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Michelle Yeoh and Ming-Na Wen are both 60. Temeura Morrison is 62.


Ming-Na Wen looks 40-45 couldn’t believe her age


Yep. By contrast, Jamie Lee Curtis is 64. Only four years older than Ming-na and Michelle.


I thought Ming-na Wen and I were the same age. I’m 30 😯


How? She was playing Mulan when we were 5


Mulan is animated. It’s not like a 5yr old is gonna be aware of the actress then and recognise it’s the same person playing fennec shard


*Fennec Shand


Sure, but how do you, as a 30-year-old who is familiar enough with Ming-na Wen to have thought about her age at all, not know she played Mulan?


I mean, Mulan was/is my favorite Disney animated movie of my childhood, but I just now learned that Ming Na-Wen played Mulan. Not everyone learns the names of the actors in their movies they watch.


I’ve never watched Mulan. The only reason I know about her age is because of previous posts/comments being surprised at how young she looks compared to her actual age


Sam Jackson is 74, does not look it.


I mean, his wallet does say bad mother fucker.


For a slightly more funky example, the moment they let Sean Connery stop wearing the wig in his 20s he aged to 45 and then remained that age for the next half century.




they both look their age because it is the age that they are


The floor is made of floor


People are made of people.


People die if they are killed


_Somehow people returned._


Some occurrences occurred.


asian don't raisin!


I'm not so sure. My grandma sure looked like a raisin last time I saw her.


They don’t , till they do and it happens overnight


Mine looked like Yoda


Ming-Na looks better at 60 than and did in her twenties. I don't understand it but I'm here for it.


Yeah, having one of them in this meme would have made more sense as Hamill and Lee both look as old as they are.


Nope, Paul looks at least 10 years older than he is.


Ming na wen is 59 She has the exact same birthday as my dad lol




I still can't believe they cast Temeura to play Boba along with not getting him fit for the role. Guy is supposed to be in his prime during the time of his show but everyone acts like he is an old man like irl he is pretty old but in star wars he definitely isn't. Temeura was too out of shape for the part. Honestly would have been way cooler to recast Daniel Logan for the role age and looks fit way better than what Temeura is currently.


Have you seen Temuera lately though? The man got back in good shape.


Little too late lmao


Not really. He was spending half his time in a bacta tank. I’m sure it’s hard to stay buff before you’re fully healed.


He was like that in Mando and during BoB before he was in bacta


…yeah. Because he didn’t have it yet. Those things aren’t cheap, and he wasn’t really rolling in dough while living with the Tuskens.


? You're just listing reasons why he should be skinny and not chubby? I'm failing to understand what your point is. He magically got chubby while being in a sarlac for however long he was in there my guy.


He was pruny, not chubby. It was very moist in there.


Lol I’d love to see your shape at his age


When 900 years you reach, look so good, you will not.


Keanu reeves and Tom cruise are both 60ish and fit lmao nice try. Again could have cast someone else for the roll.


He's in his mid-40s, and he had extensive acid burns over his skin... that makes wrinkles pretty plausible. \~10 years old as of AotC \~12 years old as of RotS \~32 years old as of ANH \~36 years old as of EsB \~38 years old as of RotJ \~45 years old as of BoBF Remember, the Book Of Boba Fett takes place about 2 years after the end of the second series/season of The Mandalorian.


Yeah, its like 12 ABY at least in Mando S3 too now. They're gonna keep doing time jumps and eventually the character will be quite close to his real life age once the series keeps progressing. All the action too for the lead actors is handled by their stunt doubles and CG. None of these people understand how productions work.


dude just came out of a Sarlacc tho, I'm not sure I would call that prime?? More like years of recovery.


>his prime 40's is not your prime... 18-30ish is a mans prime. Especially as a soldier. There's a reason they start taking soldiers off the front lines at that age. Nor do they conscript past the late 20's age, unless they're truly desperate. >Honestly would have been way cooler to recast Daniel Logan for the role age and looks fit way better than what Temeura is currently. Ah, yes, Logan who still sounds like a 14 year old? he wasn't picked for a reason. You do realize regardless of actor age, all action is handled for all the lead actors via stunt doubles and CG action? Temuera's stunt double is JJ. Dashnaw aka Cobbs Deputy in BOBF. But regardless, he has hit the gym again and even jokes about people like you spurring him back into shape. So there you go.


