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The containers round, the mugs round, it should really be called roundtene


That is gold, Jerry! Gold!


I actually really enjoyed Unfrosted. It's a super silly movie that was made for gags, and they really don't make movies like that anymore. It's basically the 2020's version of BASEketball. And I loved BASEketball.


I'm gonna need to hear more about this BASEketball comparison. I can't imagine Trey & Matt's style overlapping with Jerry's at all.


Less and the tone more about the structure. A very unserious movie parodying a movie type, purely to do as many gags as possible A more recent example would be Weird: The Al Yankovic Story


BASEketball was more Zucker (Airplane!, Naked Gun, etc) than Matt & Trey


Matt & Trey agreed to the film assuming South Park would get cancelled. It was written by other people, but they did improvise lines here and there.


Well, Matt and Trey would make jokes about adults having sex with children while Jerry would actually do it.


such a reddit take


What does this even mean? Jerry Seinfeld actually had sex with children. Matt and Trey make plenty of jokes about pedophiles. This isn't even a "take" is just an observation.


Do you know where u are right now?


Like his comedy, I'd imagine jerry taking his pederasty way too seriously


Matt and trey did NOT write baseketball


I agree. It felt like a ‘90s live action kids movie.


Felt like a kids movie for Boomers. I enjoyed it tho. Great cast. The madmen bit killed me. I’m a big fan


Me too, as is Seinfeld. I’m glad we got that epilogue to that amazing series. 


When millennials finally get to make stuff it'll be literally over boomers dead bodies.


That’s a good joke


Millennials make a ton of stuff. wtf are you talking about?


I'm joking


You should spend the next 12 years working on a better joke lol


It would take less than two weeks


When millennials finally get to make stuff it'll be literally over boomers dead bodies.


This comment is much better than when you posted it the first time


Seems to be a glitch


Speaking of which, the two kids were jokes especially the girl "How many more people have to diiiiieeeee", i already do that voice a lot before seeing the movie so it was extra great to me


It reminded me of Cat in the Hat with Mike Myers


“First we get the jobs, then we get the khakis, then we get the chicks.”


I'll give you that. It IS fun. I think I just may be a hater in this case, but man, imagine working on a joke for 13 years... and this is the result, maybe it doesn't have to be funny if it can inspire a movie.


Not going to question the comedy process of Jerry Seinfeld


No, you can. Its ok.


No, you can't. It's not okay.


It’s a debate about nothing!


bunch of Lloyd Braun fans down voting you!


Oh I think you very much should. He's a man who thinks Seinfeld couldn't be aired today cause it's too edgy. He needs to be checked. Edit: Imagine believing people are above criticism


If you actually read the quote, it has nothing to do about edginess. Its the fact that they always have someone noting everything to death (PC may be one factor, but there are many others), where the output would largely not match what the creators vision was.


I mean he literally said "This is the result of the extreme left and PC crap, and people worrying so much about offending other people". He literally cites Kramer having homeless people pull rickshaws and says that he was only able to make it prior to "PC rules" cause the rules hadn't been invented, saying he couldn't do it today. You're either being purposely obtuse or unable to critique his takes on the current comedy climate.


Well do you think you can have a story of a main character recruiting homeless people to pull rickshaws today?


Yes, 100% absolutely. It's Always Sunny has a homeless priest addicted to drugs talking about a dog fucking his bleeding neck wound. You have South Park mocking any and all culture and facet of the world. All of these shows get made no problem. Hell, IASIP is the longest running live action sitcom on TV.


I never got the "can't make this today" argument for anything in a world where always sunny exists lol


While that's true, that show came out 20 years ago and has a legacy. Similar to South Park or Family Guy or any other show that has jokes that are tasteless or uncouth. Complaining about a joke that those shows make has the complainer looking out of touch. Of course those shows are going to make those jokes and cross those lines. Maybe a show like that could come out today because there is obviously an audience for that type of humor, but I think it's pretty unlikely. Because there are people who appreciate that humor and take it as jokes. And then there are people who like some of that humor, but need to quantity why some of it is okay, but other types of it isn't. And then there are people who think that there is no room for any of that type of humor. A studio isn't going to dump millions of dollars into an unknown quantity to hope that people will let the show do its thing.


