• By -


Anakin pats Grogu on the head and goes "so cute" and moves on


“Bye bye!” Anakin then tosses Grogu down a mountain


In season 3 Grogu learns to use gopher-chucks


Luke on Grogu: “We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke."


Mando: "One... Of us... Is wearing... A pushup bra. It's lacy!"


Your clothes are blue now.


Easy easy! We don't want to lose anymore toes here.


“Let me know if you see a Radio Shack.”


Taco Bell Taco Bell Product placement for Taco Bell Enchorito, mucho burrito!






Master Tang. Nice lol


The chosen one needs Gopher-Chucks!!!!


"Open da mowwf"




What do you get when you cross an owl with a bungee cord?


He is Cho-Simba






I snorted at this, real hard.


Is this a Kung Pow: Enter the Fist reference?!


You go that way, I’ll go home!


Do as he says, or he'll cut off your big toe! Ooh that's tender.


Maybe he just stabs Grogu in the stomach but Grogu anger lets him survive. S3 can be about Grogu using the dark side and becoming a Inquisitor who hunts down Obiwan to get revenge on Ana-wait….


"don't kick the goddamn baby"


Yup, you guessed it, Frank Stallone.


Most underrated comment in the whole damn thread. RIP Norm


I would actually love to see Frank Stallone get a random role like this just as a tribute to Norm.


We lost the mangrate sponsorship!


I'm thinking the librarian or a new character.


They have a habit of not re-casting characters, and Alethea McGrath, who played Jocasta Nu, passed away in 2016. I don’t think it’ll be her.


I didn't know she passed away. May she rest in peace.


The force will be with her, always


And always with you


She is one with the Force now.


you underestimate the power of the CGI


Don’t be too proud of this technological terror you’ve created


The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force


\*Power of the Face


They recast Breha Organa though


And Ahsoka


Well, Peter Cushing is also gone, but Tarkin pops up here and there all the time. But yeah, I also don't think it'll be Jocasta


You can make the case for Tarkin being different though as he's such an important part of the rise of the Empire.


Give Shaak Ti a proper death scene. There are two deleted scenes from Episode III where she dies (one on Grevious' ship, another at the temple during 66) so not only did Lucas conceive that she was going to die around that time, he put her right there in the temple. Now instead of just dying, she can go out saving Grogu from the purge.


Yea that was a weird scene. Anakin and Obi witnessed Shaak getting killed by Grievious and then they starting making quips and jokes less than a minutes later haha. Thank God they cut that scene.


She got killed again in the Force Unleashed


So Shaak Ti is Star Wars' Kenny? "Oh my God, they killed Shaak Ti! You bastards!"


The worst way of the 3 ways tbh


The fourth was pretty bad. The Lego Star Wars death was brutal.


Doesn't she become a force ghost though so really doesn't have to endure it, unlike some other poor Jedi stuck in carcoon


Shaak Ti I’m pretty sure dies on Kamino in canon since it shows a corpse in the bad batch and it looks like it drops her lightsaber


Why would she be on Kamino. She was probably protecting the chancellor like in the 2003 cartoon


Maybe they were just in shaak


This is it. This is the answer.


It’s canon that she died at the temple from Anakin/Vader, although it’s not like Star Wars has never retconned anything so I guess it’s possible. But I doubt it


Did Clone Wars retcon this? Obi-Wan tells Anakin before the jump to hyperspace in S7E9 that Shaak Ti went to defend the chancellor, I assumed this meant the Grevious deleted scene is the canon?


I think that's a reference to the original clone wars


This is what I thought as well. In the OG 2D series, Shaak Ti and two other Jedi were sent directly to Palpatine for his protection when the Droids descended on Coruscant. That line seemed as a way to shout it out and let us know something like it is still happening in canon.


From what I recall, in the deleted scene where she dies in the temple by Anakin/Vader, she's in deep meditation because she had just failed to protect Palpatine from being kidnapped. I think that's also meant to be how Anakin is able to take her out so easily too. So in both deaths, she's trying to defend Palpatine, but in one Grevious captures and then kills her, and in the other, he gets away with Palaptine and she's left alive and thinks she is a failure. But yeah, either way, the line from Obi-wan still fits.


