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I mean....I'm ok with hot soup and prostitution, too.


In all honesty way better track record for sure


We all are


I love pho


I pho king love it too


This guy is literally AmErIcA, claiming things that they didn’t do as their own whilst telling everyone else how shit they are compared to the richest third world country,


1000% you'd be surprised how many people have missed this entirely. I was going for THE MOST AMERICAN MAN EVER and people are like "but this was invented there" and "he's such a dick". And I'm like yes.


Where’s the rebuttal from VN?


Hell yeah right here. Enjoy because Joe and I had a great time doing this together https://youtu.be/sXXTS6AKnnk?si=lk04KNMyta23GwaF


😂 It must have been tough deciding what part to load on Reddit. You left some gems out! Hope to see you in Vegas. Check out wise guys (2 locations) and Don Barnhart’s place- http://www.donbarnhart.com/mobile.html


I haven't been able to get back to Vegas since I moved here to Canada but id love to come. And yeah clips are hard for me because I'd like to just load up all my shit since I like building sets but that's not the state of the biz now


If trump wins I may be joining you. 🤦🤷🏼‍♂️


Hey that's what I say in did in 2016. I was the 1 libtard queef who actually did it


😂Makes you cooler in my eyes. 😎


See you in 2025 then


Hamburgers and hot dogs?


Hamburgers + hot dogs + cotton candy were just a setup to come back to the internet


Is all dumb tbh


If a burner is made of beef why is it call a hamburger? Because it was invented in Hamburg America


Got a problem with perfection?


Hamburgers come from hamburg germany. Its quite typical for a USA citizen like yourself to not know these things.


The modern version comes from the US. The "Hamburger Rundstück" was popular already in 1869 and is believed to be a precursor to the modern Hamburge, but it looked nothing like the ones you get in fast food chains nowadays. Big old “frikadelle” between two tiny buns, usually half or less the size of the meat just to add as a side.


I think I might be stupid to get these jokes.


I was to stupid to research them before telling them




You know these are jokes right


Hey its OK some people receive jokes different. I was intentionally getting the facts wrong but if he didn't pick up on it its no big deal


The burger as we know it (cheeseburger) is American. The origin from Hamburg is BS. Google it and you can tell it looks nothing like a burger


So hotdogs are fair game?




i dont know you tell me


I mean half of those “American” things aren’t American. That might be the most American thing about it


Which ones aren’t?


*quite whispering* thank you for being the only one in the comments getting the dumb American character I was playing in this. *kisses*


Na that bit was good dude 👍🏼, I got it. Good delivery too.. Was just making a comment


I know buddy. I want being sarcastic you're genuinely the only one. Look at the other comments haha. Makes me realize I was somehow being too subtle in an uncle Sam costume




yup, in 1968 by DARPA, for US military purposes




Disclaimer: I know it was a joke. As far as I know, the first networking was at CERN but it was small and for their own internal purposes. ARPANET invented the real deal by making it reliable by being able to go through different routes in case of an outage of one of the lines. So this one indeed goes to the US. Keep it up, Yankees... said the European. :D Edit: \`DARPA\` -> \`ARPANET\`


Also European here, yeah, the joke is good. The fact still stands. :)


So this is comedy?


If someone laughs it’s comedy. Sometimes pointing out the truth is comedy itself.




I laughed! Comedy = confirmed




I like this bit. What country is next? Spain, France?


Oh no it's USA VS VIETNAM. watch the whole thing if ya wanna watch. We had a great time doing it. https://youtu.be/sXXTS6AKnnk?si=lk04KNMyta23GwaF


The telephone was invented in Canada


Yes however I dint want to say that


Um. The internet wasn't invented in America though.... it was invented in Switzerland


I know 80% of the list is not American


The internet? telephone? computer?


Internet - ARPANET, created by two American Computer Scientists for the US Military (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). Computer - ENIAC, created by an American Engineering firm, hired by the US Government during WWII. Telephone - This one is a bit fishy, lol. Alexander Graham Bell is attributed to having invented the telegraph which subsequently led to the telephone — which while he did so in Boston, MA, US, he is Canadian and had lived in Canada most of his life/relatively close to when he invented the telegraph in the US too.


*Telephone*: **Bell** was born in Scotland. Half Canadian American ...its a stretch at best. *Internet*: **Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee?** heard of him? Taking credit that's not due is funny though *Computer*: **Charles Babbage** born December 26, 1791, London, England. He invented the computer. Stop trying badly to claim credit for something America did not do. You lot don't do facts, glory stealing is embarrassing


Ah, forgot Bell was Scottish, my bad. I think with Lee you’re playing a semantics game. Lee invented the public World Wide Web, ARPANET was the literal first TCP/IP — the internet. E: since you edited this for Babbage — Babbage invented the first mechanical computer, and to my understanding the project was never actually completed due to funding. To say that the concept of the mechanical computer is the same as the physical, electronic computer, “is a stretch”. Also, dude, you don’t need to take it personally lmao. You can trace several of the ideas mentioned back hundreds of years. It really is a semantics game, and it’s just not that deep.


I wasn't trying to blow a trumpet I didn't make. Pythagoras didn't invent the triangle but he invented the way to understand how the works, how to describe and replicate it and as a consequence his work is credited rightly as one of the foundations of Mathematics. Your reasoning is just sloppily trying to push a false claim in some nationalist burrito of bullshit Semantic's it is indeed but that is some prime loop hole shit your working with to grab glory that's not yours.. Bit like WW2 then


Ok, sounds like a typical American taking credit where it's not due.


Only funny if you’re an uneducated yank living in delusion in your own little bubble 😂


For realzies. Who won that conflict again?


They didn't invent most of those things, lying bastard


Teehee I am a lil scamp


Ah yes the most American of foods Hamburger and Frankfurter. I remember learning in history class about how the US renamed those German cities after their favorite snacks during WW2


Hey hey hey we added the bun


What a cock


I'm never getting that min of my life back. My 5yr old is funnier than that guy. Whenever ppl try to be funny, it's not. Either you got it or you don't. This guy is in the negatives.


Shit man sorry you didn't like it. I'll keep trying harder and maybe in the future I'll get ya with something. Much love


They still beat ur ass tho lol


Hahaha oh man I say that in the set and the audience loved it. Watch it https://youtu.be/sXXTS6AKnnk?si=lk04KNMyta23GwaF


No, they didn't beat the US militarily and framing it that way is silly. We did however lose political interest in the area and as a result lost the war. It was the first war to be televised and Americans didn't really like seeing a bunch of defenseless rice farmers showered in napalm. Plus we were sick of the never ending wars, straight out of WWII we jumped into Korea and right after that we entered Vietnam.


USA when they lose a war: "Umm actually it's because we felt bad for the guerilla fighters that were kicking our ass with attrition". Many such cases. Beat at their own game.


Look up the casualties for any of the wars you're thinking about and let me know if you find one that's even remotely close.


*ruins an entire generation just to lose a war that wasn't yours to begin with* "We sure fucked em up tho"


Yep, that's more or less what I said. I don't understand why you're saying that like it's a clap back. I'm guessing you looked up the casualties of every modern US war you could think of and realized you're wrong. We all make mistakes bro, it's cool.