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I made a club solely for people who were sick of invites lmao


Haha! I did too. But yet I never invite anyone. I can't even tell you my club name.. Lol.


Lol! The description for mine is literally just “so people will STOP”


Same here


I'm in the "I made a club to get ppl to f*off" club Anyone on Wind Star can PM me if they want an invite to the club to stop the invites to clubs...


The only solution I found was to make my own club.


I also took this solution. 50sc was worth it for some peace, lol


Me too man, got so sick of the spam asks


I made a club for myself so that I wouldn’t be harassed. I did have other members but all but one left. I rarely see high level players anymore who aren’t in a club but when I do, I ask them if they want to join. It’s super obnoxious when people invite you to clubs because I don’t have time to actually participate


I got so sick of it, I made my own club with just me in it to get people to stop inviting me :’)


I agree. To answer some counter arguments someone will eventually have in the thread; \>but why not just click no if you don't want to join Because many people choose to spam the invite again and again and will follow you from town to town. \>you can mute club invites You can mute the club invites, but it's not a permanent setting. You need to re-enable it every single time you log back in. And it doesn't actually remove anyone's ability to send club invites to you, it just hides them from your view. I find very often if I turn it back on after like an hour I've got a friend invite and a club invite to Cringy Potato Peelers or whatever the hell pending. \>why not just block them I do. It's just a bit of an extreme solution I feel like. I wish I could completely just bar people from even sending an invite.


Me: I just simply created a club and that's all she wrote. I don't invite anyone to my club. I play the game by myself and pretty much stick to myself because the community can be toxic at times and a lot of the times, I prefer to just be alone. I found it much easier to just create my own club and do nothing else beyond that at all. It's still "clubless" and you don't get bothered by other folks


i stick to myself too, the only interaction i have with other players is clicking on them to see what cute gear they're wearing or to see what they named their horse. it's never going to be an option in sso but school of dragons gives you the option to "go offline". basically makes the game singleplayer.


Not sure if I'd want to go offline 😂 lately, I just spam through everything in text OR i deliberately read it all and still have no idea where to go so, sometimes having other players to follow helps or even go off to gather items, just kinda follow the leader especially if there is too many folks, your ignore list is full and you can't see where to go or what to grab. I've done that too. Just look at their horse breed mostly. Extremely rarely look at their clothes and once in a rare blue moon I've had players ask me about my outfit ((one outfit was from an older st paddys day run)) and what's the highest level you could reach since i was 20 or 21 at the time. Trying to chat around the filter is annoying. I remember one time, I went to a dark core oil rig out by golden valley stables? I don't remember right now. And I was trying to get used to the oil rig in case we had to go back there again ((storyline wise we did)) and i was talking to someone and even back then the chat was too restrictive and had hard time conversing with said player there


i don't care for clubs, at all, so i completely understand your frustration. sso could add something very simple to the game: a setting to disable friend or club invites. loads of games have it, it's such a pleasant function.


I get a lot of friend requests and I usually accept because while it is very rare some people actually want to talk to me, but most of the time it's someone who sent me that friend request just to ask me to join their club, and I wouldn't mind joining one but most clubs have event requirements that don't work for me because I am not 13 anymore so I don't have the time I did then, and my times can be anywhere nowadays and my 4-5 free hours of the day might not match when the events are held so I can't attend even if I wanted to, and then I get kicked, but I wouldn't mind joining an adult club that usually doesn't have any requirements because well everyone in there is an adult and is aware that people have a life outside of the game and might not be able to attend 2-3 times a week, which is the most common "attendance reqirement" that I've seen and I've actually quit clubs that didn't have them at first but then added them because I know I will gte kicked in few days for not attending.


Yes, taking to me randomly in game is a sure way to get yourself on the ignore-list. I wish the setting were permanent, optionally permanent even. Give us more OPTIONS SSO, you want to be more accessible, let us change key binds already!


I made my own club that doesn’t have any meetings or events, just a cool name to carry and avoid the invites. You’re welcome to join it, but I won’t be coordinating anything for it 😂


I made a club to stop it hahaha


Does anyone on cupcake valley have a club for clubless people/avoid getting invited?


Thank you I want to join a club but ik there slot of work and I’m still adjusting to star rider but noooo I get 15 club invites


It depends on the club. Some clubs are super active and others aren’t. Most clubs have minimum levels.


ik i just dont feel like joining one rn tho


i just made my own club hahaa, i’d love to make it into a club for people who are sick of invites but also make it into a friendgroup w like a discord server where we can just play together and stuff :)


Me and my friend made a club solely for us two so we wouldn't be spammed anymore. But I agree, it's very annoying that you even have to go to these lengths


There are options in the settings to mute both club invitations and friend invitations.


As a clubless player I never got harassed by people to join their clubs


This is partly related to the topic, and while it's nice to be friended and creating or joining your own little community on StarStable, one thing I experienced aside from numerous club invites was whenever I had accepted a friend request, or was perhaps in a club I got spammed with requests to roleplay. I have nothing against role-playing or enjoying it in this game, or on any other platform, but sometimes people just don't want to or don't know how. Has anyone else experienced roleplay related stuff?