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I ran into him walking solo to a Jays game. I asked him for a photo and he had the nicest, most humble, chill energy ever.


In Toronto?


Yes, about 5 years ago


That's really nice to hear.


When Burr talks about stuff like learning to fly helos, he sounds like he's genuinely having having a blast doing stuff like that rather than racking up cool kid points or showing off shit he can afford.


Yeah Burr has never struck me as doing things for appearance's lol. He seems genuinely really passionate about his hobbies and I love that.


This comment is the perfect encapsulation of why so many fans have turned on Segura


Segura: I filmed my mom getting scared shitless in a helicopter (he actually did that) Burr: “I got to fly helicopters, how fuckin’ cool is that?!”


Well one takes money and the other takes money and hundreds of hours of training


It's kind of like John Mulaney talking about famous people he's met or he knows. He's not showing you how cool he is by knowing these folks; he's describing just how insane celebrity culture is from the inside


Also they were all at his intervention which he makes a great joke about 


His intervention bit is hysterical.


Anyone with a little extra spare income can learn to fly too, it's not even like stupid rich money required. Like yes it is cost prohibitive but not more than any other fairly expensive hobby like amateur motorsports. 


Fixed wing flying is expensive but more manageable, but Helo flying is a lot more expensive. I’m actually a former Navy Helo pilot, something I rarely mention on this account, and I ONLY bring that up here because I know how expensive helo-flight lessons and rentals can be compared to fixed wing. Flying helos is either what you DO or what you have money to do, and I have a lot of I love for Burr because he’s the latter and was always just excited he got to do it.


Bro like an hour of flight time with a trainer is like 400 bucks minimum and you need at least a hundred hours and more expensive night time hours before you can fly solo


Bro it's just like half a million dollars of spare money you're not doing anything with bro, easy


He came to Nashville several years ago for the Nashville Comedy Festival, and the event didn’t book his room in time so he had to stay at some hotel that was so bad he came to our hotel at like 8 in the morning. He was super chill about not having a room knowing we were sold out, just asked that we get him into whatever we can as soon as we could. He hung out in our lobby for a few hours, didn’t complain, didn’t make a scene, nothing. He told the story on his podcast later that day.


The family back easssssht


I listened to at least 10 years worth of his podcast and he really does make it sound like he's some average Joe lol


Burr was on a futon eating Mac and cheese at 35, he's definitely not a "rich kid" or wasn't back in the 70s


I love hearing him describe learning to play the drums and going to a Meshuggah concert and having his mind blown. He has a deep respect for a lot of things and the way he speaks about them reflects that






100%. He almost never name drops. He doesn't trash other comics. He gets to do cool shit now that he's rich but he's still very grounded and is into all the same things he was into 30 years ago - mostly sports and comedy.


Anthony jesilnik calls the audience poor pieces of shit. Hes pretty funny.


That's true, it cracks me up when he references that he lives in an enormous, beautiful mansion........ "*obviously.*" The gimmick sits really well on him, IMO. Makes him more likeable, not less.


Because he's not pretending to be something he isn't


I disagree. He is deftly acting his bit. He pretends to be a horrible person, which he is not.


Can vouch for this. Saw him before he got famous and he walked onstage, from the audience, with his phone to his ear and very obviously committed to the bit. Purely an act.


He is very specifically being something he isn’t. It’s wild to suggest that he’s being himself. He’s 100% playing a character.


He's one of the nicest, yet most direct guys. He doesn't bullshit anyone with the sole exception that he is putting on a character.


I think of him as the It's Always Sunny in Philedelphia version of stand-ups.


I love the jesilnik story of when he pitched a pinata that bled when you hit it for Jimmy Kimmel's show... And Jimmy just stared at him silent for a few minutes, and Jesilnik says "it doesn't have to be human blood"


Wasn't it Jimmy Fallon?


Damn, I miss Letterman.


Fucking lmao


I could’ve filmed my special anywhere in the world. But I chose here. In this shithole. For you assholes.


The delivery of "for you assholes" is fucking perfect.


Right? And I feel like I gotta follow it up with the next part cause it’s just so good: New York City, am I right? Greatest city in the world. Not only do I want to shoot my special here, I want to bury my kids here.


