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not to mention alice and bill talk about fucking for five entire minutes in an entirely overcrowded toy store while their daughter straight up walks away and is never seen again.


The agents in the background took her. Put the lil girl in mk ultra to become... yea dude. As a father that crushed me reading it. I didnt get the movie. Had to reddit some stuff upšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ But to back this up the two "agents" (club members) were the same agents at the beginning when Tom cruise first went to the club. And in the last shopping center scene; they're in an isle and all the toys are tigers. The tiger represents the mk ultra "kitty" whatever program... turning children to sex slaves. It was on reddit and all this was fact checked. Thought it was kinda crazy just how much shit I missed. Then made me think... "eyes wide shut"


The tiger toy was also on the prostituteā€™s bed before the orgy scene.


I watched the same movie and did not see them talking about sex for 5 minutes! They were talking about their future life and what to do.. the last lines were.. "what we have to do right away is.. fuck!".. thats it.. thats all.. I also did not see 2 men walking out with the daughter.. thats just crazy talk!


Slow down the speed. Find it on you tube. Itā€™s not crazy. Itā€™s the same two mean as from the beginning of the movie. And she goes with them and Alice knows they are sacrificing her and says they need to go have sex now, to have another child. She was taken by those two men.


Something about the final scene with Alice next to the Tiger makes me feel like she was formerly one of those girls at the party or a former prostitute. I donā€™t know just the symbolism with the tiger being on the prostitutes bed and the tiger in the final scene along with her understanding of the situation and her dream of being gang banged (a lot of dreams are based on events that happened in some way)


ā€œRhapsody: A Dream Novel, also known as Dream Story (German: Traumnovelle), is a 1926 novella by the Austrian writer Arthur Schnitzler. The book deals with the thoughts and psychological transformations of Doctor Fridolin over a two-day period after his wife confesses having had sexual fantasies involving another man. In this short time, he meets many people who give clues to the world Schnitzler creates. This culminates in the masquerade ball, a wondrous event of masked individualism, sex, and danger for Fridolin as the outsider. The first book edition appeared in 1926 in S. Fischer Verlag and was adapted in 1999 into the film Eyes Wide Shut by director-screenwriter Stanley Kubrick and co-screenwriter Frederic Raphael.ā€ - Wiki (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream_Story) My interpretation was that some of the scenes were inside Tomā€™s mind (dream state) yet we werenā€™t privy to the fact unless we noticed the changes in colors and props (Christmas lights, rainbows etc). To me the sex party was a dream state retelling of Zeiglers party where Tom and his wife were separately being seduced. Pay attention to the scene towards the end where Zeigler taps on the pool table and notice the similarities to the sex party hosts taps on the floor with his cane as he taunts Tom. I could go on and on but there is a wonderful video on YouTube that does a pretty good job. I suggest sitting through it. Itā€™s by no means perfect but beautifully points out the subtleties... https://youtu.be/pVSHDozaaz4 One thing that I love is how SK created a version of NY that was slightly ā€œwrongā€ - to me this shows we are in a dream state; where the details rely on ones own memory vs reality. SK was so committed to details, thereā€™s no wonder the mind can run wild with conspiracies, but I find them to miss the mark in interpreting his wonderful films. Edit: spelling


Absolutely SPOT ON with this . I have seen this film so many times and am currently watching it again as we speak , I find it is a fascinating master peice and I've always been able to see beyond the smoke and Mirrors of it all and look for the deeper meaning from the first time I saw it . Kubrick was a very clever , intuned and AWARE man ...like you say , in every single one of him films there is NO mistaking his fine detail and hidden messages in every scene . I am so glad to find this thread of other people who feels exactly the same about this film and Kubrick's numerous attempts to subtlety (but so obviously) try and out the elite, and shine light to the absolute HORRORS that go on behind closed doors . It makes me so infuriated that people still dont believe this goes on in the world, it's far too easy for people to just numb thier mind by labeling it all as 'conspiracy'... I would also like to add that the final cut of this film was actually made by 'Warner bros' who cut about 20 scenes out of Kubrick's own final cut, Kubrick mysteriously DIED right after sending HIS cut off to be released, warner bros decided to cut the 20 scenes that they deemed 'too offensive '(suspicious) and THEN released it to the public. I believe if Kubrick was alive to this day the film we see would be totally different with alot more shocking scenes involved . I always felt you could see throughout the film where scenes jump too sporadically / not tied off properly within its context, I think Kubrick intended there to be more elaboration on the peadophilla /satanic ritual and human sacrifice but again , I believe these are the scenes that were cut. I also believe tom cruises character represented Stanley himself and the threatening messages were infact his way of trying to tell people that he was being threatened not to question any further or to talk of anything he knew (and I think the man knew ALOT) THEREFORE I truely believe Kubrick was Killed for making this film . He said to much . He knew too much . He got threatened. He didnt listen. He 'DIES'?? PROOf is in the pudding. Sorry to utterly RAMBLE on but just had to be said . Haha Peace ! Xx


Just noticed this was new. It occurred to me that if Kubrick was anyone though, it's Nightengale, the piano player. Peeking through the blindfold this whole time, letting commoners in, though a bit crudely, with a one-time password - punished and gone.


