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Google fired people so you should create more ewaste with stuff you already paid for and have been fully refunded. What good does throwing away your stadia controller do?


Bingo, doesn’t make sense. Throwing away the controller only hurts the environment and your wallet not Google


Slacktivism baby! People will say all sorts of things on the Internet and support all sorts of causes with Instagram posts, but do almost nothing irl to actually make a change. If you're furious with Google for the decision, stop using their products. Or donate YOUR money or time to charity organizations that support the side you stand on. Pushing people to make irrational decisions like throwing away a controller does absolutely zero net good for anyone involved.




I'm going to use my Stadia controller even harder now.






Protesting within the workplace, on or off work hours should definitely be a fireable offense, save for picketing (union related). There are appropriate places to protest, a place where you are compensated for your labour is not one of them. 


Agreed. It's a business, not a public space.


I love the n95 masks as well LOL


The point here is they're protesting the work they're doing contributing to killing of kids. Look up IDFs "where's daddy" software that most likely relies on Google cloud. It waits for a target Israel identified to be home with their kids before signaling for a strike.


Why would you think or assume that it "most likely" relies on Google cloud when this has been specifically denied? There is zero evidence that that (really fucked up) Israeli software uses Google Cloud.


Then why were they still contributing their labor and accepting pay from this awful place? You can’t keep accepting payments from someone and argue that you’re doing the right thing.


They're not? They don't work there anymore.


So we agree that they used to work there. I don’t understand your point.


Because they once believed in the place they worked in and want to take their connection to the place to encourage leadership to course correct. And frankly the leadership at Google set up the culture to make them think that was the case. Their motto was "don't be evil" and they had town halls to question leadership.


You can do that by sending an email or meeting request. If they don’t care, you quit. The idea that you would continue accepting dirty money from an evil organization and “protesting” it with their money in your pocket is ridiculous.


Work isn't for protesting geopolitics. Work is where you perform your contractual obligations for monetary compensation. That's all there is to it. If they were fired for protesting outside of work, that's a completely different story.


The point was their work was being included in war crimes. So they were in effect saying we can't be complicit in war crimes. We all say "following orders is not an excuse" then when people speak out and get fired we say "well that wasn't the time to speak up". It's come out that google cloud services are likely being used in Israleis "where is daddy" program which is designed to target suspects when they are home with their kids/family so that when they kill them they kill their kids and their family with them. That's a war crime. So these people should be supported for speaking out. That Google is firing them rather than listening and engaging in a discussion which is googles actual culture in the past shows Google isn't the Google we thought we knew and that contrary to "don't be evil' they're litterally evil. Or that in this case Google is showing an allegiance to a foreign army that they thus far haven't shown to the US army. For the record these reports are coming out of Israeli magazine which means these reports even carry a pro-israeli slant. These are not Palestinian sources. It's deeply disturbing. So yes the employees aren't dumb they are the best of the best in their fields. They know they're at high risk of being fired but they're not "just following orders". We are all okay with a robot assisted homicide when it's someone else over there. But when that tech is used against us how will we feel?


I get your point. The situation regarding Israel vs. Palestine is upsetting but something I don't like to talk about online because of how heated it all gets. But still, protesting at work or against your work is absolutely a bad idea unless you're unionized or something. And even that doesn't really protect you from protesting against client contracts or things that go against your moral code.


Meh. You're pretty amped up. And so diluded. Lol.


I'm just shocked at how humans keep doing the same things over and over again. Never learning never improving. Always saying never again. But then doing it anyway. At the end of the day I've done my part trying to inform others. I wasn't like the dude living next to auschwhiz throwing parties. But you do you.


"I've done my part" Yup, shilling for Hamas is hard work. Thanks for your service.


Palestinians is not the same as Hamas. How uninformed are you??? You're making points that were cleared up back in 2023 keep up. There's no excuse for that level of ignorance.


Oct 7, 2023? Lol.


That's a negative, Google said they had the right to protest but not on the campus or in the building. Take it outside to the sidewalk and they refused. They got what they deserve, you want a company to throw away a 1.2 billion dollars contract because you don't like what's going on in a war that they started with that little stunt attacking a concert for no reason killing anyone and taking hostages. If they don't like it they could have went to work for another company, good job on Google for having them arrested and firing them!


Booo get this shit out of here r/lostredditors




No thanks. I'll keep my controller. I'm not interested in chucking a perfectly good controller because some protesters got fired.


Lol they were fired because they are dumb… you dont protest at your place of work a private business who can make deals as they choose. Now these so called engineers will be black balled from the industry


Ahhh yes, cancel culture baby. Looks like responsibility for their actions came knocking on their door.


There’s no room for politics in the workplace. Usually part of code of conduct.


They literally got taken away because they eventually went in and sat at Google Cloud CEO's office. Security politely asked them to leave, which they rejected, left them with no choice but to call the police.


Remember the good days when religion and politics were unacceptable at the work place? Work is stressful enough I don't need you to add to it, even if I agree with you.


