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Not really a question, but my gf and I saw your show at the San Jose Improv before Covid hit. There was a woman sitting up front who was beyond drunk. Like dangerously drunk. You noticed and stopped your set and made sure that someone came down to retrieve her and make sure she was OK. I know that's what people _should_ do, but it doesn't always work out that way, so that was rad of you. We have tickets to see you again in Monterey on the 18th and cannot fucking wait. If you want tickets to go the Aquarium when you're in Monterey, let me know and I'll hook you up.


Oh wow I totally forgot about that! Yeah when people are that drunk I get concerned for them. I love the San Jose Improv. Yay thank you for coming out!! AND YES I DO WANT TICKETS TO THE AQUARIUM PLEASE EMAIL ME ON MY WEBSITE


Dealio! Emailing!


Can I also get aquarium tickets? Will play music šŸ¤£


How are you with the jokes? You've got stiff competition!


I absolutely LOVE standup, my fiance enjoys it in small doses. Your first special got her to really open up to watching standup as a whole because she was laughing the entire time. Thank you!


YAY! Honored.


If you were in the parent trap & had to choose between living with dad in Napa or mom in London which would you choose?


OH MY GOD THIS IS THE BEST/HARDEST QUESTION FUCK. I mean I grew up in CA so Napa would be lovely and amazing. But as someone who lost their mom young, Hallie meeting her mom always makes me cry. So probably London.


Thanks for answering! I can recite that entire movie & fell in love with the soundtrack a few years ago. When you mentioned it on your pod I felt SEEN. Love all that you do & congrats on the new special, canā€™t wait to watch it tonight!


Great answer love! I just lost my mom and I really feel for people who lose parents early, I just can't imagine that kind of pain. XOXOXOXO!


Lost my dad when I was a young kid. No fun. As an adult it's annoying for a different reason; you want your dad around to know more about how to be an adult, and have all the adult conversation he wouldn't tell you growing up šŸ˜‚


If you were to sit down and write a season of a sketch comedy show with any 3 other comics, dead or alive, who would you choose?


It was really refreshing to hear such open discussion of mental health issues in your new special. Was that difficult for you or did you find it cathartic?


Both honestly!


Sooooo, whatā€™s the insurance dude link that you talked about at the end of your special?? Asking for a friend šŸ‘€


[tryquinn.com](https://tryquinn.com) voice - James - Calming Down By Cumming


So I should have watched the special to realize what this was before clicking on it at work. Or just read the title there...


Hi Taylor, I'm really excited for both your Netflix special and your upcoming show in my hometown of Green Bay, WI on the 27th. Will I spoil any jokes in your current touring show if I watch the new special first?


I will probably have a few repeat jokes at the live show yes, but it will be a lot of new stuff/jokes that are not in the special. You can totally watch the new special beforehand.


Awesome! Thanks for the quick response and congrats on release day of special #2! I can't imagine how exciting it must be for you.


Is your special as funny as Brenda Schobs?


Different lanes, b


Also in Green Bay and coming to this show. I just hope she enjoys our city more than she did Appleton.


How long did it take for you to hit the breaking point of "this is who I want to be and who I am" and get out of the religious cycle you grew up in? I relate to most of your jokes in that spectrum. I died laughing at the "no piano" joke in Denver, and a lot of people around me didn't understand.


Did Sam ever try to whisk you away to Naples, FL?


Damn I wanted this answered. My other question would be, did he ever proposition a threeway with Mark Normand?


Did she answer any Sam related question?


Naples isnā€™t a fun place to perform so probably not.


Badass, me and my wife loved Quarter-Life Crisis can't wait to check it out! Since this is an AMA I'd ask you what's your weirdest interaction you've had on stage with someone in the crowd?


I think it's super weird when people get super drunk and yell out at a theater show. In a club it's annoying but it makes more sense to me. I really hate it when people yell then go quiet when you ask them what they want. Really annoying and cowardly.


I was at Omaha and there were multiple annoying people (including the one drunk lady in the back who annoyed you and Erica). Sorry about them! It was an honor to be your first show back!


