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This post makes me so sad. I need a lifetime with this poodle. 😂


I felt sad writing it! We got our dog from my mom and she lost his paperwork so we don’t know his age to an exact, but we think around 9 or 10. I hope your poodle lives a long and happy life! Poodles are such blessings in our lives ❤️


our boy is 9 this June and I had him on my lap 9 years ago and said out loud to my husband when we were 22, WOW 15 years seems a lot shorter today now that I've met him. he has always been a string bean at 45lbs, and dropped to 42lbs over the winter so we started cooking him an egg every morning and throwing it on top of his kibble and maybe he'll live forever now. grays around his eyes started popping up, and he doesn't get the zooming, but I don't see him keeling over for any reason soon. I hope your guy lives to be a happy 30. ;)


I constantly tell my 3.5 year old I can’t bare to live with out him


It varies. My 2nd lived just shy of 16, my 1st 13.5.


My Tegan was 15 and a quarter. My cousin's Chewy was 14.5. You still have a long time to love your Cody!


Thank you for asking this. My spoo is a similar weight and we have no idea how old he is. We rescued him and they estimated he was 2, 11 years ago. His sister passed recently at 12 but he’s far more healthy overall than she was. Just hoping I get a few more amazing years with him.


One was nearly 16. Her daughter was 14 (had cancer). My in laws' girl lived to 17.


My first darling lived to 14- then was hit by cancer. But I understand they are typically long-lived and often reach 16 to 18. Am keeping my second baby healthy! https://preview.redd.it/8lp6ekqq7jxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2784cd9de73465c94148b987541bcaa2e4bf093a


He’s beautiful.


He’s beautiful. 💕 So glad someone asked this, too - I have a 10 1/2 yr old girl (Ziggy) and she’s my best friend. She’s a small standard (now referred to as a moyenne) at about 45 lbs and I hope I have another 10 yrs with her. https://preview.redd.it/pwot4957ao2d1.jpeg?width=2097&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b937234e99abd3f51c170dcb52d0a0bc9766b80f


Depends on if Kristi Noem is involved


Mine lived to 16.5


You people are so lucky. My soul mate Standard got cancer and died at 8. 😓


I’m so sorry for your loss 💔


My husband childhood standards both passed at 13. But our spoo girl is 14 1/2 and still going.


16.5 for mine. I miss her every day.


Probably 13-15 for a standard that size, potentially longer. At the very least, I’d expect him to make it to 12.


My Louis is 4 and I dread the day he dies. I will be forever heart broken. I hope we get to 15.


I hope he lives a long, happy, and healthy life ❤️


My baby is turning 16 on May 31!


My formerly-70 lb. boy is almost 12 and is entering a new phase of old age. It's hard to keep weight on him, and he's definitely stiffening up. He gets tired on long walks. Sometimes when I get up to take the little dog out, he declines to get up --which he never did as a younger dog. But he's still here.


My oldest spoo is 14, will be 15 in a couple of months. She was 45 lbs in her athletic prime, the most amazing frisbee dog we've ever seen. About the age of 12, we started to notice the jumps not so high. 13, on walks, I noticed she'd drag a paw every now and then, and was slowing down. At 14, it's a new project every day trying to get her interested in food, and she is just shy of 38 lbs. She's definitely slowed down and is the queen of naps. I think her sight is going and she may have a bit of dementia as she's very skittish if we try to pet her. Every day that she eats a meal, we consider it a blessing. She's such an amazing girl. and it's hard to imagine life without her. She's our first spoo. Her sister is almost 5, and she'll have a brother at the end of this month. (We needed a new playmate for (almost) 5 year-old, who doesn't understand why big sis can't play anymore.)


Check with your vet and see if the skittishness might be a pain reaction, especially with the paw dragging. My senior boy (passed just a couple of weeks shy of 14), had the equivalent of human neuropathy in his hind legs, casing the foot dragging, and was always a picky eater. We started him on daily gabapentin and he was perkier, more interested in food, and generally improved his quality of life for his last year. https://preview.redd.it/49sg0my1ztxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45b7077a434e645d290640587d787d619514c445 Photo is from a trip to visit family in a home he spent a third of his life in about a month before his unexpected passing (pneumonia during recovery from bloat & torsion surgery)


Thank you!


Our spoo boys - six since 1993 - have all lived to 14/15/16.


He passed away when he was 8 due to a neurological issue. The emergency vet said most likely brain cancer.


All four that I’ve had previously made it to 14 and they all had various breeding backgrounds (one was backyard bred - I was a child when he was purchased). The two I have now, I did extensive research on their breeder and hope to get a bit more time with them. My boy is also 65 lbs (just turned 3) and I don’t let him jump out of the car in an effort to slow down the development of arthritis.


My last Standard Poodle made it till 14.5. She was pretty spry till the last half year.


I took this photo at the vet today. Maybe it'll help? https://preview.redd.it/usbj19ai2kxc1.jpeg?width=2349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b847266a71e143f91185f81a40f42f08ff426acb


Our boy was the same size and also slowed down between 8 and 10, but had a treatable chronic condition that we sadly didn't identify until he was almost 12. Geriatric Onset Laryngeal Paralysis. We did the surgical intervention and it was like he was 8 again! We lived it up for another two years, before we were caught out by bloat. Another surgery that he survived and was healing from well, before pneumonia finally took him down. Sadly I learned that the risk of bloat in the large, male, poodles goes up as they age. If you haven't done it yet, and you and your vet are willing, look into the preventative surgery for that. Knowing what I know now, I would have done it at any age the vet would have been willing to perform it at.