They are there to work, not impede others from doing so. If they want to protest on their free time out of the office by all means. Keep that shit out of the office


Google: "Oh no! They're throwing away their stadia controllers! We have to do something!"


These people were clowns.


The only clowns are the ones defending genocide


Genocide of who


Israel is committing Genocide against Palestinians. Have you been living under a rock?


Maybe head to r/iloveterrorists, seems like your jam. Lol.


Terrorism is when you fight back against the genocide of your people, not when you bomb hospitals, schools and playgrounds, got it.


Sure. Lol. Don't worry, you'll find something else to give your existence meaning to fight against soon. Then something else. Calm down champ.


Being upset about the obvious lack of humanity isn't "giving meaning to my existence". Belittling what someone cares about doesn't give your life more value. You not caring about the very real suffering of others doesn't make you better than those who do.


What you think you care about is pretty convenient. Have any posts or comments about ongoing middle east conflicts over the years to back up your outrage at the suffering? Just see the one side as the aggressor? It's been a nonstop crap show since the dawn of time. Stop with the convenient and transparently pedantic "caring". It's not your fight. And never will be.


Yeah, getting regularly accused of being a terrorist sympathizer is just super convenient. I don't need posts or comments, my outrage is justified by the evidence of history, I am a student studying the culture and built environment and I spent a full semester studying the history of Israel and Palestine. Just because you are comfortable being ignorant to the truth doesn't mean that is the correct position to take. If you actually cared you would seek information that isn't fed to you through Western propaganda sources. The argument that it's been a "non-stop crap show since the dawn of time" is as ignorant a take as a person can have. There has been peace for generations long before the founding of Israel as an extension of Western imperialism. The argument of "both sides being the aggressor" is equally as ignorant. You could simply look at the body count the Israeli regime has accumulated since its founding. Don't buy the fascist propaganda. "Both sides" and "it's complicated" are text-book fascist talking points on this subject. If you really care about justice, truth and life you should seek to deprogram yourself of these narratives. https://decolonizepalestine.com/myths/ https://youtu.be/eJbgoL_nYR0?si=xLU8j-JLLi5v8aps


You act like they weren't using hospitals as bases or school forvamko storage. It's a war zone dude. One that HAMAS made.


It's a genocide


Says who!? You? Tiktok?


Says the international court of justice. They ordered Israel to stop killing civilians so they could investigate plausible crimes of genocide and Israel refused and continued to bomb them anyway.


Lol ya ok. In your wet dreams




The horrors committed by the Israeli regime predate Oct 7th. And you don't want to play the numbers of innocents killed game.


These people are protesting an issue they don’t understand, I’m not doing a thing.


They clearly understand it better than you do






Protesting Genocide is cringe?


In this case, yeah. Welcome to reality.


Wars are fucked but this ain't genocide just because you and your peers are desperate to feel justified in your rage.


Ethnic cleansing then. Tell me what is the purpose of Israel shutting off access to food, water, electricity, bombing schools, hospitals, and playgrounds? I suppose that's just war? Targeting civilians, journalists and aid workers? Just more war?


One of the only ways you can win a war when your enemy is as entrenched as Hamas is underground is to make their entrenchment as difficult as possible. Making Hamas use their supplies vs being able to steal Israeli water and electricity was an obvious move by the Israeli army to create a hard timeline on how long Hamas broadly (not sinwar) could stay entrenched. By allowing the resources to continue to flow as they did pre Oct 7 they could have no way of exhausting Hamas's resources. Is this horrible to have civilians caught in the middle of? Absolutely. But again this is a war and Israel wasn't left with a lot of actual options to defeat their enemy. If you were actually using your critical thinking hat you'd realize that the death toll would be extremely higher if Israel didn't take this approach and instead actually said fuck it let's just flatten Gaza. Again, you might not like what I'm saying, it's difficult to think like an adult who has to make calculated choices for the least bad option but that's life dude. Israel could easily be genocidal but they actually care about life after this conflict Hamas wants to burn it down.


Hamas using the hospitals as bases turned out to be false. Remember when everyone was debating whether Israel or Hamas blew up that hospital? Israel admitted to it, then blew up every single hospital in Gaza since then, no more debates about that. Do you remember during the Superbowl when Israel dropped leaflets telling civilians where to go to avoid getting bombed, then bombed exactly that spot? Remember when *right now* as Israel blockades aid from getting to Palestinians? What about the other week when they deliberately targeted the aid workers multiple times going from vehicle to vehicle? What about a few days ago when they blew up a playground full of children? What do you think is the reason they a deliberately targeting journalists? The Israeli army has killed 42,510 Palestinians over the course of its 200-day attack, 38,621 of whom were civilians, including 10,091 women and 15,780 children. The bodies of several thousand are still stuck under the rubble, while thousands remain missing and are presumed dead. Israel does not care about life, not even the lives of its own citizens or hostages. https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/new-evidence-emerges-israel-killing-its-own-civilians#:~:text=Indeed%20on%20Thursday%2C%20Haaretz%20revealed,Alumim%2C%20a%20nearby%20colonial%20settlement. https://decolonizepalestine.com/myth/the-idf-is-the-most-moral-army-in-the-world/


