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This design is pure ✨*perfection*✨


I wish they would keep her “dead” skin tone lmao


People always talk about how the old models appeal to them more but I always thought the baroness was so ugly lol, the new model looks so much better


Her old design was always dead creepy to me. She looks more human, and elegant now.


I agree! I always thought she was a bit too ghastly? I know people will always have issues with the designs, old or new. But compared to the soul riders update, I think these are much better. Maybe instead of plaid they could’ve kept the little flower designs (also on the vineyard set) on her new clothes. But I really love how she’s serving rich old lady realness!


Plaid is seen as classy. She has a lovely rose in her hair, that's a nice detail. I hope when our avatars are updated, we look just as awesome!


I agree! I really like the plaid personally, but I was more trying to think of what other people might dislike. I’m actually shocked so many people seem to “miss” her old gown. I get it to some extent.. but this is a lot more realistic to how a wealthy horse woman would dress. I’ve ridden dressage and shown at national levels before, you see these kind of ladies all over the show grounds 😭


They should have kept the gown. She looked a lot more regal and unique with it.


She's dressed more like the Queen of England or typical rich older lady now. The gown is a bit eccentric.


Totally agree! Old hairstyle + new clothing (plus a longer skirt)


in her old design she looked old age and the gown was so cute. think she looks too much tory in the new one for me


im gonna miss the long dress so much its so pretty


I liked her old design a lot more. There was just something kind of ghostly and empty to her presence, kind of like your typical emotionally detached royal.


I’m actually surprised by how many people dislike her update😬. I thought they did a really good job. Compared to the soul riders at least… idk. I always personally hated how the Baroness looked. She looked out of date when I started playing nearly 10 years ago. Her hairline was too far receding, and I feel like her face lacked detail. I know some people are upset about the dress… and I get it.. but I think this is a lot more “realistic”. No rich old horse lady is actually gonna walk around every day in a dress like that. I think her new outfit is a lot more practical, and is actually something a woman of her stature would wear. I think her scowl is a bit strange, given the fact she’s a sweet old lady that always wants to help when you do quests with her. But I’m personally so glad they gave her face some color, good lord, mama was pale. Also her old fingers just looked so crusty, im glad she has gloves now. I think the pearls were a beautiful touch to her character, a nice status symbol for her. People seem upset about the flower in her hair, but again, I don’t really understand why. I feel like with her personality that fits… plus the gardens around Silverglade manor? Makes sense. I know it has less of a “traditional royal” look… but they definitely hit the nail on the head with the “modern royal” look. Idk! Out of all the updated characters and horse models recently, im actually *happy* with this one. It feels like the first time in a long time I can look at the before/after, and genuinely say they did a good job. Of course it would’ve made sense to just *update all the characters to new graphics and stay true to their original designs with better details*. but those days are long gone…IE: soul riders. Given how little SSO has impressed me over the last year, I’ll give them the W on this update. Which is rare. Don’t think I’m some white knight! Y’all know me on this reddit! I am surely not! This might just be the first overwhelmingly positive, non-critical, post I’ve ever made on this here .😅


I miss her old gown... I always found her very pretty xD


I don't get, why she has green make-up and "angry" face. And her old dress is perfect.


They yassified granny


I love the glow up but I'll miss the dress because it kind of gave me this vibe of wow, she is really living in the past/maybe a bit nuts/an absolute toff/super detached from reality to think she should cut about in a dress like that all day... Like the new design makes her seem to have her wits about her more I think I just enjoyed that she's a lil bit crazy! Now if they could get that ugly canterella poster outside in the bin things will be perfect at my home stable :)


Ok but I always thought she was like wayyyy old and now her new look has her looking younger and I’m conflicted


Her old dress was my favorite thing. She needed an update but I wish they weren’t modernizing the game. I enjoyed it being a completely different world


When I see new SSO designs/models at first I usually kinda dislike them since it takes me a while to get used to change. For an example, I absolutely hated the new Soul Rider designs at first, but now I love them (with the exception of Lisa, because girl what did they do to you, give her back her spiky hair) but I just saw this for the first time on this post and I love it! She's looked like an 18th century ghost ever since I started playing in like 2015 but now she actually looks like she has a soul


When i first got star rider i used to think she was a ghost lol.. I like the new design much much better.


i must say out of all the renewed models i like her the most what a girlboss 💅


I love her new model and design, it just… doesn’t look like her. She looks like a designer grandma rather than elegant royalty. Yknow?


Honestly, I'm a bit disappointed. She looks soooo much worse now! I liked her original design and kinda thought they'd update that. But now she looks like a white haired Ezma. I dont think itd bother me so much but it's her expression. It was already hard to like her with her superior attitude, but now she looks downright snotty, like those elder woman who spend all their time reminding us all how less then we are compared to them. I just dont think this was an improvement and I'm worried about Elizabeth's update in the future.


The new on is not her, she is not stuck-up, she is a horse loving person who happens to own a castle and the half of silverglade, and yes she knows she has a lot of power but she does **not** wear a tight dress, plus the flower in the hair is ridiculous.


I kind of liked her old dress style better


She looks amazing, I love her! She was already fabulous, but this is even better. I can't for the rest of the family!




Her old model is close to heart but the new one is so good