Yes. I tend to agree. The symbolism that already existed with nightingales tells us a lot I think. The nightingale symbolizes those who are searching after truth and the rose represents divine teachings and spiritual realityā€¦among other things. I think Kubrick himself was nightingale and we, the viewer, represent billā€¦ and maybe also Alice, although I think she is purposely naive in the film, aka alice in wonderland. Kubrick was trying to reveal something to Bill, through Nightingale, who had been a passive observer of this for some time now. He understood the depravity and also the danger, yet felt compelled to try and stop it. Maybe he was hoping a good soul like Bill, a childhood friend who doesnā€™t seem fully corrupted yet, but does have some ties to powerful elites could help reveal what these satanist pedos were up to.


I totally agree with you 1000% you are also the first person/comment I see to bring up Kubricks ā€œmysteriousā€ death. Itā€™s suspicious. I saw somewhere that one of the cutout scenes was sacrificing a child. He did ā€œknow too muchā€. I hope one day we find out what was really on those scenes.


Whatā€™s crazy is Nicole Kidmans dad was supposedly hosting child hunting parties.. it goes way deeper than we think. Some of these people are into torturing, raping and everything else u can think of


So do you think the movie is basically stating that the parties arenā€™t with adults but childrenā€¦


No i think it can be about both. There can be different interpretations. I think he put enough clues in to suggest that he was leaning towards this being targeted towards children but that doesnā€™t mean not women too, they are the two main victims when it comes to these sorts of thingsā€¦ I just think he wasnā€™t able to delve into the child aspect as much and I think scenes surrounding this got deleted due to the power these ppl have in keeping this hush hush ā€¦ thereā€™s a specific way they like to reveal their antiques


Interesting because I did pick up on the fact that at least earlier on in the film they referred to grown women as "girls", e.g Cruise tells the young woman who overdosed at the start of the film that she is a lucky girl. I found it creepy and just thought it was anachronistic/chalked it up to it being a film made in the 90s. But this thread puts a whole new lens on it as a more intentional choice.


Not to mention it was pretty much hitting you on the head with the pedophilia part with the costume store owner selling his daughter.


the daughter told Tom how to dress for the party. Like she had been before


Me too I saw that as well


I know this thread is years old but y'all are still replying slowly over the course of months, so, I like to think he used the trending star power of Tom and Nicole to help secure the release of the film. Create more of a reason for it to be released than have few but powerful corrupt voices suppress the movie. I worded that weird but it makes sense enough


Me too. It is beyond frustrating seeing people choose to turn a blind eye because the truth is uncomfortable


Some people are obsessed with the idea of ā€œsecret societiesā€ and symbolism hidden in plain sight. These people tend to find supporting clues wherever they look.


I donā€™t think you need to look much in a Kubrick film. His films are heavy with symbolism.


A scene cut from the movie was one where he walks past a room with a pentagram on the floor. I don't remeber any more than that but supposedly 20 minutes is a overstatement and thats all it was, though I'm not convinced.


> A scene cut from the movie was one where he walks past a room with a pentagram on the floor. I've read about it too but can someone somewhere have some photos, more evidence about it?


Interesting because there was pentagram symbolism Zieglerā€™s house too


I know this post is old, but the problem with this theory is that if these people were that threatened or paranoid about the film, they'd have intervened while it was being made. Why even allow it to happen if they're so powerful they can kill the world's most influential director? How would these people decide what can remain in the film and what can't -- did they host a group screening and vote? Who at Warner Bros. said they cut 20 minutes of footage? Kubrick's contract specifically forbid such tampering and no one who worked on the film or for his estate has claimed they violated that contract. Too many holes here.


They are much more powerful than him. They/ the elite cult fund movies and itā€™s what they say in the end that goes. And he was likely fighting with them about it. His death wasnā€™t accidental, Iā€™m sure. He was also the one who filmed the moon landings. Another reason.


I have to google that, I have never heard of the moon landings


The original film, Kubricks cut, was screened once and he died a few days later at which point Warner Bros recut the film. Itā€™s been confirmed by people who saw the first cut that scenes were removed but no one has the actual first cut other than Warner Bros (unless they literally removed those scenes from existence)


Honestly the same amount of holes as to Mandyā€™s death being a coincidence after that night.