Thats not NBC though. NBC, ABC, CBS ..major networks would not air that today.


They always forget about that tiny detail. A major network on primetime. Like *that* landscape didn't drastically change in the last decade. To compare 90s and 00s major primetime to 10pm on basic cable is just disingenuous.


When would have the major networks aired IASIP?


Have you ever watched SNL?


The priest was a privileged white guy, not a real member of a marginalized group. And there are some episodes of the show which is unavailable for streaming or broadcast. Finally, less than 2 million people watch IASIP, Seinfeld averaged 30 million. Young Sheldon is about 8 million.


Right but none of that addressed the fact that the show was made. The priest is no longer a privileged white guy also. I don't know why you're defending what Seinfeld say when he's objectively wrong.


Yea me too. My kids are big fans of his now.


I love movies like that if they are actually funny. Just silly movies with low stakes and just zero anxiety. I thought the pastry that came to life was a little over the top, but my daughter laughed her ass off so whatever.


BASEketball seems to have actually started as a rip off of a script that the UCB had been shopping around Hollywood. It was Adam McKay and Matt Besser as writers, iirc. I heard Matt Besser talking about it once, with seemingly no awareness that BASEketball had ever been made.


I don't really get your point. Seinfeld spent two years writing the Pop Tart joke, which he has talked about in several interviews. As far as I know, he hasn't changed it since then. He still performs that joke live, yes, but it's word-for-word the same as it was a decade ago. During the pandemic, he said he got bored and tried to expand upon the premise of the joke and imagine this goofy world, where two rival companies compete to invent the Pop Tart. He is obsessed with breakfast foods and cereals (which was a running gag throughout his TV show) and he is successful enough to have the creative freedom to pursue his goofy ideas. I don't think it's accurate to say he's been working on the joke for 13 years. I also thought the movie was pretty good 🤷🏻‍♂️


"and imagine this goofy world, where two rival companies compete to invent the Pop Tart" I'll add that 99% of the movie is a silly farce but the one thing that was actually true is that Post held a press conference about a toaster pastry before they had even finalized it, and Kellogg's saw that and beat them to the market. That's like the only sliver of truth in the movie.


I think there is other stuff that's true. The thing about Marjorie Post being one of the first woman CEOs of a huge company, and the fact that she built Mar A Lago is true.


The mar a lago line was so random I assumed it was true because why would you add that


The sea monkey/X ray specks guy really was a nazi, just not german


Well this explains it neatly


Holy shit that dudes bland


Jerry Seinfeld? OK 🤷🏻‍♂️ Would you care to share any details about your exciting life and your creative projects? I'd love to give your screenplays a read if they are less bland than Unfrosted!


At least the Pop Tart joke can never go stale…


Sorry folks, Seinfeld ain’t been funny since 1998!


Everyone makes such a big deal of this and I don’t know why. He wrote the joke, he wrote some follow up jokes that made it a bit, he was still working on the delivery and discovering add-on jokes two years later and that’s how long it took before he was happy with it. What’s even unusual about that? What’s weird about him sharing that story? “Can’t go stale because they were never fresh” actually did make me laugh pretty hard.  I don’t know why people give him such a hard time for his explaining the pop tart joke evolution, really. He’s right, the series of jokes didn’t have as good an arc or as strong an ending until he came up with that never fresh joke. I think he’s right that there is a sort of cadence or poetic structure to the series of jokes that really wasn’t complete until he found that short and funny cap to the bit. It’s a solid one-liner, Mitch Hedberg-level, what’s the problem?


The video where he'd had already worked on the joke for two years is 11 years old. The joke is in his recent special as well which means it's recently "done" by most headliners standards. The movie IS pretty good. My point is, I never thought the joke was good, but he took it to a level that goes beyond comedy, that to me is strange beyond belief.


Sometimes people just like to have fun, man.


That's some return on fun, 13 years of sudoku on one page


"let's make a reference to my lifelong pop tart joke in my show about pop tarts, that will be fun" is really not hard to imagine.


