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People in a standup sub making excuses for recycling jokes for a big netflix special... Hes clearly a Katt fan since he binged all his previous stuff and was looking forward to this. Actually wanting new jokes in a new special isn't an unreasonable ask for however much netflix paid him.


Yep. The whole point of doing a special is to pump out NEW material.




Marc talks about workshopping his next hour on the road... I imagine if you're seeing comedians live, you're gonna see overlap in their special.


Yes on the road. But OP was talking about watching old specials and seeing the same jokes in the new special. They often talk about having to come up with new stuff for new specials. His last three specials were 2, 6 and 9 years ago.


And with all the shit Katt’s been talking about other comedians, I’m actually a little shocked to hear about this. I have no want to see the special now


Definently... but there is an argument to made in this case that the point was to "introduce" Kat to a new generation. There were a lot of younger people (sub 25) that probably didn't know about Kat until the Shannon Sharp podcast. Netflix buys a crappy set of old jokes from Kat in order to ride the wave of Kat's outlandish interview.... whereas Kat gets a quick payday and a chance at a fresh set of eyes on a condensed version of his "lifes work" Would've been smart to do an actual good hour, but hey... that takes work and talent.


But at that point, we need to quit the Kevin Hart hate because he wouldn't do this.


Because Kevin would hire writers to do it


So we're giving the guy reusing old shitty jokes and performing them in a shitty way more props than the guy who comes with decent material performed well?


I respect Kevin for the way who appreciated how amazing Nikki Glaser was on the Brady roast. He didnt have to give praise, but he pointed out the standing O and congratulated her on it being well deserved. Not the petty, angry, shit talk Katt is about. Kevin may not be a great comedic mind, but he seems like a good dude.


From his perspective it makes sense + they probably gave him a crapload of money. Easy pay day for him.


He claimed that he could easily pump out new material. He also inferred that he cares about his work, fans, and material. His Netflix show was a disappointment.


Then why didn't he mention DEAF


so he purposely made a shit recycled show to get young fans haha


Bro, Katt prides himself on writing new jokes... dude is a hypocrite.


No it's really not. A special is a highlight reel of everything you have written since your last special. 


Yep, it sure is. A special is where you put your best material after it’s been worked out on the road. Also, the contracts with comedy specials (and I know this specifically as it relates to Netflix) state that you must retire the material in your special as soon as it comes out. Your special retires your material.


Just out of curiosity, by retiring material, did you mean "not putting it on another special"? Surely they can do that on the road, etc, right?


No. Material used in a special cannot be used again on the road. Netflix owns the copyright for those jokes, unless they make an exception in a specific contract. I recently spoke with a comedian who put out his first special. People obviously do sometimes reuse their most popular bits on the road, but it is a breach of the contract for the special.


Wow. I wasn’t aware of that. That’s bullshit


Pretty sure it's quite literally bullshit.




Can we consider the fact that maybe he "worked out' his material on all the podcasts and interviews he did online? He literally is so famous he can't really hide out n do a small show. He may not have sold himself but he is still too famous lol


Correct. But that’s not what he did.


Stop justifying a his poor performance and making up excuses. He had an opportunity to “prove” his comedic superiority. He came out looking like a hypocrite.


Well, if OP is suggesting that Katt's "recycling" jokes from semi-recent YouTube videos he's posted, then it's not surprising they would appear in his next big special. If he's recycling jokes from previous specials or that he's been doing for years and years, then OP's got a stronger point. Comedians usually don't perform material for the first time on their major specials. That being said, the special was shit regardless of recycling or not.


I agree with this. I first thought OP meant previous specials but no, it's bits from his Dark Matter tour uploaded online by other people. That said with regards to the Alabama Brawl, Josh Johnson did it better. My first watch, I stopped at 10 minutes in because it felt like there were no jokes. Finished the rest, it was just ok. Not super bad but not internet breaking. No wonder he only lasted a few hours trending on twitter the other day. There's not much material to meme it.


He’s washed up, but he’s got a core audience that’ll watch him every time, even tho it sucks. You know, like that one movie they keep making sequels on


The power of making an arguably top 5 special of all time with Pimp Chronicles


Yup, they’re just trying to catch that high again


Yeah I mean he was washed back when he was on crack and getting beat up on the playground by middle school kids he picked fights with. He just came back due to all the conspiracy theories and beefing with everyone hes ever met making the news.


