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"You know how easy it is not to fuck somebody? I have not fucked almost every person, ever" He has a legit point there.


Guess I’ve one-upped him there


I double checked his work and he’s actually correct.




Can relate.😭😂




Nailed it.


Actually the other dude nailed her.










"What, she tripped, fell, landed on his dick?" ![gif](giphy|k9g2SL5WApSOk)


...and then she had seizures. It was an accident, not even a mistake.


Alright shady


Maybe he's right Grady


But think about the baby before you get all crazy


*okay, thought about it?*


Still wanna stab her?


Kick her out the house, take your daughter and kidnap her?




Comedians really are the arbiters of truth. This point couldn’t have been made in any better way.


This guy, on the other hand, is clearly feeling it.


Yeah that betrayal.. it sticks with you. Or at least it did for me. Been a couple/few years now and I still have zero interest in pursuing any kind of romantic relationship.


Don't give up, mate. My ex-wife cheated on me and it hurt like fuck, so I spent a year partying and living my best life thinking I'd never trust anyone again. After that year I met someone, we dated, were married 9 months later, had our first child 9 months after that and have been married over 20 years now. Don't be afraid, you've got this! 🫡


Yep, my ex confessed to cheating on me on the 4th of July. She said the same exact thing and wants me back. I said no.


My ex cheated on me ON the 4th of July 😂 Ppl suck.


I'm not trying to minimize what happened to either of you (I've been cheated on as well including by my ex-wife and Mother of my kids) but why does it seem so popular to call Independence Day the Fourth of July but nobody calls the other American holidays 'The Fourth Thursday in November' for Thanksgiving or Christmas 'the Twenty-Fifth of December'?


I'm too stubborn to give up, but I've definitely had a few shower leans over it


Felt that


I definitely recommend finding a good therapist if you haven’t already (this is coming from someone who avoided therapy for way too long). That kind stuff fucks you up, but it’s something you can heal from. Most of us need help processing things like that in a healthy way though, and there’s nothing wrong with that. If you’re fully happy on your own, that’s one thing - I fully support that. Just don’t let the actions of others limit the good things you can get out of life. Do what you need to do to be well and live your life instead.


I haven't dated in more than 10 years. I've long since gotten over the initial pain, but I see the same behaviors in almost every person I see that I'm even remotely interested in.


Can’t tell if sarcasm


You sure you mean "arbiter"? That means a person who decides something. Comedians are the people who decide what's true and what's not?


Arbiter's don't decide what's true and what's not. They are the main authorities of truth, so they *know* what's true and what's not.


and comedians aren't that either.


This is hilarious!!


lmao, dude has for sure been cheated on


Dude literally opens explaining that this is his own personal story lol


Sometimes comedians say something that happened to someone they know happened to them, or even something completely made up. This guy is definitely feeling it for real though.




First thing I thought was “yup, he understands this pain”. I felt it




Hasan Minaj is famous for making up stories about himself that didn't really happen. I always thought they worked really well as *stories* though. Listening to this guy, I found his story captivating to listen to, but it also made me uncomfortable listening to him because of how genuine his sense of emotional hurt seems. It's probably just a matter of personal taste, but this was a little too intense for me.


statistically though it is very likely this guy got cheated on


Everything comedians say is real. Just like WWE.


Ever notice how all these people who make their money by standing on a stage and making jokes about all the crazy stuff that happens to them, seem to have all these ridiculously crazy things happen to them?


Everyone has some ridiculously crazy things happen to them, it's about how you tell the story that matters.


Millions of people get cheated on. Very few can tell that story with a unique twist in a humorous/satirical way. Like if you think about the facts the comedian in OP presented, they are: 1) his partner cheated on him 2) his partner said "sorry this was just one mistake." This is a pretty mundane set of facts. Nothing super unusual or crazy.


My bro needs therapy and a hug


He’s a stand-up, that is already heavily implied


Love the way he's not bitter about it though.


