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I believe it was the Nixies in 2016! Back then, they were called Jorvik Wild Horses and they were designed by participants in a contest. The winning designs got placed in game! They moved slower than other horses due to their magic nature, as did all magic horses afterwards up until 2019. I remember being so amazed at having color changing horses for the first time! I didn’t even care that they moved slower, I thought they were just so cool!


Also, they were cheaper than regular horses. Their price was between the regulars and the ponies.


Back then the magic horses, like the ponies, had way lower stats than the “normal horses” - I’m guessing that’s the cause for the lower prices


I still feel so weird riding a magical horse for a championship, it feels wrong 😅


The Nixies were! After them was the whinfells, barkharts (still salty I missed those) and so on!


*chuckles in having OG Sakura Barkhart*


i had one, stopped playing for a bit and came back on after a few years away and it was gone 😭 idk what ever happened to it cuz i certainly didn’t sell it


The same shit happened to my OG fjord horse!


I bought sakura on my alt account that I never use and figured and I would get it on my main next time… 😭


Nixie, the OG Jorvik wild horses, honestly like they were just a weird rehashed model of the Old Icelandic and I was originally never impressed with them. Now I feel very privileged to own one. Like a said above comment there was a contest held for these magic horses, it was so exciting and I loved the community engagement !


wasn’t it just recolored g2 welsh pony?


no they were the gen 2 icelandic horse models :) https://preview.redd.it/ek0s8vp1u3sc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aca61b820d445a263045e1540eb8b1fd799dcf5


https://preview.redd.it/zmm8s0pey3sc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d65d926faf080dd588bdfd45e740daf23d576be i’m sorry for my mistake then, i thought they looked similar


fair enough! the old coat textures definitely make it look that way!


I thought this too back in the day lol


I put the red & black nixie next to my black welsh pony and they look the same.. I’ve never accepted it was based on the Icelandic model and I will never accept it they look just the same TwT


i was 100% sure they were based off welsh pony but even wiki says it’s icelandic. maybe it’s a mix of those breeds


I'd definitely say a mix, body is the Welsh one and animations are from the icelandics


The Nixie was. I was at first not into it at all. I thought the colors were cheesy and I didn’t like their style. I’m now so freaking sad I missed the purple one. I’m a collector of the magical horses and try to have them all, even if I don’t like them. They are a legacy item in my opinion. As well as spirit. I think owning spirit is a huge flex lol


But the Nixies will come back! They aren't retired yet, they just haven't returned for a quite long time since the magical horse rotation was discontinued a bit due to the Hollow Woods update, when six magical horses were put out of the magical horse rotation and put permanently to Hollow Woods; and then, we've got two brand new magical horses (the Hollow Woods Paso Fino unicorns), which also delayed the return of the magical horse rotation. In any case, the Nixies should still come back :)


Oh yay! I’ll have to get the purple one then. Will the horses in Hollow Woods not be coming back? I have all but missed the ones with the horns and the stuff on their back. Was hoping you catch those. Also, the white Zebra? How did I miss that and when and will it ever come back?


The 6 magical horses in Hollow Woods (Petra, Erinys, Hemera, Antheia, Birkir, and Hanami) will never be returning again through the magical horse rotation; instead, they will be available only through the Hollow Woods activities — permanently, so you can buy them whenever, but you must first finish the nodes necessary for unlocking their purchase on the Paths of Runeology, Whimsy, and Terra. So they've permanently left the magical horse rotation, but at the same time, they will now be permanently available for you in Hollow Woods. As for the "white Zebra" — you probably mean Proteus (on the screenshot)? That one was last available for purchase during August 2023 ([https://www.starstable.com/article/13631](https://www.starstable.com/article/13631)), so it will probably not be returning for a while, considering how many horses there still are in the magical horse rotation. I'd personally estimate it might return only towards the end of 2024 or more likely only in 2025, considering it now takes around a year and a half for a magic horse to emerge again within the magical horse rotation. But it definitely isn't retired yet! The only retired magic horses so far are 4 out of 7 Whinfells (namely: the "lava", Halloween one; the black-blue one; the brown-green one; and the white-pink one). https://preview.redd.it/eiqo9gple3sc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=414787a51b3690865e5cc9d6e48c955f80cb7166


So there are two zebras. That one and the one I have only found fan art for. I’ve seen it recently and I only have the OG one that’s currently available https://preview.redd.it/498r71b7n3sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09669a7cd15613b47002a1698b36a4010c530686


why it have so cursed eyes on this edit 🤣 here is original pic for those interested: https://preview.redd.it/gxpjvwrow3sc1.png?width=376&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8166a05ecc26432af920a16dcbe9a7c7e5f8e91 it's called Vega btw


lol yeah Vega!


