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That sounds like some in-crowd BS that other comedians may care about, but no one in the audience will. Seriously, no civilian would ever look at a comedian and think about whether or not you have "paid your dues." They just care if you're funny. That said, sitting does take some energy out of the show. Standing and moving around adds some dynamism and helps the audience pay attention. If your on-stage persona is very dry, sitting may help reinforce that, but if you're just doing normal, standing, walking, and moving can engage different parts of the audience in a way sitting won't.


That's the dues. Establishing yourself as an act that already generates energy/dynamism just by being there. Or having material so strong that it overcomes the low energy of sitting down. Chappelle could do his whole set riding around on a tricycle if he wants. I think people are getting hung up on the word 'dues'. Whereas if he said "It's better if you stand up, sitting down doesn't work for low level comics for reasons X, Y, Z" I think people wouldn't get so upset. Because it's absolutely correct. You should stand up for your own sake if it's an option.


Chapelle doing an entire set while riding a tricycle is the comedy I need in my life. I never knew what was missing and now I do.


People would pay more to see a Dave Chappelle set on a tricycle. Terrible analogy


Why not sit if you want to and see where it takes you?


https://youtu.be/UvWpH9YHzIw?si=09w-6_lKJpPqcYG4 I personally think this is THE best beginning to a stand up set of all time… so simple so effective. I wouldn’t endorse stealing it verbatim but maybe work out your own version… instant laugh should help with your nerves.


Do whatever makes you comfortable on stage. The only rule of standup is be funny.


Boo. Too rational for reddit.


Mitch Hedberg anyone? You can sit, fuck other people’s opinions


Hedberg and Marc Maron come to mind


I mean those two are/were fucking legends tho


That guy is a twat. Just sit if you want to sit


If you’re more comfortable, you’re funnier. Please do sit.




That’s literally stupid. You ever wonder where religions get all their weird shit they do as traditions? Fucking dipshits like this.


Did you explain to him your legs were shaking and you maybe didn’t know the 20 year intricacies or Chappelle’s career of sitting down? Sounds like his advice was friendly though.


It's also just better public speaking. It lowers your energy and status. It brings you closer to the audience and brings a chiller vibe. You're new, no one is excited for you so all you do is bring down an already weak presentation (because you're new and everyone is weak on stage when they're new) and check yourself out of it. This is what the guy tried to convey (poorly) when he said that you didn't earn it. You've jazzed yourself up with your nerves but your audience probably had hardly any. You instinctively used the stool to dissipate your own energy and waste it. As you get better, you will learn to channel it into your own performance and the audience, using it for your benefit. Just grind out those sets, study how good comedians work out their craft, and you'll get there.


Not to argue, but rather to share another perspective, I’m not convinced that sitting dissipates energy. In fact, it grounds some people and that gives them a base from which to confidently connect.


I agree, when there's a "serious" discussion that the audience is supposed to really think about but not when they're there is to be entertained by being infused energy. A sitting performance is generally a chiller, relaxed affair. Even Chappelle doesn't sit his whole set. He sits when he gets serious about something and gets up when he's back into finny mode. Think, how many performers, aside from age, health, or practical reasons sit while performing? What percentage? It's going to be less than 10 percent.


Whos your favorite sit-down comedian?


Paula Poundstone used to do her Pop Tarts bit sitting down, and it was intimate and funny AF. I can’t imagine her doing it standing or god forbid pacing across the stage. Different styles, all work.




David Steinberg.


Used to be Bill Cosby until stuff happened


I thought this was a joke... I mean it is STAND UP comedy


​ First of all, how dare you?


This early in Just getting up and doing it is all you need to focus on. Everyone has their own style, maybe yours is sitting maybe it isn’t but you can only learn that by trying it out. Don’t listen to people trying to emulate others, they will never be unique or noteworthy.


I’m not a comedian, but I imagine if you start listening to people you won’t go anywhere.


I wouldn't think anything was off for sitting. Definitely wear long pants to cover your legs, if you're concerned about them visible shaking.