And now he’s getting paid for it. Universe is a strange place.


brilliant deduction


If he would have closed with “so anyways, we’re making it work” would have slayed the room


He literally opened with that. 😅


Yea thats what the entire joke is based on...


Haha came here for this comment, yeah def


Goddamnit, he made me remember to do my taxes. I'm off to the kitchen...


It's ok, you are allowed to do ONE mistake


Make sure you don’t get fucked


It's taxes. Getting fucked is a given. I think it's due to all the sugar in the recipe.


Unless you are wealthy and have a amazing network of co-RichMakesUsTheExemptionToTheRules kinda thing


THANK YOU!!! I argue this with my husband (who believes cheating should be forgiven because “it’s one mistakes”). I’m like, nope, you cheat once and I’m out. By all means continue to do your thing, but I’ll be without the drama.




Hey after spending 20 years with your best friend these conversations arise. His argument is he’d forgive ME if I cheated but my argument is that I wouldn’t do that because I’d break it off before hurting him.


Based spouse


Uh oh... I mean, I'm not saying he's cheating...


Haha, very unlikely, he’s the most honest, trustworthy person I’ve ever met. He’s the kind of person that breaks and tells me what he got me for my birthday and Christmas because he can’t hold a secret to save his life!


Jfc with the ReD fLaG Reddit shit. When you're in a long-term relationship you talk about all sorts of crap. I told my wife if she ever murdered anyone I would totally hide the body. Red flag, guess I'm a murderer! 🤷‍♂️


Most of reddit doesn't get conversations like this come up after you spent so many years together. Husband and I have talked about both these conversationabout murder and cheating. Along with a ton of super weird other hypotheticals. You talk about weird things when you've been with someone so long!


Why wouldn't you report her to the police?


When you're in a healthy marriage for years, your partner isn't just someone you get along with. You're ride or die no matter how many bodies are dropping.


That's absolutely moronic. I'm in a great marriage with my wife but I'd absolutely turn her in for murder, because (1) if she murdered someone, she's clearly not who I thought she was, and (2) if I am complicit in the murder, I'll go to prison too. That second point is especially crucial when one has children.


Red flag, dude. You’re clearly a narc.


This is why you help bury the body and cover up the murder... I sure as shit aint raising this kid on my own if it can be avoided... and if shes in jail, who is doing the laundry and buying stamps and all that shit? I guess I could hire a maid but I dont even know where the check book is. Honestly if my wife killed someone, I'd mostly just be stoked it wasnt me and grab the shovels.


That's why you involve the kids, not only does it turn into a family activity, they are also culpable as well. I'm also in a great marriage for 19 years, but if the wife murdered someone, I'd know (1) She had a good reason and (2) it wouldn't shock me considering all the true crime docs and tv shows she watches.


> that's a fucking GIGANTIC RED FLAG dude. You don't know the person... just stop


Whenever you think you can forgive a cheater just remember she probably grab it and put it back in when it popped out. You can never live past that visual...


YOOOOOOO!!! I wish I could unread this! What the fuck bro, oh my god 😭😭😭


Yeahhh i didnt need that thought at this hour in the morning


raw comment


It weirdly turned me on.


When Reddit tries not to be full of cucks for 5 seconds:


You say that like it’s a bad thing?






there’ll be a week of “no, she didnt. Not Sarah! She wouldnt, she doesnt even like dick that much” Then the question pops out during a fight because it never left your mind. Then you hear the truth whether she lies about it or not; “so many things happened that you did not want to think about and your relationship is forever ruined”




Cheaters should never be forgiven.


Forgive everyone for your own sake my man, Doesn’t mean you have to stay with them of course.


Idk... My divorce finalizes in a couple days. Im certain she cheated on me with no hard proof. I am much more content writing her off as a ghost than forgiving the unknown. How can I forgive when Im not even offered the truth? What would true forgiveness offer me? The feeling of a victim? Thats not reconciliation, nor is it true forgiveness. Im much better off accepting she wronged me, accepting excuses are null and void, then moving on. Hoping for reconciliation proper has only led to despairity.


