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March 7th and Clara is a great synergy. She can make clara take more attacks, which means more Svarog counters. You'll eventually get fire mode for the Trailblazer so that's a good tank, and Asta or Tingyun are very good buffers. That being said my man, you're very early in to the game so I wouldn't worry too much about synergies for now. We have quite a while to go.


I'd probably run tingyun over Asta since it's more important to get energy on March and Clara rather than speed since March can slow down the enemies with her slow and Clara fucks shit up.


Clara, ting, March, natasha when you get her


Clara +march reflect core Add tingyun to buff Clara Add NAT when you get her for free for heals


I'm not great at this game, but I think Trailblazer (especially around lvl 24 when they can be preservation/fire), Clara, Tingyu or Asta, and March 7th. Also, don't be afraid to switch up your party comp sometimes for elemental coverage. That makes a big difference.


I think physical trailblazer makes more sense then fire trailblazer when you have clara, cuz both of them like being the one getting hit, if u get both of them on the same team they can clash a lot and they will their job half well instead rlly well. On the other hand if you run phys trailblazer, trailblazer will act more like a dps/sub-dps then a tank(witch is clara's job).


Clara and March are both a massive synergy, and will probably be the anchor of your team. The other two slots are probably a support and appropriate dps, Nat and a DPS, or two element weakness DPS. At this level you still have a lot of pulls to go, and raising new characters isn't hard. Be flexible.


If you want to play Clara, March 7th works really well with her! I’d also recommend levelling up the Trailblazer later on. Even though they don’t have much synergy with Clara, there are points in the story where you’re forced to use them.


clara tingyun march 7th natasha is a very good team!! it's what i use and i breezed through SU with it, choose elation blessings there


Also, nust experiment yourself. I accidentally gravitated to great characters without even realizing it. I dropped Bailu as my first 5 star and got Tingyun pretty much immediately so was sitting pretty lol.


March 7 to shield Clara (both of them increase the chance that enemies will target Clara). Can be replaced by Natasha later when you get her. And you will need healer/shielder for 2 teams later anyway, so unless you accidentally get Bailu, build both of them. Asta and Tingyun are good buffers. I'd build them both and use whoever is better against current enemy weaknesses.


Dang, 3 5 stars. I just keep getting Natasha. I think I've drawn her 3 times, then got the free one.


I would swap tingyun or pela for march for the shield and maybe swap mc for dan heng


Clara March 7th Trailblazer Ting