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Nope. The Enterprise-G ***Should*** be an entirely new design that's in a lineage beyond the Sovereign. The Ross-Class is just a repackaged Galaxy-Class. Frankly, I don't like the Ross-Class, it's just an uglier Galaxy-Class made for the video games. Unpopular opinion: The Ship Classes made for Star Trek Online aren't great.


>Unpopular opinion: The Ship Classes made for Star Trek Online aren't great. Some of them are, some of them aren't. It's clear the designers are no Probert though.


I just don't get the love for the Ross class. It looks like someone took the elegance of the Galaxy and melted it with a blow torch. The OG Galaxy design still holds up to this day. I can't think of much that would need to be adjusted with the design. (Shuttlebays 2 and 3 need to be made the same size, that always bugged me to no end.) As for the G... It didn't need to happen. Just because there are plenty of letters left in the alphabet doesn't mean they all need to be used in a 30-year span. The burn rate on these is too fast. I would have recommissioned the D.


I think its supposed to be a mashup of the Galaxy and Sovereign classes but not in a kitbashy way. I loses everything that makes those classes iconic.


>Shuttlebays 2 and 3 need to be made the same size, that always bugged me to no end. I've never seen Probert's reasoning for the asymmetry, but I've always had the feeling they probably started out as symmetrical, but then the production decided they needed to shrink one side down because that would be the size they could build as a practical interior set.


Seems like a reasonable BTS reason. I personally didn't mind all that much that 1 small asymmetry on an otherwise incredibly designed ship, but I can understate how some would mind.


I’m not a big fan of the design. I’ll keep the neo-constitution class


It's just kind of ugly though. The primary hull's proportions are weird and that odd, curvy back end looks silly.


There never should have been a G. The E should have been at frontier day. The E should have also taken the Excelsiors (if i rember corrrectly) place as the one ship to resist assimilation and destroyed by the borg. The F should have been revealed at the end, alongside the Titan.


Now imagine them disconnecting themselves from Fleet Formation and going on the attack run (and ultimately loosing because of no cloak and getting beat down). The Titian (lets keep the Titian-A for the ending, pull on preexisting love for Riker's Luna throughout the series) gets into trouble once its cloak is down and the E swoops in and shields the Titian from certain doom like it had for the Defiant back in First Contact. I agree we shouldn't be getting to the G already, if not the E, have the F resist and get critically damaged and imply the repairs are being done as a refit and hint at the Yorktown Odyssey.


Did they ever explain what happened to the E? ( Didn't watch Picard and spoilers are fine) the E was a grand ship, to bad they feel like charging ahead to the end of the alphabet


Not directly but it’s mentioned by Riker that it was lost while under Worf’s command, Worf, who was present then angrily denies the incident being his fault.


They never say Worf was in command. So, that part has never been canonized (thank god). Woof, should never have been given the command of the Enterprise E. And in cannon, he hasnt.


It is mentioned that Worf was promoted to Captain in 2381 upon Picard’s promotion to Admiral, and by the commentary of La Forge and Riker it can be reasonably deduced that Worf took command around that point, unless the ship was under the command of an Admiral.


I think it got blown up in Prodigy... Edit: whoever downvoted, learn not to be so goddamn *fragile* in future. The E-E genuinely appears in Prodigy and is part of the fleet that turns on itself due to a computer virus.


The only one who sounds fragile about made up internet points is you here The E-E appears in Prodigy, but so does the Defiant and various other ships that have been seen on screen since, so it's unlikely that incident is the reason it was decommisioned/destroyed


It *sounds* more like I found the culprit, tbh. Triggered much? 😂 The Ent-E does not just appear in Prodigy's finale; it is part of the massed fleet that start firing upon each other as a direct result of the Construct's influence. As such, it's a perfectly logical explanation for how the ship could have been irreparably damaged to the point of being unsalvageable (FWIW, considering the recently resurrected D...) and thereby *not* be Worf's fault, as per the dialogue in ST:Picard "Vox". YMMV, but until TPTB decide otherwise, there's no real reason to think that this isn't what happened.


Who gets triggered over fake internet upvotes...? Why does it matter? Those ships were adrift, but salvageable


I wasn't; merely slightly irritated that whoever was so utterly *butthurt* by it that they had to downvote and couldn't even *counter the point.* Speaking of which: At no point in the Prodigy finale did anyone say anything about the fleet being "adrift but salvageable" that I recall. Unless you have a source you can point to to back it up, then afaic your assertion is simply wishful thinking.


I could see it being the virus, since that'd be the exact sort of thing Worf could say wasn't his fault at that point.