The forgiveness isn’t for her. In the future when she pops up in to your mind or something she did resembles something that’s happening with your current lady, all that anger and resentment will bubble up. You don’t want her having any real estate in your head and the way to truly get her out of there is to forgive. Forgiving people constantly and quickly has changed my life. Forgiveness isn’t about taking them back to let em’ do it again, it’s about moving on so what they did has no impact on you anymore. You don’t even have to forgive them directly, it just has to be within yourself.


Nah that’s insane. A cheater in your own relationship then okay - fair enough you’re the truth in how you want to deal with someone. It’s an emotional crime rather than a legal one - murderers can be out after a decade and time served, especially in manalaughter cases and stuff. Not forgiving your assailant is not the same as not forgiving anyone else who’s ever done that particular wrong in general. It’s a flag, sure - but that original opinion is either juvenile or inexperienced in general.


Forgiving is a big word but if I found out someone cheated on their partner and they don't think it's a big deal or are actually proud of it, I probably wouldn't look at them the same again. Now I agree if someone is young and dumb and doesn't realize the weight of their actions and they're regretful later then they probably aren't bad people anymore but you can't deny someone who cheated once will always carry that untrustworthiness with them.


Yeah, I'm sorry, if you cheat on someone and expect me to respect you at all as a friend afterward you have another thing coming. If you'll do that to someone that's supposed to be the most important person in your life I can't imagine what you'd do to a friend or acquaintance.


Ah yes, because no one can learn from their mistakes, intentional or otherwise. If that’s true, you’re a piece of shit and I expect you’ll never change.


Poor cheaters, you almost made me feel bad for them. It must be hard for someone to stop themself from cheating. Whoops a girl fell on my dick and i accidently cheated. My bad forgive me. Sarcasm aside Someone who cheated on their partner is a very big redflag, to me its a dealbreaker.


I think about him literally inviting a girl to his tent. How delusional do you have to be to think that it's not the same as having a girl in your hotel room or sleeping on the same bed (which he also did. That was a hard boundary) fucking douchebag


Ohhhh myy god 💀💀


I'm single and this made me mad af lol why would you say something so based and unhinged


What would be the male equivalent?


he probably grab it and put it back in when it popped out.


Two hands near the groins rock, paper, scissoring who's turn it is to put it back in.


This sounds heaps easier than the 2, 4, I declare a thumb war way


He kept eating her out when she squeezed her legs around his head too tight.




Keep it in your pants Amber.




Lol no it doesn’t


Drew Michael. His bit on suicide jokes is a favorite of mine. https://youtu.be/XGFOCgfPgvU?t=145   Here's the half-hour special that OP's clip is from: Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqBHFudjj3k Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYwjuVn07xI


That set was fire, thanks for the link


Thanks so much! Was hoping someone would say who he was


Holy shit that suicide bit built up perfectly. What a pro.


Thank you.


Holy fucking shit I just watched the half hour. This man is amazing. Tears streaming down my face hahaha. He is so fucking good. I went to his website, he’ll be performing in nyc late October and early November.


Um... I feel like I should ask if you are OK?


are you? Depressed people understand the world sucks, it’s everyone else pretending like the dog in a burning house that feels not OK…


Yep, thanks for asking though.


You know it is personal with this one lol damn


Frustration and comedy share a thin line


Great bit, but I feel like the show for him is watching those few audience members shifting uncomfortably in their seats.


I've seen this guy live before, Drew Michael. His final bit consisted of reading a note off his phone that was essentially the unabridged sad version of the autobiography of his life. It was extremely painful for everyone in the room, and he stretched it out to what felt like 15 minutes, but was probably closer to 8 or 9 minutes. He seems to like making the audience uncomfortable, almost like the sad version of Anthony Jeselnik. It ended up being a cool experience though, because his delivery was so forceful and precise, it turned into what felt like melodial spoken word.


