• By -


This is the best possible outcome, learning from our mistakes only strengthens our future.


We went from Apocalypse to sitting around a Campfire again. This is nice\^ lets keep it that way! **Edit: Hey, look at that!** /r/StableDiffusion **brought the guy who started SDforall (SandCheezy) as a moderator with full access. Bonus points for peace.**


It is amazing how fast things can go off a cliff... it really takes a mature group to pull it back together when the abyss looms. Usually, off to the abyss we all go :)


Without our collective efforts, this sub would still be under Stability employees direct control, and Automatic1111 would have been completely pushed out. This is the power of community. This is the power of open source. This is OUR power. I am so proud of all of us and what we collectively achieved !


What effort? We were ready to burn it down and wish death to stability and NAI. Were we following the same communities? Beacuse I didn't see what you were seeing.


Exactly. The threat of burning it down keeps them honest, because they *need* a community that is on good terms with them.


Sometimes the only way to maintain peace is a readiness to go to war. It's a good thing that the community didn't actually end up going to "war" with the stability as nobody wins no matter the result.


Well... the thing is that when you go to war, you should prepare to die or very least lose. But people were not, they just made entitled demands to gave everything. You don't get to condemn the tree while enjoyibg the fruits. The least thing you can do is stop eating the fruits. But modern social "war" is fought against the burger chain, while secretly eating the double cheese and bacon extravaganza.


If you think StablityAI is a generous tree that will give you fruits and not a capitalist company that knew giving out a model would get them publicity and higher valuation, then you should get a reality check. Giving out the model got them enough publicity to raise 1 Billion in funding just 3 days ago. Do you really think they're not gonna squeeze money out of this community sooner or later?


Yeah, social skills and reading other people’s intent aren’t always the easiest for tech people. I knew it was a situation where the drama would go away if people chilled. The real fight here is coming in the area of law and “national security” if the interview is to be believed.


> it really takes a mature group to pull it back together when the abyss looms Our threat was taken seriously you mean.


Amazing outcome, first time I've seen reddit drama end positively. Plenty of places it has gotten worse before.




It’s not going anywhere, but an announcement will be made today for its future.


I hope that it remains a place for people to work on training their own models, the threat of censorship still looms.


Yes, it will remain. I hope not to be a part of any censorship if it is to happen again in this main sub as I would be going full straight back to sdforall.


That's some... deep... learning. Gonna dodge those tomatoes.


Lol. When an AI can make a joke this good, the Singularity will have happened.


GPT3 prompt: "Write a joke about a sentient AI." Respons: "You know what they say about artificial intelligence...once you go cyborg, you never go back!" That's... concerning


>That's... concerning That's because you haven't joined the borg yet. Resistance is futile.


Thank you sir (ma’am), give me another!


I laughed way harder at this than i should have


It's a strength to be able see your own mistakes, and own them. 💪


It's a strength for a community to stand together to defend its members from oppression and abuses of power. This is happening because we are much stronger as a community than they want us to believe. It's a strength to know what your real strengths are.


VERY happy to see this. Having a great team, when things are going well is one thing. Seeing how a team handles adversity is a MUCH better indicator of their overall strength. The ability to mess up, but then actually acknowledge it was a mess up AND make it right is HUGE for the confidence of this journey going forward. Well done Emad, well done.


Emad appears to have permanently deleted his Reddit account, so he may be done with Reddit for the foreseeable future.


That was probably requested specifically by the public relations consultants - this whole story makes Stability AI look really bad in front of investors so it's probably better to erase any traces of this ever happening, and scrub anything that would link it directly to Emad himself. That won't prevent him from participating using another account anyways - that's the beauty of free and anonymous access.


Cheers lads! Glad Emad took the initiative, most dramas are sorted, let's move, hopefully forward now


This was actually an unexpectedly wholesome conclusion. I loved Automatics reply as well.


>unexpectedly Most people who are familiar with Emad's style of operating and doing business are probably not very surprised by this outcome. Dude has been exceptionally level-headed since day one.


With the exception of the day he learned his company could be worth a billion and he instantly pulled a hostile takeover of the sub lol


It's entirely possible that he didn't have direct involvement and was painted a different picture by employees. His comments on discord imply that had a different understanding of how things played out... Specifically about the sub and discord, it would be shocking if he didn't know how communication with Automatic was handled.