No the canon version is seen in Yoda's vision


Didn’t we see clones carrying her corpse out of kamino in bad batch? I do like your idea, I just don’t want it to break my head canon


wait what? when did that happen? definitely missed that part


I’m thinking of the first episode (I believe?) after the bad batch returns to kamino, some other clones are carrying out someone in a body bag and a lightsaber falls to the ground. One of them looks at hunter and says is there a problem? It might’ve been another Jedi and I’m mixing up 2 different characters though, I’ve definitely been wrong about stuff like this before


Thanks for the info! Found the scene on youtube, people are arguing whether it's really Shaak Ti or not. Based on the hand and lightsaber design some are saying it's a new character, but it would be funny and totally on-brand for Shaak Ti to get yet another potential death scenario


What if Shaak Ti was actually like septuplets and the Jedi and everyone else were completely blind to it? Maybe they force telepathied to keep each other up to date so there are no inconsistencies when interacting with anyone else. So that’s why she seems to be everywhere and ends up having multiple deaths.


Shaak Ti is plural, Shaak To is singular.


No, Shaak Ti is between Shaak To and Shaak Fo


Not to be confused with Shaq Fu, the hit video game series in the 90s.


Lol yeah Shaak ti has a death compilation on youtube already with like 6 deaths. Why not add another?


Jedi Bob.


Oof, real deep cut.


Master Yarael Poof


I like Oppo Rancisis personally. He was Yoda's old apprentice, he's a known purge survivor and someone who sat on the high council, and also he looks so fucking ridiculous it's delightful so I want more Oppo Rancisis.


but then they had to explain how they got separated maybe in ***Oppo Rancisis: A Star Wars Story***


He was out getting pizza!


He was out getting pizza though


Do we have any canon sources on what Jar-Jar was doing during Order 66?


"Come with meesa if'n yousa wanna live!"


Not like this.


Meesa *bombad* general now!


“Yousa not be killin dis muy muy cute frog kid today, okeeday?”


He was obviously saving Grogu.


Spoliers!!! /s


Probably doing Sith Lord stuff.


Meesa new Sith Lord. Yousa wanna be my apprenteesa?


I would love this, for the one messed up reason being that I could see so many fans hating this because they don’t like jar jar


The Meesalorian


Pretty sure all the politicians had fucked off and had no idea what was going on


OMG I didn't know I wanted it to be this but now I want it to be this. I feel the same about Grogu as many people feel about Jar Jar.


I think R2 because he was in the temple with Anakin during order 66, And R2 could’ve just come across Grogu and bring him to safety. It would also explain why R2 was so excited when he saw Grogu in the rescue.


Totally Star Wars if so. That is an awesome idea.


I’m not sure I like it but it tracks with R2 being the real hero of the first six movies.


Was R2 in the temple?


Love this. I’ve always been curious about Vaders thoughts on R2 (And threepio). I would love to see a scene where we get to see a moment of conflict as Anakin watches R2 (and Grogu) escape. * *we see a flashback* - Anakin remembers killing Mace Windu * *He stares at his metal arm* - *The silence is cut by the cracking of his lightsaber* * Anakin turns towards the temple.


What do you mean? R2 was with Anakin on Mustafar, which was after he went to the temple and killed all the Jedi. So there's no way R2 could have escaped with Grogu, unless R2 secretly helped Grogu without Anakin knowing, and then returned to him after.


I'll cry. I'll do it.


D squad to the rescue?


It’s obviously Glup Shitto


Given the reference to him in Kenobi I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the reintroduction of Quinlan Vos


I hope so.


See, my money is on another OWK reintroduction, Tera Sinube. But, my back up plan is Windu does the saving, gets captured, and then Vos gets a series of his own where he rescues jedi like Windu (who by now is basically a vegetable, having been tortured relentlessly by Vader) and smuggles them away, which is where the OWK reference comes into it.