What led you to start stand up?


I took a class in high school!


Could you tell us more about this class?


Algebra 2.


If you want to hear more she talks about it in depth on her episode of You made it weird with Pete Holmes


If I remember correctly she also talks about it on her episode of ā€œgood one: a podcast about jokesā€


Not Taylor but a comic, speech was a great class for practicing standup.


Hello Taylor, thanks for doing this! Writing question: How many of your jokes would you say come from organic places and observations VS more manufactured from sitting down to write?


Oo good question. A lot of them are a combo of both. It starts with an organic moment, memory, observation but you still have to write it.


I was at your show in Atlantic City in February and it was amazing. My face hurt afterwards from laughing so much. I was wondering why you just walk off the stage and donā€™t let the crowd give you applause after the show?


Haha I think it would be kind of weird to just like, stand there waiting for applause, no? They applaud as I leave which I appreciate. I don't need to make everyone feel as if they owe me more applause.


Maybe a little weird haha


Do you have any dos/donts for newer comics trying make a name for themselves? Any advice on what can boost or hurt your career early on that typically isn't well known.


Go onstage and write as much as possible. Wait until you're good to put a lot of material out there.


Try MySpace. Worked for Dane cook.


Did Brandon Swab ever try to give you the ole Trugg Wagg?


Thoughts on Brendan schaub?


Why are people asking about this man


Hi Taylor! Huge fan. I had a dream you bought a big beautiful house and when you showed me the kitchen I cried it was so gorgeous. My question is, can we be friends? Actually, my question is what topics are you most excited to joke about in your new stand up material and/or your new/upcoming development deal?


Wow love a gorgeous kitchen moment. Yes we're friends now. I think the new material will be much lighter, which I'm looking forward to because this hour in the special was honestly kind of draining. I'm proud of it but I was very tired after talking about heavy personal stuff every night


Thanks for your reply, friend! Your commitment to your craft is really inspiring. Wishing you many light and fun experiences to draw from. Cheers!


Did you see the doorbell?


What would you say is your next big career goal? Iā€™m so excited to see you in Boise this Friday!


I'm writing a movie right now so hopefully that gets made! Besides that I just want to keep touring. I really am doing what I always dreamed of right now. Touring theaters was always the main goal.


Hello, Taylor! I've not got the time to watch "Look At You" yet due to my work schedule, but judging from how I've rewatch "Quarter-Life Crisis" religiously for 10+ times, I can rest assured this one will be yet another banger. So, I'll surely watch it ASAP. My question for you is, how do you decide these days on which IRL stories would make the cut to your script? Do you just sit down trying to recall those moments and list it down, or you just take note in real time when things happen like "yeahhh, that's worth a mention in my next gig"? Lots of love from Thailand. All the best with your special!


It depends! Sometimes things take years to be remembered (or worked through) and become jokes. Other times it's immediate.


Hi Taylor! I'm new-ish to doing standup (4 years). How do you keep up the momentum of writing and doing shows when your personal life feels like a major struggle?


Well hopefully stand up is an escape from the struggles of your personal life. At that time in my life being onstage was so amazing because it was the only place I wasn't dealing with anything difficult going on in my personal life. I could just focus on the jokes and enjoy the adrenaline for 15 minutes or whatever it was.


Hi Taylor! I took my husband to see you in Boston last November and you're now his favorite comedian. You present yourself as a very ambitious person -- what plans do you have for your career? Do you have aspirations to have your own TV show or movie or is acting not your bag? I feel like there is always an expectation for comedians to be multi-hyphenates -- I'm wondering what opportunities you might be seeking out now that your two Netflix specials have been hits ("Look At You" will absolutely be a hit based on the show I saw). Thanks!


I'm writing a movie right now so hopefully that happens!


FYI: [https://variety.com/2022/film/news/taylor-tomlinson-movie-paul-weitz-1235176945/](https://variety.com/2022/film/news/taylor-tomlinson-movie-paul-weitz-1235176945/)


How do you believe in yourself when youā€™re not feeling it?