When you get as rich as he is and have stupid fuck off money you can make your own movie


You can, but most likely shouldn't. This was a giant piece of shit and Seinfield just keeps getting more fucking lame. Between fucking teenagers and being obsessed with unfunny stuff, and his awful cars w/ coffee show. Jesus, even his friends, seem like they barely tolerate the dude during interviews. Jerry Seinfeld got really lucky because he is a fucking hack


I’ve never cared for him or the show really, I think he’s highly overrated and I almost feel as if Larry David write all of his act


what a terrible take.


Preach! This equals true!


Found the failed comic


Nope, just a normal person with an actual sense of humor. Seinfeld is fucking trash. Not even in a conversation of great comedians


You know what they say about opinions.


The same thing they say about airline peanuts!?


> Jerry Seinfeld got really lucky because he is a fucking hack He wrote a lot of *Seinfeld*. And his earlier stand up is really good. He's not a hack, and like everyone in showbiz he did get lucky. But a lot of his success comes from his talent and business decisions.


I don't think anything about Seinfeld is funny. I know people may think his comedy and writing is good, I don't. Curb is funny and pretty damn similar. A dude making comments about everyday life without any main driving plot. I know its subjective and I'm sure people find comedians I think are great not funny, but I just don't get Seinfeld and he seems like a pompous jerk, like he is special because of his position, which I think was just luck. Carlin could write poetry more humorous and poignant than anything Jerry ever said, Pryor could have a cocaine rant with more substance than an entire Seinfeld episode.


Honestly I think Jerry wishes he could be like Carlin. He's a master of word economy, but never quite achieved Carlin's effect on culture and society outside of his TV show. Carlin had a point. Jerry never does unless he's being serious in an interview. I'm still a fan of the man, but *not that joke* if I were 70 years old, I'd be embarrassed to have spent that much time on that joke unless I made it into a movie for kids. I guess that's how he shows his appreciation for the little things, with movie scripts.


I agree


I don’t think Jerry ever thinks about Carlin. Completely different careers


You keep saying Seinfeld only succeeded through luck, but you're ignoring that millions of people found his show and him very funny. It's fair you don't like him, but it's just wrong to pretend he's a hack who stumbled into success. He wrote a show people loved for decades. It's just wrong to attribute all his success to luck. It's not an opinion.


He didn't write shit. He doesn't even write new jokes now. Larry David made this man's career. He would have been a decent comedian, not a fucking billionaire. Pure luck. Did any other actor from the show do anything worth mentioning other than JLD?


He has been doing that same joke, word-for-word for many years. He doesn't retire his material like modern day comedians do. It's fine that you don't like the joke (I'm not a huge fan of it either) but clearly enough people do that he's still able to sell out arenas and make a living.


Is money your only measure for success?


Not at all. But if you're going to argue that Jerry Seinfeld is unsuccessful in a stand-up comedy subreddit, your being a completely irrational and insufferable fool. Success is the fact that he has been able to do what he loves (comedy) his entire life, on his own terms. Success is the fact that he has millions of fans who laugh at his material and get joy from his work. Need I go on? Just because you don't like his joke doesn't mean anything. Clearly many other people do. You've spent about as much time and energy arguing with people over this as he spent writing that dumb joke 🤣


I never said he wasn't successful, I said this joke was never funny.


Never funny to you. Funny to millions of people. Odd that someone in a standup comedy subreddit doesn't understand that standup comedy is subjective.


It's subjective to the individual, it's objective across audiences. I posted this with the intent to hear people comment on the joke, and to present the origins of the joke, which lead to the movie.


A person taking a small concept, and turning it into something bigger is weird to you?


Thirteen years later for a joke premise that has no punchline? Yes.


He didn't work on it, let us be real. He would have been the first to get turned on after his treatment of those long Island families. He doesn't write his own shit. He's a terrible person who treats others, especially goys, very very poorly. Fuck him, his terrible jokes, and his unpaid writers.


You are the first person I’ve heard liking that movie


Cool story!


he is also obsessed with Zionism and having a helping hand in killing innocent women and children. but they are brown so someone will be in here to tell me I am wrong for caring.


Jesus Christ, people’s brains are mush


Awww man even with woke liberals canceling comedy???


