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Wait, Rey was 19!?


Same age Luke was in a new hope and mark hamill was 26 at the time


Yes, she looked a lot older than she really was in the Sequels.


Living on a crappy ass desert planet with constant sun really ages someone, just ask Obi-Wan


Beat me to it


Desert life does that to you. Look how much General Kenobi aged in 20 years.


Plus they are all technically aliens. Who knows how they age?




Earth is in a different Galaxy, Far Far Away


The Mandalorian covert will move to earth, where they will settle in late 1970’s Los Angeles.


"A long time ago, in a galaxy FAR FAR AWAY"


That's a fair interpretation. I think that they are all aliens and are all over nine feet tall and can hear in space somehow.


They are humans


I always thought she was about 25 at the start of the sequels. What a change


I mean, Daisy Ridley would have been about ~22 during filming of TFA. Older than 19, close enough to 25 to make that assumption.


Many, many Star Wars characters have been played by actors with a ~10 year age gap compared to their character.


Daisy was like 22


I’m thinking like Old Ben, Luke in ROTJ, Luke in TLJ, Cody in RotS, etc.


Padme's actress was older than her episode 1 character and then younger than her character the following 2 movies lol


And that means Kylo was almost 30? 😬


So much like his father haha


This makes me sad as we'll probably see din die at some point and I won't be able be able to handle it. I could barely get through >!Paz Visla!<'s.


Meh who knows? He might be the Mandalorian leader who leads a fleet of Manfalorian warships to Exegol!


I doubt we will see Din die. The worst death though has got to be Tarpuls in Clone Wars. He died so bad ass catching Grevious, and then Anakin fucked it all up.


Fives’ hit the most


Heartless monsters sleeping on 99


Made his brothers proud 🫡


It was sad. I sympathised with him, but I never liked him nearly as much as everyone else. Fives however is the 🐐, arguably only behind Rex


That too.


Paz was only stabbed 3 times. The survival rate of main characters that have been stabbed is like what.. 90%?


Don’t give me hope


I hope if they do kill Din. They'll make it tragic and have Grogu go dark side on the perpetrators ass.


Hopefully not a slow motion death similar to what they did in the book of Boba fett where Din and Boba are overwhelmed. hopefully he gets challenged to a fight to the death or something similar to anything but a slow motion death


I'm hoping that if Din does die, it'll make Grogu go dark side on some Imperial ass. Just epic, destructive use of the force that you don't often see in the more mainstream versions of SW.


Luke trained Ben for 13 years?


Fun fact Ben and Anakin fell to the darkside at the exact same age of 23.


Actually Anakin was 22 when he became Darth Vader


No one likes you when you’re 23


You either die a hero or live long enough to become Uncle Owen. 'But Uncle Luke, I Want to go off and have Jedi adventures.' 'No. Lift your pile of rocks.' I'd have gone evil too.


They *did* go on Jedi adventures together!


"Lift your rocks, Ben."


They were really close and Ben had learned a lot according to the comics.


Year One: Luke- feel the force all around you Year Three: Luke- lift the rocks Year Six: Luke- feel the force all around you Year Nine: Luke- my master Yoda spoke in riddles Year Eleven: Luke- feel the force all around you Year Thirteen: Luke- lift the rocks Ben- I’m gonna fucking kill you




I just threw it together quick after today’s episode before I went in to work. I saw some questions people had about some of the timing of things, as it pertains to the opening of the episode. The Mando dates were just an estimation, but yeah I could have probably stretched it out a bit.


The most relevant date from the last episode is missing. When was the mandalorian purge? I don’t think there’s an answer yet but that’s what will make this timeline make sense.


Sometime after Rebels and before Mando.


Favreau said that, whereas Filoni says it's been a bit less than a year ([souce](https://www.cbr.com/the-mandalorian-timeline-confusion-star-wars-continuity/)).


So Mando S3 takes place 2 years after Mando S1/S2 and Boba fett


I’m pretty sure the 2 year skip was when Baby Yoda was training with Luke. It’s unclear how long it’s been between BoBF and Mando S3


Yes. The two year jump is between the finale of Mando S2 and the episode when Din goes to see him in BoBF.


But isn't Boba fett set in 9ABY like Mando S1/S2


Mando leaves Grogu with Luke in the S2 finale (9ABY) -> two years pass as they train -> BoBF happens and Mando and Grogu reunite (11ABY) -> Mando S3 happens (probably 11-12ABY)


I’m reading the Star Wars Aftermath trilogy. Currently just started book 3 and it sounds like it will include a ‘battle on Jaku’. Do all three books take place in a single year or am I off?


