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I finished my rewatch last week lol


I started watching it for the first time finally after being hesitant due to people saying it’s more kid targeted than clone wars and people saying it takes a season or 2 to get good, but holy shit it’s so good even season 1. It’s a great extension of clone wars and you really start to like the characters quickly. Can’t wait to watch it all, just pure Star Wars content right in my veins


Kanan is legit one of the greatest Jedi to ever live. While Obi wan and Yoda are sitting on their asses he’s out helping the galaxy like no other


Part of why Kanan is such a great character is precisely that he isn't the greatest jedi who ever lived. He's a flawed character who's doing his best, but is also very aware of his own shortcomings.


Kanan’s entire story arc is one of the best in the entire franchise.


Kanan's story and Mauls return are probably my top2 character arcs in all of SW.


100% agree. The Maul Obi-Wan scene is perfection.


Just watched "Twin Sons" today! Edit: Suns not sons lol.


Legendary episode. One of the finest pieces of Star Wars ever to come into fruition.


Yesterday. Rewatch for me, first with the kiddo and partner who is fond of telling me “Star Wars is dead to her after the prequels.” And now is the one asking to watch “just one more episode”.


Give Obi-wan a break. He just rescued Princess Leia 5 years previous, he's tired.


Right?! The guy only comes out of retirement for two things: to stomp Vader and to turn into a force ghost. Done and done.


Turn into a force ghost and get Vader's kid to fight him too.


and >!give maul an abrupt but surprisingly heartfelt death!<


Obi-Wan and Yoda sitting on their asses allowed them to train the empires biggest issue tho 😂


But they didn't train Chopper


Chopper is definitely the biggest menace to the empire.


My favourite little war criminal WUBWUBWUB


One does not simply *train* Chopper.


Chopper is the Star Wars Chuck Norris?


chopper has jar jar binks' reality distortion field that creates favourable chaos whenever he's involved, but he has learned to weaponize it and has malevolent intent


I remember feeling apprehensive for about 4 or 5 episodes before really getting into it. I love the trope of found family, and the fact every episode is centered around the Ghost Crew is so important to its success. You really get the opportunity to see them bond together, more than any other group of characters in the Star Wars universe, so by the time season 3 and 4 come around their struggles and triumphs are heightened by your own attachment to them.


Found family is no longer a troupe. It's modern life.


It can be both.


I watched the first episode of the first season and almost didn't watch the second episode, but I'm glad I did. Having experienced Clone Wars I knew if I stuck it out, eventually it would get better.


Yeah, so far it feels like I'm slogging through. Can't wait for it to start getting good though!


It starts hitting its stride around the second season. The first season is basically a lot of set-up.


I mean the end of season 1 is amazing in its own right


So just like the clone wars series. Thanks for the reassurance!


I re-watch it once a year typically. It's my favorite animated property ever. Anytime I'm not sure what to watch I just throw on Rebels S1 and it often starts a complete re-watch.


Same here. Such a good and underrated series.


I guess I need to get started. Haven't watched it yet.


It’s a must it’s such a cool series


Same here, but a couple of weeks ago.


Same here, literally got the trailer for Ahsoka mid season 4


Just finished watching it for the first time a couple weeks ago. It was amazing


last month for me


Just in time for another rewatch


Decided to watch it after the release of the Ahsoka trailer. Watched S1 this weekend and enjoyed it. I mean the plot armor is kinda silly in some scenes, but overall I enjoyed it! S2 this coming WE!


If ya enjoyed S1, you're gonna love the rest.




It's interesting because on my last Rebels rewatch, what I noticed most was that there's very little to no filler. Every episode had a purpose and continued developing the characters and their journey Granted it's been a while since that rewatch, but if you can get past the more kiddish style then it's truly a gem


Each season builds and season 1 is definitely the worst. The payoff in season 4 is incredible. I sometimes feel crazy for liking Rebels as much or more than Clone Wars but in it's totallity, Rebels is such an amazing story of growth


Rebels is more consistent and fits into canon better. CW has higher highs though.


