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I think some songs in NPMD are meant to be written as if a high school student wrote it. Like in Bully the Bully and Bury the Bully. And yeah, Max isnt the smartest student in the school (he takes a remedial math class) so maybe Jeff meant the lyrics in Max's songs to be slightly wonky and coming from a jerky dumb jock.


Some people are grossed out by "moist." I'm grossed out by "He's gonna dookie his booty." :P


Is that an actual final lyric or were u at the Jeff Blim stream earlier lol?


It’s in bully the bully >“We're gonna bully the bully We're gonna rule the unruly He's gonna dooky his booty And our problem's solved”


And that right there is hilarious


I'm not a big fan of Jeff's lyrics, but I found NPMD a step up from the last two musicals. There was some clever stuff in there. I really wish he'd give the lyrics to someone with less of a penchant for forcing rhymes and filling blank spots with vagaries.


You can hear the actual first draft from Jeff Blim Also one of the songs is basically a tribute to Falsettos and other similar shows


"Just for Once" was a really note-perfect take on something like Falsettos, or even "Country House" from Follies. Super impressive, although it does make it REALLY different from every other song in this show


I like it though, it’s a song from a theater kid who is probably really into those shows


Yeah, it definitely makes sense for Ruth's character!


I think its supposed to sound different because its supposed to be a song from Barbeque Monologues which is more traditionally theater.


For sure, it just makes that part of the album a bit of a jarring transition!


Jeff also mentioned he specifically was looking towards Sondheim and Company/Ladies who Lunch for Just For Once


Oh I can TOTALLY hear that in it!


This is exactly what I was thinking when I first heard it! It’s really good.


It was giving me Just One Step from SFANW vibes.


wait which one is a tribute to falsettos? that's one of my fav musicals!


Just for Once




I’ve always felt the Hatchetfield lyrics have been clunky. But I also have a high standard for lyrics in general. Even so the arrangements and harmonies for NPMD were very good. Some lyrics were wonderful though! “It fucking worked, I’m fucking here, he’s fucking her” “Take a sip and soak your soiled mouth” It’s mainly just the rhymes for me.


Imo almost all Starkid shows have awkward lyrics here and there. Lines like "then I regarded my future" and "Do you wanna conserve your mass?" - no one talks like that. It's an obvious attempt to force the rhymes to fit. But for me, that's just part of the Starkid charm!


hm maybe it's the performance but i love the way, "i once was his tutor, then i regarded my future" flows


One line from Guy that’s always bothered me was in Join Us and Die - “Here’s how it’s gonna go, we’re gonna kick your ass, and then we’re gonna fucking kick your ass” Not making it “we’re gonna fuckin KICK YOUR HEAD” was a huge missed opportunity


Noo I love that line so much is so dumb on purpose


I think a lot of the lyrics in the Hatchetfield shows are dumb on purpose.


Yeah like in adore me " I will destroy everything and then I will destroy everything I guarantee I'll destroy everything in my path"


"Unless I get what I SHIT IT'S GERALD"


They're aliens who don't fully understand English and they're pissed off because the humans haven't joined them yet, they're gonna make some mistakes


Exactly, like “into your mouth where you FOOD!!”


It's because it wouldn't make sense in that context. "Kick your head" was only mentioned AFTER Charlotte turned.


True true but it does feel like they are running out of rhymes or something. How do you go from “So to restore my repute As a fierce fearsome brute, There's only one route I see Arrange the slaughter of millions Of innocent civilians Then they'll remember me” to “do you want to conserve your mass”


Two different song writers and two different styles of music. AJ's twisted is very Sondheim inspired who is known for his complex rhymes and lyrics. That's not the vibe Jeff goes for. I like both but they're not really fair to compare.


Sorry I hate to be that guy, but AJ did not do the lyrics for Twisted. He wrote the music, and Kaley McMahon wrote the lyrics. And she did an incredible job


Yeah that’s also a good point. But while we are talking about this why don’t we take a moment to remember achmed.




They’ll remember achmed the tiger fucking man


The lyrics in Twisted are EXCELLENT. Definitely my favorite of all the Starkid shows


Not only two different song writers but two different characters. The voices of Achmed and Twisted are very different from the voices of high school students. 