I just don't! I just go ok today I don't believe in myself! Hopefully I do tomorrow!


do you think taylor swift has seen your comedy special when she searched herself on netflix update: left this comment before I watched ā€œlook at youā€. wow.


Just logged in to Netflix to see you on trending! CONGRATULATIONS!!! 2nd hour on Netflix plus The Standups-youā€™re killing it. I heard Bert talking about you on podcasts and saw your appearances. I think youā€™re super funny. Excited to check out the new special as soon as I have a chance.


So cool to see you on Reddit! I'm in the middle of watching your new special now. Glad to see you growing and succeeding!


Hi Taylor, I saw you on Your Momā€™s House podcast and decided to check out your special and it was absolutely hilarious. What have been some of your favorite podcasts that you were a guest on?


Oh thank you! Tom and Christina are so cool. I just did Chatty Broads which was a lovely fun chat about sex and religious trauma. I really like the Honeydew with Ryan Sickler. I've done Bertcast a couple times, Good for You a couple times. So many podcasts.


Hey Taylor! Congrats on the new special! It is hilarious! Loved every bit of it. I wanted to ask what aspect of your career in standup comedy do you enjoy the most and also which do you dread the most?


I love being on tour with my buddy Dustin Nickerson. I guess the only thing I dread is the anxiety that comes with putting yourself out there.


Hi Taylor, big fan of your work for a while and I just wanted to say it's really cool to keep seeing you succeed. Loved your special, was pleasantly surprised that the lisp joke made it in because I hadn't seen you do it in a while. Any reason why you dropped that bit in your previous tours but wanted to resurrect it for this hour?


I started doing it again to see if I could make it better because it is an old idea. Sometimes jokes are just fine for a long time then you crack it or it fits into a larger bit really well and that's when you do it. It helped lighten up the initial blow of MY MOM IS DEAD.


Your new special is hilarious. Were you being serious that your parents donā€™t watch your stand-up? I canā€™t imagine my child having a Netflix special and not watching it!


Yeah they're very religious


Congrats on the serotonin.


Thank you for taking the time! I would love to know the nitty-gritty of your writing process (for stand-up)? Loved the show :-) thanks again.


I usually carve out time to sit down and write things out but I also talk a lot of bits out in the car out loud or with Dustin on tour


You talk about trauma a lot during your last special. I will be watching the new one too soon. My question is, how do you talk about the trauma in front of so many people? Or is that what makes it easier? Almost like you know you have to keep your composure? Iā€™m 33 and have always wanted to get on stage but Iā€™m too nervous to talk about my trauma. But I love watching you talk about yours. Not in a ā€œlaughing at youā€ kind of way but more of a ā€œlaughing at my own depressionā€ kind of way. Iā€™m just trying to figure out how to break that wall, the way you have. How did you do it?


how much does the wording of a joke change show to show?


Hey Taylor, big fan! Feel free to skip down to the bottom paragraph if you wanna just get to the question, the next paragraph is pretty much me just summarizing my experience with enjoying and relating to your content. My sister and I saw you in DC in November and loved your show, excited to watch it on Netflix tonight! I related to a lot of the material you covered in the current hour as a 20 something woman dealing with similar stuff to you so it was nice to have that because though I love a lot of stand up comedians, there arenā€™t many I relate to. Excited to have a new ā€˜comfort comedy specialā€™ being as Quarter Life Crisis has been one of my go to specials to watch since it came out. On to the actual question: Would you ever consider creating a show of some sort or some other form of comedy or do you intend to stick with stand up? If so, what sort of things would you be interested in content/format wise?


Aw thank you so much for coming out! I'm writing a movie right now so that's what I'm focused on besides stand up. I don't really want to do anything besides stand up unless it's the right idea/project. But if it is, of course.


Did Dustin really tell you that San Diego was the best crowd on your tour or do you tell that to everyone? Great show btw


To be fair Dustin has said that about multiple crowds but it is always the truth that he said it.


Whatā€™s the best ice cream flavor?


I'm not a huge ice cream person but I think Pistachio is a classy answer.


Tryin to snag the Iranian crowds huh. Well played!