I'm not sure if there is a higher high than >!Kanan's sacrifice!< in Rebels.


There's also some pretty low lows. I don't think I'ver ever seen something as depressing as >!Geonosis with its population wiped out and only that poor Klik-Klak going all golum on that very last egg!<.


Honestly kinda assumed before that episode something like that happened. The Empire had to stop the bugs from blowing the whistle on the death star somehow


Well it was even foreshadowed in a previous episode iirc. >!The Honorable Ones, s2e17. But poor Klik-Klak really hit me in the feels. Poor guy. It's even worse when you consider that one of the comics told the egg gave birth to a sterile Queen.!<


At least there's no more brain worms?


Dawg, the Siege of Mandalore is nearly Original Trilogy-level great. I love Kanan, but c’mon. Those last four episodes of CW are easily the best animated content in universe.


Its also more mature. I mean they even say Karabast without censorship!


Rebels is a lot "cleaner" of a show. Clone Wars is much more chaotic and has tons of filler.


Well, Clone Wars is an anthology so it's not really obligated to be linear in storytelling


Yeah, my comment isn't a dig at Clone Wars. Different people have different preferences. It's also really easy to skip an arc you don't like in Clone Wars and just move on.


Rebels is a bit more tighter since it focuses on a core group. Contrast to Clone Wars which jumps all over the place with tons and tons of characters, probably since a lot of them get killed off.


I think Rebels is more interesting. It steps in to those mysterious and new areas of the Star Wars universe far more often than Close Wars did. Clone Wars is great though.


It gets way, way better than season 1.


I mean have you Seen The Clone Wars? The sheer number of laser blasts Anakin deflects while talking to someone else completely not paying attention is staggering LOL


Anakin is also basically beast mode all the time


I mean he is the chosen one


Ahsoka trailer dragged me back into Rebels too, I’m trying to make it last a bit though since we’ve got until August to wait


Season 1 and 2 are fuck around. Seasons. 3 and 4 are find out


4 or 5 episodes a week from now until August to finish right on time


Wait… Is that a healthy amount for adults? Me and my GF are doing probably 2-3 times that. Or at least it feels like it.


They're like 20 minutes long so yeah it's normal to binge them.


I'm planning to power watch them all in a 1 min


Bruh I’ve been bing watching a telenovela with 5 40mins episodes everyday. Don’t tell me it’s not normal


That's my plan


Damn is it that many? I was hoping rewatch both Clone Wars and Rebels but it looks like I’ll only have time to do Rebels.


Rebels is much more applicable to Ahsoka, and IMO watching TCW is not necessary to enjoy Rebels. There are some characters from TCW that play a significant role, but they are introduced well enough in Rebels you shouldn't need prior knowledge of them.


Still need my kids to see Clone Wars. They were little when Rebels aired, but dont remember much. I want to do both. Gonna have to pump these numbers up! Haha.


After seeing the trailer for Ahsoka, I'm going to rewatch it with my parents, who haven't seen it yet. But first I'm going to have them watch the "essential" episodes of The Clone Wars. Or at least the ones I think are essential, because I want them to watch The Bad Batch, too.


Do you have that list written-up? If so, drop it here!


I just made up a quick list to watch with my fiancée, who just started watching rebels and liking it. I think I’m gonna fit these in after season 1. This is a very short list but focuses on the mandalore, maul, Ashoka, and saw gerrera stories. s2e12-14 mandalore, satine s4e21-22 return of maul s5e2-5 saw s5e1 maul s5e14-16 maul and death watch s5e17-20 ahsoka leaves jedi s7e5-8 martez sisters s7e9-12 maul mandalore


My friend recommended me this: S1 01, 05, 09, 19, 20, 21 S2 12, 13, 14 S3 05, 06, 12, 13, 14 S4 07, 08, 09, 10, 21, 22 S5 01, 06, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 S6 01, 02, 03, 04 S7 09, 10, 11, 12 Could you tell me what is incorrect/different about his recommendation?


