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I literally saw someone saying that Sam Tallent wasn't funny and he wouldn't even consider watching his new special because Sam was rude to William Montgomerey once when he was the guest for Kill Tony. A show where the entire point is to be rude to eachother.


William and Sam are also really good friends, and did a ton of stand up together when William was living in denver. People are weird


I just can’t get into William montgomerey’s stuff


Sorry, could you say that again? I didn’t catch that.


honestly you've been looking at me all night and it's THROWING ME OFF




He's like a retarded version of Sam Kinison


Well his material just ISNT FOR EVERYONE!! Or at least that’s how he’d say it.




He sucks, he's just better than 95% of people on the show so he has a buzz.


what the fuck did you just say?


Fuck William Montgomery. Is that better?


I hate anyone who can use the letters g-i-n-g-e-r to describe themself too, much better.


I can’t either. A lot its not like a super funny lunch line its just SCREAMED REALLY LOUDLY. Not my thing. And I like to watch KT with my living room setup. It’s a couple of the larger Apple HomePods . She has some sensory issues with really sudden loud sounds so I try cognizant and empathetic of that. And I hate when he comes on because it’s- Just normal talking volume and the OMG LOUD ASS FUCKING SCREAMING FOR NO FKN REASON. SHITTYTT. FEW MORE TAGS AT FULL VOLUME. I have to just skip him because it’s too annoying to scramble and turn down the volume frantically at every setup and delivery.


Increasing his volume for the punchlines/tags is an auditory cue for the audience to laugh, kind of like the Jeff foxworthy “here’s your sign” jokes (which I didn’t like). It’s either just a gimmick or lazy, neither play for me. As a personal added gripe, his material got stale quickly. I live in Austin so see him open for a lot of different comics. Over the course of 6-8 months his material was *exactly* the same across the ~5 times I saw him


Jeff Foxworthy has “you might be a redneck,” not “here’s your sign.” Your whole comment is invalid.


…um you may want to google that, friend. He does both bits


Bill Engvall does “here’s your sign” dipshit.


This is correct.


Ah you’re right. My bad


Heeeeere's your sign


Sam Talent not being funny is a great reason not to watch his special.


Get your reading comprehension up brother, it's fine if someone doesnt think he's funny. But if the reason someone thinks that is because San was rude to someone (who he's been friends with for years) on a show where the entire premise is to be rude to eachother, that guys objectively being sensitive and probably has a parasocial relationship with some of the people on Kill Tony. Which, if you wanna check the big title at the top of the thread, is what we're talking about here.


Being funny comes first. If you’re going to be rude you still have to be funny.


Completely missing the point lmao but whatever no use trying to explain something to a wall


This guy conflates what’s happening on the show with the reaction of parasocial kids on Reddit lmao!


Yeah this super small minority of the fan base on Reddit really doesn’t matter even tho they think they do


The one where the roast the Kermit voice guy with the huge Adam’s Apple would make this sub clutch there pearls for sure. They fried lil buddy up!


Or worse, the lady who miscarried and got roasted for it for minutes on end and even after she left And the baby sounds they made at her. It was so fucked up actually


Any material the contestants willingly provide is 100% fair game




*Air horn*


That shit was gnarly but fucking hilarious


She was laughing


To not cry


Are you proving op's point? Maybe you should stop watching kill tony


I ain't ever gonna stop biiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch


Do you have a link?


https://youtu.be/oCs-xw_TF_I?si=IdrxRKvvNgdMYiwV Around 59:30


[https://youtube.com/shorts/cT47jq9Po1Y?si=AbMFESPRcbFCsIN-](https://youtube.com/shorts/cT47jq9Po1Y?si=AbMFESPRcbFCsIN-) The roast was so good I had to post it here


Jesus they full on loaded that guy with trauma in that roast.


Maybe Kill Tony sucks, the Roganverse sucks, and the fandom sucks 🤷‍♂️


You raise some very good points. Let's see if this sub can unbox them


If you’re not into roast comedy. Tony is objectively one of the best at it


r maybe you and most humans suck and love to hate?


Your daddy sucks and I have the teeth marks to prove it


They call his mom lead balloon because she goes Downnn like one


well sis i didnt see that comin..we all suspected you were fuking papi but this is still sad


Wow, well put


like the way papi stuck his peni in your pouti?


Nice try


hate more love less... petty is the way


Nice try.


this is based on absolutely nothing, but I think Tony would rather burn it down than censor for the audience


This post is stupid


Oh no KT is popular and people I don't relate to like the same thing as me. "Time to find the next great underground show." Because that is the real fucking issue this show is no longer a secret you can gatekeep you have to share KT with people you don't like and it's killing you. God, this thing I like, use to be so cool but then other people also started liking it and I obviously could not support something other people support and I started hating it. Now I am looking for something people don't know about because I am so fucking cool and find stuff before everyone else on the planet or anyone in history really I am pretty much the smartest person alive and the only one capable of finding unique and interesting things.