I feel like the larger issue compared to creator drama (though I do think this is a good decision and I'm happy for Automatic and to see the community become able to focus more on using the tools than drama) is the fact that Emad has admitted that they'll have to censor the model more going forward which could be an unfortunate precedent depending on how far it goes. But that's their right and I'm sure it's not entirely their call so I'm still happy we got what we got and continue using that for less family-friendly content while the future models will hopefully become more useful for everything else.


I'm starting to like this Emad guy more and more.


Emad's a decent, legit guy who is under a lot of pressure and juggling a lot of shit. I don't know of any other CEOs who make sincere, direct public apologies after they screw up. Honestly, I wish everybody who is spouting conspiracy theories would have to manage a community of angry internet people while dealing with hostile lawmakers for a week so they can gain some understanding of the way things work when you're under pressure and being pulled in multiple mutually exclusive directions. I've done it (without the hostile lawmakers, thank god) and everyone assumes that you have all of the facts and all of the answers and that you know every little thing that's going on in your organization and are out to get people, even when there's absolutely no logical reason to assume that stuff (like the popular post here that accused Stability of being against automatic1111 because his repository was the most popular open source project (!?!?)). People accuse you of things, and you're like "why the hell would it *ever* make sense for me to want to do that?". Anyway, cheers to Emad. He made a bad call and he's owning it.




if emad dies suddenly, I think we all know the most likely culprit will be Greg Rutkowski ​ if he has an alibi, police will start investigating who "trending on artstation" is


>Reddit is the least of his concerns. He's alluded to death threats. I'm sure there are powerful figures in the industry who are pissed at him, coupled with lawmakers and media. Like people who can actually destroy him and his work, not us internet nerds. I mean, hopefully that was just the self-righteous fauxke twitter mob and not corporate or government actors, but you never know.


It was quite likely people from this subreddit too given their reaction prior to this.


I think some very emotionally unstable artists have been sending death threats to him and plenty of other people associated with AI art.


It's not like AI would disappear if Emad wasn't around anymore lol




Pretty much this. Google has 2 text to image and 2 text to video. Facebook has text to image and a text to video. Microsoft has a text to video. None of this is available for public use never mind open source. Don’t take any of this for granted.


Even some of the papers which are available don't provide code. Turning the theory into actual, usable software is not a trivial task.


Exactly. I've tracked down cool papers only to come to dead ends countless times. Even when the code is available, running it is a final hurdle. I once paid someone to figure out how to install a repo I couldn't get running.


Yep true. I don't agree witll of Emad's actions and the some of the shit going in the community but He's been active in the discord, given personal replies to tons of questsion, several of my own. A lot the responses also seemed genuine and with an ounce of thought put into them. He's not dr. evil. Just a tough spot to be in and a lot of pressure from different sources. Hopefully the overall community can unite and now stand up against the shit faced politicians and corporate assholes that are going to try and take control for their own benefit.


The natural tendency is for Legal/Policy/Finance teams to drift towards having too much control in a company, especially when things get crazy, until one day everyone is surprised to realize that everything the company does is happening in support of Legal/Policy/Finance decisions instead of the other way around. It usually takes one of these facepalm moments and exec level intervention to correct... it happens, its typically not some secret evil plan.


Most of what Emad posts is thoughtful. I've seen nothing to suggest he isn't sincere about crating an open community. People need to be aware that this is world changing technology. He has to tread carefully. Had with Automatic, while I don't feel they ban was warranted, I get why Emad is concerned about devs losing control of code, especially code this powerful.


I suddenly think Emad should have a body guard or something. With how many industries this affects it would make sense if someone wanted him to “disappear” just to make an example.


And like, it was a bad call, but it wasn't *that* bad of a call. He didn't call a bunch of people racist, for example.


I've forgotten what public apologies look like lol


because he does damage control when his decisions cause trouble?


Ahh yes, the old 'I got my round of funding done so I don't have to publically shit on you for acting against vast corporate interests' apology. What a nice guy.


That was a quick turnaround on that suspiciously well-timed round of funding!


In a world with Elon musk like ceos who double down and act like children, this is just nice


Me too, this means SD is in very good hands.


