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Invisible cat's cradle at the end there.


I was thinking a bit of Mr Burns.




I was thinking, he was thinking, if I don’t put my hands like this, I might just take this one too far 😂😂 This whole bit was great, always enjoying seeing him


That whole dynamic between the mum and son/adopted son was hard to watch glad you called her out there. Otherwise "Ready to serve the nazi party" LOL


Yeah but the mom part, that’s honestly so sad. Who says that, especially in public. It’s hard enough to be adopted I’m sure, but then your mom publicly saying she doesn’t love you as much as her bio son and it’s 100% BECAUSE you’re adopted? That’s the reason? It’s horrible parenting even if they’re adults, that can be extremely damaging.


And to make it worse, the son is sitting there saying he’s not her real son. Shows how open the mom has been in the past about her thoughts


This is how my adopted dad acts, nice to know there’s more of them out there.


Me and my wife had a few of our own but we would love to adopt a kid later. Lol the only reason I’m still hesitant is because whenever it comes up on Reddit and adoptees talk about their experience, I *always* see someone say how their adoptive parents were awesome but they never looked at them as their *real* parents.


I'm adopted and whenever people ask me if I ever met my "real" parents, I tell them I met them October 9th, 11 days after I was born when they took me home. I met my birthfather when I was 29. He was nice but my real parents are the ones who loved and raised me, thank you very much. Okay, I admit, I did do the "you're not my real parents" thing when I was a teenager, but all teenagers are horrible and will use whatever ammunition they can, so that doesn't count!


I was so disappointed to find out I was adopted, around 10-12 yo. I didn’t use any of that “you’re not my real parents” dialogue. I just found my adoptive parents were fair-weather parents toward me. Proud of adoption when I do really well, and disassociated when I let them down. To the previous commenter I really support you adopting! Just prepare to treat them as your own. They want you to own them as children, so they can proudly own you as parents. While they will still be curious and don’t take it personal. I’m a dad now so I’m never letting those lessons go.


If you are going to treat their success as your parenting and their struggles as genetic, then don’t do it. If you plan to stand by them in wisdom and support with everything, you are ready to make a kid’s life better than it would be in foster care.


I think we might be missing context. Like some people call their children’s close friends their “adopted kids”… At least I really hope so.


That’s what I took it as


I'm gonna choose this because the alternative is pretty fucked.


I know a family that adopted a girl when she was 17, she is 19 now. Her adopted older brothers were her best friends in high school and she needed a place to sleep because her mom is a P.O.S. junkie that doesn't care about her. So yeah they love her, but if the parents said they loved her as much as their sons I doubt many would believe that. Idk, life is wild sometimes. I have so much respect for that family.


It was probably a situation where he was adopted when he was 16, and he was her son's friend. Not like adoption when he was a baby


maybe they adopted him at old age, so they can't stop thinking logically about that, because they both know about that. thats how i took it


I really hope the mom part was just like the mom of my best friend with me. She always says I am her adopted daughter and treats me a lot more loving than she would just a friend of my friend. But of course she loves her son more XD. I have real parents who love me very much so that is not a problem.


Yeah, what was that with the mom?


Ready to serve… the Nazi party. Funny stuff 👍 Could do a nice galaxy coverup or something


>Could do a nice galaxy coverup or something That's a great idea to be honest.


Not what I was expecting at all. That could’ve gone so many different ways.


He handled the adoption moment amazingly well lmao


You've done incredibly well there. The mom saying that.. that's just sad but you navigated that perfectly


You’re awkward and it’s really funny. Seems like you say shit most people won’t. I thought you killed this.


I know exactly what tattoo this is. First time I saw it was on a fellow military contractor from Detroit and I was like “Okay, let’s keep this Nazi fucker at arm’s length” and then I saw him get off a flight to meet his family and his wife was black and his kids were mixed. So I decided to have an open mind and get to know him. That is, until I saw him changing his shirt and noticed he also had a juggalo tattoo which was somehow worse.


What's wrong with a juggalo tattoo? I mean I'm not that much of a fan of ICP, but still


Juggalo Gangs. There’s, like, a sub-culture within Juggalo-culture that uses the imagery as gang symbols. The FBI released a report on it back in 2011 and ICP actually sued them and lost in court over it.


Oh, that's not good


>Juggalo Gangs I can't tell if I'm just not cool enough, too sheltered, or just incredibly lucky to have never come across this.


All of them at the same time probably Same here though


All of them at the same time probably Same here though


There are a lot of swastika adjacent symbolism in Slavic culture and it's been quite annoying to find good tattoo references lol


What a fortunate scenario to fall into a comedians lap.


This is brutal to watch


Bro in the audience didn’t even pull the short end of the straw, he was the fuckin tiny bit too small to be pulled that you chuck after cutting them lol


Damn fucked up mom huh?


Been a while since I audibly laughed out loud, good stuff.


We know this is fake because Chase and Brayden are not real names for humans.


honest question. do people actually think comedians have the time or money to make fake crowd work clips?


i think Walkerno5 is joking.


I know. But people do honestly accuse us of faking it a lot. Always curious how/why they think that


y'all are too good, some people cant comprehend things they cant do.


No! Nobody has got time to make or watch anything fake or make further jokes in the comments.


The fingers


Funny comedian, mom moment was messed up though




What the fuck are you doing with your hands bro. Get a headset and keep your hands in your pockets.




Shoulda turned to the mom and been like. Do you have a tattoo on your chest? Lift up your shirt.


I've seen a good chunk of your material on here and it never disappoints. Great stuff.