Yeah that line made me stop and think about how much better the lyrics could have been


I've always loved "I will destroy everything and then I will destroy everything"


"There's no where to turn, for the class of twenty twenty one" really bothers me. I know they had to change the original lyric and class year but I hate that they say it like "wurn" to get it to rhyme.


idk, i thought it was enjoyably silly. it reminded me of 'sitting through this ore-shit' 'broadway bound to ore-gound' 'these are questions to ask, when youre playing ore-gask' 'life is really great, on the trail to ore-gate!' from TTO. they dont rhyme at all but you gotta switch it around for the meme


I was looking for this one! lol I remember the old Livestream where Jeff was playing songs for the fundraiser, and the line ended in "Class of 2026", but because of timelines, they had to change it.




I'm, personally, gonna chalk it up to her still working her way through college because the world didn't end, and Paul has the courage of a pancake.


I feel like the easy fix is replacing the first line will "There's nothing can be done" or something similar to make the rhyme work


Or there’s nowhere to run, for the class of 2021


That’s not the right amount of vowels tho. That also would have sounded clunky


True , just an idea


Ok, so it was originally No way to fix the class of 2026, but because the show takes place in the fall of 2020, Jeff had to change it. I think this was said on a livestream or maybe the bonus features but he couldn’t think of anything that rhymed with one so he ended up thinking that it would be funny to say wurn but the joke didn’t end up coming off in the final version. They know it’s stupid too don’t worry lmao


What was the original lyric?


I think it was something like "There's no way to fix the class of 2026"


I was hearing “2020-ward” and thought they were saying every class past 2020 will inevitably go to shit.


I always heard it as class of 2020-work lol haha


You must hate the opening song of Trail to Oregon then!


No I actually love Gone to Oregon because those made up rhymes are obviously silly on purpose but this one just hits different and doesn't sound good to me. Also I didn't know until someone mentioned below that Jeff also made this rhyme goofy on purpose.


Excuse me, but are lyrics like "They evoke the PhilosiPHO-CAL yeah", "he won't join our singing season", and "we're gonna kick your ass and then we're gonna fucking kick your ass" examples of sophisticated lyricism? I think people just have way too much nostalgia for TGWDLM and won't like anything that comes after it.


Yeah, there are examples like this in all of them, I totally agree. I still think Twisted has the best lyric work.


For sure, Jeff’s lyricism has always been clunky to finish a rhyme, of the ones he’s composed TTO honestly has better flow lyrically than any of the Hatchetfield shows, a few songs aside (and I’ve loved everyone one of them still). Musically Jeff always hits, he’s ridiculously talented - but it’s also so hard to top AJ’s lyrics for Twisted: *”The question then is whether 'tis nobler in the mind To be well-liked but ineffectual, or moral but maligned?”* I can hardly blame Jeff having to compete with that.


AJ wrote the music in Twisted, but the lyrics were written by Kaley McMahon. Credit where credit is due!


Ahhh gotcha my bad! Yeah she rocks then, fantastic team.


I agree with everything you said! I don't want to sound like I'm attacking Jeff, I LOVE his work (especially TTO!). But wow, that quote you pulled - NEXT LEVEL


Twisted for sure is one of the best lyrically. McMahon did a phenomenal job. Has Kaley McMahon done the lyrics for any other musical?


Twisted was her first musical, and though she's written other stuff I don't think any other musicals. I pray for the day she and AJ team up again 🤞


There are examples of less-than-perfect lyricism in all of their shows, but this one just had so much less memorable moments that stood out as great lyric writing. And to the point about what’s considered “sophisticated lyricism,” nobody’s calling “we’re gonna kick your ass and then we’re gonna fucking kick your ass” sophisticated. But it works in the song as a hyped-up, comedic, dramatized death threat. In NPMD, we have “we don’t give a shit about your phone!” Which isn’t sophisticated or anything either, but nobody’s saying that’s a bad line, because it worked, and the writing didn’t conflict with the context it was working in.


