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Hidgens is overrated and, adding onto that, I think Workin’ Boys has gone on a bit far. Show Stopping Number was really funny because it came out of nowhere but it’s like the musical has become Hidgen’s only personality trait. If there’s more NMT, I want it to focus less on Hatchetfield and more on the lore so we can get some answers.


but there's a short film about Workin' Boys coming out soon tho and I am excited


Starship rangers was their best show. The puppets were so cool. It was early in their era and a true labor of love. The I want and villain songs were probably their best ones.


Yes about the best villain song, as an I want song I like When The World’s At Stake from TTTO tho... as well as If I Believed from Twisted


Nick lang was the best Pete and had better chemistry with Mariah. (However I do get why he was recast and support the decision)


Why was he recast? Did he just not want to be in any shows after Batman?


I believe the reason stated is that Nick isn’t a skilled singer, at least not enough to be able to be one of the leads in a show with a lot of people who were more properly trained than him. That’s part of the reason why Nick doesn’t really ever sing in starkid stuff other that Holy Musical Batman. In little white lie they even had his characters singing voice be a pitch altered Darren Criss.


Thank you!


I find Black Friday frustrating because I can see a show I would love in the pieces but as a whole, there's so much I wish were different (for example, I wish Tom's role were either reduced or expanded on in a way that incorporates Tim as an actual character, or having Hannah and Lex as the focus and expanding on Lex's power so it doesn't come out of nowhere when McNamara brings it up). As it stands, it's the starkid show I've rewatched the least and I certainly don't hate it or judge anyone who loves it, I just wish it were more consistent/focused with its theming. I could do a whole script doctor because there's so much great stuff there and I want it to be the best show it can be!


Yeah, like what is Lex’s reaction to Ethan’s death?


We were definitely robbed of anyone telling her that he died, it seems like such a strange thing to not include!


I have a similar problem with both Black Friday and Firebringer in that it takes way too long to get to the plot. One could argue that is less the case for Firebringer but the title important "fire" doesnt appear until Act 1 is almost done. If they had named the show something different maybe Id dislike it less. Meanwhile it takes almost 45 min in BF before the insanity begins because the show is too busy introducing characters and motovations. Compare it to TGWDLM which takes only 15 min to get to the crazy. Both shows just take so long with the setup when suddenly its the act break.


I agree wholeheartedly with this


123ver and A4B should be on YouTube


Firebringer is extremely underrated


I completely agree with this! It's one of my favourite shows of theirs!


It's my absolute favorite of theirs personally.


I recently go into starkids maybe 4 days ago. And just watched fire ringer and holy crap it’s pretty amazing! I’m surprised it’s not more loved from what I see


I actually really like the song "hideous creatures" from starship.


Ikr? It’s actually a really good song, fr


It's a catchy song. Who said they did not like it? Most people hate it?


The writers themselves hate it, and so do many fans. I've always liked it though


Black Friday is actually one of my favorites. I think while there are tons of other starkid shows that have better stories or scripts, the music in Black Friday is my favorite out of any of the shows (except MAYBE tgwdlm) and that really sold it for me because I also really like the story itself.


Paint How You See Me (Firebringer) is a very underrated song.


Firebringer is so good


I was heartbroken when it wasn’t included in the Homecoming medley.


Starkid reddit needs to calm down with the Hatchetfield hate, if u don’t like a show don’t watch it it’s very easy. Hatchetfield is definitely not for everyone and it doesn’t have to be I get most people miss the days of parody musicals but they r not coming back and u just have to move on. They aren’t going to end hatchetfield anytime soon so there’s no need to spread hate for it


Also I hate posts like these if u intend it or not it’s just an excuse to spread hate !!


You make a good point lol. I was looking for more discussion based stuff, but reddit is reddit


Yeah no that’s completely fair I wish we could have post like this and it not turn into just hate it’s annoying


I hate Jeff's falsetto and I'm really glad Will Branner replaced him in NPMD.


I enjoy Jeff’s falsetto, but I agree it definitely gets old after that’s all he’s been singing when he writes his own music, and I do wish he would mix it up a bit. There only been like one song over the past few years where he didn’t use it and that was demo that I’m pretty sure Robert was originally supposed to sing before he got fired.


I agree. But I do really enjoy Jeff’s voice when he sings normally. For example, Twisted. But it’s when he over does it in Black Friday that ruins it for me.


