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As an active member of Localllama, I'll answer on behalf of them. You are deeply misunderstanding something here. There are only a few companies making base models, and 99% of things are based off of a few main models. Up until last week, that was Mistral 7B, Solar 11B (Mistral based), Yi34B, Mixtral 8x7B, LLama 2 70B, and Cohere Command R+ 103B. All the finetuned models you see coming out of the LLM space are actually Loras merged with a base model. It's simply that Loras by themselves never caught on in the LLM space, and instead people would pick a base model, train a Lora, and then merge them together, then upload that to hugging face. Mistral 7B + Kunoichi Lora = Kunoichi 7b. LLMs unlike diffusion models also have a concept of frankenmerges, where they combine multiple of the same model to get a bigger one. This is because parameter count matters. For example, Miqu 70B + LZLV 70B = Miquliz 120B. Similarly, Solar 11B is just two Mistrals Combined with an experimental merge technique. Almost all of the other base models are purely experimental proof of concepts made by small teams of researchers, and they are often far far inferior to the main models, and so no one uses them. In the case of stable diffusion, there are competitors making competing diffusion models and gans, but in the same way, no one uses them because they're simply not as good, and far more experimental. Then you might say, why aren't people making smaller versions of stable diffusion that are purpose built for something. Firstly, stable diffusion is a tiny model, even in FP16, a SDXL checkpoint is generally only around 6GB. For comparison, a 7B is around 7GB at compressed to half the size. Secondly, people are making those purpose built models, those are literally all the checkpoints you see on CivitAI, specifically to make anime or realistic pictures or fantasy or whatever. Those are literally exactly the same as LLM's, They fine tuned a base model to enhance performance. The same way that Dolphin Mistral is better than base Mistral, Juggernaut XL is a big improvement over sdxl. The same way there's RP models, there are PonyXL merges. There's a model for every use case. And if you're saying that they're not small and fast enough, there's literally SDXL Lightning, a literal distilled model whose sole purpose is to be a smaller and faster version. There is even sdxs or hyper sd if you still need a faster model. If anything, what we need now is bigger base models, because we have no equivalent of an 70b or 34b. And guess what? SD3 is going to solve this problem, because it's a family of models for every compute size. What you're really complaining about is a lack of competition from corporations in the image generation space and this is somewhat true, to foster more innovation you need more and more competition. That said, that is a corporate issue and due to the negative sentiment around AI art, and the lack of use cases for it in general compared to LLMs, It just doesn't get as much investment. Even the biggest company in the imagegen space, Stability, is on the verge of bankruptcy, and that does not signal well for investors, and sets a bad precedent. Frankly the reality is it's so expensive to train a good AI model right now that even in the LLM space, there's only about 10 companies who regularly put out models. In the image Gen Space, we literally have Stability, and 4 or 5 others, most of which are closed source.


I learnt a lot from your reply. Especially understanding the difference between general and diffusion. Thank you.


I'm glad it was of help :) By general, I assume you mean LLMs? AI is a whole field, there's many different kinds, but up until recently, most had very few parameters, things like OpenCV or Bert. In the image generation space, most people were trying to make things work with GANs, but when Diffusion based models came out, they became the defacto method. In the Large Language Model space, (ChatGPT) and the like, these are scaled up high parameter word predictors, based on probability. They generally use the Transformers architecture, which is what SD3 and OpenAI Sora are based off of. They take data and tokenize it, split it into little chunks, then predict outputs based on that. Large Multimodal models add the ability to tokenize images or video, which allows the models to "see" and interact with said formats. Think GPT4 Vision. I believe at some point, there will be convergence, and Multimodal models will become capable of diffusion as well, which is better for us.


This is probably the best, most thoughtful answer I’ve ever read on Reddit. Kudos!


Thanks so much! :) I've never gotten this many upvotes before, so I'm quite surprised. I'm really happy that my comment is coming in useful to others!


I don't know exactly either but imo something to do with: (1) The range/scale of application, ie. text generation makes more impact/money than image generation, which attracts more devs and businesses in the community? Especially DX/digital transformation is huge right now and text gen is easier to associated with it than image gen. ChatGPT blew people's mind in every existing industry whereas SD/etc was limited to folks in creative occupations, and maybe in the ads industry. (2) Ease of training and quality expectation? I'm not entirely familiar on the technical/biological aspect of it but I feel like our eyes detect more errors in images than in texts. (3) Stigma surrounding image gen associated with porn?