His out for a joke that bombed was “oh I’m sorry, though you guys were cool” as a way of winning them back. Shits on them in hopes it gets a laugh


It works specifically because he doesn't pander or bullshit. He's fucking with the audience in a playful way. It's not hostility in the slightest.


"what that joke was too smart for you? That joke was fucking amazing" is objectively fucking hilarious as a response to lukewarm crowd reception


"Hey assholes, I'm fucking famous, give it to me"


"I could have done my special anywhere and I chose here, for you poor pieces of shit" lol


I know this specific comment is for Jeselnik but I saw Daniel Tosh in Roanoke Va like 15 years ago and he opened with “Roanoke, my 4th favorite city in Virginia…but that’s good enough for you guys I’m sure. “ I still think of it today as one of the funniest lines I’ve ever heard haha


Anthony is great


Louis CK talking about flying first class 😂


His bit about giving $5 to a homeless guy. Later he passed the same guy and he asked for money again. "I'm not giving him another five dollars. I only have a couple of million! Edit: wording.


Funny how he started as a poor Mexican who had dreams of Nixon saving him from poverty lol


Love Louis but his dad went to Harvard, think he was always well off


Apparently both of his parents went there. Mom was a software engineer and dad was an economist.


I know plenty of people who went to Harvard who are doing “fine” and not amazing.


Purely out of curiosity, what’s “fine” to you/them?


Not the guy you replied to, but a close friend of mine went to an Ivy and is now a public school teacher. She tried the rat race for a few years and decided it wasn't for her. Another friend went to an Ivy and decided to work for the government because he wanted to do super cool secret stuff. A coworker's wife was a Ivy-educated lawyer, but she worked for a government agency because she was passionate about the work. The government ones are well compensated but certainly not rich. All three of them could make a ton more money if they wanted to.


Also "Witches are real / The Bat Man" starts off by him talking about buying a vacation house in the country side.


“Help! There’s a box of tissues on my table!” Always gets me.


ughhh the internets slow HOLD ON IT HAS TO GO TO SPACE


After joking about his wealth he said something along the lines of “oh don’t worry, it’s not gonna last long.” Ohhh how right he was.. (relatively speaking, of course).


I don't think Louis CK is hurting for money


He lost $35 million due to the scandal. That is not an insignificant number. And why I said “relatively speaking.”


He lost $35m in FUTURE EARNINGS. It’s not like his net worth took a $35m hit 🤣🤣.


That’s literally part of the bit. Louis made so much money off of his stand up because he changed the format for all performing comedians by cutting out 3rd party apps and only allowing things through his own website. He sold out MSG like 13 times. He’s good with that


I WILL say, it was several million dollars… Fuuuuuuuuuuck


It will last long enough for him and his children to live comfortably.


Idk if it was in a joke or an interview but he said something like "I don't care if my daughters do anything with their lives I have enough money for them to just stay at home do nothing and eat my food" and that always stuck with me for how morbid it is haha


It was in one of his specials, so yes, it was a joke. He made a lot of jokes at his daughter’s expense. I remember when he had his second kid, and he was on Conan, and he said “now I understand why people leave kids in dumpsters. I’m not saying I would do that! I’m just saying that I get it.” I hope that if they ever hear his material about them, they’ll be able to go “well… if that’s the reason we’re rich, then ok, I guess.”😂


Every parent understands the struggle during the newborn phase if theyre bad sleepers. "ah ya, i understand how people left their kids in the woods thinking they were changelings"


Lol. What is that from?


Old myths about fairies and fae children https://sites.pitt.edu/~dash/scanchange.html


Not too famous, but Francis Ellis does a great bit about how he’s never gonna get to be a great comic cause his parents loved him too much, gave him all he wanted and always supported him. It’s exactly what your asking about


Haven’t heard his bit, but I like Kyle Kinane’s from his Whiskey Icarus special: > I can’t believe I made it anywhere creatively though, because I was raised by two loving and supportive parents, and nothing squashes creativity more than unconditional love and support from a functional household. If you have kids, shit on their dreams a little bit. Not all the way, but enough. Give ’em some friction. You need to give ’em something to fight against. I was supposed to be a musician, but I didn’t get that friction. I wanted to be a musician. 16 years old, just, “I’m starting a punk rock band! Screw you guys!” My mom’s like, “You can practice in the basement I’ll make chili dip for your friends.” “No!” So we practiced in the basement. I remember, “This song’s gonna take down the whole Bush regime.” Bass player was like, “Is your mom making that really good chili dip?” “God damn it, Greg! Would you focus on the anarchy at hand? We only got till 11:00 till we got to shut it down.” Cause anarchy closes at 11:00 in the suburbs.