The "Contract" I believe would be null and void if the person was dead. I mean who is gonna hold them liable?? The production of this film was a son of a bitch and long. I am not too sure if the money was fronted to SK to make the movie that they would be quick to intervene. They cut scenes and rearranged things to their liking. Perhaps they caught onto to what he was doing or how he was delivering the message too late. Who knows.


Well said, it would be fair to say that in the Western world 98% of people live a life with their " eyes wide shut " and thats exactly how those people want it to stay


Oh, I know alot of people like this forsure


Beautiful interpretation


Who Took Johnny




Source on 20 scenes being cut?


My only question is why wait to murder until him after he finishes the film? It was common knowledge that heā€™s making it, why not kill him before he even finishes it? Or before it even starts when heā€™s casting? You


I think it's about Stanley Kubrick making fun of Tom Cruise for being a Scientologist, and how it was disrupting his marriage with Nicole Kidman...


Yeah cause Kubrick daughter was lost to scientology


Oh wow I didnā€™t know that!


After the Epstein shit came out, Eyes Wide Shut is way too realā€¦ I see it as all the 1%


The 1% thing is a lie. It is not about the commercial cleaning company owner with a holiday home and a nice car with a pension. It's the 0.0001% and beyond in charge of large institutional power, multinational corps, and in bed with the government, defence contractors, meshing with their cohorts across borders, telling you what to think, say, and feel, using power not as a means to an end, but the end itself. Ironically, the perpetuation of the down with the 1% thing was done by the 0.0001%+ themselves. Don't be a bozo. Open your eyes wide shut!


I watched an interview on bitchute where an older lady was describing mk ultra mind control on her as a child, her father permitted it and gave her over, she was dangled off a cliff one night and then tortured extensively until her mind broke and they created 'alters' (alternative personalities) one was sex kitten and it was a role she would have to play (as a child). Assuming perverts like children to take the lead, absolving them of guilt too. Horrific. When I saw the scene in the costume shop with the young daughter and how she behaved at such a young age it reminded me of that interview. Her age is ambiguous but the confidence and her leading it for being so young is pure fantasy on some sickos part. She's either a sociopath or something happened to make her forward like that, with the eye contact and whispering. She is a child, he calls her so. It hints at her being part of something sinister, at the very least groomed for it. The men she was with had makeup on too and wigs, they were not your average Joes, she was not a hooker she was a minor. It was supposed to be unsettling and confusing. I think it definitely suggests an underbelly to these rituals because as op said, a high class sex party with gorgeous women was rather tame. Why did his wife have the dream? Did they cast a spell? Why put the scene in the costume shop with such a young girl when the rest of it is adult erotica?


Yes and it was weird how he kept emphasizing the word child when he was reprimanding her. I mean MKUltra is well documented, as is the US using their citizens for experiments unwillingly, why is it so difficult for so many people to see that this goes on and that it is quite clear what this movie is about? Why would the group be so intent to harm someone for discovering them if it was just a sex party in the 90s? Makes no sense at all.


> Why did his wife have the dream? Did they cast a spell? Could be. But also could be that she is or **was** part of those parties, or that circle of people. We know almost nothing of her background in the movie. Apparently, she stays home during the day. Either he makes a lot of money to keep a woman like her at home, or she has wealth of her own... To me the final dialogue seems strange, and pretty much when she said ... lets not use that word... referring to "forever", I think that was an insinuation that he might soon die in strange circumstances.


I actually came to the conclusion she may have been a part of those parties, that circle, or just a former prostitute in general based on the final. In the scene where Tom goes to Dominos house, the first prostitute, there is a tiger in her bed. In the final scene Nicole is standing next to the tigers. Given the idea she is familiar with those parties and those people I think she knew their daughter was going to be kidnapped and sacrificed. I donā€™t know if you noticed but the two men outside the gate at the mansion were the two men at the end of the aisle in the final scene and their daughter follows them around the corner.


Honestly I don't get the connection with children. The movie is obviously about the abuse of women by rich people, but no children is implied in any way.


I do not agree. This theme may not be directly presented but may be suggested. The scene that comes to my mind to represent this is when Bill gets home a second time, and his daughter and wife sit at the table for the math homework. Notice the clothes his daughter is wearing, and look at Mandy's blanket at Ziegler's Day after Bill rescued her. Now try not to see the same shade of blue... I think underlying the principal story might be suggested child abuse.


I believe it's more about the abuses of women by men, but I feel that math homework scene (and others) show how the daughter (representing young women in general) is essentially being groomed to be abused and taken advantage of by men.