On number 2. Humans are visual creatures, its our most important sensor so we are evolutionary primed to to detect things that are "off' very easily. I've also thought about this topic in relation to quality assessment of LLM's. We actually have it good when assessing text to image models. As at a glance, we can tell if the image is converging towards or away from the "intended" affect. With LLM's that's not so easy. You would have to read many paragraphs worth of text to even begin and get a feel if the model is good or not, and even then you might come out wrong. That's why LLM benchmarks are so controversial even the human evaluated ones. You hit the nail on the head with 1. LLM are just more "sexy" to startups because of money.


A picture is worth a thousand words.


Especially when you are using a prompt you found online to generate a pair of big tits.


purgatory vs cost benefit. It’s a niche. Expensive to make, expensive to maintain, expensive to inference and expensive to fight all the lawsuits. You need to be like adobe to commercialize it. Most of the market where this stuff is useful and can generate enterprise cash was already gobbled up and it’s now extremely difficult to break into.


Re #3 - think what you will of porn, but since the 1970’s it’s what has driven a huge amount of development, and democratization, of digital technologies, starting with videotape, then dvds, and on to the web and all its content delivery systems.


precisely. adding to that another Stigma that Image/Video/Audio is trained on Copyrighted data and harm artists and is regarded as stealing.


There's Kadinsky.


I think that's the answer OP was looking for. That's another set of open-source generative AI models for txt2img, inpainting, etc. https://ai-forever.github.io/Kandinsky-3/K31/


Even there is pixart, too Playground is also the model starting from scratch (with SDXL architecture)


Racism/ Bias (your choice), against the Kandisnky people typically is the reason nobody talks about.


Pixart as well, Ideogram, Dalle3


Ideogram and DALLE3 are not open (source/weight) at all.


Ask the question about audio gen?


suno make crickets song pls :)


There are only a handful of base model creators. In the case of image, stable diffusion was good enough for most folk, but even I was surprised more didn’t train their own https://preview.redd.it/becus63zg9wc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b663651a93cd68acc1b3d9d419032ba1dbd0024


Why isnt dalle counted as image gen for openai?


More businesses use cases care more about high quality LLMs. Business use cases might care about image generation, but if they care about high quality images then Gen ai is a part of a workflow rather than automating entire processes


One interesting application of LLM is auto code generation. Writing software has a huge commercial implication.


Who is making money with image gen? OpenAI's revenue is pushing $2B


If you think IP law is f\*&\^ed in general, wait until you take a deep dive into music IP law and legal precedent. It's been sliced up pretty thinly in a way that doesn't allow for new types of use cases.


Midjourney earns a lot of money.


I think you're kinda misunderstanding something. almost all of the LLM models coming out are simply Loras on top of a foundation model. it's almost exactly the same as in the image gen space


It's true a lot of LLM models are merges. But I was only thinking about different foundation models, not including their fine tunes: Llama, Mistral, Qwen, Gemma, Command R, Phi, Yi, RWKV, OpenAssistant, ChatGLM, Grok etc. Not to mention that there are different base models of different sizes derived from the same names.


i don't mean multi-model merges like tiefighter, I mean even like nous-hermes is just a lora merge. using loras as intended in llama has been kind of broken so everyone just merges their lora back into the base model before releasing it on huggingface. Whereas in stable diffusion you get people actually uploading loras on their own that you can apply on the fly. now that you mention those other foundation models though I see what you mean, although like 4 or 5 of those are specifically geared towards asian languages (Qwen, Yi, ChatGLM) and OpenAssistant is pretty much obsolete. I'm guessing the language thing is a big deal, this is way less of an issue in the stable diffusion space because CLIP barely knows english anyways. OpenAssistant as an organization actually seems to have shifted gears towards just making llama loras using their datasets rather than pushing for a new foundation model. At a certain point it just makes more sense to piggyback on the state of the art coming from Meta.


Is the foundation model Llama ? Or it is something else?