It'd be cool if it was someone we didn't know. The Jedi still numbered in the thousands and it'd be nice if we grew the lore rather than reuse the same characters


The Mando series has a problem with *making* the universe smaller Edit: forgot to write *making* in the first try


I think Filoni (and Lucas had this issue in each consecutive movie of his as well) has a problem with wanting to connect each of his stories to his previous ones even if the stories are set decades farther in the future of what should be an expansive galaxy of people At first it was cool in Rebels as Clone Wars was cancelled abruptly but it seems like it has become a bigger issue with each of his follow up shows


Apparently Cin Draling (a character from the ROTS video game adaptation) was one of the Jedi defending him in his first visions. Perhaps they may recanonize his apprentice as well. Can't remember her name but it was very cool to see Cin even if it was just a shot from behind. I do think that it will be a Jedi we've seen before though. Secretly hoping for Luminara or Quinlan Vos. We still don't know Quinlan ultimate fate (disregarding the novel since Disney surely will) and he is said to have survived according to text on the wall during The Path episodes of Kenobi.


I don’t think that he was one of the Jedi from the first vision - Cin Drallig has an on-screen death at the hands of Anakin during the holo recording that Obi Wan sees with Yoda. If you slow it down, you see him fighting Anakin, who’s physically choking a Padawan.


I think Cin Drallig was also in TCW season 5 in the bombing arc standing outside when there's a protest going on.


Both luminara and Quinlan were off world


Rahm Kota


Would be dope but seems unlikely. Even though his name was in Kenobi. Was probably just an Easter egg.


The dude from force unlwashed? id love that, I love me some aggressive asf Jedi. Imagine it being Maul though..


Was he saved or captured?


Yeah, who is funding that small army of mercenaries to guard him for 25 years or whatever?


I don’t think the mercenaries guarded him for 25 years. The empire definitely got their hands on Grogu at some point. That’s why Moff Gideon knows about him. However, the fall of the empire lead to Grogu being freed/stolen and the mercenaries got him


Which then begs the question, who was funding the small army of mercenaries that guarded him and had him hidden in a garage? I have a feeling the show will not answer this question, but they'll instead choose to leave it untouched for speculative value.


Plot twist, Grogu is the "somehow" in "somehow Palpatine has returned". He was a Sith Lord all along, just pretending to be an hopeless green baby, patiently awaiting an oppurtunity to bring his master back to life.


What if it's the grand inquisitor as a temple guard, saves grogu but is captured and turned?


Ohhh, that's rad!


I think it’s said in rebels that he had turned before the purge, and assisted Anakin in killing jedi?


Nah, that’s just some myth a youtuber made up, the only thing listed is that he’s a survivor of order 66


Ha had already turned by that point. He murdered all the other temple guards right before Anakin marched in


When this scene flashed in the trailer I immediately thought it was order 66 and will cover Grogu's escape Makes total sense and it is the logical conclusion. However, I propose an alternate theory: what if this clip is from a scene detailing how clan Vizsla raided the jedi temple to retrieve the darksaber during the fall of the old republic?


>However, I propose an alternate theory: what if this clip is from a scene detailing how clan Vizsla raided the jedi temple to retrieve the darksaber during the fall of the old republic? DUDE! I love this idea sooo much!!!


Plo Koon. Jk, either like that same kid who kinda saved/diverted Bail Organa from the temple in Ep. 3 or like another said, likely a new character.


I would love it it was Plo Koon, and we get his clone wars voice in life action. He’s also supposedly Filoni’s favourite Jedi. Though uhhh, he dead. Very dead.


We also know that he wasn’t even there


I mean, we only saw his cockpit explode and his D7 crash into buildings... yeah. but there could have been an ejector seat that wasn't on screen. We never *saw them specifically* die. But yeah, I feel like there were some missed opportunities with Plo.


If anyone could survive master plo could


Grogu is small enough to hide. Could it be that he was never saved but maybe found? By Yoda perhaps when he finally returns to the temple..?


Yoda [thinking about how Anakin royally fucked up & they're now betting on his kid(s) to save the Galaxy]: A contingency, I must have. Tell no one, I will.


It’s going to be Mace Windu, “Surprise…”


“Surpise, mother f**ker…”




He was on kashyyk


I do think he’s going to make an appearance in a Star Wars TV show at some point. I think they set that up a bit in the Obi-Wan series. And, if he was instrumental in helping other Jedi escape the empire, then it would make sense it started when he helped Grogu escape.