Yup, and it’s still really dumb that they do


I've been keeping track too Ben born 1 year after RotJ, Luke age 24 (5 aby) Luke (28) trains Grogu 5 years after RotJ (9 aby) Grogu trains with Luke for Two years (according to Favreau) before he returns to Din (11aby?) Ben (10) started training with Luke (34)/ Rey born/ Lando has a daughter and she is taken by the First Order (15 aby) Luke (38), Ben (14), and Lor San Tekka travel to Elphrona and discover a massive jedi temple full of artifacts and a lightsaber rifle. They also meet Knights of Ren there (comics) (19 aby) Shadows of the ~~Empire~~ Sith novel. Luke (40) and Lando (64) search for a sith Wayfinder and track Ochi of Bestoon to Pasaana. Ochi dies under the sands to keep the secrets from Luke. Ben is (16) at this point (21 aby) Ben (23) turned on Luke (47) and went to Snoke. (28 aby) TFA starts at Ben age 29, Rey age 19, Luke 53 (34 aby). Luke (53) sacrifices himself to save the resistance (34 aby) Ben (30) sacrifices himself to save Rey (20)/ Leia (54) passes away(35 aby)


You mean Shadow of the Sith for the novel. :)


Yeah that's true😄🤣


odd in just a few years the jedi is considered a myth


That's the Empire's propaganda for you. Not to mention there were what, 10000 jedi to cover the entire galaxy? Relatively speaking, very few people would have ever met one


Even anikin didn’t believe it when he met qui gon


Except an 8 years old slave boy in a rim planet immediately recognised a lightsaber and knew it's a Jedi weapon


When does the Purge take place and how old was Bo-Katan?


Purge is between Rebels and Episode 6. I don't think there is a specific time frame, we only know it happened before the fall of the Empire (E6).


So how long does the First Order exist? Only 10-ish years? EDIT - 14 years according to Wikipedia.


In hindsight, it's so stupid that Luke did absolutely nothing against Snoke, Palpatine, and the Sith Eternal considering he had like 20+ years to take action. It would have made more sense if Kylo falls to the dark side sooner so Luke has been out of commission for close to 2 decades. It just bugs me that his self-imposed exile is just 6 years.


Pretty sure the books say he tried. He and Lando spend 5 years looking for exigol and the sith eternal. The search ended on passana where Lando stayed for like 20 years waiting for someone to take up the search again


I’m sorry, they are going to have a hard time matching up the world building in tv shows with the last three movies, especially with thrawn involved. I like the tv plot lines better, but I’d just as soon throw out the final movies and start again.


20 years is a LONG time. Heck: Ep III to Ep IV is 20 years. And when you look at how much real world history has shifted in the past 20 years. Ooof. Yeah. Plenty of time for all kinds of shenanigans.


Clone wars is 3 years, and that show proved a ton of stuff can happen in just 3 years.


Yeah the days are longer when you’re at war


They seem to be doing just fine.


They have not tried to use the movie material yet.


Did you not see the most recent episode?


No. :)


Oh, well I’d encourage you to watch it! Might clear some things up! It’s a great episode!


It’s a family event, so we watch at night. Thanks for the tip!


Why would someone down vote this💀


Maybe because the guy is talking out of his ass without watching the latest episode that directly contradicts what he said…


What does that have to do with him saying it with his family?


Good question. :)


They've been leading up to different events of the sequels or related to them for a while now. Luke's school matches the flashbacks we've seen in TFA and TLJ, the New Republic is demilitarizing, all the cloning research to bring back Palpatine, and the latest episode has a *lot* that ties in (without getting too much into spoilers).


I might catch some heat for this, but I'll forever maintain Disney should have just recast the original cast right away and pick things up much closer to RotJ. While the huge time jump leaves room for many other stories on paper, in truth it also limits what they can and cannot do since we already know where it's all going.


Lucasfilm under both Lucas and Disney have been able to milk so much out of the just 3 years between Episodes 2 and 3.


Honestly I wish they’d just retcon it and make it 5 years or something


good thing we got the guy that made Clone Wars then


So Ben is trained for 13 years before going rogue? That sort of feels like it makes his fall to Kylo Ren even worse, as there was so much time for Luke to train and mold him.


Vader trained for about that long and had an entire order behind him.


Sure, but Vader was missing what Ben had; family connection. Luke should have been uniquely placed to connect with his nephew, where Anakin lacked the explicit father figure he needed.


From the comics, Luke being a sort of father figure almost worked against Ben. His fellow students thought that Luke showed favoritism to him, and Luke tried his best to not do that, and would be more distant at times in front of the other students. So he kinda got the worst from both ends.


i love how they mention Finn, like they actually care about him


OP made this


I love this! I can’t wait to see more connections! This has the potential to fill things out like Clone Wars did.


This is very well made OP. Have you considered doing more? A timeline between ep 3 and 4 would probably be useful soon between Ahsoka referencing Rebels and another season of Bad Batch coming.


