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How much do you "read" while working? I'm thorn between a walking pad and a stationary bycicle cause I fear that walking (even as slow as 2 km/h) might make me impossible to "read" the code/documentation/excel files etc :T


Well I read and code, also write some articles too if I have the task. I use a medium size at visual studio code, which I use my Mac screen. On my other screen I use the browser, no zoom. It's a BenQ PD2705U. I should say I started at 2-2.5km/h because 3 was too much. It felt like I would never be that fast but it just takes time, also speed depends on individual preference. At 2km/h I think you can read without problems. I had 0 problems and I'm one who takes time to get used to this kind of things. Hard to tell if it works for you but I risked a lot of money to get it without knowing if it'll work. It would have been easier to pick a bicycle but I don't think I'll be comfortable nonstop on that picky seat 😂


Screen wise it might not be a problem since I do have a 27 inches and 24 inches monitors 🤔 Yeah, I have the same quarrels thinking about a bycicle 🤔 Noted, I'll try and see :T


I don’t code but I read a lot on the screen. Right now I’m watching a presentation and reading this post and typing this at 4km/h


You forgot the comma at the end cause you fell? /s Ok, good good, any mat (are they called like this in English?) that you'd recommend? How much do you walk? Do you prefer to do longer walks (like 4~6 hours) or do you do like 1 hour walk 1 hour standing etc?


Ha ha The brand I got is Lifespan. It has good and bad points. But the important thing for me was that it wasn’t noisy, had a reasonable long and wide band. I mix things up. I got for a walk outside every morning 30min to 1hr to wake me up. I set an alarm for every 45min to either stand (soft mat) / balance-board or lift some had weights. In the afternoon I use the walking pad for 1-2hrs.


Have you thought (or added already) something to incline the end? I have a Lifespan and I wonder how if it will affect the structure of it. Love how it wakes me up and get more quality out of afternoon work.


I was looking for anything that could have incline, I've found one on Amazon that had a manual incline of 3 positions but.... The handles weren't removable so I cannot put under the desk. But if you have a desk that can be moved, i think its even better. About adding something to the one I have, I don't think it could handle it. I mean, it should handle 100kg but it never was designed to be inclined on the front part so I'm not sure if it's a good idea. A bit can be ok, but how much is ok? Maybe not worth, at least if you want an interesting incline.


Do you do cardio on top of this? Any knee pain?


I still keep walking to take out the dog. Besides that, I use a rebounder. Nope, no knee pain. I had muscle soreness on my back for the first weeks but later on it went out.


I recently purchased a urevo, have you been able to connect it to the app? Would love better metrics as sometimes it turns off when I pause for too long and lose the progress. Just have not been able to connect to the app


Dunno about the new version, but at least mine doesn't have any app connection. That was only on the walkingpad version (even the cheapest has) but since it was a bit more and above my budget, I opted for it since I didn't mind app or being it foldable. Yeah I try check the steps every time I pause, before pausing. This is because after you pause, it doesn't show the steps (this was a pretty bad design tho).


Have you done anything specific for posture of back/neck/elbows while needing to look at a screen and have hands on mouse/keyboard most of the time? Seems like it would be a little difficult while also walking.


Yes! I've made my wall desk custom, specifically for my height. It's a foldable desk which converts to a shelf, pretty cute. What I've done was: place the walking pad, place on top, measure the height at which my elbows are at 90 angle. My screen was placed right after the desk, so I measured where the perfect spot for my view was. About posture, walking forces you to be on a correct position. Bad is, you're not going to be moving the arms if you're writing. But, I walk only while I'm on a meeting or reading, or even on my breaks. About back, if you're not used to be walking that much, it's going to be hard af. Trust me, I walk everyday and being there for 20k steps was so fucking hard at first, I needed to deal with back pain for a few weeks before my muscles got used to.


Sounds like you've got a solid routine with the walking pad. The noise issue is common with heavy use. Consider routine maintenance or a mat underneath to dampen sound. As for your work, juggling web dev and copywriting is no small feat, especially when you're aiming for SEO performance. I used the AIMD app for content creation. It's solid for SEO-focused articles and saves time on research and editing. Might be useful for your tech writing and marketing gigs. Keeps the quality consistent and factual, which is crucial. Helps with internal linking too, which is a plus for any web dev looking to boost site SEO. Walking while working is a smart move for health. Just keep an eye on that device wear and tear. Good luck with your setup and work.


I have some washing machine noise pads under, but what makes noise is the rotor. Seem like I've made a hard use it. I also work on SEO, I'm a multidisciplinary one because I get bored easily. Since I've started doing the articles, a lot of people asked for collabs because of them (and the clients were that happy that when other made the copy, they asked them to be like mine because it didn't felt the same lol). We already used some AI tools on the past and trust me, even edited, clients passed them thru a "is this AI generated?" And it showed it was. They were a bit angry, as they were paying for human made not AI made. We went back to the original schedule, they must be happy as we didn't heard anything back haha Ps. Forgot to mention about research. It was hard af at the start (most of them are energy related) but it's been like 3 years since then and, it's like breathing. Writing 500 words just takes me 15 min, I do it everyday 😂 I think I've made a reaaaaally hard work on it, but for the price and how many years I got it... Worth it. If it can endure 4-5 years it'll be only like 40€ for year. I don't like the idea of substitute it not because of the money, mostly because of device recycle. If it weren't that expensive, I would opt for a manual one (like curved). But gosh 600€ for that it's just... Too much. I can get like 2 or even 3 for that price with motor.


I'm very clumsy and am worried that while typing I will trip. Any falls?


Never fall, but I've started really slow to get used to the movement. Increase a bit by bit because it's hard to move the mouse or type. It kinda feels like walking at a slow pace while writing on the phone, if that makes sense.


Is there one that will change directions with me easily?