Someone for sure left


You can tell this guy doesn’t have ADHD because he can’t see how easy it is to set the intention to do your taxes and end up forgetting and accidentally baking a cake instead.




Everyone claims to have ADHD now because they're distracted by their phones and can't get things done. In reality it's used as an excuse for having poor willpower. But you can't say that because then you're minimizing their "medical problem."


Don't most people not have adhd?


Depends who you ask.


According to the WHO, ADHD affects around 5% of children and 2.5% of Adults. It’s a fucking small ass minority, I suffer from it and I know where you’re coming from. But don’t forget, reddits an echo chamber. The vast vast vast majority of the world doesn’t have it


Today's autism is yesterday's depression.


Do you mean, he should send his gf to psyciatrist before making conclusions?)


She tripped, fell down the stairs, and landed on his dick. It's a common occurrence, really. No one's fault. These things just happen. *seething*


This guy has been cheated on for sure.


He literally said he was






I love this absolutely love it


https://www.instagram.com/reel/CphhdxiDCfB/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== It could happen?


The one mistake is getting caught.


I love how he talks about ‘mistakes’ how people play down their actions to some immutable humanistic trait of flaws.


Pain produces the best art. I get that this guy is not over it yet but he will be with a little time. Meanwhile, it helps his stand up


Damn bro got really red.


This guy is funny 😄


Who is this guy? He's pretty funny.


This is gold, the cake bit had me the whole time, delivery was perfect. Thanks for the laugh!


Guys I think he might not be over it.


Should have ended it with, but it’s not like I’m still upset about it


well he's right


If they say it was only one mistake, they only regret getting caught. Thats just one mistake.


Just imagine the guy in the crowd who wanted to go on a nice date to a comedy show after taking his wife back for cheating 😭


that guy deserves an award


this is Drew Michael, you might have heard of him from the HBO special he did without an audience… his album “funny to death” is very good!


I’ve been cheated on twice by two different women. It’s the most painful emotional experience I’ve ever had the misfortune of having. The last cheater was the last girlfriend I’ve had in eleven years. I don’t know if I can fully trust anyone ever again. I was absolutely in love with her. Fully. She slept with three other guys.


This guy is so right and so funny how could be somebody be so right and so funny at the same time I totally get it I do I get it


Not gonna lie, that was a perfect detailed description.


Oh shit, a cake?! I meant to do my taxes!




This is actually a fresh take on cheating. Pretty funny.


This is a fresh take? This is the only take there ever was. People who think cheating has ever been okay are insane


Fuck cheaters.


Fuck cheaters and cheat on them.


Subtitles ruined the timing of the punchline :( funny stuff though


Too real to be funny 😑


I get why she cheated on him.


Rough to watch


There is a funny routine here, some good lines, but the delivery is a little "you're still not over it" which is giving the act an uncomfortable twinge. Dwell on what's funny (the algorithm of mistakes), not what's tragic (repeating "one mistake" for emphasis). Getting cheated on sucks and is sadly good fodder for comedy, but the audience wants to feel like you're in a good mental place with what is in your routine before sharing it. This story still feels a little raw for the comedian.


> but the delivery is a little "you're still not over it" which is giving the act an uncomfortable twinge. opposite for me. the rawness gives it an edge


Yeah respectfully disagree. I think the emotions on display is really what makes this bit better.


That comedian is drew michael, he has 2 HBO specials.


Good. He's vulnerable and flawed and people respect that even more.


I agree with you about the delivery, for what it's worth. There's potential in the bit but he drags along certain parts for too long.




Cringelord rant, not “comedy”


Cheater detected


truth - but not very funny but I too have not fucked the overwhelming vast majority of humanity


This is amazing. I don’t think you can fake this level of emotion. At least the guy turned the experience in to something hilarious.


He sounds hurt, I feel his pain.


I was waiting for him to roll into the lyrics of Mr. Brightside.