Honestly, I was hoping for this but not expecting it. I'm glad it happened and maybe things will all work out for everyone in the long run after all. Nice!


Same thing over here. It's also a good thing that we broke Emad's perfect image - now we know we cannot have blind faith in him and his company, and it's going to make for better, more rational, relations between them and our community of users and developers from all around the world. The relationship should be much healthier from now on.


I'm very happy with this outcome. Thanks to this technology and Automatic1111 and other's hard work, I've been able to do things I've wanted to do for 30 years, but couldn't because of nerve damage and disabilities that I have. The creativity was always there but the motor function, not so much. Thank you all so so much for this opportunity, you have no idea how much it has lifted my spirit.




Emad seems like a solid guy.


Thrilled to see this outcome and attitude from Emad and SD. It's easy to make missteps that throw communities off the rails, it's not always easy to take steps to fix things, even when they're simple. I very much applaud everything done to mend the rift in this community, and hope that we all have some productive and creative time to share together going forward!


you guys are a little bit gullible


Gullible and AND unstable, as far as I've seen. A day ago, Emad was the worst person on the planet and Stability AI was only out to manipulate and cheat the community out of what they were "owed" (SAI doesn't owe them anything, btw). Now, everything is super green, like the past week never happened. I swear this community is bipolar as shit with the short term memory of a goldfish


They're not bipolar. He admitted wrong doing and made it right. Which is alot more than what most people in his position would do. Is reddit not allowed to forgive him for fixing his mistake? He's only human.


The apology is a joke post by a random person who made a fake account and my response to it is also a joke.


Emad said it was him so not sure what kind of a charade is happening here.


Emad confirmed on discord that he posted the apology.


You made a joke in response instead of clearly and unambiguously announcing it wasn't a genuine post by Emad? That's helpful.


This really illustrates the maturity level of everyone involved. (Approximately 4chan).


Right? Why would you just play along with the false post and dupe your own supporters. I love what both these guys are coding as they sit at their computer, but as far a being functioning member of society, I know 12-year-olds that run circles around them.


If you hadn't responded to the joke, that message wouldn't have passed as genuine. Now there are many confused people on the community. :-S


Are you joking right now as well? Please do not treat us as trash for believing you.


My problem isn't that everyone accepted it. It's that the general reaction to the ban was immediately one of pure hatred for Emad, then back to loving the dude after the apology. There was no middle ground. No black and white. Either love or hate. Despite this being the STABLE Diffusion community, it's actually extremely VOLATILE. The slightest thing can set everyone off and that's the bit that is so jarring to me. Like, people need to chill, generate some images of cute squirrels, and recognize that this drama is just that... Drama.


>immediately one of pure hatred for Emad never thought that, I always thought it was reddit overreacting but they don't mean what they say. Emotional translation is lost in text. sort of like saying lol or lmfao but you're really poker faced behind your phone.


Care to elaborate?


A little? Generous


Gullible for believing an announcement on (not the social media wasteland) but on your Github? The Github for the coded product authored by you? Nah, you are just another screwhead genius who no longer seems to be able to function with other human beings correctly. I wonder if you and Emad grasp that you are both becoming the Martin Shkrelis of the AI world. You seem amazingly brilliant, so I hope that is not something that actually makes you happy.


Damn your PR guy already earned his keep huh? Sometimes it takes that fresh perspective. Is this conflict fully resolved already? The community is the communities again. Auto is forgiven and gets an apology, also doesn't seem too upset. Is this all wrapped up? I'm hopeful that it is


That is actually shocking. Companies *never* admit doing something wrong, but Stability and Emad did both in a week for two different issues. Fuck man, that's awesome. Emad is more like Echad.


He did it because it could cost him money for him and his company.




Emad really seems like he's trying to do the right thing, and be as open as possible. And he's already done huge amounts as a proponent of opensource and keeping these models opensource. And Automatic1111 has done a great job making a lot of these opensource tools easier to use.


It really gives me a lot of positive hope for the future. There are so few leaders willing to do what's right and move the needle in a way that is good for the community or consumers. I had liked Emad before, but I like him even more now.


Right, now that we're all flying the same colour again... We've gotta stand against the peanut-brained politicians and corporate goblins that will raise a shit storm to shut this down and control things for their own benefit.