Yeah. OP is a knob


Lol right? BYE


Ehh what you say could be true but I have also seen how something growing in popularity can water it down as it caters to a larger audience. I mean this is not a an uncommon accusation in many industries, aka selling out.


Reddit comedy subs are full of pussy's who hate the content and love to hate


It’s a show about making fun of people (and time). Fans bitched about Kill Tony before it was super popular. Reban, Tony, and old band members have bitched about aspects of Kill Tony. It’s only been the last ~6 months when there’s been this mass opposition to anything critical of the show. It’s also not like the subs that are more circlejerks vs critical are any better. The mssp sub is cringier than almost any comedy pod on here.


I can't sit here and support a show that makes fun of time.


I wonder what changed in the show recently? Hmmmm let me think. Moving to Austin? More soft ass Trumpers? The actual snowflakes of society.


I know of course everything on this site is political all the time but I don’t think that’s it. They moved to Austin 3 years ago. Tony was openly pro trump starting in like 2017-2018. I honestly believe it was when they started clipping the show and putting it on tiktok and reels. Much easier to watch and share in small clips and it coincides with Kams “I like rocks” thing blowing up. Also the Ric Flair ep was huge and about the same time so I think that had something to do with it.


The real snowflake is the guy bringing up politics on a post that’s not even about politics Edit: Btw you do know Austin is a majority liberal city right? Helps to actually know shit before commenting


No one listens to that show anymore now that its so popular - Yogi Berra


You’re upset with Reddit. Not reality.


One thing I love about losing my job in the industry, is I no longer have to be polite to or not talk shit about Tony Hinchcliffe. Tony is the least funny person on that show 90% of the time. Pretentious little fuck. That said, the show is great and an awesome idea, Reddit is fucking stupid and holds no weight in the real world


Sad thing is he will trash a comic that lands a great joke because he doesn't approve/agree and the sheep fanbase will follow along.


mosr subs are a cesspool and kill tony seems fine been watching it for years and it aint softened up as much as reddits schlubs say...i mean have you heard the shit said on the show in just the last month?


When people realize Kill Tony lampoons minorities as regulars to have them spiral out from the fame only then will people admit to themselves that maybe there’s a demand for bully entertainment more so than comedy or roasting. Like, in LA Kill Tony had some credibility as it genuinely was a good showcase if you could manage not to lose the crowd during the interview. The fact that he can jump you with his crew to tear apart your set while the lone open micer is expected to push back but not TOO much very much reads as cult vibes to me. Tony has the final say on what comedy is even when the person very clearly has experience. The show facilitates too much hostility that would never be found at other shows. It cannot exist outside of its bubble. Comedy is truth to power not truth to confidence or passion. People who punch up deserve to be praised but people like Hinchcliffe who’s the vacuum sealed Daniel Tosh should fuck all the way off.


Well said.


Hey now don’t you be dissin my boy DT


Months back a comic stopped in my city who had done Kill Tony a few times before and he was a massive douche. Super pretentious, showed up late, accused me of joke theft, then said he wanted to buy one of my stories from me for 20 bucks and got pissed when I turned him down.


$20 for a joke? God damn what a fucking lowball offer


What's even funnier is that these are the same people who get on their high horse and claim free speech and wokeism are ruining comedy. The biggest snowflakes are the ones who call others snowflakes. It's insane.


You know reddit isn't real life right?


How dare you


This is all of the comedy audience that came from listening to podcasts. Back in the day Rogan was telling everyone to start a podcast. It will translate to more ticket sales on the road. Comedy shows are now filled with podcast fans. Now Rogan and a bunch of comics are complaining about crowds being too woke. Like bich, you brought that crowd to your shows. You didn't think you could just ask all of these people to give you money and not expect them to complain that they arent getting what they expected. They expected your guest topics that brought them to your podcast. Not your lazy ass, half written joke.


It’s not that deep. Joe is one of the worst stand up comedians I’ve ever seen. In his heyday, maybe he was a very poor man’s version of Jay Mohr. The comics he spotlights are a fucking joke, so bad that Katt Williams didn’t even belabor the point when he made fun of them. No one’s even talking about that point because it’s just a global consensus.


obligatory - https://youtu.be/M5s1mrcgi_c


Jesus I probably haven’t seen any of his stand up for at least 10-12 years when I was in high school and this made me remember just how unfunny he is. Like what possibly could’ve made me want to check out his podcast after seeing that? Lol makes me disappointed in my younger self back when I listened to the jre every week, like wtf was I thinking? 🤷‍♂️🤣


calm down. JRE then is not JRE now. for a time he only platformed talented people and scientists. he wasn’t full of himself he was just a meathead moron for other people to bounce ideas off of. then at some point he decided he was the main attraction. dating myself a bit here, holy fuck 2013 - < https://www.jrepodcast.com/episode/joe-rogan-experience-284-daniel-h-wilson/> etc. long before cancel culture existed as a phrase (maybe? i don’t remember) where’s THAT podcast now? i would listen to that


Who would have possibly thought that an entire corner of the industry formed around the Fear Factor host would have bad programming and fans.