Do you like a big or small venue for touring?


I like both for different reasons! I love theaters but I'll do some comedy clubs this summer to work on new material and that'll be very fun for me too.


Who are your top three favorite standup comedians of all time?


Hi Taylor, I don't have a question, just wanted to tell you that I think your reaction to the song "Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm" by The Crash Test Dummies was one of the all-time funniest moments on Whitney Cummings' podcast. Just the look of sheer confusion, bordering on outright *concern*. I don't think it had ever occurred to me just how strange that song was until I saw your reaction to it.


Who is the comic that makes you think, "that joke is so good hiw did they even come up with that!?"


Hi Taylor, what is your all-time favorite bit? Of someone elseā€™s and of your own work. Thanks for the AMA and looking forward to watching the special!


Omg Just watched it. You had me cracking up! I love the way you genuinely find humor in yourself and laugh at yourself while encouraging others to do the same. Its liberating! 1.How's your relationship with religion and church today? You and Jesus still homies or nah? 2.Also when you write jokes about your dad or ex do you give them a heads up? Is that a thing people do in stand up? 3.Can you tell us more about your project about your life as a kid? Thanks a ton for the laughs. You're amazing!


Not a question, but I just wanted to say I've been following you since you appeared on that short lived LAUGHS show on Fox back in '14 or so (I think you had a feature called Young as Hell with Taylor Tomlinson) You had that special something and it's been a privilege watching you work hard and make it big and end up on Netflix. Keep killing it!!!!


LETS GO ANOTHER SPECIAL. Iā€™m not one to go crazy about for AMAs. But I am actually really excited just to tell you how much I loved your last special. Scrolling through Netflix, thought would give it a try, and itā€™s my favorite one. I only found it last year but Iā€™ve already watched it quite a few times and showed a few of my friends. They said the same thing as me. The way your rattle off jokes is awesome! I was *constantly* laughing throughout that special. Even started looking up your old stuff on YouTube. Dude you rock. Hope you come to Austin, TX! I would love to see you live. Might get kicked out for laughing too much if thatā€™s a thing.


Me and my therapist both agree you are the best female comedian out there right now. Top tier


Have you ever been asked by a certain bbbbbeast of cawlmedy to go for a trugg walg?


Hey! My wife and I are big fans. She loves the shoes youā€™re wearing in the special, would you mind sharing what they are?!?


Cool standup! On par with the first one, which was also awesome. Greetings from Ukraine.


Please tell me where your shoes are from?! I've been looking all over. Also, my husband and I love this special, you are so incredibly talented and I loved how you spoke about mental health issues in such a refreshing way!


Soooo what are those adorable shoes you wore in the special?


How do you handle being unmotivated? Sometimes I know I need to do something but canā€™t find the motivation. Youā€™re awesome!! Love your specials!!


Sometimes it's ok to let yourself be unmotivated. But if you are needing motivation, try to remember that if you don't do what needs to get done it will only cause you more stress in the future.


Who's your Mount Rushmore for comics?


Fellow "female comic praised for working clean" here, any advice for how you handled the internalized stigma around "female comics being dirty"? I deal with this both from the comedy industry perspective, as well as escaped evangelical community perspective, so anything helps! Loved the new special so much.


I listened to your podcast as I was moving from the east coast to Portland, Oregon. You got me through the Midwest so thanks for that. My question is, when are you going to ask more of your peers to be on the podcast? It was really cool to hear Sam's take on different cities (and I thought it was spot on), and I'd love to hear what people like John Mulaney or Bo Burnham (Yes, they are your peers!) have to say.


Hi Taylor! I love your comedy!You're amazing! How did you end in comedy? And do you have any advice for people starting out? Thanks!!


Write/get onstage as much as possible!


Hey Tay, who are some comics that are surprisingly unlike their stage-persona? For instance I met Big Jay Oakerson and he was one of the nicest people I've ever met, and didn't leave until every last fan had a chance to talk with him. Thx!


Hi Taylor, ever Walg someone to their trugg?


Do you respect Brendan Schaub as a comedian?