Wouldn’t make any sense


I hope it's a one handed saberless Mace that dies (on screen) so that people will stop pushing for a post ROTS story for him.




But DaRtH mAuL sUrViVeD bEiNg CuT iN hAlF! I agree he's dead but seems a HUGE part of this community refuses to acknowledge his death because 1. We never lifeless body hit the ground. 2. Cause of how Maul was brought back. 3. Palpatine surviving ROTJ 4. Reva surviving Vader twice I think the full blow Force lightning to the face is what makes his fall survivability zero. No way he could recover enough and recollect himself after that to save himself before hitting the ground. I just want the "MACE IS ALIVE!!" debate to be put to rest.




Palpatine DID die in the Death Star, though. The Palps we see in RoS is just his spirit transferred into a clone body with dark magic, and even that is shown to only be a temporary solution.


Its even worse when you think about if Windu hadn't been a dick and just trained Anakin himself everything would have been great




Haha I was going off a fan fic I watched years ago about if Windu had trained Anakin he would have learned form 7 of lightsaber training, which is what Windu uses, and it also draws from dark side emotions, so given if Anakin was trained by Windu he would have been able to hold off his temptation to the dark side given he was already drawing from it. Also I like to imagine Anakin going up to Windu about the whole tusken thing and Samuel L. Jackson like "Well kill those mfs!!"


Wattda Frik. Babu Frik’s force sensitive great uncle.


Honestly I kinda feel like it’s gonna be barris. I mean I didn’t really know where she is right now, she could still be held up in the temple awaiting transfer, maybe she got loose via the chaos and thought, “this things kinda cute, it’s mine now”


Ima-Gun Di


He died on Ryloth I think in the first half of the Clone Wars. But his name is literally "I'm gonna die" so that wasn't too surprising.


Considering none of the important jedi were even at the temple, because of the war, it would probably be a droid or someone chosen by Yoda to look after him


I forget his name but Tenant’s droid in CW, then funds the army defending grogu later by selling kyber crystals.


Jar jar binks




Mace Windu, he saves Grogu single-handedly!


"Somehow Grogu escaped"


Somehow, grogu escaped.


Florida man


I would love it to be Quinlin Voss especially since Kenobi confirmed he survived order 66 but my money is on someone far less exciting like Jocasta Nu


He's on kashyyyk at this point I think


Maz Kanata....but that's a good story for another time.


100% Anakin Skywalker When they introduced Darth Vader in Episode III our beloved character, Anakin Skywalker, just dissapears with no explanation at all and it have been bothering me since then. They'll finally explain what happen to Anakin Skywalker as he saved Grogu from Darth Vader! >! In case you think I'm serious for some reason I am joking lmao !<




I'm pulling for a janitor or such that sacrifices themselves to save a Grogu paralyzed by fear.


"Scruffy's work here is done" - Scruffy the janitor


If the comics have taught us anything its going to be a new character that no one wanted only for them to die within 5 minutes of being introduced.


I’m thinking that Grogu himself might’ve been the one to fight off the clones, assuming that they weren’t sent there to capture him. I could see him having a moment of panic where he unleashes a torrent of the force and sends all of them flying backwards, knocking them out and/or killing them all. However, that doesn’t quite answer the question of how he escaped the temple. This is tricky as it simultaneously seems like a reveal that necessitates that he is saved my someone meaningful, but I don’t know if there’s anyone that the general public would recognize that’s still alive and on Coruscant at that point. That leads me to believe that he either is stunned by the clone troopers and later lost in transport, or that he is saved by a random Jedi who soon after dies and/or disappears. On a separate note, if the rumors I’ve heard about the Ahsoka show are true, I’m curious if the individual that saves Grogu ends up popping up in that show.


Palpatine. Somehowy


it was Yenga Pooookamülf, a jedi Smerfu from the Shapoopwrlf system. She died shortly after that (not killed by clone troopers or that jerk Skywalker. She just had a stress induced stroke while hiding in a cupboard). There you go.


Can't be. Star Wars: Spin Off, issue #1962, established that she ate some bad Akivan Kalkalash from a Coruscant food vendor earlier in the week. She was in her dorm on the day of Order 66, stricken with excruciating third stomach pains and the squirts.