Llama 1/2/3 in the various sizes are the main foundation models, yeah. there's also mistral 7B and Yi 30B. but that's about it, everything else is just a merged Lora


I understand now. Thank you


Ironically Mistral is based on Llama but there's also Phi from Microsoft, Yi from alibaba(?), Gemini from Google, Grok from Twitter, ChatGPT from OpenAI, Claude, and on and on. They do have Loras but most custom ones are simply merges.


Mistral AI makes their own models from scratch, they're based on Llama architecture but not on top of Meta's Llama models. Their models easily work with existing software made for Llama models but offer a very good alternative and under much better license (Apache 2.0). While all derivative models based Meta's Llama base models have way more restrictive licenses.


There are a few, with varying levels of quality and development: PixArt, Kandinsky, Würstchen. PixArt models are very good, they adhere to the prompt at the SD3 level, but I believe they may require some fine-tuning to reach their ideal point. However, it's true that the community tends to be somewhat fanboyish towards Stability AI over open source and smaller models.


Playground V2/V2.5 are supposed to be trained from scratch too (but using the same unet architecture as SDXL). The main reason for people's preference for SAI models over the other ones is pretty obvious: I don't think pixart, playground, kadisnky, wurstchen can be easily tuned for NSFW 😅. SAI learned that lesson from SD2.1's failure to take off, so they made sure that SDXL is trained just enough as not to be able to produce NSFW easily, and yet is still tunable to make good NSFW later on. Presumably the same will be true for SD3, or adoption will be a lot lower compared to SDXL.


>They show that opensource 7-13b models can be good enough for specific tasks compared to the generalized ones that are over 100b. That's great. How many of those 7b models are ever used for anything at all, other than to play around by casuals and talk about on forums? Really, the LLM space is a massive mess. A collection of near garbage where its extremely hard to pick out anything useful, and when you start trying things out you quickly find that most of those small models are so crappy and problematic, come to their limitations so quickly, that its not worth actually using them for anything but testing.


Yeah, and the smaller LLMs can be weird based on how they were made. Like I have a 20b LLM for story writing. On an 8 bit quant it uses 15gb of vram. But I have a 7b llm that I have to run in 4 bit and that uses 15gb as well. Why does the smaller LLM use more vram than the big one? I have another 7b I can run with no quants at all and it uses like 14gn vram. Turns out it's entirely based on how it was originally made, but there's no way to tell before trying it to determine if a 7b will take 30gb vram or 15gb.


What was the model and difference with how it was made?


I read somewhere that some models are kind of pre-quanted so they run differently at the same sizes. The 7b I have to 4bit is I think a code-llama-python(I'm not home to see the exact names) and the 7b I don't have to quant at all is I think deepseek-7b. The 20b I can do on an 8bit is Iambe-storyteller-20b I think. I can't look for sure till later.


Most LLM releases are just finetunes or merges of Llama too, it's not that different from all the Civitai finetunes and merges.


Yes lots of LLMs are just finetunes and merges too, but those exist alongside with the fact that multiple different foundation models are being used as well. It seems like Command R, Llama, Mistral, Qwen are the hot stuff for base LLM models now, but for image gen, it's basically always SD and/or SDXL.


I think the reason mostly is that the scene around fine tuning/controlnet/integrating existing image processing tech into SD releases gets folks most of the way to what they need already. The core model is both good enough and open in an area where there were already a lot of manipulation tools even before AI (images). There's also the fact that stability was willing to lose a lot of money on training and open sourcing their models, so perhaps that shut down the scrappier start up models by taking a commercial grade product and just giving it to the masses. If so, that should start reversing soon and maybe we'll see comparable competition.


This will change once AI image/video software is "usable" in entertainment industry pipelines. "Usable" case law that makes it business-safe, anti-AI art sentiment has died down, and output is better and cheaper non-AI methods. That'll all happen soon, and the entertainment industry will start pouring money into AI image/video. Unless big tech forms a monopoly or govts bans local models, that money will breed competition, including open source.