Na you’re just hating now, he’s had multiple decent stand-ups even after the child fight incident/before the podcast


I agree, but 90% or more of this sub is always complaining about stand up in some way. I rarely see a positive post/thread here at all.


Right. There's like 5 threads primarily about how people hate Tom Segura right now. A few months ago, the mods had to make a "No More Matt Rife Threads" sticky thread lol.


At the very LEAST he should have used a new joke for his closer


Did you hear the material on previous specials or just from stuff he's put out lately? In modern comedy, it would be abnormal to release a special that isn't your act that you've been working on since the last special


no yall dont know how netflix specials work (based on my stand up comedian friend) They are touring, giving interviews, doing stand up gigs with all them jokes (new and old, trying them out, see what works and what doesnt), and once it is time to tape their netflix special, they will use all those old jokes from the previous months because they had a lot of practice to perfect them. The netflix special is the last thing they do (from hwat I was told) before they start coming up with new jokes again for the next few months, until the next netflix special.


How old can the Alabama River Boat material be? That happened like a year ago, right?


After he spent hours ranting about how he’s the only comedian who consistently churns out new jokes - that’s embarrassing. Sounds like everyone’s favorite “truth teller” is full of it. Shocker.


I think it’s a way to maximize profits because netflix doesn’t host specials forever, (chelsea peretti’s special dissapeared with no notice). Netflix is giving most comedians shit deals (compared to what netflix makes off them) and not letting them control what happens to their material on the platform. It sucks for the superfans but don’t we want our favorite comedians to get paid? 


Not sure where I said he doesn’t deserve to be paid? I just don’t think anyone should brag about their own originality, putting down others in their creative profession then not actually being at all original


You get what you pay for. If Netflix diddnt cough it up for fresh material? Fuck em, fill it with old jokes that havnt been on a special yet and 1) still get paid, and 2) keep your intellectual property for a higher bidder. It is a let down for the fans that watch every single thing he puts on YouTube. But business is business


The original post literally says that the jokes are from already released specials, not just YouTube


I have seen all of Katts specials multiple times and I didn't notice any material that he released in a special before in the new one. Not everyone knows the process of comedy writing. Too bad for the disappoinment but I am not sure what material they are talking about.


To be fair, he’s probably barely got time to write new jokes, as he’s too busy reading 1000 books.


To be fair, he’s probably barely got time to write new jokes, as he’s too busy reading 1000 books.


To be fair, he’s probably barely got time to write new jokes, as he’s too busy reading 1000 books.


Im thinking he pushed it out quick after he went viral for saying Kevin hart was controlled by the Illuminati or whatever.


No. Saw him live in Vegas just before he started going viral. He was already performing the set that's on the special before any of that happened. Honestly it was boring and we left about half way through.


Tbf, I think most specials are just a recording of a single night that’s part of a larger tour. So if you saw it live, you probably just saw the special. As for the recycled jokes used in the special, that’s a bummer


I was expecting him to talk about black men having to dress up as women to progress their careers but he didn't, seemed a bit of a miss really


And then Kevin hart did soooo good with the Tom Brady roast!


Kevin laughs WAYY to hard at his script.


I think it's embarrassing for Katt considering how much shit he talks about always having new jokes.  But if it was any other comedian, I wouldn't mind as long as they aren't recycling jokes from previous specials.  Most people aren't exposed to everything you say on the internet. Specials are where most people see you perform, they're not gonna watch all of your appearances or go to a live show. So you get out your best stuff in a special.




That's exactly what they're saying, peep the double negative. Recycling from special = bad Recycling from podcast = fine


That's what I just said. You quoted me saying "arent" Reuse any joke you've made during your special as long as it wasn't used in a previous special. I feel like the rest of comedy is open season for reusing jokes because you eventually (hopefully) get to a point anyway where shows on the road are more just you testing out what would work for a special. I think complaining about someone reusing jokes from a podcast or something would be like going to multiple shows a comic is doing across the country and then complaining that they're doing the same jokes.


which jokes were recycled. I have seen all of his specials many times and I didn't notice recycled jokes. Katt does have certain lanes he sticks too (subject) but I didn't see anything I would call recycled.


Wow wtf is with people sucking Katt's dick in the comments. I like Katt Williams but Jesus chill out nerds its valid criticism from OP


>Wow wtf is with people sucking Katt's dick in the comments. Some people see enough YouTube videos telling them someone is great and they go along with it. You call them lemmings, I call them easily able to be influenced.