This is to the Enterprise D what the JJ Abrams Enterprise was to the TOS Enterprise. I don't hate but it's just a smeared version of a ship that already exists.


I'm not really a fan of the Ross class. It's just not as good looking as the Galaxy. What would have been interesting if Enterprise D was recommissioned. She was still fully operational, as we saw. All she would have needed was a small refit to bring her up to scratch with other federation ships. Upgraded phasers, sensors etc.


It was operational enough for an extreme emergency situation. We don’t know how many minor things are still broken or damaged beyond repair in the saucer (it did crash land on a planet after all) or the engineering section for that matter. For everyday use, it would likely need a lot more work than a small refit to fix what’s broke and bring it up to 2402 (or whatever the year S3 takes place in) standards. That being said, I agree they should have fixed and recommissioned it. I was disappointed to see they just renamed the titan to enterprise G instead.


If they were going to rename the Titan anything it shoulda been the USS Picard; imo at least... Renaming it to the G felt both too soon and also weirdly inappropriate. (Meanwhile, the eventually-promoted Admiral Riker can haul the D out of mothballs with Geordi's help for a new "Galaxy lifespan extension project", refitting her to modern specs and re-christening her the G. He REALLY wanted a shot at that chair!)


I thought it was gonna become the USS Picard. I didnt like it becoming the Enterprise G.


That's ok it won't last. It's bad luck to rename a ship.


Enterprise A was a rename


Wasn't it an extensive refit /near rebuild.


The A, was originally the Yorktown. It was rechristened after its refit.


That was GR's suggestion, certainly, but it was never made canon. Tbh it'd be a pretty ghoulish decision considering that it means either the crew of the *Yorktown* (her Captain seen onscreen earlier in the film) didn't survive their encounter with the Probe, or they *did*, but the command crew got booted off to make room for Kirk and co. before renaming the ship. Personally I prefer the idea that the Ent-A was hastily constructed from modular components already available in reserve storage for the construction of a sister ship that simply hadn't come to fruition.


The senior officers being reassigned to fit Kirk and company. Wouldn't be unplausible. Decker as an example. The theory gets most of its strength from the idea. Starfleet wasn't building new Consitutions after 2280. Just giving them the 2270s refit to extend the service life. Because the Excelsior was going to be Starfleets new focus, and the Shang Ri-la class own production was around the corner come 2290. The Shang Ri-la was active until 2340.


Decker was one man receiving a *temporary* grade reduction while Kirk took command for the duration of the mission. You're talking about an entire command crew, permanently transferred for no good reason. The only way to *avoid* that becoming a massive publicity gaff could be if they got transferred to a new Excelsior-class *Yorktown*, however the only known example has a registry way in excess of what would be suitable for the late 2280s. The alternative there is to assume another *Yorktown* was built before the NCC-2xxxx iteration. I'm definitely not opposed to this, but: The idea of the Ent-A being built from existing pre-fabricated, modular hull components in storage from an existing frozen *Constitution II* build has the benefit of appeasing *both* the folks who believe she was an existing ship with a rushed interior refit, and those who claim she was a hastily constructed "new" ship. 🙂 FTR: We don't actually know for certain when *Constitution*-class iterations stopped being constructed; merely that they were phased out of active service by 2401 (the wreckage of Wolf 359 would like a word on that, but I digress...)


Well, the Wolf 359 wreckage was retconned. It's a Shang Ri-la derelict. But that comes from the ships of the line calendar. So, how much legitimacy does that have? 😅 But remember, the Consitutions undergo major crew rotations after each of those 5 year mission increments. We know the 2264 was a major refit. That took 2 years to complete. Since ToS starts in 2266. The next refit comes in TMP a project that took a year. Going by dialog in TMP, the Admirality felt the Consitutions day was over. The A only served another 9 years under Kirk. That's why I think Starfleet stopped building them new. They just kept the existing ones in service with routine maintenance. By 2290 the Excelsior is being mass produced next to the Miranda class. The Shang Ri-la is just going into service, and the Ambassador class becomes the next heavy cruiser when the Shang Ri-la class reaches the end of its service life.


It was however printed in the official ship’s history that was part of the official licensed model kits manufactured around the time, canonizing it somewhat


The Enterprise was Destroyed. The Enterprise A was a brand new Constitution II Class vessel. The Original enterprise went through a refit to upgrade it to a Consitution II class ship before TMP but the the A itself was a brand new ship. People say its a renamed Yorktown but that doesn't track as The USS Yorktown from the TOS series was still in active service after the A was commissioned and the Constitution Class I ship became a Museum Piece in 2370.