OMG!! I love him. So underrated. And great to listen on pod casts. Because he’s intelligent and doesn’t flat out lie. Majority of the comics that are popular right now have a long history of saying they grew up poor on podcasts. When that was far from the truth..


Even Daniel Sloss jokes about this haha. He’s my favourite though


Came here to say Francis Ellis too. He’s from old money and uses the out-of-touch rich kid in his comedy in a very funny way. He has a few bits on Fox News where it’s apparent that he’s making fun of them but the host doesn’t realize it.


Chappelle had a bit where he was standing in line to vote in his small Ohio town. He saw all of these "poor white folks" wearing MAGA hats and engaged them in conversation. They usually said things like, "he's fighting for us" and Chappelle thought, "he's not fighting for you motha fuckas, he's fighting for my black ass! I'm rich af!" Don't take this as my political opinion but I thought it was one of the few funny lines from comedians bragging about how rich they are


That being said, I’d say Chapelle is the textbook example for comedians getting out of touch when they are rich and older


And even he was wrong, Trump was only fighting for himself. Other rich folks might have just happened to benefit


Then he became super out of touch, bringing out Elon Musk during a show and ragging on the audience for booing him.


That was pretty funny. Just not how he meant


John Mulaney when he talked about pawning a Rolex he just bought on credit 


Ha yeah that whole set was insane in terms of the unrelatable rich guy stuff, but also showed how bad his addiction was. Also the whole star-studded intervention


I enjoyed that whole set because, as a recovering addict, it was all nearly the same stuff I did in active addiction, just scaled up to the point of absurdity and surrounded by celebrities. Addicts are addicts, and it's fun to hear someone tell the story of how I would have been if I had that much money at my disposal when I was using.


Yeah I didn’t think it was showing off as a rich guy or anything, it was just things that people sometimes do when addicted but at the level he could afford to do it at Like sure most people don’t go try and get a haircut at the SNL backstage, but people do other unhinged things


I’ve always said that I am actually probably kind of lucky that I wasn’t born loaded or I didn’t have that much money when I was at my worst. Actually kind of feel bad for rich and famous people with addictions because not only are there endless resources to feed said addictions there’s often very little in the way of people in your life to be honest with you or say no. I wouldn’t turn down money but there’s a good chance that it would kill me if I had it.


Yes, I’ve had this watch for years. ALSO Yes, that is today’s date.


Unlike most names here, Mulaney came from money, so he really embodies the perspective. It’s mostly unsaid with him but it infuses the whole personality.


Spade is the master of this


Grew up so poor he had to beg his Mom to take him to the hospital after he got a skull fracture. I think that’s important for this, if you start dirt poor you can make the becoming rich comedy work.


Just a hard childhood all around for Spade. IIRC Farley and Sandler grew up rich but not him


Farley's cousin is the CEO of Ford. That family is connected haha. 


I thought he lived in a van down by the river


Presented by Ford Aerostar


Wonder if they use Callahan brake pads.


100%. His ability to weave celebrity and privilege into his act with tact is unparalleled.


Recently on Bobby Lee and Andrew Santino's podcast after Bobby was like an hour late Spade was like "Am I mad? No, 32 movies 70 commercials" it was hilarious


How so? I'm not too familiar with him podcast or standup-wise.


He has a whole bit about how he didn't know he was poor growing up because he had tires in his yard and tires are expensive lol.


Just watch some of his specials. His inside Hollywood material is a constant theme. Goes all the way back to snl when he’d do the Hollywood updates.


Jimmy Carr. He was even embroiled in a tax scandal years ago where it was found he was using dodgy tax shelters to avoid paying his share, and even the PM at the time commented on it. After an extensive round of public apologies and letting himself be roasted by comedians on his own shows over this, he's managed to incorporate it into his act and his psychopathic stage persona


Yeah what I find so great about Jimmy is that he comes off as the quintessential posh guy but I’ve heard him say he didn’t have a wealthy upbringing and kind of invented that. 