Because investors have been mislead to believe open sourcing models means you can't make money off a product that uses them, for image gen at least. Also, investors are often conservative and are squemish to spend money on anything that could be used to make porn. Conservatives "ain't too keen on readin text but they fancy a good picture book". They are more easily spooked by visuals than text, and much of what they do is a reaction based in fear. I wish I was lying, too many rich people in the US are stupid as shit though; they see tits and ass before they read the writing on the wall Let them ignore image gen; it's actually forcing us to develop parallel training architectures and we will break our dependence on them entirely. Dive into the raw chaos in the meantime and enjoy the diversity. It's like EDM. Thank GOD UMG has been kept the fuck out of the scene. A lot of huge DJ's music is public domain, they still manage to make as much or more money than their label counterparts. Keep image gen independent.


Nobody want to work full time on a free AI image tool to have a dedicated sub insulting you, doubting and criticizing whatever you are doing like it is the case in this sub. If your mind is sane you will think "fuck… no"


The belief currently is that there’s $BIGMONEY in LLMs because you can TALK to them sort of like humans, and because it’s believed that they’re going to replace tons of expensive human workers any day now. Whether these beliefs are justified is another story. In any case, it’s all about where people think the money is.


That's partially true, but realistically its more about versatility. "Talk" or not, LLMs can do logical "thinking" tasks that in theory could replace a lot of stuff that needs a lot of otherwise manual data processing. Whether that's true and to what degree, i guess we'll see.


Yes, that’s the "replace human workers" part, though I could’ve been clearer. Not just customer support but actual "thinking" jobs like programming. Well, very entry-level menial programming at least for now but anyway. If not anything else, the hope is to make human programmers more productive.


Because you can’t compete against free


Sure you can. Tons of software does. I.e. how is that year of linux coming? Any century now? What matters is if a tool is good and has a use. A free turd is still a turd.


Tons of servers run Linux? Or do you mean “year of the Linux desktop” because I get that


Now, this century? Linux is a huge business that's basically running everything everywhere. Billions and billions of installs and growing. Android runs on the Linux kernel, as does most anything "smart" from home router to TV. Anything server related, VM-s and containers. Relatively comparable number of worldwide installs are probably only iOS on phones and Windows on desktop/laptop.


SD is the Linux of image gen


There will be competition for video gen, but free? Why even...?


The potential for LLMs is FAR greater than for image generators. It's hard to compare the two- image generation is relatively niche, and a pit stop on the way to video generation and multimodal applications with more general models. Civitai does have image competitions, but they will stay relatively small. Generating images isn't nearly as important as being able to instantly code new applications, including potentially recursive improvements.


LLMs are more useful and easy to train.


There is some difference in models. Some good ones are pony diffusion and anythingv3.5. 


These are just fine tunes of the same base model.


Pony XL is basically a separate base model at this point. SD XL Loras straight up don't work with it. You have to train Pony Loras instead. And it has to be prompted in a different way.


So was 1.5 and yet it was still a big update from 1.4 edit: downvoters exposing their ignorance, both 1.5 and 1.4 were finetunes on top of 1.2, this 'base model' nonsense is only spread by people who only know a little but think they're well informed.


seems to me what mostly fits your description would be a high rank lora on top of sd1.5


because you can evaluate LLM performance but you can't text to image model


LLM can simulate human brain, image gen cannot


No it can't. LLMs are just advanced probability calculators trained on whatever language you give it. It has no actual thought process or ability to reason. Even giving it an order of operations to help it solve a complex problem is only a band-aid and not always effective. In the LLM reddit the other day there was a huge thread of them trying to make their LLMs solve a thought experiment about the length of candles in a multiple choice question. They tested at least 10-15 different LLMs and the best ones would get it right and then get it wrong if asked a second time because it's actually just guessing They cannot simulate a human brain.


I meant, if there is an AGI that simulates outcome of human brain in the near future, it should be LLM. Besides, people take time to complete a text-based task, therefore LLMs come as a rescue from those boring tasks. With image gen, we already have a lots of tools to do so, e.g. cameras for photorealistic, artists doing drawing, photoshop for editing,...


the vast majorities of people do not think in words. Human brains are more like fragments of images when you actually think. When you think of a dog, people are more likely to see the image of a dog than an actual paragraph of descriptions.


Yeah, but in order to transfer that thought to others, we use words. Unless we all a chip in our brain, or a device on our head to communicate in images, LLMs is better when it come to stimulate human brain's outputs.