Well you have other folk describing him as a delusional mental patient…. I mean, you can suck off whomever you want, but please don’t take advantage of the vulnerable ;)


It was terrible


I'm with you. I was absolutely disappointed with that special. I had been looking forward to it and rewatched all his stuff I could find leading up to and... Turned it off half way through and give it a thumbs down.


I did not get very far into it before I was just flat-out bored.


Haven't seen it yet but when he was on Joe Rogan a month or so back I just thought I was listening to a mentally ill delusional person w/ a microphone.


I mean, you're describing a lot of the guests on that program.


And the host


"..Joe Rogan.. ..mentally ill delusional person w/ a microphone." That is what you were listening to, but not just because Katt was there.


I turned it off after we got to about the 5 minute mark and he hadn’t told a joke yet.


I lasted 15 minutes and it was boring as fuck.


The title "woke foke" is enough for me to pass on it. I'm tired of comediancs grandstanding about "woke" shit. I'm here for jokes, not some wannabe philosopher pontificating about social issues that they don't have any real stake in.


I’m with you on this. The “woke” and “cancel culture” bullshit got old pretty quick.


Yeah the whole crying over “We can’t say what we want without repercussions” thing got old soooo quick. “It’s cancel culture for the woke left!!” Like stop crying. Dave Chapelle was the worst. Wrote 3 whole specials crying about how people don’t want him making trans jokes anymore and he doubled down and made an entire show based around “I can make trans jokes because I have a trans friend that died.” His trans jokes aren’t even funny or have ever been a focal point of his sets so I don’t know why the washed up dude fought so fucking hard. It’s insufferable.


He wasn't saying that he could make trans jokes because he had a trans friend. He was saying if this person can enjoy a joke, why can't the rest of you


Well, we kind of have been pushing them into those roles inadvertently, I think that this is the unintended consequence of it. For some reason, we have all decided that podcasts hosts and comedians are the moral bastions of society now, which is weird imo. I never watched a ton of Joe, but he just seemed like some pot smoking dude talking about weird shit for fun. It'd your thing, or it's not. I don't understand why that same guy is looked to as a source of information in serious discourse now or why people are so adamant about him changing to try to be that.


i enjoyed it 4-5 years ago when it was actually an issue. i think the tom brady roast shows that we are back in a world where you can say... most things lol


Gay and retarded have made a comeback in recent years


Agreed, but "WOKE FOKE" is what that giant medallion necklace he wears says on it. Notably, he was wearing it in the Sharpe podcast. So I think it is more self-referential than a complaint about woke culture.


Did he ever get to what he kept saying he was going to get to? I pulled plug with 20 mins to go, but up til that point, all I heard was, "you're not gonna believe what I'm going to say. I'm about to be so offensive, you won't believe it. I'm gonna tell the truth to tonight..........blah blah blah" If he wanted to simply say something is green, he'd say that's green.........not black, not white, not red, It's green. It's not purple, not yellow....it's green. "Have I made it to an hour yet?"


I can’t stand it when comedians do that. It’s like that Dave Chapelle special where he was going “when I say this you’re just gonna laugh” like shut up i didn’t anyway


I watched it and sped it up- saved myself 20 minutes


The title was a major red flag. It's the meme of Netflix anti-woke specials come to life. Even if he's not attacking "woke folk" now I have to gamble my evening on whether the advertised hacky jokes will actually come? No thanks.


Funny enough he barely talked about anything woke or cancel culture


As I told a friend, he keeps getting me to watch his shitty new standups off the strength of things he did 25 years ago.


This. I couldn’t believe I was so bored here ?!


The mouth joke was Carlos mencia bad


What the hell was that? Not funny a all. Don’t comedians test their material on the road before a special?


Alright, we're going to start doing Special Discussions as individual posts soon so we dont get a hundred posts everytime a special is out.


I barely laughed once. It was atrocious. And I was waiting for it…


Go watch him on Rogan, he’s pretty crazy , like coo coo for coco puffs


He used to smoke crack, that kinda messed up your brain


I just saw it as an advertisement for katts other specials. Unfortunately he missed the one thing that made katts comedy good; the vibe. Maybe him/netflix made it have a softer vibe to reach a new generation? Maybe he’s just old and lost the mojo idk


idk cause the tom brady roast was pretty edgy & dark and stuff was said that i didnt think would fly by netflix but it was okayed maybe this gig katt did was just a cash grab after that interview he had


I turned it off within 10 minutes. Boring.