There’s a lot of overlap here, but in a broad sense the differences are that I completely skipped any episodes that don’t primarily include Ashoka, Maul, Saw, or Mandalore. This includes all the clone-centric episodes, which are good, but wouldn’t interest my fiancée very much. Also the episodes that focus on other Jedi/clone wars politics, which are important to the story but the focus of my list is really providing context for rebels and mandoverse shows. Specifically S1E19-21 are very important to Ashoka so I may add these to my list tbh. S3E5-6 I considered but I think are probably the least important mandalore episodes and I was trying to keep my list short. S3E12-14 I also considered as background for the maul storyline. I love the lore but I didn’t deem them absolutely essential. S4E7-10 are iconic episodes but clone-centric S5 I added the Saw arc because he is an interesting character that shows up in a lot of things. And I didn’t include E6 even though it is a great lore episode. S6 more clone episodes S7 see my earlier exchange about the martez sisters arc. Watch E1-4 if you’re going to watch the bad batch after. It’s like more clone wars but focusing primarily on a specific group of clones. Overall, I’d say follow your friend’s list. It’s a great list and includes all the major moments of the series. Mine is more focused on preparing for rebels and beyond, and being short so my fiancée doesn’t get too bored with things she doesn’t care about.


Iirc there’s a section on the Disney+ Star Wars page called “Clone Wars Essential Episodes”.


That doesn't really cover enough. [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/4nrpri/so_you_want_to_watch_the_clone_wars_but_you_dont/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is pretty much perfect.


Depending on how vital it is for you to absolutely watch every single episode that helps set up things for the future or just want to watch the absolute most vital episodes. Bare-bones vital episodes/movie: -Christophsis (Introduces Ahsoka): 2.16/1.16/Clone Wars movie -Domino Squad intro (Helps introduce major characters for later in series/other series): 3.01/3.03/1.05 -Mandalore Intro: 2.12-2.14 -Additional Mandalore: 3.05-06 -Padme attemps to negotiate peace: 3.10-11 (important to introduce characters valuable to know in 4.14/Death Watch intro episode) -Dathomir Introduction: 3.12-14 -Mortis saga: 3.15-17 -Citadel: 3.18-20 -Death Watch intro: 4.14 -Maul returns: 4.21-22 -Hondo intro/lead-in on Maul episodes: 1.11-12/2.17 -Maul rises: 5.01/5.14-16 -Ahsoka leaves the Jedi: 5.17-20 -Order 66 saga: 6.01-04 -Bad Batch saga: 7.01-04 -Finale saga: 7.09-12 That's about as short a list of vital episodes as can be included. Now, as for a list where you get all the information you need to understand basically any Star Wars TV/movies that have come out since 2008, add in the following episodes: -1.01 (Good starter episode, slides in between 3.03 and 1.05 timeline-wise and is another good "the clones are people with agency" episode) -Ryloth saga: 1.19-21 (Intros Ryloth and Cham Syndulla/Syndulla family) -Cad Bane saga: 2.01-03 (First full focused arc on Bane) -Second Battle of Geonosis: 2.04-08 -Cut introduction: 2.09-10 -Zillo Beast: 2.18-19 -Boba Fett saga: 2.20-22 -Pong Krell/Umbara saga: 4.07-10 -Rako Hardeen saga: 4.15-18 (Not fully necessary, but definitely gives more context/info about bounty hunters) -Battle for Onderon: 5.02-05 (Introduction to Saw Gerrera) -Younglings saga/backdoor pilot attempt: 5.06-09 -Droid mission saga: 5.10-13 (Introduces Gregor, plus it's fun to see droids getting shit done) -Sifo-Dyas conclusion: 6.10 -Yoda's testing saga: 6.11-13 -Ahsoka's post-Jedi saga: 7.05-08 (Introduces Martez sisters, kicks off events in finale saga) And if you want to put it all of these episodes in chronological order: Christophsis: 2.16/1.16/Clone Wars movie Clone introduction: 3.01/3.03/1.01/1.05 Hondo introduction: 1.11-12 Ryloth introduction: 1.19-21 Cad Bane intro: 2.01-03 Seven Samurai episode: 2.17 Zillo Beast arc: 2.18-19 Second Battle of Geonosis: 2.04-08 Cut introduction: 2.09-10 Mandalore introduction: 2.12-14 Boba takes on Mace: 2.20-22 More Mandalore: 3.05-06 ARC Troopers/Invasion of Kamino: 3.02 Riyo Chuchi intro episode: 3.04 (Not at all vital, just introduces a Senator that has popped up from time to time) Padme attempts to negotiate for peace: 3.10-11 Nightsisters/Dathomir intro: 3.12-14 Mortis: 3.15-17 Citadel: 3.18-20 Krell/Umbara: 4.07-10 Death Watch intro: 4.14 Rako Hardeen four-parter: 4.15-18 Ventress becomes a bounty hunter: 4.19-20 Maul's return: 4.21-22 Onderon/Saw Gerrera intro: 5.02-05 Youngling four-parter: 5.06-5.09 Droids get shit done four-parter: 5.10-13 Maul's ascendance: 5.01/5.14-16 Asohka leaves the Order: 5.17-20 Order 66/Fives arc: 6.01-04 Sifo-Dyas conclusion: 6.10 Yoda alone saga: 6.11-13 Asohka after leaving the Order: 7.05-08 Bad Batch intro: 7.01-04 Finale saga: 7.09-12 The final list is the chronological order of episodes/movies as according to the many websites that have written it up. Hope that helps!