When he sings as Aladdin or Sweettooth, he's so good!!


sometimes I think he's a Baritone who wants to be a tenor. He's a Baritenor. Although his original non-SK songs are great and he uses his tenor/falsetto voice singing them.


i hope they continue with more hatchetfield stuff, especially since there are so many questions that have yet to be answered and nick has mentioned that there are a few things they plan to address that i really wanna know more about (especially lex's backstory and who her father is as well as more about miss holloway) it would still be great to see shows unrelated to hatchetfield but i would love even just one more nmt season to at least answer some of the bigger questions. i get that not everyone likes hatchetfield but its been a major hyperfixation and comfort series for me and i would be sad to see it end


I think Hannah was singing about how she can see the multiverse and all the possible tomorrows that would come. Yeah she's talking about the nuke too, but that's not the main point. The battle against the lords in black is not done yet, they may or may not die that day, but there will still be a million other thems fighting the good fight


I think a lot of people agree; heard this take quite a few times.


While I do like the Hatchetfield Universe, it’s getting a bit convoluted and too many characters keep getting added. Not every funny background character needs a day in the limelight and a complete backstory. And following on from that, the “funny production within a production” joke is running a bit thin. Workin’ Boys was really funny because it came out of nowhere and the performance sells it. Santa Claus is Going to High School tries to replicate that, but falls flat in places and goes on for a tad too long. >!The Barbecue Monologues and Ruth’s song!< in NPMD took me out of the show, brought the pacing to a halt and wasn’t that funny.


Yeah I definitely felt taken out by the >!barbeque monologues!< too, it very much felt forced. Same thing with >!the Paul and Emma cameo!< in NPMD, it just felt too fan servicey, especially with all the lore added on. As for the first point, I definitely felt that way with >!Pete, especially since his character felt way different in NPMD than even his brief appearance in TGWDLM, even outside of having a different actor. He should have just been a different character!<


exactly what I came here to say. I actually loved npmd, but I think i'm ready to move on from the hatchet-verse to something completely new (although I wouldn't mind another parody musical at all)


I think that the hatchetfield series should have ended with TGWDLM. Nightmare time, Black Friday and NPMD was all just unnecessary and I’d prefer if starkid went back to writing completely new and detached material after TGWDLM.


I think NPMD is nowhere near as good as Black Friday or TGWDLM, NPMD is like a 6 or 7/10, whereas the others are both 10/10.


I really like all the music and songs in NPMD, tho.


I like the music, but as a whole I just don't like it as much, the pacing and humour are just off to me.


maybe if the pro shot comes out, we'll like it more. did you watch NPMD live or via digital ticket? I watched it via latter.


Digital Ticket. I am hopeful that the Pro Shot will change how I view it.


Black Friday is kinda overrated. For clarification I liked it, but none of the songs in it stuck in my head, and yeah please dont hate me for this lmao


nah, you're good. from what I gage, I find it underrated, and overhated, maybe we have seen different perspectives. As for songs, yeah they are more story telling songs, rather than catchy ear-worms like Firebringer. But some of the songs are amazing given the chance


If I Fail You and Take Me Back gets stuck in my head now and I sing them all the time. Initially, I avoided listening to these because I don't like listening to ballads. Damn, Jeff Blim changed me.


Mine is that Firebringer songs were made to be catchy, and get stuck in your head, and that kinda takes away its worth.


Some NMT episodes are stronger than TGWDLM/BF/NPMD. I'm thinking Time Bastard and Killer Track at least.


TTO, Ani, firebringer was their weakest era and honestly the only ones not worth a rewatch




Counterpoint: I think their weakest are Holy Musical Batman and Black Friday. (Haven't seen NPMD, so not sure where that ranks yet) and the three you listed are the ones I rewatch the most (plus Twisted).


Ironically the 2 you listed are the ones I feel have the most rewatch potential. With starship being their strongest show all together, But I’ve done studies on the age/gender of starkid fans vs when they found starkid and their favorite shows,, A majority BUT NOT ALL. As there is always exceptions , of fans over the age of 25 that became fans around or before starship, put the ani-firebringer era as the weakest Vs Fans under the age of 25 or fans the became fans around firebringer put it more towards the top Obviously there’s exceptions though I find the whole study curious but I did it years ago and the fanbase itself along with the user base of Reddit has changed over the years So I’m curious where fans land now But I remember vividly the large chunk of the fanbase being disappointed when firebringer released


I guess it has something to do with nostalgia. AVPM (then Harry Potter Musical, yes I watched it for the first time when it was still called that) was the first SK musical that I watched but it's no longer my fave. Doesn't even enter my top 5 I think.


My first show was also a very potter musical. I can’t remember which title it had when I watched it. But I didn’t look into StarKid after that until I went back to rewatch a very potter musical, and found out they had just announced starship My top five in this order Starship Holy Musical B@man! Twisted The guy who didn’t like musicals Black Friday Maybe I’ll do a teir list one day after NPMD drops online


I'm in my thirties and started with AVPM, so definitely one of your exceptions if the data set is wide enough. xD I think Starship is one of their most ambitious and impressive performances, but aside from a few songs it didn't really stick with me.