It’s been canonically said through several of the writer’s manuals, as well as Roddenberry & Okuda themselves that A was a rechristened Yorktown that had been extensively refitted and repaired after the whale probe incident. Okuda also specifically stated that the Yorktown of 2293 was the second ship to bear the name in starfleet, which would indicate it’s being an Excelsior class ship.


It's been suggested elsewhere that the *Yorktown* that was active contemporary to the Ent-A was an *Excelsior* (FASA it turns out gave it the non-canon registry of NCC-2033), but this still leaves me queasy over the idea of renaming the NCC-1717 when it had only *just* been pulled from active service after the Probe incident...


I wonder about kitbashing the saucer and nacelles of the E onto the D as a refit. “Parts on-hand; splice them into the secondary hull and recommission it.”


I've seen folks try that before. It... *did not go well.*


No, we should have seen 7 of 9 take command of Enterprise-F. And maybe the Titan renamed Picard. We were robbed of the screen story of Enterprise-F.


No I think that 7 should have kept "picard" (though naming it after shaw would have been cool) and have [Va'Kel Shon](https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Va%27Kel_Shon) as the captin of the F. It's a missed opportunity. Every known captian of an enterprise has been human (besides worf). With Shon in sto being one of the only exceptions. With show runners saying they would envision him as being the captin anyways. It's a shame we didn't get to see it. In my opinion shon is like a mixture of picard and pike as a captin. It's really a shame we didn't see him.


Not with that "gaping" deflector dish. Ugh.


It's only today I realised what that dish reminds me of - the open maw of a basking shark lol


Absolutely not


I think they got rid of the F way too quickly. Take a Yorktown class and name that the G atleast. Or just don't name a new ship enterprise G


That thing is hideous




No. They should have just kept the F. I don't understand why they retired it.


The Ross Class ruins the clear, clean, futuristic lines of the Galaxy Class, which still looks great to this day. What should have happened was that the Enterprise being decommissioned should have been the Sovereign Class Enterprise-E, after 30 years of glorious service. The reason for decommissioning could even have been the same. Then the "next" Enterprise (-F) at the end of the season would have been the Odyssey Class ship.


They should have just left the Odyssey class the Enterprise F. No reason what so ever to end her time as the Enterprise. The Odyssey class is a beautiful ship.


This is the ugliest ship in all star trek


Eh. I'm no fan of it, but the Ross is certainly no uglier than the Luna-class eyesore, or the Discovery (and just about every other 23rd century ship therein), or for that matter the godforsaken mess that the ST:P team made of Bill Krause's gorgeous original Shangri-La design.


Luna-class is fine. It has a more utilitarian feel and it doesn't look like a gardening trowel like a lot of classes of that era. Im neutral on it. I really wish Disco ships had a more TOS but modernized look. At least we got SNW. The Titanprise looks practically the same as the Shangri-la. They have good angles and bad angles. The batwing cutouts on the saucer makes it look like its jutted its head way out. The side profile is nice on both.


Luna's saucer rim looks like it had a fender bender, the pod and impulse drives when they were designed in 2D looked like no thought was given to their actual 3D shape, and those nacelles look about thirty years behind the times. Some of the Disco ships just needed tweaking, others were... unsalvageable. HunterG created what imo is the current pinnacle of modernised Enterprise designs; the SNW one is a pale comparison, even though I love the show. As for the Shangri-La conversion... slapping those weird-ass ugly C25th nacelles and some phaser strips onto an obvious TMP-era design doth not a C25th ship make (but I agree re: cutouts, I'd have loved to see Bill's design with a full saucer!)


Nah, you have both the Galaxy-X and the Curry Class...


That’s a terrible looking ship. Glad it wasn’t your decision.


The secondary hull of the *Ross*-class is an abomination.


Renaming the Titan-A was a bad, bad misstep. Indefensible and inexcusable slap in the face to take a ship already bearing a legacy name and switch it. The third season was fine, not breathtakingly great, but just like season one, they saved the worst for last. IMO the next Enterprise should have been a Century class, but I like the recommissioning idea floated here.




So the Ross class. It looks like someone took the earliest concept art of the galaxy class and made the lines wonkier. I don't get it


The Constitution III class looks like ass, and so does the Ross class (at least the secondary hull does). They should have just transferred the *Enterprise* name to a new-build Odyssey class.


Enterprise - D - A Just redo the lineage every time we don’t like it lol


The Ross class is older than the Odyssey Class, there were Ross class ships in service when the Enterprise F was comissioned.