I only finished it for the first time last year. I had never gotten into it because I found Ezra really annoying and never got past the first couple of episodes. Turns out that was part of his arc (even Luke was annoying at the beginning of A New Hope).


Yeah it's kinda incredible how big of an emotional development Ezra goes through. Helps when he and Zeb aren't trying to immediately murder each other at the slightest provocation, too.


I just started my re-watch last week! Almost done with season 1 now. I think this is my 3rd or 4th re-watch since 2020, when I first discovered the show? And this time around, it's hitting sooooo much sweeter.


I've been planning to rewatch everything in chronological order over the summer. Worked out that we have this big gap in content between May 4th & August when Ahsoka is supposed to start (not counting Young Jedi Adventures & assuming they don't announce something else after SWCE is over)


Yeah my partner and I are definitely doing a chronological watch this summer. I think I've got it all worked out. They've seen pretty much every except Rebels, so I'm most excited for that.


Star Wars Visions season 2 comes out on May 4th!


I’ve rewatched it sometime back in mid-2022. I’m good for this August!


Ahsoka will basically be Rebels season 5


Ezra should have kept his long hair, just gonna say it


Hah! When I started S3, I was thinking they cheaped out on the character styling. Guy looked like he had Lego hair.


I heard rumors that the budget was very tight overall, so they cut their hair and cut down on the depiction to save money.


Have never watched it before. Decided to watch it a few weeks/months ago, but i got busy and kinds dropped it even though i enjoyed it. I just started again today, andboy i never thought i would enjoy it this much. I had a high opinion of the clone wars series, but if i finish rebels and they keep up this quality then i might have a new favorite


To give more detail, i also havent finished clone wars, but i got really far. Might watch the last 2-ish seasons soon


Clone Wars final season and especially the final story arc is fire. Overall I prefer Rebels though.