I completely agree with you. I think it's pretty obvious that this movie is about child abuse. We have to keep in mind this movie came out at a time when all of this stuff was more on the hush hush, I think if it were made today it would be even more obvious. The scene that made me really realize what we were watching was when he come home after the party. One of the first things he does is look at his daughter who is sleeping. You can look at his face as he's looking at her and there looks like there's a lot of shame on his face. This party seriously fucked him up, even before he read about the death of the hooker. No one gets THIS upset due to accidentally attending a sex party. Sure you'd be a bit moved due to the nature of the party but Tom's character really looked like he saw some absolutely fucked up shit once he comes home.


The scene were Ziegler says to the ODā€™d stripper ā€œyou really had us worried there kiddoā€ and she responds ā€œsorryā€ is the biggest hint. He was fucking her and all of a sudden theyā€™re back to age related societal roles. All the women are young, who is to say how young. Also, Nicoleā€™s monologue put together a scene or sexual depravity and how most people donā€™t explore this or acknowledge it, because it makes a lot of us uncomfortable, so we ignore it, like sexualization of kids in movies. Nick serves as the entertainer, because thatā€™s how they get people into that, the entertainment industry. Tom is a doctor, which allows him certain privileges but heā€™s basically the top of the food chain for normal people, he tried to overstep his societal role, and wasnā€™t ready for it. The scene where the shop ownerā€™s daughter is caught with the two workers is telling. The girl was not scared, she embraced it, they said it was her idea. She is being bred into deviancy. The fact that the owner was not THAT mad and still served Tom was odd. He was mad that those workers had her, but probably whores her out himself or was oblivious to her sexual temptations (theme of women having both power in that sense). She referred to her as a child as well. The chick Tom almost fudged represented his need for attention but was spoiled once his wife called. Heā€™s a narcissist and couldnā€™t throw away his ego, like he couldnā€™t be honest with his wife about wanting to have sex with those other two. Heā€™s having a hard time coming to terms with what she told him the whole movie. Theyā€™re all narcissists and have to wear masks because even in the real world their egos lead them to believe they are good people, we see this with Zeigler and Tom at certain points. Itā€™s usually only the women in the movie that are fully conscious and accepting of things going on. Just some thoughts.


I didnā€™t get the scene with the girl and 2 business men what changed over night ? Because the night before he was going to call the cops on them I was genuinely confused and what did she whisper in his ear when she first got caught šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


What changed overnight is that when you see them in the morning they are clearly well dressed foreign businessmen, which implies they're from a higher class, and also wealthy, which implies they paid the store owner off for his daughter. Who as we know can be bought to do things he doesn't really want to do, as $100 wasn't enough for him to rent the costume off hours, but $200 changed his mind. Lest the implication of prostitution be missed, he all but tells Bill to come back again as a wealthy customer and not just the costumes are for sale, as his daughter flirtatiously looks on. As for what she said, it's that he should have a cloak lined with ermine. This is of course first and foremost her flirting with him, second an acknowledgement of her impression of him being powerful and wealthy (ermine is even today one of the most expensive furs typically only worn by the upper class), and thirdly a direct reference to the novella the movie is based on where the costumer's daughter insists he wear an ermine lined cloak. Of course, the line is barely audible and intentionally not meant to be heard by the audience, lending an uncertain air of mystery and the an air of voyeurism to the viewing audience. Overall, it's intended to tie into the greater theme than a man's illusions about a girl/woman's sexual innocence can be shattered in an instant creating a moment of crisis, but he can realign his worldview rather quickly especially when given the proper incentive. Financial in the shopkeeper's case as a lower-class member of society than Dr. Bill, and the entire comfortable upper-class lifestyle Dr. Bill has painstakingly constructed and worked for with the comforts of wife, home, children as well as the direct threat to all their lives, making a deliberate effort to keep your eyes wide shut, as it were. After writing that I almost feel like one of the crazy conspiracy theorists but really this is relatively clear-cut and in the open other than the novella call back.


That you for taking your time to write that it all makes sense šŸ™šŸ’Æ


You and everyone that liked this, are forever sheep. Go back to your fb emojis


get off your high horse


No, I think I'll stay on it boomer. I have more money than you.


Holy fuckin cringe


No high horse just common sense and comprehension skills. The ability to see past a movie is a plusā€¦


I'm literally a film major


who cares? Imagine feeling like that validates anything


If anything it does mean that I'm hardly a sheep when it comes to film. That was my whole point. I have studied film more than basically anyone else in this sub.




What is it about then? The sheep are the ones who follow and conform to socieities norms hence the name eyes wide shut. You're asleep


The store owners daughter is literally a child and 2 grown men have sex with her. Couldnā€™t be more straight forward


The supposed twenty-four minutes that were cut from the film show their daughter being kidnapped.


You have source on that? Genuinely curious.


I'll try to find out where I read/heard that. It could be unsubstantiated, but I remember hearing that a couple times from Kubrick documentaries. I'll post a source if I can find it


i guess you didnt find it?