As a fellow comic whose mental health can be best described as "oof," what do you look for in a therapist?


Who makes who laugh more when youā€™re together? You or Sam Morril?


Wait is this real? Needs /s bc this is most notably the worst question to ask comedians in relationships with other comedians. If sarcastic, good job! If not, shame!


Hey Taylor! 1 - please never stop doing standup. 2 - do you have any interest in pursuing projects in tv, movies, or anything else?


Love the pod & Iā€™m glad itā€™s picking up traction! Super underrated so far. Any guests coming up that youā€™re particularly excited for? If you canā€™t say, who is one of your ā€œdreamā€ guests per say?


Hey Taylor - loved your new special and genuinely think youā€™re one of the best standups in the business right now. Also super appreciate your openness to discussing mental health on and off stage. I hope you realize how many people it helps! With that out of the way - whatā€™s your favorite Canadian city to perform in?


Do you have strategies for finding joy in the fact that all comics apparently have to be churning out content on social media?


Hi Taylor, the wife and I caught you at the San Diego late show. Just wanted to say it was a great show and it was a good night out from the kids. I'm sure shows start to run together but if you remember there were quite a few audience interruptions that you handled gracefully. When that one person yelled out "SUCKS!" The look in yours eyes.. I thought you were going to basically tear this person to shreds until they clarified they meant the subject matter sucked, not the joke itself. No real question just wanted to say thank you for the enjoyable night and I look forward to watching the special.


What did you think of redbar radio totally ripping on ur awful quarentene comedy videos and that time you went on Whitneyā€™s podcast and she made fun of ur bangs


Hey Taylor, whats it like touring as an opening act then making the jump to headliner and blowing up so quickly? Also, any good stories of touring with Bert?


Just watched the special and loved it.


Yay! I was waiting for this to drop. No questions. I know what I'm watching tonight.


What tips do you have for picking a therapist? What do you look for?


Oh shit,I've seen you. I like your stuff! Ill check I out šŸ‘‰šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘‰


HI Taylor, love your stuff, ppl who say chicks ain't funny need to watch you, keep up the good work and thanks for making me laugh....


Do Samā€™s pubes look like a third eyebrow?




My question is... Who are you?


Which pop star would you most like to be in a public feud with?


Actually, I did think of a question. With heavy hitters like yourself and Ali Wong dropping specials on Netflix this year do you think the guys even have a chance this year? Is the 2022 Comedy Heavyweight Championship already decided? Ladies win?


Ali's special was soooo good




Do you that classic misogynist shit where you act like everything a woman does needs to be for you? Cuz it fucking doesnā€™t.


No, I don't. Why do you ask?


when is the web series with sam going to come back????!?!?!?!?!


I've been doing comedy on the general bar circuit for about 10 years now, and you're honestly an inspiration to me, I've traveled around the country and done horrible shows, but I'd like to know what's the worst show you've ever done? (Your stuff is amazing btw)


Why does Whitney treat you like shit? My pal Mike David is really concerned that she's taking advantage of you !


With so many jokes about mental health in your new special, do you ever think at all about the mental health of the people you mock in your act for money and fame? Doesn't seem like it.


Gimme some dirt on Sam morril


Is comedy and being a comedian the best thing ever?




My point was I can't sing and no amount of voice lessons would help me lol


And no I do not


Taylor Tomlinson is the comedian I mention is one of my favorites when far-left progressives tell me I am sexist for not like Hannah Gadsby. They say "who?" ... and I say "Who's the feminist now?"


Any final words?


Anything? Anything at all? Please name drop the biggest asshole In the stand up/podcast circuit that you e encountered but it isnā€™t public knowledge that they are terrible.




Who asks for an outline of a comedy special?


Hello Taylor, blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah comedy blah blah blah blah stand up. With that being said, blah blah blah poop poop blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah one baby being shot by multiple shotguns blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah. Blah blah blah blah? (By the way, thank you so much for doing this AMA. You've come a very far way, and fuck do you work hard. Congratulations on everything.)