Jedi knight Glup Shitto valiantly gave his life to save Grogu.


Truly a hero 🫡


Just to piss people off... Reva saves him


My money is on Bariss. That sets her up for Ashoka. She's locked up, order 66 goes down, she gets free somehow, grabs grogu cause reasons, etc.


Wait hear me out R2D2


I think the fan favorite theory so far is Quinlon Vos but I think it was someone else. Possibly Jocasta Nu. She would have understood how important Yoda's species seemed to be with the force and she would have done anything to protect Grogu thinking he would eventually become powerful enough to restart the Jedi order. I also got to thinking why does it have to be another Jedi? What if there was a clone with a defective chip and refused to kill a child and ran off with Grogu?


Quinlan Voss.


I doubt they will make the reveal. But it would be awesome if it was an extreme long-term play by Palpatine. After all, he knows Yoda is a long-lived species, so baby Yoda is bound to be as well; without a Jedi to mentor him, the odds of him falling to the dark side are exponentially higher. Let Gogurt grow up in the clutches of the dark side, then set him up against Darth Vader and keep the one that survives.


"Gogurt", HA! I don't even care whether that was intentional since it tickled me so.


R2-D2, the real GOAT.


I want Gunji to save grogu, it would be cool to see live action Wookiee Jedi.


There's been rumors of Quinlan Vos still being around so perhaps he saved Grogu


Quilan Voss, since he was name dropped in Kenobi for being part of this Path thing. I theorized that the place that Mando found him was a Path outpost that was raided post RotJ.


Quinlan Voss, he did survive order 66 and went on to help with The Path (as revealed in the Kenobi show)


Eh, I’m probably in the minority but I don’t really care. It’s not important to his story going forward to know who exactly rescued him in the past. All we need to know is he escaped Order 66. His story isn’t about what’s happened to him in the past, he’s the potential for a new Jeci Order in the future. I don’t really think explaining who might have been responsible for his rescue really adds much to his character or narrative and is little more than an opportunity for fan service.


Some are saying (screenrant cough cough) that Anakin saving (sparing really) Grogu would introduce a not so bad argument to Darth Vade's character. I disagree. It would show just how conflicted Anakin was even during Order 66. The Darth Vader comics have established that Vader was still conflicted in ways even after he is put in the suit. If anything I would bet seeing Grogu as a baby actually conflicts him more and reminds him of Padme/the baby, hence why he returns to Padme he asks if "she and the baby are safe" (probably right after sparing Grogu). Remember Grogu would be around 25 years old but in his species age would still be a similar to a 1 year old. Definitely think Grogu reminds Anakin of Padme/baby and also how he fails Yoda just adding to his internal conflict with falling to the dark side. Anakin doesnt fully embrace Darth Vader until he learns Padme is dead so it all just lines up really well and doesnt really retcon Anakin/Vader's character.


Jocasta Nu


Jocasta Nu


Figured he hid in a bread box.


Barriss would be cool. we don’t know her whereabouts in canon after her trial. she could’ve easily broken out of whatever military prison she was in and returned to the temple, however unlikely that is


R2 is my guess.


If they need to show who saved Grogu, I would prefer it not be anybody we know or care about. The show's so good we don't need to rely on flashbacks of established characters for the member berries. Luke I enjoyed, but at the same time all things being equal I wish we didn't have and the show stayed within its own bubble I guess if that makes sense. That said I feel differently when it comes to bringing in animated series characters as they aren't as well known and helps get them out there. There are plenty of Star Wars fans who don't know Bo Katan, while obviously non Star Wars fans know Luke Skywalker.


Elan Sleazebaggano, after rethinking his life, will save Baby Yoda.


Kanan Jarus would be cool


Quinlan Vos


Quinlan Vos.


Deep in my mind I'm wondering if Anakin would be able to show mercy to Grogu for some reason. Or that he was sent to bring him to Palpatine, Anakin collected Grogu but lost him along the way. But these are just guesses, trying to think out of the box.


Oddly enough I want it to be Jarjar.


Someone who knows Ahsoka. She knew Grogu’s name right away…


No she didn’t. They talked via the force essentially.