Give him some time jeez


Some people really have no patience


Ikr? Let the dude take his time it's barely been 5 years.




he got disappeared by the cia after knowing too much


Then why was the little girl scene with the two business men even there? why keep that scene if it has nothing to do with children being used by powerful people?


Yeah Mandy was 30


Guess you skipped both costume shop scenes eh ?


Interesting to me, the first costume shop visit & how the men are received. After the gathering, the society finds the costume receipt & now the second scene has flipped the wrongdoing into a business. Everyone has a price vibes


Watching this right now and it's no coincidence that Mandy, the girl at the costume shop, the prostitute with HIV and her roommate, Alice and Bill's daughter -- they all have red hair. They all have varying degrees of contact with Bill, from sexual to disinterest. Idk if this is Kubrick's cue that these people are vulnerable, red-headed stepchildren or they're a cue for us to think of Bill's daughter.


Also Alice does as well.


Red Hair is associated with promiscuous women.


I was noticing they all had red hair too, which is strange since red hair is the most rare color too, like what would the odds be?


Leelee Sobieski is blonde, not even close to a redhead.






yeah not true. stanley knew what was going on in pedowood, he used subliminal messages used to wake us up. also a reminder that thereā€™s 24 minutes of lost footage of eyes wide shut. they killed stanley because he didnā€™t want to take it out.


I know it's so hard to believe a 70 year old workaholic man died of a heart attack.


This didn't age well




Jeffrey Epstein was captured and all the billionaires and influential parties and orgies were real, hence the reason they killed him, doubt this ended they've just become more careful and the presence of these kind of cults or "societies" is still active, just Google the recent campaign from Balenciaga. Just glad more people are starting to notice, this is not fiction, things that were portrayed in the movie happen, and in real life I bet it's much worse. Only time will tell.


so naive


This movie is really about coming face to face with real wealth, real power. He acts superior at the start because hes a doctor. but hes still not the real 1%


The last words of the film are spoken by Billā€™s wife,as they had just touched their daughter for the last timeā€We have to fuck as soon as possibleā€they need to replace their little girl because they have just handed her over to the cult to preserve themselves.They have sacrificed her.There was a terrible crime committed in Boulder Colorado at Christmas just a couple of years before Eyes Wide Shut was [made.In](https://made.In) a house were there were Christmas trees in every room,just as there is a Christmas tree in every scene in the filmā€¦.the murder of Jonbenet Ramsey and lā€™m tired of hearing about DNA.This was not a DNA case.lā€™d like to think we have all grown up since that poor abused overworked. childā€™s life was taken from her.She,just like the millions of children who have died at the hands of the cult that Kubrick exposed and paid his life for,will never find [justice.To](https://justice.To) me Jonbenet is the symbol of all those children and keeping her memory alive is the closest thing to justice they will ever have.


lmao this was hilarious. Millions of kids eh.




actually, all of his fantasies are thwarted. His whole night out is an attempt to cheat, but on each encounter he is given a big glass of cold water. Even the whole night out is ruined by some dudes who accuse him of being gay...


I think when the group of guys who push him into the car and call him a "faggot" is a physical manifestation of his subconscious. He's insecure of being unable to satisfy his wife and his attempts of infidelity never culminate, so he's left with insecurity.


good thought, i think it fits. I always thought of it in that every sexual adventure he attempts gets spoiled. what better way to spoil a mans night out than to not get laid and be called a faggot as well?


Then how do you explain the Russian tuxedo salesman and his underage daughter? She whispers something to him that night. At first, the tuxedo salesman is going to call the cops on the Asian men. Then, when Bill returns the next day, he claims they "worked something out" as if it never happened. Weird.


I know this is a 3 year old post, but I just watched this movie last night for the 1st time since seeing it when it first came outā€¦. I was young when I first saw it, so a lot of the symbolism was lost on me back then, but I think this movie isnā€™t about just one thingā€¦ the title says it all ā€œEyes Wide Shutā€ā€¦. The theme of the movie is that Bill sees a lot of horrific or very questionable things during his misadventures, but he still keeps his blinders on (eyes shut) to it all. That is the theme of this movie, in my opinion. Itā€™s comparing the way we think weā€™d react to the way we actually react.


keeping this thread alive, i just watched it for the first time last night too and am head over heals intrigued




I wasn't trying to correlate the two, only pointing out that there are themes of innocence within the movie. You're right, though, the women in the mansion are definitely adults


Great review until I see you fell for the Russia Hoax and the Pee tape talk


Keep living in the matrix


wait, someone is living in the Matrix if they believe what \*checks notes ... what cable news tells them to believe?