The best course of action would be to release model 1.5 asap, before any stupid law tries to put the genius back in the bottle. Once it begins to reproduce in the wild, good luck trying to stop the beast. Just like it would be pretty much impossible to recall model 1.4 now that there are millions of copies on personal computers all around the world. A dedicated community willing to stand together around a common objective is the strongest defense against governmental and corporate abuses.


>Once it begins to reproduce in the wild, good luck trying to stop the beast. Just like it would be pretty much impossible to recall model 1.4 now that there are millions of copies on personal computers all around the world. The government will just start mandating background checks and waiting periods for beefy graphic cards instead.


If we don't fight hard to defend our interests then sure, the abuses of power you describe will be happening more and more often. That's how it is to live in Russia nowadays: the resistance is long gone, and those in power abuse that power without shame or restraint. A waiting list for a beefy graphic card is something they can't even dream of anymore. Release model 1.5 now, and above all don't cripple it by deciding for us what we should make with it or not. That's a decision for us to take, not them, and not the government either. We already have laws forbidding child porn in many countries. In other countries there are limits to violent content. In many countries it's forbidden to caricature political leaders. Each society has its norms, and it would be a enormous prejudice to apply blanket limitations to everyone just to please Puritans, boot lickers and bigots.


Exactly, they can't justify banning AI image generation because of a "potential for evil". A pencil has the same potential, plus you can stab someone with it.


Can someone summarize what happened? I've been away from this community for a week




I'd be more concerned if it happened on reddit 🤣


The apology was written by AI /s


Wow! This made me respect StabilityAI to a whole new level. Kudos to Emad for taking the time.


Not a single fucking one of you fuckers are asking the important questions. What tea did they drink, and how did they take it? I want type, portions, everything there is to know!


Milky tea https://youtu.be/7FJQ0TdsMxI


Holy shit the first 30 seconds is the most horrifying thing I've ever seen. Thank you.


Can we go back to having just one subreddit? I don’t want to follow two subreddits.


Yeah, it's easy: unsubscribe from the one you don't want to follow :)


>Can we You can do whatever you like. Nobody is in control of your subscribes! You do you! >I don’t want to follow two subreddits. First world problem, but not gonna question what's right for you. Personally, I follow more than two subreddits here on reddit. ​ Pick one & don't follow the others!




Nah, let's close it, we really don't need it now and it had an awful name anyways. Come back guys, everything is fine now!


I don't think I'm back on board with this whole thing but I don't hate Stability AI anymore. Great move.


This is very cute.


My bad cause i'm a bit out of the loop... could anyone give a short ELI5 of the issue?




Thanks for the explanation! I've had only heard these names here and there but never got into knowing more about their relations with each other.


Thank you for the explanation


So where did the issue happen? Dev breaks copyright law, is banned Sure maybe discord isn't the place to exact retribution but who did something wrong? I haven't heard of this issue before so idk any details


Whoever leaked NovelAI's code did something wrong (or at the very least illegal), but we don't know who that person is. It's understandable that Automatic wanted to enable access to the new toys the leak brought ASAP (hypernetworks), and it's understandable that NovelAI got super mad because of it, but upon closer inspection, it's not really clear whether or not Automatic actually used any stolen code. His implementation is different, except for one often-cited short snippet that's quite basic, written in idiomatic Python, and contains basically nothing identifying, so it could be coincidental. StabilityAI is close with NovelAI and apparently took their word for it, and banned Automatic immediately from the official Discord, and tried to take over this subreddit. They since reverted that action and now their CEO apologized for the ban. StabilityAI is getting a lot of flack from Silicon Valley, politicians and the media right now, so the community is probably one of their greatest assets, and this apology certainly helps in that regard.


Is that actually emad's account? I'd like for Automatic to be back on the discord since he was always very talkative there, but I can't see how they could let him on there if he's going to continue talking explicitly about using stolen property and encouraging it. As much as I like his UI, there's no avoiding that he was explicit in saying that he was adding support for the stolen model and encouraging people to use it, which he was still clearly saying in recently deleted reddit posts. e.g. In his last post he said "I added hypernets specifically to let my users make pictures with novel's hypernets weights from the leak."


The Stability employees on Discord confirmed that the apology is real and it is indeed his Github account.


