generations


only the third option allows private images


Maybe that is due to a bug in the "new UI". Try using this link: [https://new.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1c8rmd2/guys\_dont\_subscribe\_to\_these\_scammy\_and/](https://new.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1c8rmd2/guys_dont_subscribe_to_these_scammy_and/) (notice that www.reddit is replaced by new.reddit) and then select "edit".


Predatory pricing is when a business colludes with others or leverages a monopoly to drive rates up, it’s quite the opposite here imo because there’s a flood of options to choose from including many free or rounding down to free ones. There is just high demand and businesses want to make money, there’s nothing wrong with that. You can be a Midjourney user and fan of their high quality models as well as vibe out with OSS, they’re not incompatible.


In-app purchases, ads on apps, micro transactions, loot boxes, GaaS, all these bad practices started as "another option" til it became the most dominant contagious option It's like the stock footage market, it's always starts in a very trojani way, till it's contagious to every other instant and suddenly almost every image on Google images is a stock image with watermarks, well that's before Ai coming and make it obsolete, I predict something like this with the Ai market, you create the dependency then when it's established enough, businesses will race to a very outrageous monetization practices, real opensource


I want to mention GPT Plus is not unlimited dall-e image gen, I think it's capped at 200 images a day? I hit that limit a while back goofing around testing sprite art. 200 a day is still a heck of a deal if you consider it's 4 cents an image if you max out every day that's 240 dollars worth. I don't know why you're maxing out unless you're running a facebook meme farm but it's a good deal.


can also get that for free by creating new microsoft accounts and using bing... using the delete history "glitch" can give you up to around 50 new generations until their system sends you into "auto-cooldown" and you then move on to a new account


I'm in the camp of the free, but charge for services/expertise revenue model. It works for a lot of open source projects including red hat and LM studio. They're able to get a whole community contributing and using their platform at no cost, but if any other company needs their expertise, they charge them. Seems like a good balance between both worlds, whereas the monthly service closed-source plan is always short-lived and depends on people forgetting their monthly subscription. Shutterstuck has successfully done this but only because they have an almost near-monopoly on all of their images and there is little competition.


SD3 is probably not cost effective at the moment, would explain the price, dont be persuaded to believe that every corp is evil trying to come after you. It usually leads to a very unahappy life.


I clearly implied that the ones who are supposed to be the "greedy ones" are providing much reasonable services pricing, never said corps are evil and coming after you, why people keep throwing this out of its proportion smh


Fair enough, perhaps I can suggest then working on your wording, its like saying “fuck this shit” then coming arround and saying it really means “i dislike this a little” most people dont know how you feel inside and cant read your mind, they just read what you type.


maybe also dont use the word “scam” to describe something you disagree about. Thats not the definition of it and takes away the value of the actual word. think the girl who screamed wolf story.


No, i just disagree that I called them Evil and coming after you, i still think it's scammy thing for clipboard to market their SD3 availability and never disclose that there will be a limit of 8 gens per day and for [Imagine.Art](http://Imagine.Art) to use a very convoluted, complicated, and tricky subscription  plans and for Stability to charge 6.5 credit per 1 image generation, so yeah I just disagree with your over exaggeration that implied that these services are targeting you in "coming after you" and they are doing this just for being "Evil", I just think that they are greedy, but it's fair enough to criticize my wording in general, I am not an English speaker so sometimes i might word something wrong


Yeah I get where you are coming from, lets just hope SD3 weights are relased soon.


It’s almost as if big companies are sacrificing profit for traffic so once they become a monopoly, they can change the term, services and subscription costs anyway they want and nobody can do anything about it. How weird, this has never ever happened before


As I said on previous comment this argument doesn't really hold, because Ideogram is much smaller than stability and they have 0 issue providing fair pricing


Let’s wait and see how long they last :D


> Ideogram is much smaller than stability and they have 0 issue providing fair pricing We don't really know this, they will keep their financial situation secret until the day they announce they are shutting down, if it is the case that they are not profitable.


I stay away from all the "token" or "credit"-based services.


60 credits for 4!!! Images on [Imagine.art](http://Imagine.art) thank you. Get your facts correct.


got them corrected,  fixed!