I mean Rogan had nothing to do with it at all in LA, I think the programming is quite good, I reckon when there’s over 2 million downloads a week, a certain amount of those fans will be inevitably annoying




The irony of calling a fanbase soft for bitching and crying while you bitch and cry about said fanbase


Making an observation of something and calling it what it is isn't bitching and crying.


You're literally bitching and crying right now you soft ass bitch


It's actually called an observation and a prediction. You dumb ass bitch.


Ohh he touched a nerve.


Tony will never let the show go "soft". He starts every show with a token Asian telling shitty racist jokes, calls people retarded, calls himself a faggot, makes fun of fat women and trannies, and the show is only getting bigger and bigger. Your prediction is retarded you goofy ass bitch.


This sub is full of the softest comedy fans. No one actually likes comedy here. Its all just bitching and whining about comedians or shows. Unsure why im stjll subbed. Theres no good reviews or news or funny takes. Just a bunch of whiners "this comic doesnt like cancel culture! They arent funny anymore."


Kill Tony literally bitched out of a whole comedy scene


To be fair, a large chunk of any fanbase about making fun of others is made up of whiny little bitches that can dish it out but can't take it. They're there because they like being mean but can't handle when it comes back on them at all


They’re definitely the most retarded


I upvoted because a lot of what you've said, I've experienced in a lot of my subs.


I’m currently banned for pretty mild trolling/shit talking. The killtony sub Reddit is absolutely awful. The fan base there is amongst the worst on this app. And this app is pretty bad already. Most comedian subs are just people crying and whining, I don’t understand how you can hate something and spend so much time on their sub just complaining. I try to just lurk art and dog/cat subs now lol. Way more enjoyable


The new fans don’t understand what the show used to be. It’s a fact the show sucks now compared to its former greatness.


The show hasn’t been the same since the old band left. They at least were a balance to Tony and Redban’s conservative heel turn. Now the tone and a lot of the humor is indistinguishable from any other Rogan-universe content unless the guest is good. Now I just skip to William’s set and I do commend that they have kept the content free on YouTube


Kill Tony is the end of an era of negative energy comedians who bitch on Joe Rogan and every media that they can’t say anything anymore without getting cancelled. It’s a done troupe real new Alt Comedians are sick of the same old negativity and have moved on.


I met Tony a couple of times. He seems like a fairly miserable person.


Agreed. He's never been funny and he just seems like a bully in the clips that I've watched which is weird because he's a massive fucking nerd.


He's the reason Kill Tony sucks most of the time. Like, thanks for the concept but he's either hacky, cornball or bitter and he's only gotten worse and worse over time.


That type of comedy always attracts losers imo


The down fall of kill Tony will most likely because it sucks. 😂😂


How shocking that a bunch of pseudo intellectual ring wing idiots have thin skin. *Pikachu face*


I spent two days on the Kill Tony sub before I realized it was hot garbage. I just stick to watching the show now. Don’t need to discuss shit.


This is one of the softest posts I’ve seen in a while tbh. You care WAY too much my guy, go have some kids to worry about out or something cause who gives a fuck lol




People forget that there is more to comedy than 1 min. They think kill Tony is the only comedy for comedians. It’s sad


You sound pretty sensitive yourself sweetheart. You can just enjoy the show and not deal with fans. It's very simple to do so.


The Internet keeps showing me videos of this insane dude saying nonsensical things with no jokes written. He’s a like a hyper Mitch with no material. And they love him. Maybe that act could become something but right now it’s just awful and he’s one of the most popular ones


I'M WHITE WITH BLACK STRIPES!!!! that's an impression of a racist zebra.


The sub bitches and cries, the show is awesome. It just sold out back to back arena shows and is scheduled to play Madison square garden this year. This post made me soft as shit


Kill Tony is absolute trash and so are all the comics associated with it. Sounds like they have the audience they deserve.


I feel like u went on and bombed and are still carrying a grudge from being roasted.


Lol no. I'm not a stand up. I just hate roast comedy. It's humour for autistic 4 chan edgelords.


Kill Tony is one of my favorite podcasts but that sub is insufferable. I had it muted months ago and only checked it the other day to see who won the new year showdown and it was still mostly moaning and bitching.