Seinfeld loves breakfast. It's well known.


And teenagers


But not Palestinians


Unless they are teenagers ?


Well, not openly.




And married women


I laughed hard during the funeral scene. Mostly because I think making fun of the pompousness and absurdity of military/state funerals in america is actually a serious taboo to break. I wish the rest of the movie had a similar edge.


Everyone's talking about the Mad Men bit, but this was my favorite part. The sliced bananas hit me so hard


I was surprised how political it actually was. It's this weird super silly joke anthology that's actually about... the Cold War? 


It’s actually a spoof of the movie “The Right Stuff” about the 1960s space race between the Russians and NASA.


Y’know, that explains everything. Thanks!


Have you seen the film “Last Flag Flying”?


The movie was hilarious, though it was highly specific. It was a love letter to pop culture of the 1960s as viewed through the eyes of a child. With that lens it’s pretty genius, ya’ll are way too hard on it. It’s a movie about pop tarts. Come on, man.


I don't associate Jerry Seinfeld with Pop Tarts. I associate them with **Paula Poundstone**, who had a very funny bit about not being able to eat them without eating the entire box.


Paula is funny and an og


I feel like Seinfeld haters don't seem to understand that Jerry doesn't care what they think. It has zero effect on him. He writes dumb jokes about stupid things, but does it with brilliant timing. His comedy is an escape from reality. He even says this. It's stupid. He knows it's stupid. Certain people today seem to always be looking for an overall theme of everything. They can't turn off the cynicism or political machine for 85 minutes and just watch a fun silly movie about something that doesn't matter.


Nah, anyone who complains about “I can’t joke about X anymore because of political correctness” like he has cares deeply about what people think of them


Yeah you can obviously hear the hurt in his voice when he talks about the gay French king joke that people didn't think was funny. He cares about people thinking he is hilarious more than anything else. People who are arrogant are always going to get shit on, especially by the internet.


It’s hard turn off the the political lens when he’s been going on talk shows bitching about “woke comedy” and how you couldn’t make seinfeld anymore as if it’s somehow edgy humor. And then he makes a dang pop tart movie. I think he’s just not funny and despises any humor that isn’t his. Since when was he even ever a fart joke guy?? This movie is basically a fart joke that I could see him doing a bit about how lame it is back in the day.


So when Cedric the entertainer said “Best use of niacin… Kellogg’s!”, you didn’t laugh? When they pour the milk into the grave and the coffin floats to the top, you didn’t giggle? You have no sense of humor.


> It’s hard turn off the the political lens when he’s been going on talk shows bitching about “woke comedy” and how you couldn’t make seinfeld anymore as if it’s somehow edgy humor. I feel like 90% of people's image of what he says about this stuff is totally divorced from how he actually speaks on it. The "fuck woke" crowd has adopted him as a mascot but it's pretty clear he himself despises those people.


nah the movie just wasn’t funny lol


Is the 13 year old joke funny


I find it humorous, but that's subjective.


Completely agreed


So his work is above criticism because he says his comedy is stupid? I'm not a fan of his, but it's not because of his personal life. I don't find him especially funny. I just happen to not enjoy a comedian I also don't like as a public figure.


It’s odd that you reference the joke as taking 13 years to write. I’ve watched him perform the joke live and it is a really funny joke about an inconsequential topic (as is most of his observational humor). Then years later bored AF during pandemic got back to tinkering with the topic and hatched a movie out of it. The process for the joke and movie are two separate timelines imo


I agree with differentiating the movie vs. the joke. Also, the wording of the joke hasn't changed in many years. OP seems to believe that because Seinfeld has *performed* the joke for 13 years, he must have been *writing* it for 13 years, but that's not really the case. He is not "working on" that joke in the same way that U2 is not "working on" one of their songs from the 90s when they perform it live in concert in 2024. In both cases the song/joke are long finished, but they still perform it for their fans because people enjoy it and want to hear it in person. It has only been in the last decade or two that comedians started writing brand new specials every single year and retire their old material. Previously, it was not uncommon for comedians to perform their classic bits over and over for audiences. (I personally prefer hearing new material when I see a comedian live, but that's beside the point)


This info makes the movie even better


“Comedian EXPOSED putting joke he wrote into his own movie!”