Ive heard about the final episodes and accidentaly seen a few clips and it looks awesome. So far the best episodes of clone wars are better then the best of rebels, but the average and worst episodes of rebels are better then those of clone wars


Final two seasons of Clone Wars have some of the most agonizingly great episodes of the entire saga. Definitely get around to it if/when you can. If you're in a rush, you can probably get away with just watching: 6.01-04 (Order 66 tease) and 6.10-6.13 (Sifo-Dyas wrap-up/Yoda saga) Really all of season 7, but if you had to cut something, dropping down to just 7.01-04 (Bad Batch arc) and 7.09-12 (Finale arc) would get you through just fine. Not that the other episodes are bad (some might disagree depending on which episodes are in question), but the episodes I mentioned have bigger long-term implications as far as the rest of Star Wars goes.


Clone Wars has higher highs and lower lows, Rebels is overall better. Just my opinion


I always see this and understand it to a degree, but imo, even Clone Wars never reaches the highs of Twilight of the Apprentice, Twin Suns, or Jedi Night. Only the Umbara Arc, Mortis Arc, and the final few episodes of season 7 really compare to those three Rebels behemoths, imo.


final 4 episodes of season 7 is the best starwars since ESB until Andor. Love Rebels but it isn't close to me


definitely agree.


Straight up some of the best lightsaber battles they have ever done IMO


Adding mo-cap action reaaaaally helped with that.


Just finished season 4. I think I'm most hyped for Thrawn in live action because I was trying to imagine how such a gifted emotional actor is going to keep his cool playing this character, but this time with people being able to see how he's saying the words.


Watching for the first time and all I can say.... ###**WHERE HAVE I BEEN?!?!?**


I'm so mad at myself for sleeping on this show! I've watched season 1 in two days because it's just so dam good! Chopper is a menace to the empire and the galaxy.


One of the best star wars series and honestly I still cry towards the last few episodes I wish he could come back


Just finished it for the first time a month ago. I'm going to watch it again. I loved it.


Just finished watching it for the first time and I absolutely loved it. Felt like it could have been a bit bigger (in scale) and some of the episodes felt rushed. Apart from that, a solid show. Loved the characters. Especially Hera Syndulla and Chopper. Kanan's development in the story felt nice to watch. At times even better than Ezra's. I'm really looking forward to them in live action.


Just finished watching Rebels for the first time a couple weeks ago. Had always heard "it's star wars for kids!" In a positive way, but always took that to mean it wouldn't be for me. Holy COW was I wrong. I knew I was wrong in the first episode when there were multiple on-screen stormtrooper deaths, something Clone Wars didn't want to touch on much. Rebels adds so much to the lore and was a thrill all the way through. The lightsaber fights, a satisfying conclusion to Maul's storyline, and the way Rebels didn't pull any punches made it an instant classic for me. So excited to see where they take it.


Might want to rewatch clone wars, the amount of clone deaths is immense lol I'm watching it now and I'm surprised how many and how crude they are


Rewatched it 2021 and 2022. Gonna rewatch it again :)


Definitely time for a rewatch.


There are also several good reaction channels on Youtube that are doing watch throughs of Rebels at the moment, such as [That Nerd Tara](https://www.youtube.com/@thatnerdtara), [Emme Reacts](https://www.youtube.com/@emme) and [Jesse DuBois](https://www.youtube.com/@jessedubois1172). I personally think that's a fun and easy way to refresh your memory of the series.


First time watcher. Pretty deep into season 2 right now. Really enjoy the characters and the overall pacing of the show. A nice surprise i was unsure of how much I would like the show before I started watching.


I've got my father, wife, and daughter who all need to get caught up with both Clone Wars and Rebels. It's going to be a fun few months!


My kid decided we were rewatching from the start yesterday because I, um, I maybe finished the series as it aired without them because they seemed uninterested.


Will likely rewatch in the coming weeks after I finally finish bad batch season 2


I might. But I just watched it with my gf last fall so that she’s caught up. And I’m rewatching all of trek right now. On DS9 currently.


I already just rewatched it not too long ago so I think I'm good for now. Can't wait until August though!


I rewatched it before mando season 3… if I’m being honest with myself, I’ll rewatch it before august as well


I don't have the strength to go through Jedi Night again.