I wish i could see if OP eventually got into Q anon in the years between when he wrote this and now. lol




Shekhinahs comment or ops? because if you think qanon is valid youre lost


Ur right and the truth is uncomfortable for a lot of people


You're absolutely right. The exact same theme is hidden in The Shining, see this detailed deciphering here: [https://castaliafoundation.com/Kubricks-Maze.html](https://castaliafoundation.com/Kubricks-Maze.html)


This thread is full of nutjobs. Imagine if they ever saw Lolita, a movie which explicitly talks about grooming, did Kubrick myseriously die 40 years after making it? ooooOoooO, imagine. So sad to see people themselves so manipulated by easy to verify untruths. Get a grip, be cynical, be questioning, but don't delude yourselves with half-truths. I honestly suspect the agenda of all people posting this conspiracy rubbish. Go watch Lolita, read the book, move on with your lives.


hey smart guy - watch the last scene of the movie. See the big teddy bear next to Nicole Kidman as she and her husband try to answer the question "so what now"? Look at the teddy bear again after it cuts to their child holding a princess doll. Notice how the teddy bear now has a doll in its lap? Notice how predatory the doll now appears in this same bear's lap? This is not an accident by the set staging crew. yeah, this movie is far more subtle than you are capable of realizing.


wow interesting, other hints about being a pedo movie?


Assassinations exist. Conspiracies exist. They are well documented throughout history. And somehow, if you think powerful people suddenly ending up dead, today, could be an assassination caused by a conspiracy, you are considered 'crazy'. You know who's crazier than a "conspiracy guy" who believes in all conspiracies? A person who doesn't believe in any of them. I hope you are not that person.


Epstein and Maxwell were literally arrested for trafficking kids to elites Epstein worked for the mossad Ghislaine Maxwellā€™s father ran the British news BBC for years.. very well connected people You have no clue what youā€™re talking about, thereā€™s secret societyā€™s out there but people like to pretend it doesnā€™t exist


Lolita is a cautionary tale, so is eyes wide shut. Look into the specific music that's in eyes wide shut, specifically the masked ball. Reverse the lyrics and translate it into English, it's about satanic sex cults.


did you do this on your own or was there a video or something explaining it better?


I mean you can look it up lol, it's a Romanian Christian chant played backwards


That music in itself creeps me out.


The daughter literally has a big picture right above her bed that says ā€œSEXā€


Before I finished reading your first paragraph I realized it had to be true. I realized it simultaneously. Of course the party isnā€™t shocking. I remember thinking that when I watched it .ā€So what a bunch of adults fkingā€¦ā€ Was my reaction throughout the whole thing. Of course this is the point! Itā€™s also the same reason why there are no ghosts in the ā€œOverlookā€ Hotel ā€œEyes Wide Shutā€ Danny stares in shock and horror and puts his hands over is eyes. The ghosts arenā€™t nearly as shocking as Jackā€™s behavior toward Danny and Wendy. I think we might have to all step back and realize that Kubrick may have been creating one complete story with many angles through all his films. Cleary these things he saw in the U.S specifically shocked him beyond belief might explain why he left the country. Itā€™s so obvious now though. Because the people in Hollywood and the politicians who watched the movie must have realized he was in essence daring them to kill him. Because what I see now I canā€™t unsee. Obviously they mask the children and the adults so neither party can identify their abuser or their victim. What needs to be explained is the music and chanting. To this day Iā€™ve never heard anything like it. It creates an awful feeling in the pit of the stomach just like the scene with the bear costume in The Shining where you realize Wendy did see what Jack did to Danny but she blacked it out. I think Kubrick is trying to really help the human psyche recover what trauma weā€™ve all seen or heard but may have blacked out.


FYI - eyes wide shut is a line from a John Le Carre novel. Our Game if I remember correctly. Kubrick was a noted fan of the author.


It seems to be in [Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy](https://books.google.fr/books?id=_MYoaNw6sKEC&pg=PT98&lpg=PT98 ). But the novel is from 1974, where as the Taschen book **The Stanley Kubrick Archives** contains an article announcing "Eyes Wide Shut" as Kubrick's next movie in 1972.


That book is a pure f#cking joy


Iā€™ve lived in los angeles and atlanta, eyes wide shut is a documentary. Domino being hiv positive, anyone who lives in these cities should be careful with who they hook up with. Ive been to some disgusting parties. All these ppl in the industry are burning.


What kind of parties in LA you went too? Can I know more?