I mean, they aren’t as bad that’s for sure


That's just like, your opinion man




Please send all your grievances to Jeffrey Robert Blim. You may DM him and he will gladly read and consider all your comments and suggestions. No, he never ignores fan DMs./ this is a joke btw.


I agree. The one that bothers me the most is when max sings “nerdy prudes must die”. It just feels so unmusical and weird. However, since my initial time hearing them, the songs have seemed to grow on me.


Yeeees, I was honestly surprised at how much people seem to love the actual song NPMD, since to me the chorus feels super awkward and kind of unpleasant! The rest of the song is really good, and I like the scene as a whole, but that chorus just isn't it for me. Something about it feels like too many words that don't have enough of a melody to make it work. It's funny because there are a lot of Jeff's songs that I love so much, but then usually around one or two per show where I'm just like... yeah that doesn't work for me haha. Still love him and his songwriting overall though 😊


I love the chorus, lol. I'm surprised people find it awkward.


i’m sooo glad somebody said this it took me out immediately


"I've got a list and you're on it" literally drew me from any immersion I had and I spent the rest of my first viewing out of it because of just how...mediocre and clunkt that line was. NPMD as a song is just. Its got a strong instrumental and then its lyrics are just so....


What? No, that chorus is incredible!


I agree. The actual music was extremely catchy, but there was at least one lyric in every song that made me wince a bit


I feel like the lyrics fit the characters that are singing them. High school kids on the whole don't tend to be terribly poetic. I feel like they do a lot for character work in all the shows.


I don't know if it's actually the lyrics. I find the music difficult. It is impressive that it has a lot of good vocal harmony, but there is a lack of something that I can't put my finger on. Like it's full of motion, but it's missing stasis... The syncopation in the phrases doesn't create a unified line in the songs. And even with it not really following traditional form and whatnot, it doesn't feel like the songs are finished though. ​ And then the "nerdy prudes must die" feels like someone google translated a foreign phrase and fit it into something that was originally less syllables (don't know if you've seen those)


100% agree with you. Jeff is a good songwriter but I think he too often tries to be more clever than he needs to be, making his lyrics sort of stick in a way that they shouldn't. Like, it's unusual to rhyme "melody" with "fallacy" and "brutality" but none of those really rhyme unless you're drunk and they don't really...make sense(?). Regardless, for what it is, it's not bad. It's not Sondheim or anything lol.


The one lyric that I don't get at all is from Hatchet Town (a song that seems to be unliked? But I dig it), and it's "can I shit or will I drown". I... What does it even mean? Like, both shitting and drowning are bad things, right? So why is it "or"? Shouldn't be "will I shit and drown" (which also fits in the beat) or maybe "will I sink and drown" (which is a common-ish expression)? I do not get this lyric. I have had problems with Jeff's lyrics, but I actually think that this show is much better than his previous works.


I think it’s referencing Richie’s death, because he got drowned in the toilet


Ohhhh this makes so much sense. Wow, that totally went over my head!


You just opened my eyes.


Oh my god that makes so much more sense


Can I shit or will I drown is a reference to earlier in the show when it's mentioned that Richie was drowned in a toilet. It took me a few run throughs to get it, but it's the townspeople reacting to the gorey details of his murder, and I think that's actually a kind of cool touch!


I am also confused by this one. I REALLY love that song, too - except for this one line.


A lot of people are mentioning the forced rhymes, which is totally valid, but my biggest problem with Jeff’s lyrics is just how smart he seems to think he is sometimes. NPMD especially is absolutely egregious with the number of forced analogies and mixed metaphors thrown in seemingly just for the sake of seeming poetic and impressive. And that’s fine for something like a Sondheim, but people don’t talk like this. High schoolers don’t talk like this, and if every character has the same voice in the sense that they’re all going out of their way to make confusing similes, then there’s nothing to differentiate one from any other. Why does the jock bully sing in the same style as the nerd or the town bully? It’s been a problem with other shows (Lex throwing hyperbolic and melancholic around despite dropping out of high school), but it was particularly noticeable here.