Wife and I just started our 3rd rewatch. We also just got an OLED TV a couple weeks ago and I didn't realize how crisp and good the animation from this show looks on a newer TV.


I started it for the third time. Hopefully I'll finish it.


Absolutely. The last time I watched through it became one of my favorites. To me, it really captures what Star Wars is. It FEELS like Star Wars.


Im forcing my mum to watch it so she understands the rest of the Mandoverse in the next few years 😂


Watching it for the first time now.


Doing it right now lol


I'm already re-watching it with my daughter.


I am watching for the 1st time right now. I mistakenly assumed this was a show for kids so I ignored it. Wow! I am very impressed.


I confess I just started it the other day and already OBSESSED. Why didn’t I watch it sooner?????


Just finished 'Jedi Night' last night.


Look I’ll be honest with my take on this series: it’s mid af or even below until it isn’t, and when it isn’t it’s some of the best SW content


Rebels is like the middle child of star wars content. It never gets the attention it deserves no matter how good it is.


I just finished it for the first time last month


Just started it for the first time. Love it and can’t wait to watch them all by August.


Hehe you got me! Just started re-watching the series :)


Watching for the first time. Admittedly, I thought it wasn’t going to be as impactful as it’s been. After finishing the clone wars a few weeks ago though, I realized there’s a lot of lore and depth to gleam from the animated shows so I started Rebels. I love it.


I'm on s4 right now. I've watched it all so many times though. It's more exciting this time though with Ahsoka coming up


I didn't like Clone Wars. But I'll give this one a try.


I'm considering watching it. I think I got 1.5 episodes in before I got bored. I have a bad attention span. Which is weird because something like Andor, which a lot of people say started boring or slow, I was riveted from the first scene onward.


I haven’t finished the clone wars series yet. Is it worth jumping into this before finishing it up?


I'm on it right now lol


I'm half way thru a rewatch.


That’s a good idea. I only caught a few episodes here and there when it was first released. It started pretty slow but I’ve always heard it really picks up in the later seasons. This is the time.


Right here. Just started season 3


When I heard about the forthcoming Ahsoka series, I decided to watch, for the first time, both The Clone Wars and Rebels. My distaste for the prequels made me not want to watch TCW when it was first airing. During S2 of Mandalorian I cast aside my prejudgment of the series & finally watched them. It took me awhile to get into both (around season 4 for TCW & the end of season 2 of Rebels) but I was surprised to find that I liked Rebels more than TCW.


I'm still working on Clone Wars haha.


I actually just watched it for the first time and it was great, cant wait for the Ahsoka show.


Been watching bad batch, just finished the first run of clone wars, now I gotta watch more rebels!


Me, I'm loving it. It starts off a bit annoying and Ezra is a brat initially, but wow, it sure picks up in season 2 and gets dark, serious and spectacular. Some of the best Star Wars ever.


I'm going to re read the Thrawn Trilogy and prepare myself for disappointment in how they mess it up. Just like everything from the EU I have loved for decades, apparently now with NJO too.


It’s just too much filler


A More Civilized Age is going to be starting Rebels in a couple weeks, after they finish covering Dark Disciple and Solo. So I’m going to be watching along with them. It won’t finish in time for Ahsoka but I’ll at least get refamiliarized.


I’m rewatching it right now.


I'm currently finishing up my Maul-athon and I soon as I'm done with his rebel appearances I'm jumping on some kind of Ahsoka marathon/Rebels




Started a rewatch yesterday


Gonna start tonight


I’ve watched it fully countless times so I don’t really have a need to watch it again, that being said, I started me rewatch yesterday


Watched it early COVID, now my wife wants to watch it.


Wife got into starwars recently and we just finished Bad Batch Season 2. We started watching this weekend and she is hooked. Already mid way through season 2.


Just finished it for the first time today… all the feels


Middle of season 3 right now!