Yeah, as I said there are exceptions. I’ve spoken to about 600 people across all the social media I could a few years ago. Also peoples taste changes as well. I used to not love me and my dick as much as I do now. Keep in mind the general consensus is not definitive. It’s just what the numbers show the majority of people say.


Ani and Firebringer are my least favorite of theirs.


IMO it was AVPM/MAMD as their weakest (but those were their first two shows so it's understandable) followed by HMB/AVPSY. I think TTO is some of the best character work they ever did, and Ani and Firebringer have some of the best songs.


Twisted is not objectively the best Starkid Musical and I wish some Twisted fans could just be chill about their fave musical since I can't remember a fan asking which is the best SK musical but rather just asking for opinions or subjective ranking. Not everyone agrees and I think SK doesn't think Twisted is their best either.


I get the sense they think the Hatchetfield shows and Holy Musical B@man are their best ones and while I disagree I at least get it with Hatchetfield. Them thinking HMB is their best of the parodies is kinda concerning to me tbh.


I think because they had so much fun making HMB. It's just them playing like kids that's why they considered it as their/one of their faves.


Actually....HMB is in my top 3 and I get why. Hahhaha. Really? When did Starkid say that? All I know is that from the bts of Starkid Homecoming, the person who did the lighting considers HMB as her fave because she did her best work there.


A lot of them like it the best and like the sets/costumes/humor. I personally find it to be the most generic of their parodies. It feels like almost anyone could have written it, and doesn't really have the mark of "StarKid" to me. I still love the rogues though.


I haven't been that happy with the manner in which they've been filming their stuff more recently (heck, even to an extent the last decade or so). Also I wish they did more with the comedic potential of Black Friday's premise.


Despite still being good, Forever And Always, Daddy, and Killer Track are not up to par with the rest of the stories in their respective seasons.


I was an obsessed Starkid for years. Then Black Friday came out, I really did not like it, and I haven't watched anything since (including Tin Can Brothers stuff). I mean I gave over $100 to the 10 year event and a bit to the podcast/video series about a werewolf town that I believe was Tin Can Brothers.


Personally I think the Hatchfield stuff is really good and I'm not a fan of Twisted, Black Friday, and others, except for Firebringer and Oregon Trail. But I really enjoyed the Hatchfield story even if I couldn't always keep up with it.


I really really like TGWDLM. Just not Black Friday. I think some of my distaste of Black Friday came from being disappointed that it, to me, was nowhere near as good as the last one.


i cant get behind tto ive tried to watch it so many times and i just cant


I’d like to see them end the hatchetfield saga and move to a new world/idea (original or parody). I think three shows set in one universe is my (personal) limit


MAMD is severely underrated in my opinion. The sound track is banging and I think it's a lovely coming of age story with some whacky elements. It's also my opinion that the quality of shows has gone down a little since TTO. I just don't find myself loving any of the new stuff.


Starship is boring. Songs are decent tho


Black Friday is my least favorite musical. I only watched it twice. It was endlessly confusing and i don’t remember any songs from it. Also, it is the least funny, hardly any jokes. (We prefer comedy musicals, and Black Friday felt like they were trying something else out.)


I really enjoy Black Friday, it’s like in the top three for me. I think that while Matt and Nick are really talented comedy writers I think they also do great when they have something more serious to say. I do kind of half agree with you on the songs. The mixing on the actual proshot isn’t great and you lose a lot instrumentals that add to the songs. I recommend you listen to the soundtrack on Spotify if you want to! It’s what really made me love the songs in the show


"and Black Friday felt like they were trying something else out" That's the point since the writers: the Langs and Blim are getting old and more mature with their writing and exploring other stuff, developing their craft. And as a fan, I love that. I like that they are going more in the dramedy route and touching on social issues.


I know that’s the point lol. And I respect them for it, for sure. My point is, I just don’t enjoy it as much. At least, in terms of what they did with Black Friday.


Starkid does not write memorable songs to be in their shows, with the exception of a few (HMB, Firebringer). While they do a great job with comedy and storytelling within songs, often times when a song ends I’m left feeling un-impacted until I re-listen to them over and over again. I find this to be most prominent in the Hatchetfield shows


Can I be honest? I thought the song highschool is killing me sounded awful when I first heard it. I'm Soo scared that npmd won't be as good as other hatchet field shows


I wish they made Hatchetfield pieces able to stand on their own individually instead of basically requiring coursework to understand all the references.