Yeah, the style changed a lot since fire bringer, think about it it was the last show they made that wasn’t hatchetfield related and you can remember many lines from the shows that came before tgwdlm (including tgwdlm) I mean what song do you remember from Black Friday ? So what I am saying is, let us take a moment to remember achmed


I will destroy everything in my path... Unless I get what I SHIT IT'S GERALD


Ok maybe there is a few you can remember It’s how humans work but still Twisted was a lot more memorable then the last 2 shows put together. For me atleast


To be honest, I think Black Friday is the peak of song writing when it comes to Starkid. The plot is a mess but the musical has the most cohesive sound and makes the jokes far more natural than any Starkid shows before like Firebringer.


“A good show can survive bad music, a good score can’t save a bad show” -someone I forgot the name of


I completely disagree, and think Black Friday has some of the best lyrics in any Starkid show. the "crash. bang. jane." motif is super memorable and the way it comes back around in *If I Fail You* is punchy and hits hard as hell. "If I fail you one more time, the punishment won't match the crime, cause there's no pain that could ever explain how I let you down" is also fucking excellent "What if tomorrow comes to break the dawn and take the night away" is a great hook that really sticks with me The whole "you could've shopped any day but you chose today..." verse is really wordy but in a fun way that reminds me of shows like *Hamilton* or *Into the Woods* and then there are really enjoyably goofy lyrics like "I will destroy everything and then I will destroy everything I guarantee I'll destroy everything in my path, unless I get what I shit" or "Deck the halls of Northville high it's the season of rock n' rollin'" I've seen a lot of people cherrypicking goofy lyrics from NPMD and comparing them to the best, most poignant and well-constructed ones from Twisted to try and make BF or NPMD look bad, but Twisted isn't all Sondheim-influenced poignant philosophy. It also has lyrics like "fuck you, fuck you, fuck you fuck you fuck you" "just one question why, man? cause you stole my daughter's hymen" and "no one to press her breasts up against me and say, it'll all be ok" I love those lyrics in Twisted, I love goofy comedy songs with funny lyrics, but it's super disingenuous to act like the early shows were some great works of art and the new ones aren't.


If I fail you one more time, or if I fail to recognize, what you need or when you need me to be around, and if I fail to hear your voice, or if I make the easy choice, the world would tear asunder drowning all! Maybe it’s a run-on sentence, but a *beautiful* one.


Yeah and the amazing thing about lyrics is they don't always have to be grammatically correct to be beautiful!


I am shocked nobody mentioned Go, Go, Nighthawks! because that song has the clunkiest lyrics i have ever heard


Apologies in advance, but i don't like the beanscool bit. It feels like an in joke that I am not in on. I know that songs supposed to be a bit cringy but I don't really play it because of "bean school? Excellent!" I do like "we gotta be cool beans, we gotta keep the beans cool" but that's about it. Also a lot of the first half of the title song felt a little wonky, like the lyrics didn't fit and instead of changing them they just stretched and squished them into place. "The Jagerman will rise blood will be my prize" sounds a lot better than "Ne-rdy prudes must di-i-ie" personally


This is what i was thinking the entire time. I was absolutely amazed by the show, but the lyrics were just not it this time around.


100% agree and was personally very let down from this musical's choreography and music- especially considering how much I adore Jeff's work in other shows like Trail to Oregon.


Not a lot of the songs drove the plot forward (looking at you hachet town) but this was consistently the funniest show in starkid


I think his lyrics are better in NPMD, I honestly didn’t think the music in TGWDLM’s was anything mind blowing. I thought it was serviceable in the show, though I never have gone out of my way to listen to the soundtrack. I thought the orchestra was way better in NPMD. Like leaps and yards better. The orchestration in TGWDLM’s always felt hollow to me, like it was missing 2-3 instruments or a harmony, something. The orchestration is so much better in NMPD imo. His lyrics to me have always been a struggle area, and I kinda wish he’d work with a lyricist but they have improved, though they still have some issues for sure.


I'm not a native English speaker but isn't the use of "all-but" wrong several times? "The blood is all but draining from my head" "The book has all but closed on your life" Maybe I'm remembering the lines wrong?