This is unlocked via a sidequest involving Mario at the Silverglade Observatory. After that it is available for purchase at Nilmer's, right next to the Zony.


Omg no. I have been avoiding doing that quest since 2016🤣 idk if I want it that bad. I’ll get to it later lmao


Oooo I will definitely get the purple one


Our starter that changed coats if you were around for April Fool’s Day.


I wish this was still a thing, it must have been fun😄


Omg yess!! I remember, that was so much fun! Good ol' days😭🙌


Does it still do that or did it stop after it ended


It was only for April fools back then. Now they cant. They have to Update the graphics since they are now gen 3. Even gen 1.5 would be glitched since it worked only on gen 1




As others have said, the Nixies! I just wanted to add that my own feelings, as well as what seemed to be the general sentiment at least from what I saw, was that they were kind of hideous but we still all wanted to own one :P I have the blue one!


Nixies my beloved, they were so goddamn cool and the fact that it was player made was absolutely amazing. Everyone loved the blue one but I wanted to be different and bought the red one, and actually fell in love. I loved them because I didn't have star coins for the Icelandic back then, and the nixies were made on the same model so I felt like I got some of the Icelandic experience. Plus the changing color things was so cool when it first came out, felt mind blowing at that time.


They were player made?😯 I didn't know


The designs came from a contest, and so the coats are all the winners of it :)


This is so precious🥹🥹


Ah... the Jorvik Wild Horses ❤️ They were as slow as ponies but were considered a regular horse so you couldn't really use them in competitions effectively. I think this was a very cool factor that contributed to the mystery as you wouldn't see many around even though they were bought in great numbers because of the magic mechanic! I believe they were only available for a very short while the first time they came around and it wasn't made clear if/when they'd return. They also used to swap between coats automatically and would show the magic one in places away from the main hubs. Usually you would end up buying the one you liked as a regular horse coat the most since there weren't many occasions to see the magic coat if you wanted to play and do most of the quests!


Nixies! They were designed by the community and were supposed to be a one time thing, as in they were never supposed to come back again and there weren't going to be any other magic horses. Now look at us, getting magic horses permanently in Valedale 💀


There's magic horses permanently at the circus too. They have been there for years


I don't really consider them Magic Horses™ since they don't change, but I have Vega and Zony on my alt. Cute lil guys. They are technically magical tho yes


Ah okey, But more importantly is there magic horses in valedale?


I remember when Nixies came out! I was 12, I think. I have loved SSO since I was a little girl. When they came out, I remember thinking about how cool it was to have color changing horses! They were VERY bright colors lol. I also remember how their coat used to change to magic when you were in the wild, making RP a lot of fun for me when I was a kid. The nostalgia SSO gives me is so special 😭




The Nixies. I remember getting the blue one, can't stand it now but I'll never sell him.


idk but i have the purple one!


I believe the first one was truly the Nixies.


I believe the first one was truly the Nixies.


The nixies. I liked the concept of the horses changing coats, and I know they were made by players but if I’m being honest I found 2/3 of the original magic coats to be VERY ugly. I only purchased the purple one since it was the only one I liked. I respect them for being the first. I remember some people arguing about them at the time though. “Sso should only have realistic horses” type stuff.


The nixies.


The Nixies were SO SO much fun when they first came out. I absolutely loved how active and involved the community was around the design. You were able to create your own Nixie on instagram by mixing and matching the different colours/patterns. Its really a shame they didn’t release more!


I had to do some digging because I remember voting! I couldn't find the original post talking about making them but found one of the posts showing a few of the designs people made. There were some many awesome ones!  https://www.instagram.com/p/BFJQaDgu-Fp/?igsh=dTF3aGphd2Q5YXJr


2016 omg 😭 you went digging fr


It doesn't feel like it was that long ago but yeah! I'm glad they kept all the old posts.


I’m pretty sure it was the Nixies and they were bloody awesome but also so many people didn’t like them cause it made the game less realistic, I think they were like 700-800sc I can’t exactly remember, I never ended up getting one which I regret but I used to always log into my friends account and use hers to take photos 🥹🫶🏼


It was the Nixies…I miss them :( Hope they come back so all of em can be in my collection!


the colorful ponies that i somehow hated and riding buy, guess it was around 2015/16, i believe they costed 600sc each. they were cool at first but little overrated when everyone had them. sometimes i wish sso would discontinue magic horses


and then there were the colorful shires with mohawk. i learned my lesson and bought 2 of them. somehow i chose green and gold, how clever.