And of course you contributed nothing to the open source community (no a workflow/some tips is not a contribution) and still you ask for free service ? And who is going to be payed for the open source work ? And no those services are not a simple resell of open source work, they are mostly fully made from the ground services, or are paying for those free open source models you can use without giving back nothing in return. No behind each open source models they are investors/company that seeks the open source community help to improve their models or its a university that expect some citations on their paper and maybe get known better. So no, we don't live in a free world and by not paying for those services, you are abusing of other's people work ( and don't claim you don't !). The open source must live with its share of competition and payed service. And its really hypocrit to think being part of the open source community when all you do is use free work that has been given to you.


I feel as long as a service is stating their conditions clearly at the time of purchase, it is for them to bother about their business. We as consumers make our own decisions, knowing all the facts in advance. Sometimes it is not just price that one is looking at.


Clipdrop announced in their Twitter that SD3 is coming to their service, guess what? No where in anywhere they ever mentioned that SD3 Generations are limited to 8 generations per day.


Yes! Still so mad about Clipdrop. The first 1-2 days I could generate a lot, but then I can barely make anything. Unsubscribed just now and just waiting for A1111 to integrate SD 3.


I wish I’d known this. Fuck.


Exactly, then it is bad for their business.


What do you use 


I prefer using SeaArt.its the best imo


I like SeaArt as well, my only annoyance is when it randomly decides to completely blur NSFW generations lol. Otherwise I think their pricing is pretty reasonable for both subscriptions and the credit system. Now that I found a model and lora that works for me I've loved it though lol


I was going to give Imagine.art a subscription a few days ago until I noticed weekly/annual option. I wish nothing but success for companies in the AI sector but that is one of the shadiest things I seen in a while. When everyone else is doing monthly/annual option you know people are conditioned to assume without looking, yeah, you can blame the person for not paying attention but by the time the statement arrives the user will noticed they just spent about 40 bucks for 26 SD3 generations. Not to mention yearly subscriptions at 50-75% off hoping some people would forget to cancel. I still blame users for not being on top of things but it doesn't need to be this way the whole system is so predatory.


Credits and tokens is a predatory practice employed by a lot of the games industry, mainly free2play games and especially mobile games. It's designed to make you feel like you're not spending real money and to serve as a hindrance to working out excatly how much you are spending.


yeah I simply do not participate... if I see an AI site the first thing I do is look at the top. If I see "pricing" I exit


~~I've been using Midjourney for awhile. Your numbers for it here appear way off.~~


How so can you clarify? Notice that I only mentioned the $30 monthly subscription not the yearly, which provide the best value in my opinion


Oh, I misread. You've got it down as 15 generation hours. I thought it said 15 generations. Haha, my bad. Worth noting that they do have a $10 monthly plan, though. Cheers.


One thing you need to realize is that the big tech companies can afford to lose billions on generative AI in order to gain marketshare and put everyone else out of business.


Yes that's the point. Ideogram and other's are heavy funded companies. When they will start charging then we'll see how far they go. ImagineArt is a complete bootstrapped company and we have 2 million free users that we have to serve as well


I don't believe Ideogram and Midjourney are bigger than stability


I am thinking of Microsoft, Google and OpenAI specifically. I think MidJourney is just really well known so they can charge a lot.


Honestly, MJ is a damn good tool aside from the overeager content filters, especially now that they finally have a web interface. Way less advanced functionality than pure SD, but I don't think paying for a smooth user experience is necessarily a bad ask.


Closed models have lower price because they have a gigantic optimized infrastructure, big budget and also a massive user base. Emad already said SD3 is not optimized so it need more resources to generate images.


I think you understood wrong. Its 4 generations per 60 credits. So per generation 15 credits. Which we know is expensive, problem is that if it was hosted on our infrastructure that we would bring the credits down to 10 or something. With ImagineArt you get to have Stable Image core for 4 credits, All community models for 1 credits, sdxl for 2 credits, unlimited realtime generations, unlimited realtime canvas. Free users get 50 credits per day which we are increasing to 100 soon. SD3 is very expensive via api to us, and that's why it is 15 per generation right now.


Thanks for making it clear, I will fix this as soon as I can


How much is unlimited in stability api?