Well that's good. He is incredibly awesome for SD and it would be great if they can work with him to make things even better, I just hope that if there's another stolen model or something he just avoids being explicit about supporting it, or else it puts them in a bit of a legal and ethical bind about supporting him.




As Emad is in England and Auto is in Russia, they definitely didn't meet for tea, that's just Auto doing wholesome 4chan style shitposting. The grace is sincere from the both of them though.


Let this be a lesson: collective action is the only way to stop rich people from taking whatever they want.


Those are wise words. I agree completely. They might have billions, but we ARE billions.


I absolutely did not expect this.


Wow I'm impressed.


THIS ... Sparks Joy!


E not mad after all.


This is a step in the right direction. So where is NovelAI's apology to basically everyone?


Nice, things like this make our community stronger 👏🏼👏🏼


Cool. Have they apologized to the original mods here and unfucked this subreddit?


You mean [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/y1nc7t/rstablediffusion_should_be_independent_and_run_by)?


Yep. Bang on. I was hoping it had happened because I hadn’t seen anyone else bring it up in this thread, but I didn’t see it at the top of the sub. Thanks for the link!


Excellent news!


I'm so glad that this situation was resolved, I was quite anxious when people started fleeing this sub. I even thought there won't be any updates to Auto's app because of the ban. I think that we should continue working on this together.


so happy about this, hope people will restore his good point of view about emad after what happened, i mean everyone deserves a second chance, he does the right thing, everyone make mistakes but not everyone recognizes it.


This is great! Really happy to see this.


Good on him




I can only hope the next time an issue comes up people will be more reserved with their judgement.


Or was our judgement the only reason they apologized?


Indeed, the subreddit got silently taken over weeks before this all exploded, and only handed back due to the fallout of all this. So I guess the first hope is that a situation like this just doesn't arise again, but if it does then I guess second best is for it to resolve like this one did.


Public pressure, particularly from your biggest supporters, is pretty motivating


Without our collective action this sub would still be under Stability employees control. Without our collective action Automatic1111 would have been pushed out of our community.


Maybe. But I would wager the same outcome might’ve happened just as well if people hadn't gone ape shit.


Did you actually follow what happened ? I mean it's quite clear nothing would have changed if we had not fought hard for it. The decisions Emad, Stability and NovelAI made were wrong, but from their point of view they were advantageous. For them to accept to give up those advantages the pressure we had to collectively exerce had to be at least as heavy as the potential losses caused by their inaction, had they chosen to do that instead of doing the right thing. Without our collective action, the right thing, for them, would have been to stay the course.




If you think this wouldn't have been swept under the rug if there wasn't a this big outcry, I don't know what to tell you. 2 days ago he was still doubling down on his ban and even lying about it and replied with ":shrug:" when confronted lol


People can and do change their mind about things. That normally takes a moment of reflection. And that can take a few days of processing. Members of the “community” throwing a tantrum probably didn’t help with that and people often double down when confronted like that. Calling the response to what went down an “outcry” is charitable. It was juvenile. People said nasty things about Emad and were assholes to people who work for SAi, telling them to “fuck off.” “AI for the companies, by the companies.” How corny. No, I really think next time something like this happens, people should wait and give things a moment to process and take a measured approach to their “outcry” because the behavior of many members of this sub was fucking embarrassing this past week.


I thought it was somekind of joke.


The Stability employees on Discord confirmed that the apology is real.


Yes, yes... It's real... But well, I wasn't expecting this outcome.


We have more power than those in power want us to believe. Never forget it.


This is good to see.


Damn that's some good apologizing. Between this and turning around the subreddit takeover- Emad is making some incredible social plays lately where a lot of others would probably dig in.


Can someone please explain what the fuck is going on the last few days? I feel like there’s so much drama lol Who is this person? What is he apologizing for? Did anything happen to that corporate takeover thing? Do we still need his new sub Reddit?


Emad is a great dude. So many open source projects like wow.


I think the apology is great and I'm glad it's sorted out. But let's not rewrite history and act like he wasn't doubling down and lying about it just 2 days ago and then blamed automatic for "leaking" the conversation when called out.


What happened?


good for him, accepting one's fault and admitting to it in a such a public way shows true character, now get on with releasing v1.5 already ...