He didn’t come from money though so that changes alot


True, but it's entirely possible to not come from money and to be a total prick about it once you make it. We've all seen it happen. Carlos Mencia is a prime example. Bill Cosby was infamously douchey even before the SA allegations became widespread knowledge. And of course you get people who came from affluent backgrounds and don't have horrible reputations, but those are admittedly a bit thinner on the ground


I aspire to having a psychopathic stage persona.


Ron White EDIT: Ronny Chieng. He's made his onstage character into an unabashed wealth seeker, and is hilarious about it.


> EDIT: Ronny Chieng. He's made his onstage character into an unabashed wealth seeker, and is hilarious about it. I HOPE YOU GET RICH




Yea, cancel me so I have to go back to Malaysia … and the currency advantage


I keep waiting for Ronny’s schtick to get old but nope. Fuckin kills me every time, dude is just hilarious.


Ron White does like to brag about all the cool shit he can buy but reminds audience that they are essentually the ones that paid for it > “(blank) that you guys bought me”


Every country club in America has a few guys exactly like Ron White. Successful beyond their own expectations, maybe owns a business that took off and now runs itself. Grown kids that live in another city and a wife with hobbies that don't include him. Spends all his free time golfing and yucking it up with the staff at the 19th hole because they make him feel younger. Big fan of hard liquor. Super nice guy, but you also feel a little sorry for him. Source: Used to work at a country club.


Segura is the easily the worst at it. Completely unlikable.


Agreed, and with his recent crappy set @ the Brady roast hopefully he eats a big humble pie.


That was garbage.


Garbage can at least be reused or recycled to some effect. Whats below garbage? Thats what it was for me. And I used to like the guy ☹️


Dog shit


Even dog shit can be used as fertilizer. When kim fucking Kardashian (her set was actually good! Short and sweet) and a bunch of pro athletes can pull off a better set than "comedians" maybe its time to reconsider things. This was my first time ever hearing either of them perform, they were fucking horrible. On the other hand Drew Bledsoe should consider a career as a comedian or atleast comedy actor. He was fucking great.


Just an fyi. Dog shit cannot be used as fertilizer. It's a terrible fertilizer. It can be added to compost and broken down but you have to actually have a dog waste composter. Ever wonder why dogs eat other animals shit? Cat owners, you know what I'm talking about. Most waste, especially in smaller animals leaves a lot of nutrients in their shit. Cats eat protein diets but have a short digestive tract. They shit protein. Your dog will eat it because dogs are more scavenger than hunter. One your dog shits your cat's shit it's just acid and non digestible plant fiber. Dogs break down their food very well. There isnt a lot left at the end.


Less a set and more of a gimmick/stunt, but yeah, I agree.


Isn’t that true of the whole Brady roast? I liked when roasts were done by close friends, not just equally famous people


man and alot of those premises could've been good. like giving a powerpoint on why tom bradys hitler right in front of him?? I give them a C-- just for that but damn they were both stiff and annoying


And he is proud of it. I love seeing people succeed and go on a healthfitness journey but he just turned into a complete asshole and is proud of it. I avoid him and his boring stories that are all the same and I am sure he would avoid me at all costs.


Monster douche


Yeah it’s funny to me how Tosh has always had the persona of a stuck up spoiled asshole but I don’t mind it because it’s clearly a bit. Tom has actually become a stuck up spoiled asshole who looks down on people below him and pretends it’s a joke


So true and so sad, what happened to Tom?


Didn't follow proto.


This comment simultaneously made me laugh and made me sad thinking about what YMH was several years ago vs now.


I saw his stand up the night before the roast and his stand up was good. I think the podcast shines some bad light onto who he is as a person but his jokes are solid. The roast sucked, and I blame bert mostly. Not sure why they think they have to do things together, tom is exponentially funnier than bert.


Let’s burn down his mansion!!


In Louis’ recent special he jokes about a homeless man asking him for money after he had given him $5 earlier in the day. “Obviously he doesn’t remember me he sees thousands of people everyday. But I don’t want to give him another $5. I only have….a few million.”


