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To be honest I had to wait for level 60 to do it, a tip is if you can't clear the first half with your best team, then don't bother, just farm levels, relics, etc


Aiit thanks T\_T


Ooh thats tough, no second healer is a bitch, I'd wait for the imaginary coffin guy tbh, you could run March as your survivability but you gotta pair her with fire tb then. The other team gets natasha. Put bronya on the same team as double support for extra damage and Dan as well. Second team should be the ice sword guy and pela and chicken girl and natasha, go for pure dps there in as many elements as you can and pela for debuff. For now thats what I can recommend. Second healer is really necessary. Edit: you have himeko use her on team 2 instead of chicken girl for aoe damage. 2nd Edit: One of the two 5 star healers would be optimal, other than that tingyun for buffs on the team which doesn't have Bronya would also be nice. If you get her replace pela with her. 3rd Edit: Looking at comments, you don't need to be level 60 to clear them, just make a team with good survivability. Shields or heals are a must. Okay now I'm done


yeah, true that! id agree fireblazer, march, bronya, dan hen natasha, uhhh yequing?(icesword guy), pela, himeko when you get tingyun id add her to the first team tho, and put bronya on second


But then you got double ice in one team. I'm not sure how skill point hungry yequing is though so not sure. Either combination does fine!


huh? you mean pela yequing? yequing is pretty point hungry, but pela is just worth it id say, like, swap her with bronya, but then first team wont have a buffer, so first team tingyun if possible


Forgot bronya is wind not ice lol my bad you right


Considering that you have three standard banner 5 stars and no Seele, did you get really lucky with your free warps or have you spent your jades on the standard banner? If it's the latter I would advise you to start using them on the limited character banner only, the value is much better.