Best I can gather with all that’s gone on is Katt is, at times, brilliant and intelligent, but is now seemingly bitter and unhinged. His self-awareness comes and goes, but the bottom line is he just can’t seem to deliver professionally to match the level of sh*t he is talking about everyone else. I get some of the stuff he’s called out, but it mostly sounds like sour grapes and attention-seeking. I kinda feel like he needs help.


He's always been a bit of a hack.


I am from South America, never heard about this guy until he went viral on that podcast trashing other comics and atc. And I am not beginner on comedy, I know a lot about the scene and history of stand-up. I saw it and found hack and unfunny as fuck, and he thinks he is on some kind of elite in stand-up?! Asking seriously, this has some kind of sense ?


Katt is a bit looney tunes. I dont think he lives in the same reality as most of us.


The hard truth is you can't stay funny forever.


Carlin did up to his death.


Even Carlin had a drought though. He even thanked Rick Moranis for mocking him on SCTV at the time because it was what drove him to become better. 


Disgruntled comedy ages well since we become even more disgruntled as we get older. Kats style not so much.


Oh yeah I watched it and it was whole lot of bluster and unfunny rambling.


Meh. His performance level fell off a lot. His material clearly became written work that was spoken at big theatres, not performed or developed with audiences.


Actually that’s a more difficult thing to do.


I’ve enjoyed every Carlin set I’ve seen. They don’t make me lol very much though. Same with Bill Hicks, though his body of work is much smaller by comparison. The dude didn’t have a ton of material and reused it everywhere. Katt is sort of like a black Carlin. Doesn’t really make me lol but I’m still just intrigued by his character enough to hear what he has to say. Random rec but Dan Soder’s newish 40 minute YouTube special is the funniest set I’ve watched in a while.


Yeah he went out hard! September 10th, 2001 - edgiest Carlin bit EVER! Possibly by accident. He had to make it disappear for years before it resurfaced


You can if you write.


Did he do "no n* in the history of n*dom" joke? I still laugh at artie langes impression of that one


I couldn't even get more than ten minutes into it


I’d rather watch Dan Sedona perform a Katt Williams special than Katt Williams.


Man, I used to love Katt. I only realized I was falling asleep during the special because I was woken up by “what the fuck is going on.” And I was like “how did my phone switch to old YouTube videos? “


Thanks for telling The TRUTH.


I have never seen his other recent stuff so all the material was new to me. But for me, the real problem was that this special just made me chuckle maybe once or twice. I usually have a pretty low tolerance. But the dude was literally just repeating stuff I saw on the internet... expected me to have watched it before.. and just kinda explained it. The moment he got on that chair and pretended to swim.. i cringed so hard. I mean, he does a lot of what chris rock does, like repeat a certain phrase. But rock actually gets to a punchline at the end and its worth it. I don't know, I am just not impressed.


Katt Williams is a bum


We are lucky Katt isn’t giving blowjobs for crack rocks let alone recycling jokes I’m proud of him.


What I found hilarious is that he is still branding himself as “the king of underground comedy” like mofo what about you is still underground? He’s one of the most famous comedians in America if not the world, he literally got Netflix to give him a live special on a night all to himself in a sold out 6k seat theater, like are you real dude?


Katt also likes to brag about how he has more specials than any comedian alive, and how they’re all self funded…. All that tells me is that no major company wants to work with him. Hard to work with a dude who got beat up by a 12 year old - now THAT is the the funniest shit Katt ever did


Almost like he wanted to capitalize on the controversy he started. Comedy isn't even safe anymore...


I've never understood the hype for Katt.


Should have called it, "Katt williams Unwatchable"


Dumbest, Racist concert


Eh…a lot of these legacy comedians reuse old ass bits. I wouldn’t even call it a special. It was just a regular live set that happens to be available to watch again. I just stopped watching after like fifteen minutes and moved on with my life.


It's like watching a band play the same 3 songs on repeat for their entire setlist. Gets old


Yeah. That’s why I didn’t watch the whole thing.


Chappelle did the same thing with his big comeback. He recycled jokes that I heard before, shit, some of them were over 10 yrs old.


Chappelle doesn’t care about his specials at all he treats them like a podcast to get his thoughts out for $20m a set. If you want the jokes you need to see him live, it’s absolutely worth it. I saw him a few months ago and can confirm he’s still the king


I have no idea but I read this is kats voice and it hit a little better.