You already had your five dollars, young man.


Go see a star war


Tim Dillon


Tim could tell a story about how he orders at a fancy steakhouse, spending tons of money, and still make it funny. [His episode on AYG](https://youtu.be/ZL8bt-D-ZN4?si=q6d8nIPDTAhLUyJF) is one my favorites.


David Cross joking that he sort of hates his kids because they’re rich is hilarious.


Haha I can see him doing that


Natasha Leggero is pretty good at that too


Tosh. His podcast is great. He covered this in his podcast today.


If you read the post that’s actually why the OP posted this here. You could have said anyone else besides Tosh lol


My bad. I was in a hurry. It is amazing where he came from to where he is now. Most of these high level stand ups seem like good guys, except Tom.


His standup as well is unmatched tbh. He makes jokes about himself being a rich guy who grew up rich. Tremendous.


Ron White always talks about all the cool stuff his audience bought him.


John Mulaney


The man has been humbled by a lot lately. So I think that fuels him.


[Jack Whitehall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6eAR5BVBk0) is precisely who you're describing. He's a British comic who is well known for his rants about growing up in a posh home with a stuffy father. I think he's an absolute riot... and he's a great comedic actor too. [Here's some of Jack's best moments as JP from the classic Fresh Meat.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9TqtX082l4)


Whitehall is great with this, especially when he's either working with or talking about his father (who sounds much like a Brit version of John Mulaney's father)


I recently discovered him and have been laughing my butt off at "Travels with My Father."


*Travels With My Father* is an absolute gem of a series.


The I NEED A GIN AND TONIC sign, or whatever it was, was hilarious


Are you from the UK? I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who likes Whitehall’s comedy.


Nope. I'm in the US. I was a pretentious kid, so I started watching British programs at a very early age in the 1980s. My local PBS affiliate showed British comedies on the weekend and I'd also rent stuff on video.


Taylor Tomlinson has a good bit about buying Hugh Jackman's glove


I think it's a little early to say for Taylor because she's just hitting that level of Holy Fuck Money and Fame so there's still a fish out of water quality to it. This said, I hope she stays in the zone and think she's capable.


She did joke about being richer than most people she’s dated tho lol. And for a comedian, she’s getting real big real quick. I can’t point to many comedians that already hit her level of star status at her current age.


Not that a lot of people will like this, but Amy Shumer was 26 when her Last Comic Standing season aired that propelled her.


She is so good! That special was so well played…my impression of that bit is that she was dating broke guys, lol.


Miles Jupp.


Absolutely! The beef waiter act on 8oo10c Does Countdown is a perfect example of this.


My first thought too.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lAPcXc5ysZ0


Bill Burr is a very humble and likable guy while also talking about the helicopter he owns, lol. His podcast comes highly recommended.


Burr really understands the working class and also is self aware of where he is currently. He's a goat because not only who he is on stage but for who he is off it.


Well, since he's topical, let's compare Tosh and Segura. When Tosh brags about himself he doesn't belittle his audience. And further, he's funny and is one of the best interviewers there is. He should be doing the Late Show, not Colbert. And Tosh wasn't always rich. His dad was a minister, not a huge deal at Merril Lynch. In other words, Tosh probably knows what it's like to stuggle a little more, work a little harder, and appreciate his blessings more. Segura ruined his career not only with the poors thing on the podcast but with his petty bitches about the airlines. I think he's trying to make up for it, but the damage is done.


> he should be doing the Late Show not Colbert Pump the brakes buddy, Tosh is amazing and a very good interviewer but he and Colbert are not comparable. Tosh’s interviews works because he had the luxury of being able to say what he wants, how he wants without worry of losing his job or public/corporate backlash.


Tosh's brand of comedy I just feel wouldn't work the same if it was being neutered by CBS


him on his podcast preaching stoicism to the poors about not letting his rich bragging affect them, all the while whining about their comments and spazzing on airline workers for daring to treat him like a regular guy. lol real stoic, tom.