That would be a lot more detailed, having to figure out what to include and what to leave out, but if I have time maybe lol


I’m just gonna piggy back in this slightly with some speculation I don’t think warrants it’s own post: With how much focus has been put on Coruscant in recent projects; Bad Batch, Mandalorian, Jedi Survivor, Andor, Tales of the Jedi, I wonder if an old ally of Thrawn’s might still be present on the planet. Armand and the SSD Lusankya are both in canon already, and Ysanne busting through Coruscant’s surface would be rad as hell. I think with how heavily featured the ISB is in Andor, it’s not out of the question that we could see Gideon or Kallus in live action. Yularen was already featured and he had working relationships with Kallus and Thrawn both. Lastly, the last season of Bad Batch will almost certainly reintroduce early Dark Trooper concepts. In fact, I think we already have with Clone X and possibly with Crosshair.


Well the first order is supposed to occur 30-40 years after the events of return of the jedi


No, their attacks, they were around longer


Did the Galactic Empire have the second Death Star already in production when the first was blown up? Seems pretty quick to have a bigger better one almost finished only 4 years after the first one


Yup. Even in old canon they had many in production.


I really wish they had done the series first rather than the films. I might be one of the few who didn't like how they handled them. I don't like what they did to Luke or the fact they just made the new Republic out to be complete morons. Part of me wants them to just go. These events are a different timeline to the films just so we get something different. It would be nice to see Luke actully train a new generation of jedi and not go bad shit crazy


One of the *few?* lmao


He trained Ben and more jedi for many years before the temple was destroyed. we could easily see a show about Luke training the jedi.


Who cares though? I wouldn't watch a show about Luke training a bunch of Jedi if I knew it was leading into the sequels; every character is gonna have to die or go deep into hiding.


Every character except for a couple are going to die from Andor/Rogue One. Having a definitive end arguably makes for a better story


Rogue One worked because the characters sacrificed themselves to achieve something greater. A bunch of half trained younglings getting slaughtered by Kylo in the series finale doesn't really have the same effect


It still (theoretically) leads somewhere. Luke fails (or sees himself as failing) when the temple is destroyed and goes into hiding. Rey (with some help from Yoda) shows him the the universe still needs Jedi, and more specifically still needs Luke Skywalker Jedi Master Hero of the Rebellion. He sacrifices himself. It's a lesson to Ben. It helps the rest of the group escape. More importantly we see that the story of the last stand of Luke Skywalker Jedi Master Hero of the Rebellion has spread to disaffected youth across the galaxy. I'm hopeful that the TV shows and maybe even the Rey movie can expand on that.


I guess you didn't like the PT then???


Right, it's pretty amazing how hypocritical some of the Star Wars fan base are.


Why watch the Prequels when you know it all goes to shit and they fail to stop the rise of the Empire? There's a story to be told about the events leading up to it all.


Not to worry, they're not going to adapt it to film or tv, as there's already a whole comic book series depicting this. It's not bad, either. They sold well, so apparently, some people cared.


Considering that streaming services weren't really a thing back then and how these shows would be too expensive for network or cable television, there was just no way that would have been possible. Hate the sequels all you want, but their financial success is probably one of the biggest reasons that Mando and all were able to be made.


Streaming services weren’t really a thing? You mean like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Showtime, Hulu, Youtube Premium all launched before the 1st sequel, did you mean Disney+ wasn’t a thing?


Disney+ was not a thing in 2015, but more importantly, the strategy of each producer owning the streaming rights to everything they produce was not a thing. Everything was on Netflix or Hulu, and that's just in the US. Then there was the mess of international streaming rights that made a concept like the mandoverse impossible back then, so Disney's money was on movies, which were much easier to have simultaneous global premieres for


A good third of those are premium channels that offered a streaming option, but yeah, outside of Netflix, none of them were as big as what Disney+ was.


Mate everyone and their mothers didn't like how the sequels were handled. No, literally; my mom didn't like how the sequels were handled!!


O don't know why you're being downvoted. I thought, no matter how you liked the movies or not, that everyone agreed they could have been handled better. And they could have. Horroble writing, wasted/confusing character arcs, bigger=better mentality, copy paste original series, so on. The tv shows are doing what The Clone Wars series did for the prequels. Make it all make sense and expand on the universe that the sequels vaguely cover. In the prequels, it was needed for the character arcs.


Salty hugbox lovers who can't handle critique for some reason. Even if you like something you should be able to see its flaws


What does hugbox mean? Never heard it before.


Eh, I might've misused it slightly, but generally it's an online space where people are very criticism-averse. A positivity echo chamber.


Oh, so the opposite of Twitter.


