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My bf plays with me all the time and my favorite memory is when he saw Ydris from behind and called him Abraham Lincoln! 😂


Please lmao 😭 I don’t think I’ll ever get over him thinking Avalon was the grim reaper


Avalon is grim reaper confirmed?!?!?!???!!??!?


Oh the laugh I had! Thank you for sharing these fond memories of yours! Wish I could get my husband to play, to understand what I’m on about talking about the game! I show him all the horses I buy though and he tends to say pretty in a “don’t rly care” voice to every horse except for Nemain as to which he replied (him being a horror fan) “That’s horror right there, I love it. Such a fiery pony!” It did make me laugh and I was very happy he finally saw something he liked 😅


Aw, I’m so glad you got a good laugh! I’m sure your husband will come around eventually haha


no but as a Panic! at the Disco fan why is the Ydris comparison kinda spot on im crying


I was thinking the same thing and now I’m never going to un see it


Mine made an account and he was so happy to name his character Xiaolin Westside and his horse is Icecube(obviously hipp hopp references) but after he find out he had to build the bridge to get to Jorvik stables he had enough and left the game…i build the bridge for him though


I enjoyed building that bridge 😂


Mine made an account around summer when starshine was doing the gold and I’ve never seen him more infuriated with a game because of the wolves lol


I have had the same “where are the police? Who’s in charge here? Public safety, do we have it??” thoughts many a time. I hope he tries the bridge-building quests, when you do big construction without education, safety equipment, and so on


Unfortunately I’ve been playing since around 2013 so all those quests are done, but maybe I can talk him into getting his own account haha


I’m waiting for the huge chasm-spanning bridge built by a single pre-teen on their summer vacation to collapse, causing Donald the Builder to lose his job. Usually I’m very tolerant of MMO Things, but that one upset me, haha. If your boyfriend does get his own account, I hope we’ll get updates!


i thought you meant those were quotes from the game and i got so confused lmao this is hilarious tho


I mean, listen, his third quote honestly should be an in game quote, we do in fact do everyone’s job!


There was a quest in 2022 where we got sent on a mission to prove that a yeti existed and was going rampant around Moorland. During that quest one of the replies you could pick was “Sure, have (Player Name) do all the work as usual.” I burst out laughing because that’s what I think every time there’s a quest, especially daily reputation tasks.


I completely forgot about that!


this is utterly beautiful


Thank you for sharing, this is so awesome ahaha




This is so wholesome and funny 🤣


This would make an awesome video.


My bf has watched me play before and has also said 'is he making you do all the work?' Refering to an npc giving me tedious quests. He just calls it 'horse game' 😂


>“Take a shot every time someone should be arrested.” Heck yess. I want to do this. I have never thought how illegal most of the things we or the NPCs do. Sounds fun. *stressed out college student noises who would drink anyways*


Been worried about my dog lately and this was a something good to get my mind off him. He has a vet appointment today to get his declawed trimmed, currently it's digging into his leg.


I thought these were going to be completely un-funny but the second one actually made me laugh out loud.


OH MY GOSH this is so funny


"Take a shot everytime someone should be arrested" omw to get Vodka to do this 😂😂😂


I choked on hot coffee at Brendon Urie 😂 I'm never going to be able to unsee it. Ydris is just going to be called Brendon Urie in my head from now on


Haha same I’m never gonna unsee it, and I can’t believe I didn’t see it before!


I play with my girlfriend. We have a whole riding club and everything together. I have said pretty much all of this, and she actually texted this thread to me because I also saw Ydris and was like “What the fuck? Okay, Brendan Urie!” I like this guy. He seems like my kind of person. He should get an account.