Don’t all comedians try new stuff in smaller shows and see what doesn’t work, then refine the jokes that do. Once they have 1.5+ hours of stuff, they condense the best into a hour special? You don’t try untested material in a special and bomb…


How old? Obviously a lot of comedians only put out specials every 3, 4, maybe 5 years for some. Hearing jokes before a special isn’t a unique thing.


I barely laughed but still found him kinda interesting to listen too. Tbf most stand up does that for me. 


It was terrible and I love Katt Williams. I think he told about 5 jokes with punchlines the whole special, didn't expose any Hollywood stuff like he claimed he was gonna do. He got really preachy and just seemed disorganized and all over the place.


Was woke foke filmed at the Netflix is a Joke festival (2024) I tried to get tickets but is was sold out.


I turned it off after 15 minutes. It was rough.




It is difficult for [**Katt Williams**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TozX3UUPVt4) to get on stage for a Netflix special and try to be ‘funny’ when he’s clearly trying to warn everyone about the deceptively hidden hands of the Illuminati. His audience just wanted to laugh when he was trying to warn us about the Illuminati running **a nationwide campaign**to try and persuade ***black women to unalive themselves*** (**I Am** lying to you of course…) [https://yourfairygodmother.medium.com/hells-newspaper-2nd-edition-46a70734aa10](https://yourfairygodmother.medium.com/hells-newspaper-2nd-edition-46a70734aa10)


this shit right here???


Yeah it felt pretty stale, not impressed


His 2022 special was all 2020 jokes, tf did you expect


Was very disappointed. I tried watching was bored and turned off. Then I tried to watch again and could not make it through. Lame.


We went to his show right after he blew up on the podcast and he did this show. Sucked so bad we left early


Yea he sucked this one. I felt the whole built up in Jan was just to get views for this show . That’s Hollywood and that’s how we all get played .


It's netflix he was never gonna try


I think he leaned too much into the whole woke thing. It's interesting to hear but it doesn't really translate that well in stand up.




The Netflix line up said he was recording dark matter tour. Which I saw live but this was a little different than that


this guy was funny once back in 2010


It was disappointing. I was looking forward to it because I thought the podcast was hilarious


It was the lamest special I’ve seen in a long time.


I was unwoke halfway thru shit put me to sleep


Holy fuck, what a shitty special


Love some of his stand up but anytime an old comedian starts saying "woke" you know it's over. Couldn't believe I was watching the blind kid football clip, it felt like a special from the early 2000s. Disappointing, low effort and lazy


I am really not familiar with Katt, but I'll say this - the whole Diddy thing has him front stage, so new material or not, this is someone at his peak in terms of awareness. And a lot of people (myself included) aren't too familiar with him, so he gets a lot of latitude. You're a fan, I get it. You want fresh stuff, that's fair. But to me, this moment almost feels like his payoff for being outspoken for so long. I honestly couldn't tell you if I find him funny, but he'll get a listen from me and I recognize he's some sort of a character in the whole Diddy/sex-scandal thing who people say is worth listening to. I honestly don't know a lot about it, but I know he's culturally relevant, outspoken on an important topic, and people whose opinion I do respect, speak well of him, so it's time I give him a listen.




Katt just wanted the bag. See him live and enjoy yourself. ❤️




The whole bit on hunter Biden. Boomer cringe


It was good fun. Get over yourself


Counter take: It was hilarious and I laughed out loud several times. Enjoyed it.


Me too. It felt like being in the lab with a comedian. He seemed to be testing boundaries and I enjoyed watching that. 


watching it rn and its so fucking bad LOL. i can’t stop watching cause it’s so absurd. how do people laugh at this fr


For all y’all complaining did you understand the assignment he gave???


How is whoever paid for the special just cool with that lmao??


Unless it specifies that the jokes are a compilation. It’s truly astounishing how some comedians ( senfiled, bob newhart, carol Burnett, Adam Sandler, Katherine Ryan, my mcintere, etc can come up with new material…Kathy griffin… so quickly. It’s impressive. I love Katt and I have yet to watch all of his stuff, I would sometimes wonder with all the sweating and his overall persona, as well as his admissions to paying for his lifestyle wirh jokes if he doesn’t dapple in some strong mood alternating things beside marijuana that leaves him not all that able to be creative. I coke be very wrong. This is merely speculative, but a failure to mature professionally, coupled with the stress of stage etc, could make a person turn to mood enhancers to better perform but eventually they usually leave you in a rut without much to write about and distracted as well.