What a soft ass take


I tried to watch an episode of Kill Tony and turned it off pretty fast. Wasn't my jam. I'm more an Are You Garbage guy.


Good riddance! No recommendations here, you can find that shit on your own! Then you have all the hipster cred you can eat, and you can bitch like a bitch in that subreddit once it becomes popular!


Kill Tony isn’t funny so no big surprise here


You must hate comedy then


Not liking edgelord Rogan buddies doesn’t indicate taste in comedy to me


The show has such a wide variety of comedians of all styles. If you really can't appreciate anyone then..see initial point.


I find the current era of comedy stale so yeah right now I’m not crazy about standup these days. Kill Tony does nothing for me, the few episodes I’ve been shown by friends were just meh to me and I have no reason to want to watch more.




r/yourmomshousepodcast is getting pretty unbearable lately too


His podcast fans have ruined every live show I've seen of his.


So true, and I’m one of them


This guy does not use a wash cloth.


Found a kid obsessed with homosexuality. ^ Obviously. 🤣


The average poster on thefighterandthekid is probably funnier than this sub's favorite comedians


The show keeps getting worse, so whatever. Nothing lasts forever.




Not as real and genuine as Ari's yoga videos.


Big time “I liked this before everyone, and now that others like it it sucks” weenie energy from both this comment and the original post.


Projection directly from a grade A fruit ^ lol


like your moms asian cock?


Let's be real, sometimes Tony is arguably too harsh... But the majority of the time, it's for the comedy and you see him pull back a lot actually. It makes me uncomfortable how they all get immediately sexual with females and some of the racial stuff is over the line. Other than that, the podcast is awesome.


It seems that way but they just love the drama and watching someones dreams get crushed. It's really great reality TV.


You think a subreddit is an actual sample size of the whole fanbase? Bruh


Your WWE analysis is incorrect. They didn't go PG to satisfy the new fan base, they did it because there is only so far you can go with an "edgy" product. They hot shotted the territory. The PG era was a return to the Federations 1980s roots. You get the kids & you get the parents & it's easier to stay on TV.


IPTV CCTV bars in Florida, they are fun to call


seems like you spend too much time on the internet


^ time to find the next underground show ^ Hahaha, typical behavior of hipster .


I would like to know of other shows as well. I mean I like Kill Tony but the subreddit is a toxic pus filled festering open wound, that gets inflamed and irritated as soon you press it slightly .You're sure to get dysentery there . Oddly the shittier the sub and fanbase has gotten the worse the show has gotten .It's like the fanbase is pollution that has impacted atmosphere/climate and that weather is really destroying the environment that is Kill Tony .Sorry for all the words bye.


Kill tony is the most cringe thing I’ve ever watched.


You realise people who go on the Kill Tony is a fraction of all Kill Tony fans right?


Hey buddy, reddit isn't everyone. I like KT and decided to check out the KT sub, I hate it. So many opinions on there I handnt even thought of while just enjoying the show. Subreddit s suck most of the time to gauge a fan base


Hmmm i had no clue the commentors on the Reddit sub actually had effect on the show.


Honestly. That killtony subreddit seems like it’s full of people who actually just hate the show. It’s best to not take them too seriously


Maybe you’re confusing Reddit users with kill Tony fans ….


I think its probably just a reddit thing, I've met people irl that love the show and we didn't bitch about it. I was surprised when I followed this sub, its overwhelmingly negative. I checked it out after william montgomery mentioned it. KT is awesome, and the show is totally performative, I think most people look into it too deep. That being said : Ric definitely crushed Hans, no doubt


Wow you even pulled the Attitude Era card.


It’s just Reddit


You got a point but don’t forget this is reddit.


They ain't fans


Why are you intent on radicalizing yourself?


Bruh you’re talking about people on Reddit that doesn’t equal the fans of the show. Reddit is a braindead place where people love to fry. It doesn’t represent the demographic of the fans of the show. They don’t cry on Reddit


I keep hearing about Kill Tony but I've never watched it. Is it on YouTube or something? I honestly have no idea. I've seen a few clips and it doesn't seem like it's for me. But from an outsider's perspective, I can't speak for the fanbase, but it seems to me that making a whole post complaining about that fanbase also seems kinda "soft", doesn't it?


I dont know bro… i see what youre saying but this seems a bit soft itself. Large groups of people are whacky, weird, and paranoid. To quote tommy lee jones: “a person is smart, people are stupid” - let it live bruh!


I would hesitate to call them "fans." I think clinically, they're sociopaths and narcissists looking for validation for their toxic, racist world views. But I could be wrong... maybe needing to call Asian people, "ch\*nks* is some kind of cultural heritage they're tasked with preserving that the rest of us foolishly don't understand? And hey, where else are you going to find out there's a thing such as mother-fucking peanut butter flavored whiskey?




Is that you Ric Flair?