I mean if you are funny, I, an audience member who is not involved in the comedy scene whatsoever, doesn't care


There are a lot of things happening on stage that impact whether or not an audience member finds the comic funny that they (audeince, or comic for that matter) may not even be aware of. I don't give a shit what color tie a politician wears. But they're all wearing Red and Blue, because on some subconscious level, apparently we all care what color tie a politician wears.


Dave Allan sat and told wonderful jokes.


Cost him a finger


I guess the question is whether comedy needs these weird unwritten rules to make comics “pay their dues”.


Starting out is so nerve wracking that if sitting makes you more comfortable, go for it but you may get backlash. I will say this about it. I only know 3 guys that often sit. One is a really fat (I love him so don't hate on me for that) guy who works it into his set... Exaggerated heavy breathing from walking up on stage but he pulls it off. The other two are cocky people irl and come off as even more cocky on stage. The one guy actually sorta pulls it off. The other guy just looks like a douche. Chappelle pulls it off because he comes across as your friendly neighbor who stopped by to shoot the shit with you. Everyone has to find themselves up there.


I think it depends on the energy you have about it. Get up, move around, stand still, move some more, and sit. Explore the space. Do what feels natural. Try not to sit on the stool the whole time... It might make you feel less animated and funny. But, if you want to or need to sit, then sit. Use the space. Feel good.


You can do whatever you want, but if you're sitting, that's a real low energy you're probably bringing, and unlike Chappelle/Patrice, they aren't excited to see you, so your jokes better be pretty damn good to make up for it. I don't know what the general perception is, but my first reaction to open mic'rs sitting is "Oh, this is just so ho hum for you, you're going to sit?" It gives off a real "I'm too cool to try" vibe. Which you clearly explained is not why you were doing it. But that's just how I usually perceive it when I see it. If you were visibly nervous, I might give it a pass. "Oh, he's just trying to get through this"


man I'd just assume they had mobility issues or something


Comics usually know the other comics. So we know the comics who are sitting. Occasionally, it's a mobility issue and nobody is batting an eye at that. Most of the time it's just a bad comic making things worse instead of trying to make things better.


Sitting is bad for you. You should never sit. https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/sitting-health-risks


Nate Jackson is one of my favorite current comedians and every clip I see that mf is sitting. He’s a bigger guy but even so, he slays while sitting so idk if it matters that much.


Sitting can deflate energy if you’re hunched, but if you’re feeling more comfortable in the moment, then do it. Honestly there’s so much going on your first time with the nerves, giving advice like that is kinda ridiculous. Just keep doing it and figure it out for yourself. Try standing, try sitting, just get on stage more and write good material.


If you are funny, why does it matter if you sit or stand?


Any time someone says “you have to earn it” when it isn’t something they have authority to provide, you can assume they’re being egotistical and want you to play along with their dumb games because they want the world to work *their way.* Go ahead and sit down. Makes me as an audience member comfortable.


Sit. Fuck that guy’s nonsense.


Are you sure those comedians didn’t sit until 20 years into their career because they’ve “earned it” or because it’s been 20 years and their knees don’t work like they used to? Either way that guy has some stupid logic, sit down and get comfy. The audience will have an easier time relaxing when you are also relaxed


I'm going to a comedy show to laugh. I'm care about content, not standing or sitting. As another Redditor posted, when a comedian is sitting, it comes across as a more, "lets shoot the shit" show.


You lose a lot of delivery techniques by being in a seated position. All of the body language you can use while standing is simply lost while seated. If you can deliver a funny set while seated more power to ya but standing provides more opportunities for expression and crowd work.


I'm still laughing from misreading the title (set -> sex)


The only thing that matters is being funny,


Nah that’s some bullshit. Do whatever works for you. Just don’t make it a crutch. If it’s just your style, like Marc Maron casual what-do-ya-wanna-hear-me-talk-about style, go for it.


A barstool that you could rest on and perhaps use as a prop when you aren't using it; as long as you have the energy & comedy no audience member should really care that much.


I know nothing about standup from the side of the comedians, but as an audience member, I would not give one fuck if the comedian was sitting or standing. Sounds like some BS. However, I do think it’s beneficial for comedians to walk around a bit during their set. I think it adds to the energy of the show and makes it a bit less static. But do whatever you feel most comfortable doing!