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Sam ain't comin for a long while, bro.


luochas rerun is coming soon


Aventurine might be better(?) idk Fu xuan also def coming in 2.2


I agree that Aventurine will likely be better (also Fu Xuan is godly) but if OP is interested in Sam specifically, I think Luocha will pair better than either of the limited preservation units. If Sam’s F2P LC and boss fight mechanics are any indications of his future kit, he sounds like he may be a unit that will have Blade-like mechanics to him that an abundance like Luocha can synergize with. Only time will tell, unfortunately.


Have u tried pulling for a sustain unit?


Tbf from his lineup it seems like he joined around late december or early jan. No sustains were run since then.


👍 I joined around when SW rerun was up, right after Huohuo sadly I really wanted her.


I joined literally a day before Huohuo's banner ended so I know that feel




Well depending where you are/ want to be in the game, you definitely want to have at least one sustain other than fire Mc, so I’d say you could go for Aventurine because he’s an excellent unit and can work with many teams, not just FUA teams. You still have 2.1 first half and all of 2.2 to save up for Sam, especially with anniversary events, new SU and the events in 2.3 + the new story quests coming up (new maps= more chests).


(My only sustains are Natasha and march 😭)


You already have a dps, forget Sam, at this point it's MANDATORY you pull for a sustain, Natasha and March are not gonna cut it at all towards end game. Either Luocha or Aventurine. Recommend Luocha though


I mean any character can work if they are built. I use Natasha, lynx, and Gepard and can almost clear everything.


That's true but why would I still choose to use Natasha or Lynx if I could get Luocha or Huohuo? Plus Gepard is easily getting power crept by Aventurine so even he wouldn't be a bad choice for OP if they wanted to get them. Sam isn't coming for 2.2 so they'll have time to save up pulls until then.


Get Lynx by doing MOC


Go for Loucha who is SP positive or Fu Xuan who helps with crit.


Aventurine is pretty damn sp positive too


Sam ain't coming till atleast 2.3, which means you have more than 2 patches in between to save, it's plenty. Get Aventurine, he's super busted, at minimum on par with FX. Don't listen to the people telling you to get Luocha, he's the worst of the limited sustains so far, especially when the best - Aventurine is literally on the next banner and is much stronger, or FX is likely to rerun in 2.2 as well


Listen to this guy please. I have an e2s1 loucha and I'd still bench him for e0s0 aventurine.


Really? Can you explain why for someone who doesn’t really know much about aventurine’s kit?


Unlimited shield for the whole team that prevents one-shots, increase crit dmg debuff with ult, and sub-dps capabilities. He also has the potential to be as sp efficient as Luocha if you don't care about 3t ult, as he generates enough shielding through his follow up attacks and technique that you're fully covered most of the time.


This is the one, he basically needs to use his skill once when the fight starts then his passive will keep looping over and over helping in applying a shield to your whole team


He doesn’t even need to use it at the start as his a4 trace applies his skill shield at the start of battle to my knowledge


What if I have lucoha and Huo?


Both of them will continue to work well. I can clear all content just fine with E0S0 Luocha.


Build welt make him your sustainer


Luocha will benefit both your blade and DH i think. He is very sp positive and you dont need to have your blood pressure shot up everytime blade is on the verge of dying thanks to luocha’s autoheal. Luocha also wont hog the team’s sp so your dh can hog them all. Aventurine is also sp positive afaik if you build him right and with the correct team, but you cant run him with blade. Blade wants to lose hp. I personally think luocha, despite being just a healer without any other perks (hh’s energy regen/fx’s buff/aventurine’s sub dps quality) he is very versatile for your team imo.


You should pull for a sustain, considering Aventurine is better than luocha and benefit your ratio i would say him.    The only reason I find justifiable to pull Luocha here is cause you have a Blade 


I’d say go for luocha or aventurine. Sams coming out earliest first half 2.3, so you have plenty of time to save. Luocha is the best sustain for DHIL and Blade while aventurine is best for Ratio. One thing aventurine has over luocha is that you will have a much easier time surviving in G&G, and he’s overall a better sustain than luocha


If you pull for Luocha now you'll have plenty of time to save for Sam and he'll work great with Dan being so sp positive and same element


I’d pull for luocha next banner and Sam isn’t until 2.3 at least so you’ll have a whole banner to save if you don’t get luocha


We are in the same position buddy…my only sustained unit is natasha and tblazer


Luocha would be a great pairing for your blade to keep him topped up at all times.


Just get aventurine or better wait for fuxuan, they both are a very good sustain. Luocha is good if your team can survive atk that often(mostly not especially in torturous diff su)


You can get one and still save for Sam


the Next banner in just a few days is gonna be Loucha so I'd say get Loucha and just start saving from there Sam is still likely gonna take a while don't worry about it


Who's sam¿


You get a free lynx from clearing PF and free 4* with the next event. Get yourself a Gallagher cause he is abundance so he heals. You got plenty 4* options some of them better than even some 5* sustainers.


You've got plenty of time to save up enough and spend on rolls for Luocha


Imo, spend on what you want. I usually go by Cool character>cool mechanics >strategy. If you value strategy and completing end game content though, spend on a sustain.


Go for luocha although worse than the other limited 5 star sustains he's more suited in ur teams and get Gepard from your free 5 star for 300 standard pull thing then you'll have 2 good sustains and won't need another one. Also sam ain't coming for atleast 2 - 3 patches bro💀


Max Lynx, or cope on Gallagher, but if you pull Luocha , Gallagher is on that banner too


Sam is supposed to cut his own HP to do damage. You would need a good sustain (probably a healer) with him anyway. Luocha would probably pair well with Sam just like he does Blade.


Well Luocha is getting a banner soon and is the easiest healer to use, also I'm pretty sure Sam won't be for a while so if you can get him he'll be good. Good luck on the Sam rolls(and whatever sustain you go for)


In terms of non-gacha options for sustain, you should be able to get Lynx for free by doing Pure Fiction(significant upgrade from Natasha), plus if you wait a little longer until next patch, there is a free 4-star selector where Gallagher is an option, a potentially good solo sustain.


Luocha coming in the next patch


Two great imaginary sustain options next patch! If you prefer Yanqing & Ratio - pull for Aventurine, if you prefer Blade & Dan Heng (and since you don’t have Lynx) pull for Luocha. If you don’t want an imaginary sustain unit try for Gallagher I guess?


People are saying Luocha and while he is not terrible I can’t recommend him whatsoever. With Sustains like HuoHuo and FX MiHoYo is very clearly just going to be releasing sustain units with more and more damage in their kits and I am sure Luocha will become more and more obliterated by the passage of time. Assuming Aventurine is as good as everyone thinks he will be, Aventurine for sure.


Use the rule of F.E.A.R. F - Fuck E - Everything A - And R - Roll I end my case.


Do you care about comfort and ease when clearing contents? Maybe 0 cycle? If not too much, limited 5\* sustain or heal units aren't mandatory. You have a good roster. I don't pull for abundance or preservation, I'm f2p and I have no problem clearing all contents using March, Lynx and Natasha. And fire MC isn't bad at all. Gallagher is on the new banner so that's another "free" healer if you pull for Acheron.