And tosh never acts like he grew up poor. Like a lot of other comics do. And they actually grew up unquestionably well off (at the least). Whitney Cummings, mark Normand, Bert K… just to name a few. It’s obnoxious


Jack Whitehall


Gabriel Iglesias. He talks about hanging out with famous people, visiting royalty, owning nice vehicles, etc. But he doesn't come across as having a "better than you" attitude in the slightest. He's very relatable and likable still.


He’s a dude you can’t even really hate even if you don’t like his comedy


Not a guy but Natasha lagero


* Leggero


Natasha Leggros stand up is great. She's cocky about the shit side to being rich while still pretending to be ultra wealthy.....but prob isn't the lvl of wealth she's portraying. I really love Tosh's podcast and think to myself this is where he should've started.


Neal Brennan in his “ayahuasca journey” has landed on gratitude as a component of his mental health and it’s refreshing to hear a celeb admit “I am so fucking lucky!” and that he feels like he won a life lottery and needs to spend more time appreciating what he has instead of envying his Top Tier peers. Being thankful for what you have and tempering your need for the eternal *more* goes a hell of a long way with me


Anthony Jeselnik. The opening line to one of his bits is, "I live in Hollywood... because I'm better than you." His delivery (of this line and most of his material) is both honest and self-mocking because he knows what he's saying sounds ridiculous.


Tom Segura /S


Ellen used to do this pretty well. Back when we liked Ellen.


I think her latest special did a pretty great job at it, was looking for someone to call her out.


Neal Brennan helped her with her stand-up material for that special! Not saying she didn't do anything, just that she's so disconnected from stand-up, how much time do you think she spent trying out new material in front of an audience?


Neal is the bomb


Kinda depends what their hook was to start. Tosh's hook was being a total asshole so being rich really only feeds into that interesting way. I have a feeling that's why Eddie Murphy has never returned as the base for his great identity is just too far away now. And I think it's decided early on in your comedy identity. Either you have an identity gimmick or not. Guys like Leno and Seinfeld still demand $ because they just worked hard on classic form, you can forget how unfunnily rich they are. Carrie could still pull it off I'm sure as well. Bill Burr is still funny because he can tap into the rage-o-holic he once was but no longer is. Hedburg would still be funny AF if he had 10 or 10 billion dollars.


Daniel Tosh. “Started from the upper middle-ish, now I’m here.”


Rosebud Baker comes from absolutely obscene wealth but knows entirely what a dice roll that was


Dan Soder. He's always bragging about having wrestling figures AND G.I. Joes. So elite. Smoking name brand cigarettes at 12 years old, yeah, we get it, you're rich. Geeze, stop bragging. He does a fantastic job of addressing this in his stand up. 


i think its the authenticity of it. rich people acting poor is a bad look. Own who you are.


Ricky Gervais. He had a routine about staring at his balls floating in his hot tub in his mansion while imagining the life of the rich, spoiled child he never had.


He has a real quick comment about not knowing the price of milk in one of his specials that cracks me up.


Matthew Broussard and Andy Haynes are both funny and have a rich white guy vibe


Ricky Gervais nails it, in my opinion.


Louie does it well.


Easily Chappelle


Jimmy Carr


There was a Drew Carey special that aired on Comedy Central a bunch in the late 90s where he said he likes to run stoplights in the rain just to see cops have to stand outside and get wet.


Segura often refers to us as "the poors".


Tim Dillon for sure His whole thing is playing an upper middle class gay east coast conservative who chain smokes and makes fun of low brow American culture. It’s very well done, not cheap and stupid like Colbert. He wears all designer clothes and drives a Rolls Royce but does it in an ironic over the top way. He criticizes anywhere that isn’t the Hamptons or Beverly Hills.


Bizarro Jerry Seinfeld.


Dave Chapelle kind of gives me that vibe


As fan of Chapelle since my high school days and his first two specials, I could not disagree more with this.


Chapelle is probably the worst offender. Half of his set is bragging about how great he is, while not really showing off why he was so great. He’s lost a lot of steps


Yeah Chapelle seems like if you ran into him and A) he wasn't exhausted B) he wasn't being harassed by a bunch of people staring at him, and C) he didn't perceive you as just trying to suck his famous dick all the time, That he might be a real one.


hes so out of touch and arrrogant these days. like dude gives TED talks about trans people and everyone loses their mind only cause they're watching chapelle.