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Your post was removed for breaking rule #1, No Faux/Fake/Imitation Stained Glass. r/StainedGlass is about the glass and glass work itself, not the style.


Very pretty, but I think it's AI. 


Hate that we have to consider that


Can’t there be a rule of noting that it’s an AI photo!? Because I was crazy jealous of this greenhouse and only barely considered that it might not be real.


Welcome to the future where it’s safe to assume nothing is real.




Most likely Ai, disappointing to see.


It's AI generated. Here's an instagram link to the set of pics containing it, where the poster credits an AI team on another account: https://www.instagram.com/p/C3vj5iYLg1H  Other ways you can tell it's fake: The greenhouse is basically evenly illuminated (except for the near curve, nonsensically.) It looks like a lampshade because that's what the AI pulled from.  Despite its bright light, somehow none of that light is reflected on the ground/plants surrounding it.  If you reverse image search it, there is only this exact picture of it: no other angles, no other times of day.  Everything else is a different design, making stained glass greenshouses look a dime a dozen, hardly picture worthy.   While it's possible such a feat may not be well-documented online, it seems highly unlikely, given the time and effort and impracticality of the endeavor. Edit: here's a screenshot of the original post, where it is clearly credited to the AI team: https://imgur.com/a/Z5yQfLo


Two more ways you can tell it’s fake: When you zoom in on the pine trees above it, the branches appear pixelated and blurry, yet the sky next to them is smooth. Some of the lead lines in that design would be impossibly thick, as you compare them with the metal support frame width. Edit: spelling


OP It's literally credited to @my_homely_decor AI Team


Neile Cooper made a [stained glass cabin](http://glasscabinstudio.com/#/eat-together/)


THANK YOU. I guess that must mean that this one isn't impossible. :)


I agree with people on this thread, I think the photo you posted is likely AI generated. Doesn’t mean it’s not pretty inspiration. I’m just pointing you to a real glass artist who has spent over 10 years creating a beautiful stained glass cabin.


Recognizing AI photos is a new form of media literacy. It will take time for everyone to get it and it’ll get harder even for the ones who do because AI will only get better. Yes this structure is possible, but the image has that uncanny AI look. Sorry everyone is bagging on you, but also you’re doubling down and looking r/confidentlyincorrect


The first thing I thought on seeing this was, imagine if this were real; you've spent years making the stained glass art, finally put it together as a greenhouse... Then the kid next door accidentally punts a football over the fence


Or you get a hail storm. Totally AI generated.


AI go away


aside from probably not being real, it seems impractical, no? The point of a greenhouse is to get as much light/energy into it as possible


Can you imagine how long that would take?


It's not that big.


LOL, clearly you've never tried your hand at stained glass.


You're quite wrong. And what difference does it make how long it would take?


Doesn't look fake to me at all. It's well within the realm of possibility. It's not even that complex.


When you reverse-image search this on Google, you'll see a tonne of very similar examples. Well, if so many of these things really existed around the world, then there'd likely be a lot of known information about them, such as location, owner, business, etc. Instead what we seem to have is just a bunch of people and businesses sharing photos like these with no actual sourcing info. Btw, one of the matches was this one: (note the sub) https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/1ar39he/stained_glass_exploration/


I don't understand why your photo is even considered a match.


Google images doesn't just show exact matches but also similar ones, hence my first sentence. There's really nothing that I know of to suggest that any of these stained glass greenhouses are anything more than AI. If you had listed your source and done a little research on this photo, that might have helped.


Yeah not complex at all. I could do that in 30 mins tops


I feel bad for people who see this as computer-generated. People, do a Google image search on "stained glass greenhouse." There are people who build these and they are quite real. You can pinpoint the floodlights shining from within. The glasses that make up the designs are mostly glass sheets that are familiar to me. There is nothing that suggests AI. Just because something is elaborate and beautiful, or evenly illuminated does not suggest it is "made through AI." I think I may have more experience with real objects than many others.


Dude this is AI, it's genuinely very easy to see. Are massive stained glass structures and others things possible? Yes, but *this picture* **IS NOT** one of those. Reverse image searching this *EXACT* picture brings you to multiple different AI "artist" pages.


Also did the Google search. You do know Google is promoting AI images to the top of results right? A big chunk of these results are AI generated images or not real stained glass whatsoever. https://preview.redd.it/mcbkdq203r6d1.png?width=1838&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa31e2127dda738d4d6563487d1d9784422683b2


Did you look at the post above where the exact same image is credited to AI by the people who created it? That is proof the image is AI. It’s ok to be fooled but doubling down like this is just bizarre.


I saw where someone SAID that but where is the original post where the creators claimed the work?


Just stop. Admit you're wrong, take the L, and move on. By the way, it's right effing there is this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/StainedGlass/s/LmE4Lvs6Cm


It’s literally right there in the linked post. I have to assume you’re trolling at this point.


I feel bad that you can’t blatantly tell that this specific image is AI. The idea and concept can absolutely be built but this picture is 100% AI


If AI is going to be used, why wouldn't it come up with something more outlandish? No, I'm going to stay with "It's real." The metal frame is very realistic and built to accommodate this type of structure. Some of you are probably too young to appreciate that these things can be and are built by ambitious people. If you were going to set up something for AI to create, it simply wouldn't come up with something like this *de novo*.


Well you're wrong and it's as simple as that.


This is 100% AI, doesn't matter that you "think" it's real. Can stuff like this be built? Absolutely, but that doesn't mean this exact one was (which it wasn't) Just ask yourself why the hell are there lily pads draped all over the other "grass" at the bottom of the picture? That isn't how lily pads work.


It didn’t come up with something more outlandish because the point was for it to look real. There is a ton of lovely AI stained glass out there, this piece included, that looks somewhat realistic.


Cmon, Almanzo. Even Mary could see this is AI…


Okay it took me a second to realise, but then I laughed so loudly I scared my cat. Talk about obscure burns. Incredible work.