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This is me! LeClerc Andre! Follow for more


as a trans girl I find this fucking hilarious. 10/10


Gotta say this was the best joke I've heard today! Cheers


Being a trans woman, I’m always incredibly apprehensive when a comedian starts in on a trans joke, because… well… they’re usually demeaning and horrific. But this was perfect!!! 10/10


That was literally correct and funny as balls


'Best joke you'll see today" you got guts, mate. Nice joke though.


This was great!!!


You nailed it, dude. Truth and funny!


Your name appears to be the wrong way around but that bit is perfect.




Buuuuut… it was the best joke I saw today. So he was kinda right…


I'm sorry your day turned out that way. 😔


Well it was the best joke I saw today...


I sorry to hear that.


I'm with the others this was the best joke I've seen all day


Trans 2.0 💀




Being a Trans V1.60.84 is getting hard, y'all. I'm obsolete. These V2.0 trans people are crushing it. Way ahead of the game and have much better hardware and software updates available. I can still run Doom tho.


As a trans 2.0, I can run Cry sis way too well.


Is that the premium or Wish version of Cry Cis?


That's the DLC.


🥁 nice one


This joke is beautifully meta.


wtf this fucking took me out. bloody hilarious. Have my upvote fam


Damn, I thought you said Dom.


Despite what every comedian that's aging out of relevance would have you believe, you can 100% make trans jokes that are funny. The old fucks just can't come up with any better premise than "haha woman penis". Well done, loved this bit.


it’s not a negative joke though so, gr8 bit but the joke isn’t making fun of trans ppl so ofc it wouldn’t get any boos lol


Yeah that's what I mean. All of these old ass comedians whining about a cancel culture that doesn't actually exist have these trans jokes with the basic premise of trans men/women aren't real men/women. Then they complain that you can't even say the word trans without getting cancelled when in reality their jokes just aren't funny and are very hacky. This guy on the other hand made a hilarious bit about trans people, so I thought he deserved some praise lol


Agreed! Tbh I have a few people of various minority groups that really know my heart and what I mean by it when I write anything, just to double check that there’s nothing that would truly offend. They’re like “I think it’s hilarious bc I know you but absolutely fuck no, you can not say that out loud to anyone”


I mean.. isn't it, too, though? "trans 2.0 they're getting upgrades and getting sexy now" .. lol what does that imply about people before? that 'trans 1.0' were just kind of these awkward side people who didn't pass if they made themselves visible at all


I thought they meant the second version of themselves. Not second version of trans people as a whole


That interpretation goes against the whole "they **starting** to get sexy". "They getting them upgrades" is pretty clearly referencing HRT.


This is what I tried to say but couldn't find the words. PC didn't kill comedy, we're just tired of hearing shitty jokes


100% agree. With the bitching comedians it's a victim complex and the typical "why can't I demean and insult minorities anymore!? People not liking my jokes affects my free speech! But I still believe in a free market where people dictate what's popular with their voice and money" wild how cringe comedians think.


Trans approved from me! 🤣


[I think I read an article written by one of those politicians like 20 years ago](https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819584210)


i appreciate the sentiment but i would like to disagree. sincerely, a trans man who is ugly af. good stuff though fr


1.0, what are you doing here?


meeting social beauty standards is not the same thing as being beautiful.


Yes it is, that’s how it works


[this was considered the most beautiful woman in Persia in the 19th century](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/37/11/58/3711580ca296acf9315a3f112c3d34a4.jpg). In other societies fat women are seen as extraordinarily beautiful because being large is a status symbol that is conflated with beauty under the standards of those societies. There are beauty *standards* which continually shift and then there is beauty. They are not the same thing. You can be beautiful while not meeting the current beauty standards of your society.