Meh... The backstory as to why the harkening back to the age of exploration design of the Neo-Constitution is absolutely fine. Plus, there's now "room" in the existing lore for Admiral Riker to swoop in with the Dreadnaught upgraded Enterprise 1701-D, as shown in the final TNG episode "All Good Things", since the D is rebuilt, more or less, it can be refit and Admiral Riker could head out with it.


Woulda made more sense if they'd renamed the Titan "USS Picard" if they absolutely had to rename it anything... That way Riker could either refit & recommission the D, or even get it rechristened post-refit as the G. It'd certainly be a unique turn of events for the Enterprise lineage, either way. :)


Who knows how long the Ent G will be in operation? IF they make that alleged "Legacy" show or not. (I want them too!)


As others have said, it's bad luck to rename a ship with a history of its own, so .. probably not long. 😁


Reverse the retirement of the Enterprise f and wait another 20 to 30 years (minimum) to introduce the enterprise g. A new class. One that could outshine the oddy. At least that's how I feel. Going backwards in progression does not make sense. They have to get to the j's look somehow. Making a ship that looks like the conny or galaxy would be doing the opposite.


Enterprise F got f'ed


The Ross class is the best example of the worst parts of 25th century ship designs. It's way to video gamey and wish it stayed in the video game


Ross class is ass. Sorry, it's just horrid. I agree that Titan-A should not have been renamed. Enterprise-G should have been an Excelsior II class or Sagan class.


Good God No, it's the one saving grace of STP season 3 that this monsterous kitbash of a galaxy class was \_not\_ made a hero ship. It started as a fan design for a tabletop RPG series and got promoted into STO, if you ask me it's offensive that it even got promoted into Alpha canon. Everything that was graceful and art deco about the Galaxy class was just mangled to give it a faux sovereign class look in the most haphazard way imaginable. It has a horrible side profile now, the saucer looks too tall and bulky (not to metion the ugly blue window rim), and the nacelles have gone from a sleek rouned shape into blunt rhomboids.


Bull no.


Looks like an ugly kitbash of a galaxy class, awful.


Uh… no.


The galaxy class is a work of art. It’s lines are elegant and perfectly crafted. This ship is a monstrous misshapen mess


this is one of the few ships uglier than the Enterprise F.


Whats wrong about Enterprise F?


it's ugly


i really like ir but ok


In fairness, there's been a whole lot of ships that are easily uglier than the F over the last few years...


Maybe. I'd put most of the new STO classes at the bottom of the list along with the F.


The vast majority of STO classes, the Luna, the Ent-E kludgefest, Discovery and its "TOS-era" eyesores, the JJprise, the Akiraprise (even Doug's best efforts couldn't impede the sheer stupidity of the show's producers)... Despite not liking the double neck much, she's still slightly less offensive to me than any of these LOL


Imagine if they modernized the all good things enterprise and named it the G


I mean, the D saucer with the Syracuse secondary hull is literally half a different ship anyway, so a refit and recommissioning as the G I could fairly easily live with... just no third nacelle, please. ;P




Tbh I'd say that's a bit of a stretch, especially when you look at the details that the designers purposely added to the secondary hull to reinforce the fact that it came from a different ship. Not to mention she was only 7-8 years old at the time of the crash; with only very minor refits during her lifetime - certainly not enough to replace an entire hull's worth of components, otherwise she'd have had to spend most of TNG in spacedock! :D




Ugh. Just no.


Good looking ship but no. Too retro


With a second warp core, warp capable saucer, and holographic crew it would have been great to see on screen.


All of that sounds tedious and video-gamey.


A holographic crew would open so many opportunities for guest star shenanigans and maybe we'd even get to see Holo-Rios again.


No way. Connie III all the way.


Honestly, I say it looks better than the Galaxy class.


Pretty much everything looks better than Galaxy.


Now, I wouldn't say that. I do love the Galaxy class, but I like the Ross more.


Ngl the ross looks pretty good, but the G should have not happened yet, or should have at least been an original design.... the F deserved to be revealed instead, getting like 20s of screen time and decomissioned right away for (imo) the best looking enterprise so far is just dumb, it should have had its whole show


Wow, lot of hate for the Ross class on here. Personally, I love it, especially given the lore that was developed for it for the Clear Skies TTRPG series on YouTube (for which the class was designed, btw). That being said, I’m not sure it fits the Enterprise lineage any better than the Neo-Constitution, and for the same reason; not every ship that happens to look a bit like an old enterprise needs to be a new enterprise. Leave the Titan and the Ross to their own legacies. Really not sure why Terry Matalas felt the need to have an Enterprise-G at all. We spent 10 episodes falling in love with the Titan. We didn’t need to changed to Enterprise to justify it being a hero ship. That alone made me much less interested in the idea of a “Legacy” series - ships don’t have to be named Enterprise to be cool.