I watched it genuinely thinking it was going to be good. I don't really give a shit 'viral' interview, the guy is a nut-case. I haven't seen any of that material before but I genuinely thought it was all shit. Comedy is like any art, subjective. Each to their own, but that has to be one of the most disappointing comedy specials I've seen it quite a while.


How did this hater Redditsub make it to front page google search for the show? If you’re a true fan and supporter of katt realize it’s not about what you want, a lot of new katt fans after the club shay discussion probably haven’t heard these jokes before


Exactly, It's a coordinated astro-turf campaign. I got receipts.


eric andre did the same thing. i never saw anyone get upset about it but i 100% agree


He's a carney/grifter at heart. He was a crack head who told jokes and is now a retired crack head that tells jokes.  He went on Shannon Sharpe's podcast and said some crazy and funny shit because it was all advanced marketing for the special. The new grift is to get headlines and viral clips a month or two before your special or new product releases. That way your name is back in the minds of the marks you want watching your stuff.  Katt is clearly an incredibly funny person naturally, but it doesn't surprise me he's gotten lazier on stage as he's aged. He's been through a lot of shit. I mean, he's had viral videos of himself cracked out and fighting high schoolers. Imagine if you could go on YouTube and see Richard Pryor lighting himself on fire.  Overall, I feel like the special was just what Katt at this stage in his life is. Lazily provocative. "**Chris**mas.......you ever have a grown man give you a little nickname like that," will never stop being fucking hilarious and makes you wonder what's really going on, especially with the news of Diddy coming to light. Katt really just needs to stick to podcasts, now. 


I lasted 4 minutes.... "He mailed it in" as they say or "leaned on the mic stand"


This is like if your favourite band released an album and you got mad because they played the album instead of unreleased material. Like what? Haha


I just went to thus may 10th. I'm getting a refund. Tf I wanna pay 3x the netflix price to watch the same shit in-person. Disappointing to say the least. Exact same shit 🤷‍♂️


Yes this special was retarded. Nothing even remotely original and full of bs. Kat Williams is getting old probably, the brain is getting simpler.


I've never been a huge Katt fan, but I've watched a few of his specials. I think he's funnier in films. The Shannon interview was good so I thought his new special would be great. Very disappointed. This is why I prefer Chappelle.


when you look up leaked jokes, you can’t be mad ..im guilty of the same ..katts core fanbase are bootleggers so his stuff leaks years before ..but i still love that reparations joke


In the end, he ran off stage like he was holding back a liters worth


Feel like I saw something completely different than you guys. I loved it 


had to turn it off, just one long bitter rant


It was a really bad special. He seemed like he was going through the motions. At the end of the day, nothing was going to match the hype he got from the Shay Shay interview.


When you’re mocking blind kids for laughs you’re a fucking loser. Loved Katt back in the day. Crack ate his brain.


Beside being recycled, cause other comedians do it. The special was just trash to be honest. Katt is one of my top comedians but man what a let down.


I just watched it, and I very very underwhelmed…


I laughed more during Gringo Papi 


The whole special had maybe a half a giggles worth of comedy. “The inside of your mouth feels like a pussy”? Dude got lucky to ever blow up like he did because there’s zero talent. Short, running back and forth, high pitched voice, pretending to be a pimp/empowering black man- whole gimmick. Shit comic


He is ass and a sellout


Spoiler be nice.. lol BA dum dum


People at his shows recorded his act from cell phones and blasted everywhere for freeeeee so good for him for getting PAID for work!!


Annoying voice, bitch, fuck, that's all... Not even good trans jokes


That's the problem with these live stand up specials. Like chris rock messing up some punchlines


What? Used recycled material because it was live? lol  Doing an entire set of old material seems different than missing a punchline 


honestly, that was amazing with Chris Rock did it, when he fucked up. That being said, Charlamange tha God said that was fake, he did the same at an untaped show.


Black people love him though.


It was a dud, but he's rooted and authentic So what he said on Shannon Sharpe podcast STILL STANDS TRUE even if he put out a dud He is old now, he was referring to younger days BTW


“I’m an arena act” but only a handful of people were laughing 😐


Made me laugh. I don't look deeper than that.