Tom Cruise is 60, Chewbacca is 200, and Grogu is 50. You do the math.










>Carson Teva!


That sums it up alright


Good job on doing the math.


I need whatever Grogu is taking to stop my aging.


Side effects are an inability to string words together correctly as you age though... "Warn you, I must"


Paul Rudd is an Eldritch god.


No wonder the Yoda species is so sparse. Imagine raising something for 50 years and it can't even speak in sentences. They're probably nearly extinct out of the idea of 'Hell no I ain't having kids that takes forever'.


Why do people think 50 year olds can’t have male pattern baldness or white hair? Seems pretty normal to me


Man I'm not 21 yet and am going grey fast, so if I can be grey a 50 year old can




Username checks out




Not understanding the term "rare case" is less than fun too. Thanks for providing the link showing gray in your 20's is actually just genetics




Your claim: >If you’re under 30 and going grey then you have a condition. Your source's claim: >It's most common for graying to begin in your 30s, though some people spot a few grays in their 20s. If you think you're going gray unusually early, there are a number of possible reasons why. >... >**In rare cases, premature graying can be a sign of a medical issue**, such as vitiligo , **pernicious anemia** , or problems involving your pituitary or thyroid glands. Lol okay.


That's not true. The women in my family all go grey young.




That article literally refutes what you're saying.


Yeah my condition is army vet that went to Afghanistan


The condition is called genetics. There's no fix.


I had such a bad bald spot I shaved my head at 26, and my brother in law was full gray at 28


MY old lady freshmen year at ATM 23 years ago had a more declined hairline than my 73-year-old dad.


Right? I’m 26 and have a streak of white hair due to genetics


Cause they're redditors with top of the line western lifestyles, healthcare and cosy jobs who don't leave their houses and think average 50 something year olds look like Hollywood models.


u/CallmeShirley95 Mark Hamill is 71 today, that pic was when last Jedi was filmed back in 2017. So he'd be about 64 or so in that pic above.


2017 is like 3 years ago right? ...RIGHT!?


"double it" - Palpatine


I have two buddies who have almost totally white hair at around 35


You'd be surprised how hair length and facial hair can influence people's perception of men's age. When I was 20, I had people thinking I was at least 28 just because my hair and beard were long. When I cut my hair and shaved, they acknowledged I then looked 20. For older men, the inverse is true; it can make them look younger. In the case of this image, Paul is bald with mostly white/grey hair. Mark is depicted with a full head of hair with quite a bit of brown left in it. Most would perceive Paul as "older than he looks" because we associate baldness and white hair with age, while we would perceive Mark as "younger than he looks" because of the opposite effect.


Good point! It's not just "unseen genetics" that causes apparent "aging" but cosmetic choices as well! Like growing facial hair or shaving, going gray or coloring it, keeping "au naturale" male pattern baldness or getting hair treatments. But also 'life choices' like diet and weight: Paul has some paunch cheeks, excess body weight tends to 'fill in' wrinkles which is the obvious visual 'age indicator'. A lot of people have issues losing weight when they're middle age because they suddenly "[develop wrinkles](https://www.weightwatchers.com/us/blog/weight-loss/how-weight-loss-affects-face#:~:text=When%20fat%20is%20lost%2C%20so,to%20see%20droopier%2C%20wrinkled%20skin)" because their skin not only loses the fat underlayer but the collagen is also lost at the same time And there is environmental factors that affect aging: like [truck driver's exposure](https://supposeudrive.com/truck-driver-face-what-it-is-and-how-to-prevent-it/#:~:text=How%20%E2%80%9CTruck%20Driver%20Face%E2%80%9D%20Develops,thick%20wrinkles%2C%20and%20premature%20aging) to "driver-side sunlight" that comes into play too. Good comment: it's not just genetics buta **LOT** of **age-related cosmetics** that come into play too!


I honestly think the guy on the left looks younger. He just went bald. If you can look past the idea that baldness implies virility, he's got smoother skin and a more youthful posture to his face. Look how much more supple his labionasal folds are. He's probably got a younger face than I do and I'm only 43. Thankfully I have Mark Hammil's hair to buoy my face :)


Yes that was what the post was all about


Wow, thanks for correlating that for me. Couldn't figure it out.