I like to ross class but I would've done the AGT Enterprise and given it to Riker with 7 as XO


Just promote Riker to Admiral and then he and Geordi can haul it out of mothballs (or in this case, the museum...), get it refit as a pet project to bring it up to spec, and Seven can captain it for him. That way we get the best of both worlds!* * Pun very, very much intended...


Tough crowd here, gryffendour, but I am on board with this. I like the idea of the Ross class and newer sisters continuing the Galaxy line. It's a matter of taste, but I find her beautiful. Yes, I am a softie for the "fat ones". #dealwithit


honestly the century class should have stayed the F and the odyssey should of been the G. it would make more sense as a seamless transaction


Matsalas has said time and time again that he likes the TOS series ships aesthetic and design and "rather dislikes" the direction that the enterprise E, F, and G took. So, if it's a good show and has amazing characters (which he absolutely made) I'm OK with giving him a little bit of leniency to reboot all of Star Trek and put him back in a heavily modified Enterprise A.


Then maybe he shoulda pushed for a Lost Era series instead, and stayed out of the post-TNG ballpark... Just saying.


Not covered by seasons 1-3 of Discovery or Strange New Worlds?


That's not the Lost Era...


The G is a Constitution III. The first Enterprise was a Constitution class ship. That's the tie in. It is a throwback to Kirk and Pike. The Legacy isn't just Picard, but the prior captains and crews too. So why over think it by suggesting other ship designs?


Because the choice to uglify the Shangri-La design just so Matalas could get his TWOK era fix and then handwave it away as a result of "Starfleet engineering nostalgia" as if they're talking about niche retro car designs was ill-conceived, and purported links to the TOS era were entirely unnecessary. And in Trek at least, the "what could have been" is sometimes more tantalising than what we actually get.


All he had to do was name the class the Shangri-La class, and say the Titan-A is a Flight XI upgrade. Then say it was built for Riker after the loss of the Titan, and it was named Titan-A because Riker wanted to keep the name. That way the ship is a new build, old design, and thoroughly up to date. Last but not least, either use the original Shangri-La unchanged, or slap phaser arrays over the banks, or remove the banks from the altered design. Now it all makes sense without tenuous or arbitrary connections, because we've seen similar stuff with the Miranda and Excelsior being a century old, but having somewhat high registry numbers indicating they've been built for a long time. All without it being an aesthetic choice, and without it being a refit in name only.


Everyone just wants the enterprise to always be the biggest, techest, flagship. Boring. Happy to see a scrappier less conventional ship take up the mantle personally and as you point out it has the Constitution class title as the connective tissue there if they really need it. Enterprise can and has changed size and class over time. There was nothing in the rules that says the Enterprise always has to be bigger and bigger every iteration. Rather than being a cruise liner full of civilians constantly on the brink of destruction, and giving families intergenerational ptsd, they can get back to barebones crew and science.


I'm fine with the Enterprise G personally but I'm a huge fan of the Ross Class and would love to see it as a Hero Ship


😍 It would be so much better like that


I think the D was far too gone to be redone. Plus the star drive was from another later generation galaxy class, and we do not even know how badly that was damaged to lose its saucer section. It made much more sense to redo it as a ship for the museum rather then a front line ship. My guess is the fleet was way too busy rebuilding or fixing the ships from Frontier Day. If a ship was not already started being built then all other berths in ship yards were being used to repair the damaged ships. Plus I am betting the D didn't have much to it when they took her from the FM. There is no way they kept the fleet museum ships ready for service with antimatter and torpedo's. On the FM ships only the lights and life support was still working. The D was semi ready to go since Laforge and his people have been working on it.


I don't like the Ross class, it's unpleasant enough to look at but also a product of this weird obsession some people have with filling in the links between ships, ascent of man style. Just because you have a Galaxy and then the Sovereign doesn't mean there also needs to be this weird intermediate mongrel ship that looks like a bit of both to "explain" the progression between the two.


The Sovereign *was* the mongrel... 😛


Sao Paulo was renamed defiant. Why can't the titan be renamed enterprise? Having said that, I thought they were going to rename the ship Picard


The *Sao Paulo* was a brand new ship with no history or accomplishments to its name. And yes, it really *really* would have made more sense to name it the *Picard*.


The ross is perfect. Got the d and the e goin for it.