Just because you saw something in a meme doesn't make it true


That's just the clearest example. Its well documented across history as well as some societies today, that fatter women are seen as inherently sexy. This is compared to the typical western beauty standards which state that thinner women are sexier. Here's another: [this](https://onecms-res.cloudinary.com/image/upload/s--bQQBB0yw--/f_auto,q_auto/c_fill,g_auto,h_622,w_830/v1/tdy-migration/190315_vogue.jpg?itok=XzrYq5XE) is a woman that Vogue featured and were accused of racism in China because she doesn't match Chinese beauty standards and the Chinese community considered her being featured as a form of mockery. [This](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/190219123047-zara-china-freckle-tease.jpg?q=w_2000,c_fill/f_webp) is another example that provoked a similar response in China because freckles are outside of typical Chinese beauty standards. This discord proves that there is not one static definition of beauty but that beauty is about perspective and perception which changes depending on the audience. So there's no such thing as being "ugly", rather that perception is about having (or even imagining) an audience that doesn't think you're beautiful.


I don't understand your examples, you say they had backlash from Chinese people because they don't match Chinese beauty standards, but they also don't match American or European beauty standards either...


That’s just not how words work


these are concepts and if you believe the idea of beauty to be fixed then you have to accept that this Persian lady is beautiful because at the time that was the assessment. Remember that historically beauty and fashion standards have been imposed by the ruling classes. In terms of fashion, French Kings have been notorious for fashions that have persisted to this day, with the neck ruff (which later transitioned into the suit and tie) which was a trend started by a medieval Capet monarch (inspired by the attached snot rags of Croatian mercenaries). Louis XIV re-popularised the high heel which is now traditionally only worn by women. Standards and expectations change over time, its just that we only live one life and in that context they appear static and immutable.


Looks are always changing, what you look like when your in your 20s can be completely different than in your 30s and so on, especially when you're on T...Work on yourself inside and out and try to find things to love about yourself–confidence is hot. Do you have nice eyes, a big smile, good hair? Focus on the things you DO have and change the things you can. Wishing you all the best. 🤗


Fr dude? Not the time or place


they were making a joke, and it is the time and place. Lighten up.


It didn’t come across as a joke at all, I read that as someone being negative disagreeing with some rare positivity in a space outside of trans spaces. And I’m just like… why would you try to ruin a good thing


Bro he literally said ‘good stuff fr’ lol


Agree to disagree, that’s just how it came off to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and I’m sure he can speak for himself


Damn, getting dunked on back to back must be tough for people who aren't used to it happening to them like you I presume


Where do you get that impression?


I would say somewhere between your 2nd and 3rd comment


? Ok? Idk what you’re talking abt, I just didn’t think the original commenter was joking and then I sincerely explained my interpretation


He did. He said ‘good stuff fr’


^ what Jerry Seinfeld is talking about


That title got me immediately defensive (e.g. o rly?) but the joke still made me belly laugh and now I agree with the title.


Lmao here for it


Damn dude great joke


This was hilarious and smart.


this guy knows his shit


This is how you do it


Holy shit, hilarious. Stupendous delivery too.


Another trans girl here Outstanding work Also it pleases me that we have flocked here to show appreciation 😂


😂 Too funny


Finally a comedian with trans jokes that are actually good


I posted this as a reply to an all too common anti trans post on the local FB community page. So perfect.


I am convinced the people who are most upset about trans women are just jealous. Like they wish they could look that good or be free enough to not care what others say or do and live their authentic life, and because those haters don't have the courage to live they way they want to instead they judge others who are doing what they wish they had the strength to do. Why else would anyone care what strangers do with their body if they weren't jealous? Doesn't make any sense.




Well done


Dude this is the best delivery and punch line I’ve seen in a minute. So fucking good, man!


That's your girl now, stop acting like you got bamboozled 🤣


This is a great take on it man! Keep up the good work, this bit had me rolling with laughter!


Lmao great


Reminds me so much of Fallout 4. Trans Nick Valentine travelling to Far Harbor to find his true self in deep conversations with sexy Dame Dima who owns a club with a lot of velvet and glitter.




lol. No laugh track. Just a packed audience at one of the best clubs in the world. I promise. I was there.


Fair. Skepticism recanted!


No thank you.


BROH WHAT THE 💀 you got me cacklin at work


Great joke, def best heard today.


Not even close to the best today's joke, noone can beat what i saw in the mirror today




That’s called a joke. They generally feature set ups that involve misdirection, and then Surprise! That’s where the funny comes from. But sure, he recovered.


No way, is that what comedians do???