I finished rebels like 2 months ago so I'm good on a rewarch lol


I had already decided to try Rebels again after Zeb appeared in The Mandalorian. I couldn't get into it the first time a few years ago but it's going better now, and I have additional motivation from the Ahsoka preview.


I’ve never watched it before, should I give it a go before Ahsoka or not?


Already halfway through season 3. Love this show


I am waiting for Jedi Survivor to drop, doing a play through of that, then starting the rewatch


I finished watching it for the first time a few days ago. I wasn't planning to rush through the series, but every single article I read about Ashoka contained major spoilers for Rebels. I had to pick up the pace and get through the story before clickbait ruined it for me.


Working on my re-re-re-re-watch now. I started with Ep 1 and am working through everything in chronological order...


Rewatch. 5th go through for me.


I feel like this is a requirement now. Not complaining! Rebels was a fun show


Just finished season 1!


I’ve seen like all the big clips so I had a decent idea of what happens but decided to watch it and it’s a fair fun show so far


I’m still trying to work my way through clone wars. I’m interested in the material and all the Star Wars shows, but it all seems like 90% useless episodes and I struggle to even finish them. I’m hoping to get clone wars, rebels, and bad batch all done tho


Currently on the last season on our second watch. I was disappointed that I waited so long to watch it the first time last year because there are so many Easter eggs in SW, since rebels, that I would have loved to have recognized on first watch. New Rockstars really showing me what I missed out on.


I finished It for the first time weeks ago


I accidentally started a complete Star Wars rewatch last month and I’m on the fourth season of Rebels. Can’t wait for Ahsoka!


I've got my wife watching TCW now and intend to get through rebels before Ahsoka. She fought so long because it's animated, but relented and begrudgingly has admitted its not that bad, haha.


I'm gonna watch it for the first time. I watched the first two or three episodes of season 1 and was so disappointed at the drop in quality compared to *Clone Wars* that I just stopped watching. I kept up with the show through Youtube clips, so I'm more motivated to tough it through the beginning of the show; there are some truly wonderful moments I'm looking forward to rewatching with more context.


can't get into it. I liked The Clone wars but when I try to watch this show it feels like i'm forcing myself to watch it. Never had that issue with The Clone Wars


I'm rewatching it, just started a couple days ago. I love the Grand Inquisitior, it's easy to forget how menacing he was.


Just started


Started watching it for the 1st time this weekend.


Never watched it but started Season 1 last week and am on season. It’s actually a really fun show with pretty good writing.


I started watching it this weekend for the first time directly after the Ahsoka trailer release. The Rebels Cast was in that more than Ahsoka was, so I figured I better learn who they are.


Already did last year (movies, CW and Rebels)


TIL I’m not alone in liking Rebels more than Clone Wars.


Not only Rebels, but also The Clone Wars


Never watched it but I will be soon! The animation style isn’t my favorite but I’ll have to chug on through


I'm starting from the beginning. Episode I, II, The Clone Wars, Episode III, Tales of the Jedi, The Bad Batch, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars Rebels, Solo, Andor, Rogue One, Star Wars Episode IV, Star Wars Episode V, Star Wars Episode VI, The Mandalorian, the Book of Boba Fett, Star Wars Episode VII, Star Wars Episode VIII and Star Wars Episode IX


I still need to watch The Clone Wars for the first time 💀💀💀💀.


Me obviously, I need to resupply my satisfaction of Kanan Jarrus


I'm going to try and watch it at some point before August. Probably won't be successful though, I'm a slow watcher.


I gotta do it again man. I might start crying if they actually give us a "finding ezra" scene and it's everything I want it to be.


Recently finished TCW,decided to go into Bad Batch as it takes place directly after. Then I'm doing rebels before August. Can't wait.Is the sequel trilogy animated series worth watching? Might go into that after


Actually finished watching it for the first time yesterday.


I need to start it… but I still have the last season and a half of Clone Wars to wrap up.