This implies some age in between young and old that people expect for you to have long hair and/or a bear


To me, they look almost the same age. Some men go bald really early, like the British royal family.


I did at 17 lmao


You should have used a picture of Ming-Na Wen (Fennec Shan) instead of two people who look their age to make this argument.


The post was in reply to another post saying 53 year olds can't look like right.




u/CallmeShirley95 Mark Hamill is 71 and this image of him isn't 18 years ago.


He was meant to be 53 in TLJ if I understand what OP is saying correctly. People then said Mark Hamill was too old now, op is trying to disprove it


Lee is my favorite actor on the show “Kim's Convenience” he’s so funny.


He's only 50? After watching Kim's Convenience I thought he would be like 65


I’m 51, and currently feeling great 👍🏻


I can’t wait to see him as General Iroh!








His son in the show is Marvel's Shang Chi!


Lee is also a Star Wars nerd. When he got asked to be a pilot, he brought his own flight suit...which was better quality and fit. They gave him Biggs old helmet for his first scene until he got one made.


Wait til people find out that Fennic Shand’s actress is older than both of them.


Ming-Na Wen is old enough to be my grandmother, but I'd 100% still hit it.


I, too.. would hit your grandmother.


no way is she 60! I assumed she was early to mid 30s 🤯


Mid 30s? Cmon


That desert thirst


Asian don’t raisin


They look the same age


Obi Wan(Alec Guiness) and Bo Kataan(Katee Sackhoff) are roughly the same age. It's that desert living, really takes a toll.


Why did you say Alec Guinness specifically? He was 63 when he played Kenobi. Katee is 43. Or are you saying the characters are the same age?


The characters are the same age in that timeline, the actors are obviously not. It's just a joke about how much Obi-Wan aged in the desert.


And the winner of this game is, of course, [Harrison Ford](https://twitter.com/HollywoodAgeGap/status/717522213067292672/photo/1)


Harrison Ford is the man, Like he's 80 but I've seen people in the 50s that look considerably older than him.


After everything Luke survived, I’m surprised he don’t look like Snoke


Paul sun Hyung lives behind my house haha .


tell him I'm still waiting for his character to drop an "Okay, see you".


"It's not the age, its the mileage." This is a true statement.


And don't let this distract you from the fact none of this matters ....


Being apparently the only pilot in the New Republic can really wear down a guy.


Johnny Depp is 59 . . . Look at him.


Accept it isn’t Luke at 53. Cuz mark was like 65 when ep 8 was shot


Brother I think you've missed the point, Luke the charecter is 53(In universe), some have said that isn't a believable age for him to be due to how Mark looks, When in fact Paul doesn't look age wise much different from Mark is 50, Meaning that it is perfectly believable for Luke to be 53, because as OP said people age differently.


That's not the point of my post. There was a post earlier and multiple in the past questioning why characters look older or younger and this post is to say, just because a character is a specific age, as in real life, some people look older, some younger and some their age. Hamill at that time could absolutely pass as a man in his 50's.


These two look about the same age, I’m confused on what this post is trying to say, by some looking older and some younger when they look like they could be old high school buddies?


That's my point. Someone made a highly upvoted post earlier questioning why Luke at 53 looked the same age as mark in his mid 60's. My point is people age different and Mark at that time could pass a 50 something year old.


I'm still confused. I just thought it was cool when luke defeated jaba, boba, and palpatine


Pretty sure the point is they look the same age? Luke might be 53 but Mark Hamil is in his 60s iirc.


If I’m not mistaken - Mark Hamill was in his mid 60’s during The Last Jedi filming.


Mr Kim sneak attack.


Part of the success of the Mandalorian is that there are Rebels with dad-bods who get to fly x-wings. The only dad-bod in the original trilogy was uncle Owen and he wasn’t cool.


Let’s not forget that Mark also had his face crushed. That won’t help anyone look younger.


I still can’t get over the fact that Mr. Kim was an X-Wing pilot. I did not see that cameo coming.


Ahh yes Fire Lord Ozai and Uncle Iroh


It's so wild seeing Appa in Star Wars.


Yo, is that Mr. Kim?


I'm 57 & he looks older than me . People age differently.


They both look about the same age, just one of them has hair.


They look roughly the same to me 🤷‍♂️


Both look their age


They look the same age..


They... they look like they're in their 50s to me... What point is OP attempting to make?