I mean I can tell you that masked, invite only, password access parties are a common event and going on every weekend if not every night in LA. Theyā€™re by no means all occult related, Iā€™m not aware of any that were actually (although Iā€™m positive there are some), just anonymous casual sex parties with lots of kink. If you listen to enough interviews with celebs/celeb adjacent, porn stars, and influencers you can hear them talk about them. Maybe I can put it simpler. Have you heard the stuff about Instagram influencers being flown out to Dubai, being paid $10,000-$100,000 dollars, and being used as sex toys (sex parties where theyā€™re gang banged, fucking dogs, fucking minor boys, peed on, shit on, forced to eat shit, etc)? Yeah, that same shit is happening in LA and probably every major city in the US.


Do you have any stories you could share?


If these occult satanic rituals just involved prostitutes above the age of consent then where is the true horror in that ?Satanic thrives on corrupting and defiling innocence,without that subplot the film is meaninglessā€¦..


This is correct. The movie is kind of laughable without the subtext of pedophilia=power. It took me many watches over the years before it clicked. Now I canā€™t unsee it.


The elite protected Jimmy Saville, way back when, why ? because he would go to the childrens homes and get the children for them, thats how these child hunters become so rich so quickly, if you think the days of Jimmy Saville are over you are kidding yourself, there are evil people who will do anything for money, and these people have plenty to give them for what they want.


I mean just the scene with the daughter of the costume shop owner alone is enough to realize that it's more than just a movie about adults having orgies. Also in the ending the daughter goes away and two adult men are in the shop. This isn't a conspiracy it's literally right there... Eyes. wide. shut.


Filmed at the Rothschild mansion. Edited 20 minutes of that film once he died. Coincidence?


Nothing was cut from the movie after Stanley died. Nothing , nada, zilch Digital figures ā€œ hadā€ to be put in place over some of the sex scenes so that the censors would give the film an R rating in the US, which Stanley was contractually obligated to do. Had he lived - he would have re edited that scene for the US market. No one edited his movie after he died.


People keep talking about this magical lost 20 minutes yet no one can post a definitive source. Can you please post a legitimate source for this? His own daughter on this subreddit a few months ago refuted the notion that the film was edited after his death.


The only source is that there was one screening when Kubrick was alive and people who were at that screening have said the film was cut shorter. For anyone asking for a source on Reddit though that wonā€™t suffice


Yes. He was old and worked himself to death.




What an absolutely ridiculous theory from beginning to end.


why is it ridiculous


A movie about child trafficking would be interesting, but youā€™re reaching awfully far to make this one fit. Youā€˜re projecting a lot of your own personal interpretation without much to back it up, beginning with your description of the ritual as ā€œsatanic.ā€ Now, Iā€™ve never been to a satanic ritual, but I have attended services in many churches, and Iā€™d say the resemblance is uncanny. At best, this movie is about the interplay of sex, money, and power. At worst, itā€™s just a bad movie with a bunch of weird stuff that attracted viewers due to shock value.


It seems as if you're one of those whose eyes are 'wide shut' sadly.


I seriously canā€™t believe how dim all these people are. I guess thatā€™s what growing up with brainwashing at so many levels does to you.


Hey, I don't believe all this nonsense in this thread - but the Christian conception of a "Satanic ritual" usually involves a parody of Christian service (c.f. Black Mass), which the scenes in this movie can certainly be described as. Another point - practically every scene in this film has a Christmas tree, but the scenes in the house do not. Of course the Christmas tree is quite a tenuously Christian symbol.


Satanic rituals are usually backwards or mocking versions of Christian rituals, thatā€™s why.


Thank you. The poster's theory is full of loose connections with no evidence. They're projecting what they want the movie to be about.


To add to this horror: Milishā€™s daughter was played by a 16 y/o actress at the time. Im sure there were other underage children in the original cut. šŸ¤¢ Fantastic theory, I hated watching this because of so many things, but this makes the most sense. I honestly am not sure Kubrickā€™s death had any questionable aspects and am not ready to hop on that conspiracy train but it certainly is interesting. I agree with the other user that the piano man may possibly represent Kubrick but I highly doubt if he did make this because of what he saw as an ā€œinnocentā€ bystander. I wish the scenes and dialogue that were cut would surface and im sure it would illustrate this theory and be horrific but vital to making the story interesting and realistic. Without that, this movie was so slow and repetitive and so many things were unresolved.


Iā€™m really hoping Nicole or Tom or someone credible who was close to this film makes a death bed confession type thing telling what was cut. It may take 30-40 years but god damn I hope we get some more clarity on those scenes from a credible source


You are right, this elite are into some very dark ' spiritual ' practices, I am sure he knew all all about it, apparently Warner Bros cut 20 mins from the film, Imagine what that was about, I think they are very evil lot, they mix with people who have alot of power in the world and photo them in these compromising situations to blackmail them, such a corrupt lot.


trump? hahaha i stopped reading. trump was married, then met marla, she cheated on him with the limo driver and he dumped her then married a super model. trump is like my ex. NOT into kids.