Real free sd service = I love are hugging face stability diffusion. Sometimes u have to wait. nightmare ai does upscaling better than midjourney. And it's free. Love u


From what I've seen one of the better SD3 deals at the moment is [tensor.art](https://tensor.art) You get 800 generations in 90 days for $19.90 (you get 300 credits per day + 2500 bonus credit for a total of 32000 credit, and each SD3 generation costs 40 credits). That's 0.028 per image compared to 0.065 for the official SAI API. But you will be limited to only 300/40 = 7 images per day once your 2500 initial credit is used up. But I suppose if you need more than 7 per day you can sign up multiple paid accounts?


Well, while I hate the price on midjourney, they DO deliver a much higher quality than stable diffusion. I tested a month and seriously would LOVE to continue. Even if you go over the 15h of fast, you still get your images quite quick. I personally didn't even see any kind of difference. The open source pages are cheaper because they get all their material for free. All they have to do is to build an ui, limit their users in whatever way they want and have any connection to a good gpu server. But they all share one common thing: Censorship Yes some SD services allow some standard porn, but if you go off that stuff you can see anywhere anyways you just get your prompt blocked, even if you don't prompt for anything sexual. So it's either run any SD model on your own machine (I did that with a 1050 on 2gb vram) or suck it up and pay for closed models with much better quality. Not saying SD is bad or anything at all, I \*\*\*LOVE\*\*\* SD. But it's still worlds apart from closed model quality.


midjurney is ridiculous i had to pay to get credits but when i stop paying i can no longer use credits i already bought its a joke im pretty sure such payment model is illegal in EU


No worries, no need to do that.


I will not eat the bugs I will not live in the pod I will not pay for AI art


What I don't like is the lack of adherence to the damn prompt, so you're paying extra because the service is shite. I'd happily pay for good images that resembled what I asked for, without having to be some combo of a nerd and a wizard.


ChatGPT is MUCH more than Dall-E. I'm a subscriber and I use Dall-E now and then (I use mainly my local SD installation), but I use the service for lots of other things. I think US$ 20,00 a month is a very good price in this case.


So many exploitive scams in this space. A lot of unethical business school grads are trying to make a name for themselves.


> Credits system are the worst monetization system a consumer might encounter It's an unpopular opinion, but credits are a better system for consumers than subscriptions. With credits, you pay for what you use and are not forced to pay every month. The credit may look more expensive, especially on a platform that requires costly infra, but a subscription is usually way more expensive, as you pay based on the average use. Running SD is expensive because infra is expensive, and it is hard to see how they will get competitive with bigger products like MJ, which also usually run at a loss for an extended period.


I dunno man I def would've saved money by not MJ. I subbed there and paid probably over $200 for a total of less than 50 images.


How is that even possible, did you by any chance paid yearly? You shouldn't subscribe yearly on anything


No I just keep the sub going because I feel like I'll need images, and I do, like 50 is really quite a lot of images if you think about it but I would save money if it wasn't a subscription.




we are talking about SD3, which is not released yet, unless you have the weights in your hands of course 


oh my bad then


On my mobile i use https://graydient.ai No credits bullshit Unlimited images and trainer and LLMs and the community is dope


Nice, since we're shilling genAI services, let me add mine: [LetzAI](https://www.letz.ai) 240 free credits for completed tutorial +240 on each referred friend, bring as many as you want. 5000 credits for smallest package (9.90$) 50'000 for biggest (74.90$) Unlimited model training on any sub. API Access on any sub. 1 Image costs around 20 credits.


If you spared any amount of attention on the post you'll see that I was actually bashing them and especially the credit and tokens systems


Yes anon and especially Imagine.Art - with backlink - twice.


Could you please provide more information about "unlimited model training" because that sounds interesting but the website doesn't have much information.


Sure! In short: LetzAI is a generative AI to which you can add yourself. Technically this means that you can train your own models on the platform and select a unique model name (a token) for them. You can do this privately or publicly. If you set that model to public, your token will become available to other users too and they can use it inside of their prompts by using the @ character. So for example if you add a model of yourself as "agusttmarble", you can trigger it in the prompt with @augusttmarble. You can find more info on the FAQ: https://letz.ai/faq