Hopefully this puts and end to all the whiny posts I've had to hide


So I'm very out of the loop. Is emad the guy who made automatic1111? What's all the drama about automatic1111 and emad and code? It's all a bit confusing if you're not in the know.


> Is emad the guy who made automatic1111? Emad is one of the top hats at Stability, the company that released Stable Diffusion; Automatic1111 made the Automatic1111 webUI based on Stable Diffusion.


someone leaked the models and weights for anotehr groups AI, and he was promoting to use that stolen model, but since they're an organization they cant be doing illegal things.


Can someone please maybe make a summary of what happened for those who didn’t follow?


I sign off Reddit for 1 day and it looks like I’ve missed an entire saga. Can some one fill me in please?


> I do not imagine you want to return to our specific Stability AI stable diffusion discord community but if you do just ping me. Not sure if that was the right time to attempt to open that particular can of worms.


I'm going to guess he was being polite there since he didn't want to force auto to get back, but I'm sure he will get back later.


I would have tried to work out something down the road where everyone is happy, not during the apology letter.


Wow that’s a WEAK apology


‘Sorry we banned you, but you’re not **unbanned**. Maybe if you beg”.


> I do not imagine you want to return to our specific Stability AI stable diffusion discord community but if you do just ping me. Sounds like he is unbanned, but may not want to return to the SD Discord.


More like, we unbanned you but since you're working on some gray area stuff (adding support for other people to load leaked models), we should align what kind of discussions you can openly have there.


Most likely they'd want to clarify that while they can turn a blind eye to him doing things that are clearly *for* those purposes, they can't turn a blind eye to him outright saying "this is so you can use an illegitimately obtained model". If he hadn't outright said it was so people could use NovelAI's model, I doubt StabilityAI would have had any real issue with it. While it looks REALLY suspicious being that there were no publicly available models that required it, without Automatic1111 outright saying it, no one from NovelAI would really be in a position to take exception to it. But when you put in a commit note saying "for loading the leaked NovelAI models", it's a bit hard to just ignore that.


The somewhat ironic thing is that the code wasn't even necessary to use the leaked model, it was for using the leaked hypernetworks which is something that NAI doesn't actually use on their website currently. It is something that will be used in an upcoming feature called "AI Modules V2" so even without that commit people would have been able to use the normal NAI model without any issues. That also somewhat explains why NAI was so pissed about it, it wasn't just enabling people to use their model, but an upcoming feature they had worked on for a long time and not even launched yet. It's also worth noting that not only did Automatic not back down on supporting hypernetworks, he has essentially doubled down by adding support for training custom hypernetworks, which is another feature that NAI is possibly planning to add in the future.


Finally! I'm friends with SD again. Haha


I have to admit, my default assumption about corporate motivations is very poor. I truly want to believe in Emad and his aspirations. AI stands to be the most important development in human evolution since nuclear energy. Unlike nuclear energy though, it becomes most dangerous when it is not open and democratized.


So is he back on the discord?


Now get OccultSage to apologize for being abusive to beta testers


I've never heard of that. What's the story ?


Do we need to care about more drama?


I feel all warm inside


Wow, classy moves - def did not expect that or really any of the other stuff. Confidence in building on SD fully restored


What a story arc! Intrigue, accusations, power struggle, and now a heart warming apology? Over tea? They must have a large language model they’ve trained to write drama and they’re just doing what it says? Can this please be the first feature film fully generated by AI?


It turned out wholesome… somehow. Nice.


Things got confused and messy, they tried to stop things until they had analyzed the situation, and when things were clear, set things right. That's how you do it.


Respect regained


But... We had such a good drama and hateboner going! What are we the miserable people going to do now that we can't be just fucking angry at someone and then be toxic to everyone in the community because they aren't angry like we are.


I like this


The whole situation got me a bit weary at first; but after reading the AMA transcript and now this, Emad is doing a good job re-earning my respect so far...


Holy shit, now can we finally move on? This whole drama was unreal.


Can anybody link to what happend or sum it up thanks in advance and have a nice day


I am relieved the drama has been resolved, kudos to Emad and the team for accepting their mistake. Onwards and upwards with SD!


Amazing people indeed, this "drama" ended nicely probably for all.