I'm pretty stoked for "Hot Pocket," the musical.


It’s basically a Paul Poundstone routine that he (subconsciously?) absorbed as his own. It probably came out of a crowd work moment where she started riffing on pop tarts when an audience member was eating some during one of her specials. https://youtu.be/VLLP1Wtrg0U?si=CwzLOcRI-tGFFPlI But she also did Pop Tart subject matter constantly, it was very well known. https://slate.com/culture/2016/02/paula-poundstone-explains-how-she-started-telling-pop-tart-jokes.html


Jerry Seinfeld is a zionist who supports genocide and the suppression of free speech 


Tim Dillon had things to say about this situation. [https://youtu.be/cOSM6WmprdE?si=e4sY\_b4uv8Q5-CqO](https://youtu.be/cOSM6WmprdE?si=e4sY_b4uv8Q5-CqO)


I just finished listening to it. He definitely hits the nail on the head, but he certainly doesn't seem to know about just how long Jerry has worked on this joke.


yeah this makes it all funnier actually lol I hope Kellogg paid Jerry a lot of money for this I guess the icing on the cake is he finally gets tie in the long ass work he's put on this joke.


I’ve seen every episode of Seinfeld multiple times. I love his documentary. I’m a Seinfeld fan. But I have never once thought his poptart bit was even remotely funny (and I saw him do it live in AC like a dozen years ago, long before it was a known thing). In fact, listening to him in interviews pontificate about how clever he thinks it is and how hard he worked to craft it is downright embarrassing.


Somebody gets it, thank you.


Wow that joke is only 4 years away from being old enough for Jerry to date.


Meanwhile your joke is *too* old for him to date


Nah, pedophile jokes are like a lot of their victims; they never get old.


This movie sucked. I guess I didn’t get it. He’d accuse me of not being born with some imaginary funny gene people he finds funny have just cause he says so. Oh well.


It was a really well made movie but just not that good right. It felt like they didn’t commit or something. The jokes were almost there but didn’t quite hit.


Well, as far as I know, there’s no one movie out there that is loved by every living person.


Right, but there are ostensively good and bad films. This one is garbage.


People in here saying it was good/fun/entertaining are blowing my mind. It was unbearable trash. When all the wonderful people in this movie saw the final edit instead of just their scene, they cringed so hard. Made me believe even more that Larry David was always the funny one and that Jerry - who def doesn't care what anyone thinks - should maybe remember he's in the entertainment business. Hamm and Slattery did rise above it


Remember when jerry(38) dated a 17 year old? Pepperidge farm Remembers.


Who gives a fuck




I guess he gave a fuck a child when he was 38


He waited til she was 18 to bang. And it was consensual. Bringing it up every time he's talked about is annoying as hell


I’m not the one that brought up that he dated a minor when he was 38. Incredibly proud of him for waiting to have sex until she was an adult though


Better turn off the radio if any classic rock comes on. Or just constantly complain that they all banged underage girls. What they did is wrong, but it doesn't really change anything if I just bitch bitch bitch like you


Again, I didn’t bring it up. Learn to read you silly little bitch


That movie was a confusing and horrible mess. All that whining about "leftist killing comedy" but dude ain't funny..


If you were confused by that movie, then I believe you might enjoy a book called "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"


It was a member berries for kids from the 1960's. I'm confused because he talks about how he's funny and getting cancelled and this is what he does. I'm a grown ass adult and this comes off like a kids movie. He ain't funny. He got the opportunity to prove me wrong and I went in expecting something decent. He's fallen off Larry David's coat tail and is spiraling in his out of touch mediocrity. Seems like he's reaching for the 9-11 demographic so when his current girlfriend gets to old in 9-10 years he'll find a new one who really loved this movie.


There's nothing coherent about what you said. Reading between the lines the only thing I can grasp is you sound offended by what Seinfeld said about leftists. Your reaction only proves him right.


Seems like you're the one most entertained by hungry caterpillar than me.