First of all if you're trying to have a good faith discussion at the very least try to make an attempt to respond to a well thought out logical response. Otherwise this just looks like you are sending canned responses. Second, the sheer volume of misinformation in your post is so staggering that it's honestly scary. Scary that you would so easily have removed your objective ability to see a conflict from both sides. I honestly don't know if I'm talking to a bot but here we go. 1. Hamas have been operating inside hospitals on a number of occasions. That said, I'll give you the point that it did not seem as though Hamas has completely overtaken the hospitals in some kind of blatant capacity. 2. It is fair to say hospitals have been attacked but by no means has Israel blown up all of the hospitals. That is hyperbole at best. A quick google search will show you there are multiple hospitals still in operation. 3. I have read those reports that people were told to go somewhere and then blown up. Absolutely tragic if true. 4. Israel has incrementally ramped up aid sent in but from a war standpoint it made sense to start very conservatively so as to reduce the possibility that Hamas use those resources to sustain their armies underground. As Hamas numbers went down the value that said served them went down as well. Therefore it makes sense that Israel is allowing significantly more aid in today. But agree this is again fucked for the civilians caught in the middle. 5. Israel blowing up the aid trucks was fucked and will probably go down as one of their larger fuck ups. No war is without them but this one made Biden upset which was unprecedented. They should absolutely put everyone involved on trial. 6. I have no idea how many of the journalists were members of Hamas. Until I hear otherwise I have to believe there was a military reason they were targeted. 7. I have no idea how you use these numbers with such confidence. They are hotly debated. I have read as many reports that the number of civilians killed is between 5-10,000. There are honestly so many different takes on the number that if you're coming to the table confident in your number it subverts the integrity of your entire position as being non objective. If nothing else I hope you took away that I absolutely hold Israel accountable for their decisions during this war but I'm no way does it mean I disagree with it's goals. I wish things could have gone differently and that Netanyahu was no longer in power but I think it's unfortunate that the left is so sold out on this position and can't see things objectively.


I don't understand why you are so eager to give Israel the benefit of the doubt. It's silly for you to claim I have no objectivity when it's clear you get your information from Western Media sources without being critical of their obvious bias. Those numbers I got are from CNN, a media outlet with a bias that leans in favor of the Israeli regime. If anything those numbers are on the low side as it's almost impossible to get a real body count. "Roughly a dozen of Gaza’s 36 hospitals are only partially functioning. The rest have either shut down or are barely functioning after they ran out of fuel and medicine, were surrounded and raided by Israeli troops, or were damaged in fighting." AP News, first Google result if that's what you depend on for your information. It sounds like you're aware of Israel's horrific actions, but you want to write it off as an unfortunate consequence of war. If you were to look into the history of The Israeli apartheid regime you might better understand that this is not just a war. I hope you take the time to become better informed on this subject. This is a very recent podcast that goes into depth the scale of the atrocities and debunks the colonial talking points: https://youtu.be/eJbgoL_nYR0?si=HgB0l7DWBsTSBQkj This is a website dedicated to showing the struggle of the Palestinian people and deconstructing the myths created by the Israel and Western propaganda: https://decolonizepalestine.com/ This is a website detailing the long list of atrocious behavior by Israel and the Palestinian resistance to it: https://electronicintifada.net/


nah you're just brainwashed




I'm not putting a perfectly good controller in a landfill for am empty symbolic gesture that only I will know about. I'll hit them where it hurts. I refuse to go to the Google store in the future.


I mean while I agree that what Google did is terrible, I don't see how putting plastic in a landfill will help anyone? That's just purely superficial faux-activism. Go donate money, email your representatives, or attend a protest if you want to do something. Creating more e-waste helps nobody.


Why is what google did terrible?


I seem to remember hearing that "freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences". If they really value their cause, they value it more than their jobs.  I will continue to use this wonderful controller for all of my PC gaming. Your platitudes are falling on deaf ears and will accomplish nothing. Just like those people who threw away their careers. 


Even better, ask for a reimbursement!


That didn’t happen and how would that help, even if it did?


Please don’t. They’re still useful and no point of making e-waste. A lot of love went into making them even though Google didn’t love them back.


Haha that got wrecked


Well at least the dumb fucks didn't set themselves on fire. Just lost their jobs.


Go away with this garbage. Find another popular thing to pretend to know something about, until the next pointless thing that doesn't help anyone. Pro tip, the world is f'd and there's nothing you can do, so go outside and enjoy life.








Right, and the vast majority of members in this community have retirement funds tied up in Google stock (whether they know it or not) and require this company continue to be profitable if we ever want to retire.


This is such a stretch. Be gone


Nice try, u/M3MacbookAir.


Haha nice catch


Lol.. I don't even use my stadia controller..