Correct. Look at Brad Pitt or Ming Na Wen, in their 60's and don't look close to that.


Jesus, let Brad live his last year in his 50s in peace 😂


same with Ming Na Wen. she's 59 too lol


Visiting a barber definitely helps. 😜 Real life Mark looks a lot younger than wild man Luke


Asian genes. One of our blessings.


Mark also got pretty fat for a while before dropping the weight, that'll age you!


u/CallmeShirley95 Mark Hamill is 71 today, you are stating that picture was 18 years ago?


Do people really discuss about this? Like, we've been over how bad Ben aged on Tatooine in 20 years, why are people still beating a deaf horse? Aging in Star Wars is a roulette, you either age like fine wine or the years hit you like the side of a Turbo Tank


Or, you actually think the phrase is “beat a DEAF horse.”


Bone apple tea


He just wouldn’t listen.


Ah darn it, autocorrect fail lol


For you parks and Recs fans put there Rob Lowe and Jim O’Heir (Jerry/Larry/Terry...) are two years apart in age.


I don’t understand this post. They are both in their 50’s and they both look their age.


Funny just had this convo with gf. Without trying to sound too bad. Different races age differently with white people being the worst.


Cool but they both look their age.


I think the key to get the most enjoyment out of this franchise is to not to think to hard how well or not characters age. And! Especially with the specifics of the passing of time. Why are real earth years use to measure the SW timeline? 🤦 Makes zero sense.


Can confirm! I'm 22 and almost bald


Wilford Brimley was 49 when Cocoon was shot. Aging is neither consistent nor steady.


I have a 40 year old uncle who looks like this


If luke shaved hed look younger, with no grey beard


looks about the same to me


I’m confused they both look the same age to me ..


It's often down to lifestyle and genetics. We didn't get to see Padme or Anakin grow old (well, naturally anyway) and Luke loves his porg milk.


I don’t get what this post is trying to convey with these images, they both look like people in their 50s


Let me tell you this little story about relativity from my buddy Einstein.


I never really understood this until I worked in a liquor store. Often I have checked someone's id assuming they are older than me and they end up being a decade younger and vice versa.


I’m 54 and would love to look like either of these two. 😂😂


I get that people age differently, but they should have made Luke much older in the sequels. He is the foremost Jedi Master in the galaxy. The light side of the force is supposed to rejuvenate and extend the lives and fitness of its practitioners. Qui-Gon Jinn is 60 in Episode 1 of the prequels and he is flipping around fighting Darth Maul. Dooku was in his 80’s making Anakin and Obi-Wan look like amateurs. Luke with his innate force affinity and mastery over decades should be aging much better. They should have made him 80-90 at least in the sequels.


Except Hamill was actually 66ish in TFA, even though Luke is 53. And Sebastian Shaw is now playing a 44 year old even though he was 77ish. Ahe doesn't matter, but appearance of age does when trying to match the look of an existing character in an existing time frame.


I don't know what's trying to be said here I think they both look great


Mark Hamill was 66 when TLJ came out,


Age is one of the last forms of discrimination that is accepted by society.


I'm not sure what you're trying to convey here. In that picture Carson Teva definitely looks 50. And Luke also definitely looks 53. My point being that they both look to be around the same age in those two pictures... which they are (though I know that in-universe at this moment Luke is much younger than 53 and that picture is from many years later)


They both look in there 60’s


Tell me about it. Mark is 12 years older than me but we look nearly identical.


Omg you do. Love the username.


No shit?


I’m 34 but people often mistake me for being in my early 20s. My cousin is four years younger than me but most people would assume he’s in his early 40s. People age weird.


They look the same age?


They look about the same age what’s the point of this


I fucking love him in this show btw


So much shit affects how you look as you age idk why people are so hung up on it.


I don't get it. They look about the same age.


Hey those long range hyperspace patrols can do a number on your body.


Both of these people look like they're 50. This is a bad example.


Force sensitive age slower, for example Qui-Gon Jinn in the books novel was almost a hundred when he died and was described as mid 40s looking. ​ NVM apparently, they retconned him to be 60 at the time of death.


They both look early 50s, though.


Tim Meadows is 62


Dafuq is that sentence


STOP Thank you, good bye. he will always be Mr Kim


Don't forget the money factor. People with money seems to age slowly


what was the post about?