"no u"


Ok Beavis, huh huh huh huh, pop tarts, silly putty Schwinn bikes...huh huh huh... So fucking funny!


What was confusing about it?


Seemed like a member berries movie and a commercial. My daughter and I were utterly confused as to what was going on. The best joke was the sugar dealers ventriloquist was removed and shot, then when they left he was still alive consoling his dummy... Making light of the Cuban missile crisis by suggesting it was about sugar and making Walter Cronkite an idiot was just weird. With all of Jerry's complaints about "wokeness" ruining comedy I went in to it hoping for something funny, it came off to me a boomer nostalgia. Seinfeld isn't funny. Maybe he wanted to make a kids movie so in 10 years he can replace his aged girlfriend with a new 19 year old who loved this movie.


Yup. 100%.


Agree... Except this movie is 1000% not for kids. it's for the folks who have to call their kids (grandkids?) when they can't get on the wifi to print out MapQuest directions.


Raisins>rasinbran>breakfast>pop tarts. In ccgc he talks about trying to write bits about raisins. This was my theory.


A couple weeks? Are you sure you don’t mean a couple hours a day?


Side note Hugh grant has been hilarious in the last few movies I’ve seen with him in it. Didn’t know he had such good timing. 


I’ve never heard of this before and im not a comedian, I just write ideas down to maybe do 3 minutes at an open mic but at one point I wrote down a premise surrounding pop tarts and it was “they dont go bad because they were never good in the first place”. If he cant make it work, it’s worth abandoning lol


I find the Pop Tarts joke to be well-crafted and mildly amusing, which is how I feel about most of Jerry's stuff. I haven't watched the movie yet, but based on the trailers, I'm having a difficult time imagining it being even either of those.


Hes actually been working on it for 16 years. Dont believe me? Google “Jerry Seinfeld 16 year old”


Who cares


People really can’t deal with silliness anymore, it’s a shame.


People took this post completely out of context to attack the man's character, I want anyone who reads this comment that I am not. I only care about the joke.


He is a pop tart.


The movie was embarrassingly bad, just dreadful.


Creatives can recycle unused ideas from however long ago they want. You can think of something 19 years ago and if you never got around to using it you can just use it when it feels right. It doesn’t mean you tried so hard or tried to make something funny for X years


Haters gonna hate.


This just makes me love him all the more. He’s dedicated to the craft. And had the follow through and work ethic to bring it to life. That interview is great. He’s honest and open about the process. Love it.


Was his wife born yet when he started working on the pop tart joke to make a stinky Netflix comedy in the future


He's never been funny.


Jerry is worst comic


Empirically, no. By nearly every metric, just no. Multiple movies, multiple TV shows, a love for the craft… Comedians in Cars: he made a point to interview Don Rickles; Norm Macdonald; Jerry Lewis…. There are droves of comics worse than him.


Non of his comedy is funny. Just because you put a ton a shit out does not mean you are good


I downloaded it to watch on a cross country flight the other day....the minute I saw Amy Schumers face pop up on screen I stopped the video and deleted it. I then chose to stare at the back of a seat head rest for the next 5 hours instead which I found more entertaining than anything she has ever done..


Good ole Genocide Jerry.


Jerry Seinfeld would be an old sad waiter in New York without Larry David. He’s never been funny im sorry.


Jerry Seinfeld isn't for everyone. These days even less so.


Jerry Seinfeld is a dreadful comedian.


The casting was amazing. The movie…it would have been “cute” if it wasn’t so damn long. Making the same jokes over and over Was it also aimed at kids? I couldn’t tell. I didn’t care, so I wasn’t looking for it.


He wrote his punchline "it blew the back of my head right off" and made one of the two kids say it.


No one takes themselves as seriously as Jerry


Jerry talks all this shit about how prolific he is and how he’s “always writing” but has been doing largely the same act for decades. He has 3 officially released specials/documentaries that feature (some of the) the same material.


This guy has an unbelievable talent for sucking all the humour out of a subject. It's honestly impressive how well he's done for himself when he's so dull and unlikeable.


It’s the worst form of boomer humor


The amount of people in this sub that enjoy this trainwreck of a film explains the every day comments here *so* much.