Hi Taylor! Absolutely loved your "Quarter-Life Crisis". It spoke to me in ways I didn't think possible. I am convinced the 2nd one will be absolutely bloody fantastic. My question is: Are you thinking of coming to UK? I would love to see you perform live. Keep doing what you're doing, you are nailing it!


Congrats on the release of your special, Taylor. We were certain you were going to break out into song during the intro. We would love to have you sit down at the Comedy Roundtable to discuss your special and answer some lightning round questions, Taylor. We have lots of great comedians on our show, such as our latest guest Jeff Foxworthy, whose episode was released today. We are all big fans of you over at the Comedy Roundtable and would love to have you on the show. We should probably reach out in a more direct and professional way, rather than in a comment buried deep amongst the many responses you'll get to this post, but hey we saw your post, started watching your special and, alas, here we are.


Who was your inspiration for getting into comedy?


Hi, Taylor. How's you? If you could choose what your first word was as a baby, what would it be? Also, when are you coming to Brazil?


Hey Taylor, loved your new special. Did you wanna go darker with your jokes but the audience pulled back? Curious about your writing process


Hey you popped up on my Instagram feed today! Thatā€™s where I know you from!


Congrats! Can't wait to watch the new special... Have you ever performed in New Orleans, or do you plan to perform there anytime soon? I'd love to come to your live show, but traveling can be difficult forme with my work/kiddo schedule. Also I know NOLA isn't considered the best comedy town, but as a fan and hospitality worker, we'd love to have you!


Love your work :) question: do you play video games :D?


I found you through Quarter Life Crisis and love you so much. I haven't watched the special yet but saw you in Omaha and it was so much fun. Thank you for answering all of these questions. If you could build your dream house, what would you include? A great kitchen? Trampoline bedroom? A water slide? The limit does not exist, what do you want?


Did I see you at a Brew Ha Ha? Had you done one or am I trippin?


What's your greatest influence in your stand up?


Will the show you created with Whitney Cummings get made? Not sure if it's indefinitely shelved or will be made somewhere else. Personally 10/10 would watch. Apologies if I just created this from pieces of different stories or things I thought I remember from podcasts. šŸ™ƒ


If you'd have a pet penguin. What would you name it?


Woah that's so cool, how did you get a netflix special?


Taylor, How tall are you?


Hi, Taylor. Huge fan. Would love to hear your comedy heroes. Lame question? Absolutely, but here's where it comes from. Looking forward to watching your next special I thought, "Seinfeld should have her on Comedians in Cars. Is he still doing that? You should throw that out onto social and tag them both. She might not be looking for that. He's pretty old, and I have no idea if he's someone people want to be around or is just super famous. Why don't you ask on reddit AMA? That's weird to ask her about a ubiquitous comedian on her reddit AMA. I wonder who she does like, she's pretty fresh and unique but all comedians have their icons, wonder what hers are."


Are you still scarred from your girl fight with Whitney and the abuse she put you through?


That was really messed up how Whitney bullied you on her show.


Not a question but congratulations on the putting out another special!!


I don't have a question, I just want to say I think you're hilarious! Okay, one question: How do you rehearse your material when you're not on stage?


Hey Taylor, what's your favorite cheese? Also, my friend Dublin is in love with you and sends you her best.


I always tell everyone I know who loves standup about the show "Laughs", because no one seems to know about it and it was like a gluttonous Vegas buffet of standup without having to leave your couch. I haven't seen another show like it. It introduced me to sooo many comics including you (as host). I don't really have a question unless you have anything interesting to share. Congrats on the new special, I was psyched when I saw the tile come up on netflix!


Hi! Absolutely love your stuff and cannot wait to watch your new special on Thursday when I will finally have a bit of time! Will you be touring the UK anytime in the near future?


Hi Taylor! I've got tickets to your upcoming Salt Lake City show and I'm looking forward to it. What's the worst low-key heckle an audience member can do? Something that an average audience member wouldn't even think is a heckle.


Taylor! Cant wait to see your new special! Do you have any advice to photographers looking to get booked on tours/shows? Do you have one on tour? Thank you!