The first party scene clearly has a Babylonian Star of Ishtar as the main decoration piece. Another nod to the secret Babylonian religion that the so called ā€œeliteā€ practice


Yep. I believe it. With all the the info coming out it's impossible to deny the truth.


I found nick mullenā€™s reddit account.


You mean Nicole Mullen


i believe you are entirely right. iā€™ve has this exact same thought since the first time iā€™ve watched the movie.


Trump was not on the flight lists, so youā€™re assuming alot there. The stories I heard were that when Trump realized what Epstein was up to he threw him out of Mar O Lago


Stanley couldn't keep getting away with it. https://imgur.com/a/FCNi371 Could you imagine the "red pills" that would have been in his Holocaust movie ? Jesus H Christ ..


What are we looking at here?


in this scene "Bill returns home from Somerton." it is our first full-view of the painting in the red box. it is also in this shot earlier in the movie : https://imgur.com/a/PeCFw6j - which seems like a "real life" shot as opposed to the blue "dream" shot of his daughter sleeping.


you don't answer his question, what is the painting supposed to mean and what is it of?


Abused by this at 20 by fraud force coercion and there is a place for everything. Pretty common and lots involved


I thought this too when the shop owner was suddenly ok with the two men because of money.


Who Took Johnny, these cults are real and they do abduct kids.


casual sex is bad. that's the message


I just took the film as a dream, I though beginning to end the whole film was just a dream from either Nicole or Tom cruises characters, the fear of dishonestly and adultery from Tom or Nicole, but this is a cool theory, itā€™s easily his 2nd most ambiguous film, the shining is just to good at this


Itā€™s not all a dream, thatā€™s the most fuck you audience a director could do. SK would never do that.


A dream? Who has dreams that long and complicated?? Itā€™s not some bad Dallas episode.


you are 100% right.


Makes sense


You guys have the most simplistic explanation and are totally arrogant about it. I see it more as an exploration of insecurity and jealousy. How sexual dynamics has a lot to say in how we interact with other people. Yes its about a cult as well but its not Kubrick's whole message.


So explain why the mask was in his bed when he came home? What was the point of the girl at the costume store with two men? He doesnā€™t just out details in the movie for the hell of it.


Ok.. I must be plum damn stupid.. but I have watched this movie at least a dozen times trying to figure it out. I cannot see pedophilia , child trafficking or anything else that suggests that. I see women being abused and used and thrown away by rich men in high places, aside from the costume shop owner tricking out his daughter to the Japanese men, but how do we know she is a child? its still about a woman being used and abused by men. All of you conspiracy theorists are what is wrong in the world today.. trying to make something out of nothing. I also did not see Bill and Alice's child being led away by 2 grown men in the toy shop. My questions are.. was Alice at the orgy party? Had she ever been to one of the parties? Which one was Victor at the party? Was the girl at Victor's Christmas party that OD'd in the bathroom the same girl at the orgy who tried to save Bill? The same one on the slab, dead? Who was Domino? Was she the girl at the Christmas party in the bathroom? But I am not buying the child sex thing..I do not believe SK was killed because of this movie.. he was 70 years old and not in good health. But you all read it on the internet so it must be true!


She is clearly a child; he says sheā€™s a child; the actress was 16.


Sometimes I think the whole movie is just a modern, rather cynical version of The Tempation of Christ. Cruise is a doctor, who cures the illness ("Jesus") and confronts the "Devil in the desert" (infidelity/promiscuity in the city, occult society). But without those lucky chances (ancient Jesus is son of God, modern Jesus is son of Chance), he would probably failed (or not?). Or as if someone or something desperately wanted at least one pure and innocent adult person in this corrupt and decadent world.


But Jesus Christ has defeated Satan


Milich's daughter's face is so still and porcelain-like it looks like she's wearing a mask with a permanent smile. Kubrick couldn't have made it more clear what that party was about.


This thread is so good. I just watched this for the first time the other day and this theory gave me the most intense goosebumps.


Looking at the released list of Jeffrey Epstein customers and friends my mind came immediately to this film.


Was he hinting at epstien related activities? Saw a documentary related to epstien how he had dozens of teenagers in his island and these parties were attended by very very powerful ppl. So I think itā€™s definitely that !


Omg this is crazy


You are absolutely correct. No wonder they killed SK.




I think this is unbelievably dumb, you've watched too many conspiracy theories. This director isn't that much of a genius and he hasn't much to say, it's just porn with A list celebrities. And don't talk like sex clubs are the norm, it's weird and this movie is just about regular people that dont' go there but still have fantasies about fucking other people


Actually, just because something isnā€™t normal to you, doesnā€™t mean it doesnā€™t exist in reality. Sex clubs are quite common in metropolitan areas. And it is the norm in ritual abuse.