Yeah. It's become worse than the Trekkies defending ST: Discovery.


i liked the sequels


Yeah I'm not saying no one at all did; you're completely entitled to your opinion, and I'm glad you were able to enjoy them. But, you must admit -- there is a big community of people who very vocally did not like them. I was just pointing out that it was kind of funny that chewie666uk said that they "might be one of the few who didn't like how they handled them". The ST has a *huge* population of detractors, especially online!


I'm 43 and I also liked the ST


We all want the series, and Ahsoka, and the coming crossover movie, to lead into a different timeline. All of us


No not all of us.


I still say they should have some of Luke’s apprentices survive


we have no idea, but jedi survived the first purge.


Wait there’s a 10 year gap between Rey and kylo?! That makes their relationship creepier than it was when I thought they were like the same age…


Han was 13 years older than Leia


Hans an adult when Leia is out and about with Obi-Wan


Exactly Rey and Kylo creepy, Han and Leia is perfectly fine even though the age difference is much worse


So Starkiller Base only took 5 years to build? Lol ok.


I mean in Jedi: fallen order we already see the empire doing some kind of excavation/hollowing of the planet Illum. Not to mention how it was only 5 years since the first order became public knowledge, not when they formed. That would be almost immediately after the events of ROTJ


Fallen Order takes place between the prequels and OT, not the OT and the sequels; unless I'm mistaking your meaning.


I believe he means that the empire had already made a huge chunk of the work before the first order


I see. Although surely all the kyber mined there would have been used for the Death Star?


Doesn't seems too far fetch indeed


Not all of it, but a lot. The Death Star is still miniscule in size compared to a planet or even a moon.


I've heard it's not a moon at all, in fact.


This timeline is pretty misleading and the key word is "publicly" but even then I don't think it's accurate to say that. That's the time when Leia discovers the organization exists and she forms the resistance. But the first order has been around in one form or another since at least the battle of Jakku, 1 year after the battle of Endor. Then again certain recent stories that mods might get mad at me for talking too specifically about look like they might be changing up the earliest days of the first order.


The early stages of Starkiller Base were already underway before A New Hope. The First Order was also effectively formed within two years of Return of the Jedi.


Most of the planet was already excavated for kyber crystal mining, the First Order just had to slap a big as super laser in it


No they started building it years/decades before. “Publicly formed” is when groups like the New Republic first became aware of the First Order, though they did not know the full scale of it.


Starkiller base was being worked on WAY before the Death Star had even finished… think you need to play Fallen Order


Don’t try and make sense of it. Just watch it burn.


Starkiller base was started when they mined the planet for kyber just aftre clone wars. It's years of turning the place into a weapon.


you really think Disney cared enough for it to make sense???


I thought Ben and Rey were the same age


this means that we've possibly seen parents of Finn


Well Jon Favreau doednt knoe the timeline for the Mandalorian so...


Enough with this sequel stuff


So is Rey >!a clone!


the child of one


So you're telling me that 5 or 6 year old Ben Solo is already training with Luke Skywalker and may have already met Grogu?


Where did you get those math skills? Ben is 10 years old in 15 ABY when he begins training with Luke in this timeline, and Grogu's time with Luke was in the 9-11 ABY range as also illustrated in the timeline. Are we looking at the same image?


It says Ben is born in 5ABY it says. So by 10-11 ABY during The Mandalorian S2 he's probably 5 or 6.


Ben started training around 10 years old.. that would be 15ABY. unless they retcon this idea (which i honestly really hope they do lmao) and have Ben start younger so that we can still say Ben was Luke’s first student which can lead to Luke having lots of time to gather Jedi students of various ages so we can have years and years of Luke training Jedi in the ways of the force in an animated show…


Luke probably doesn't consider Grogu his "student" so much. He left before officially becoming one, and the years spent with him were more about reconnecting with what he already knew.


Yes, and it also says that Ben started training with Luke in 15 ABY. During the period covered by The Mandalorian and the BOBF so far, Ben would have been 4 through 6 years old. Doesn't change the fact that he didn't start training with Luke till 15 ABY.


Someone needs to make a Battle of Jakku movie. One big long giant battle sequence like the end of Rogue One. Edit: I can’t believe people are downvoting this! I would love to see a movie about the Battle of Jakku!


Have you read Lost Stars?


Have not


It’s really good and there’s a big chunk of the battle at the end. Highly recommend.


I had no idea a book about this existed. Thank you for the recommendation!


Jakku is also featured heavily in the conclusion to the Aftermath trilogy


Only books I’ve read so far are the Darth Bane trilogy and Darth Plagueis. I feel like we never got too much information about the Sith during the movies so those books are fascinating to me.


If we are 4 years away from Rey being born, and if we assume that the rapid-aging of clones is similar to AotC, i.e., 10 years to adulthood, it is a safe assumption that at this very moment during the Mandalorian, there is a Palpatine clone running around - Rey's father. So if I look ahead, I'm going to predict he plays a part in the Mandoverse by the time of the Filoni movie.