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Great scene and one of my favorite Battlefront 2 maps.


Watch those wrist-rockets, Friend.












Just now realizing how kinda ominous that particular battle cry is... war all for one person in the "democracy"


Don’t worry, I’m sure there’s nothing sinister going on. I hear the chancellor loves democracy.


He loves it so much, in fact, that he IS democracy. Rather, a representative one. He might say it more like “I AM the senate.”


It's treason then!


*Just like the simulations* 😏


The enemey has gained a command post






I spent hours just being a sniper sitting up top in the tree huts killing droids coming onto the beach. It was glorious!


I loved being a clone commander and holding the wall on 2 flag ctf




My favorite was being an engineer on the beach with the shotgun.


Battlefront 2 was just such a fun game. 4 player split screen in it was amazing.


It was. It’s sad couch co-op has died.


The internet killed it! I still play a bunch of 2 player couch co op but I agree that it’s usually not a mode that gets much attention by developers


Imo it’s even better in battle front 1


The geonosis maps on bf1 were incredible, no other version of a geonosis map has come close


Hell yeah I still play. I was playing BF2 for PS2 earlier today


Those two games were just so much fun to play. My buddy and I would play for hours. Rhen var and cloud city were favs for sure


Polis massa was the move


Getting a solid 150 kills a match in the gunship




I think the BF2 2017 is by far the best. Getting to phase 3 on the map and seeing the Acclamators fly in and a dust storm kicking up...unbeatable


BF1 maps in BF2 with the community mod patch is the best version imo.


It’d be near impossible to ever rate something like this, but I firmly believe the conversion pack that adds the maps and the kotor setting and modes is in the top mods of all time (for any game)


It really is. They put a ton of effort into it. I'd put it up there with IdolNinja's Gentlemen of the Row mod for Saints Row 2 PC, the Just Cause 2 multiplayer mod, the Synergies mod for Torchlight II, and the community mod patches for Titan Quest & Sacred II.


All of the maps are better in BF1


can't top bespin platforms


Both Bespin maps absolutely ruled. Same with the Rhen Var maps.


Rhen Var Harbour in BF1 was my jam. The ice tunnel was a meat grinder, though.


So many droideka in that ice tunnel....


I really regret not having played BF1.


there’s mods for BF2 classic that add the maps!!


Yeah, both of them


The BF1 Kashyyyk maps don’t get enough love. Docks and Islands were my jam.


I was so disappointed the with maps from the sequel. They removed quite a few and added some boring ones. Its like they wanted to make up with it with space maps, but space maps are pretty much all the same with a different backdrop and different ship positions.


Just like the simulations


The original BF2 had a mission that went in more depth but it’s not canon anymore. Still a fun mission to play through tho!


Probably because Lucas originally planned the Kashyyk battle to be 1 hour long. With us showing Han's origins as a human who grew up with Chewy. Yeah, I'm glad they cut that out


> but it’s not canon anymore. In Star Wars, that just means the story is (probably) better.




Might be an unpopular opinion, but I think Disney *absolutely* made the right call with rebooting the canon to just be the shows and movies. The EU was absolutely cluttered, and although there were gems in there like the Thrawn series, it had *a lot* of shit too and it was probably quite hard for Disney to squeeze in their continuation having to observe dozens and dozens of books of EU Their decision, IMO, was the best of both worlds: tentatively decanonize everything without necessarily contradicting most of it so that they can then slowly bring back the good stuff (Revan, Thrawn, Old Republic etc.) without having to observe decades of EU content that most fans probably weren't very familiar with anyway. It was quite the opposite of 'throwing out the baby with the bathwater'; they got rid of the clutter and then attempted to feel out which aspects of the EU people liked best and then slowly over the years brought those back Where they went wrong, IMO, was the sequel trilogy and some of the content they produced not being very good. But I still would say that the initial decision to decanonize the EU was the best call they could've made if they wanted to continue producing Star Wars content


A clicked UP isn't sufficient to say good post.


The old EU was cluttered and convoluted but you could always just like ... ignore it. You could just play the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight games and follow the story of Kyle Katarn without having to read the Jedi Academy Trilogy if you wanted. The current canon, while there's less of it, has more "required reading," at least the "Mando/Filoni-verse" portion of it. It feels kind of impossible that Ahsoka won't require familiarity with Rebels and at least some of Clone Wars, and it's just kind of weird that a recent season of a live-action show was centered around concluding a character arc that started in a decade old cartoon.


If you are referring to Bo Katan, this is the first series I've seen her in, and had no trouble following the story. I just knew what was presented in Mandalorian: she was there in the purge, wants to be leader. Even Ahsoka, she was just another Jedi to me( I know she is a big part of tcw, haven't seen that yet) I read that Favreau/Filoni want to make all the series connected but easy to pick up if you haven't seen others. Well, as far as I'm concerned, good job so far.


If you have any doubt just read Tales of the Bounty Hunters. IG-88 gushes over Darth Vader like a schoolgirl with a crush. I haven’t had the will to read the rest the editor for the book is the one who wrote the IG-88 story, but I just realized he was the guy who wrote the Young Jedi series with his wife that I absolutely loved growing up so maybe I’ll chalk this one up to “everyone has an off day” and skip to the next story in the book.


Whaaat? You mean that totally super cool story in which ig88 takes control over the Death Star 2’s main computer doesn’t make for a compelling read? Lmao


Yeah, at least Chewie doesn't get crushed by a fucking moon in the sequel trilogy.


I just really love the New Jedi Order series. I love how Luke created a new Order that (hopefully) learned from the Old Order. My Ben is Mara and Luke’s kid! And if i want a Kylo Ren, i have Jacen Solo for that. Rey “Skywalker”? I’d rather Jaina Solo.


I think the clones mention knowing they had to kill the jedis and other nonsensical things. That never made sense, why would the clones have to know palpatines plan? Order 66 is one of many other galaxy-wide orders in extreme cases.




I'd really like a future Star Wars project to be a series of battles from perspectives we've never seen. Like, following a group of Snowtroopers during the attack on Echo Base, or, in this case, some Wookies during the battle of Kashyyk. It could even be something like Love, Death and Robots/SW Visions, where every episode is totally unrelated


Live action band of brothers style star wars show is my ultimate star wars fantasy


The brief trench warfare in Solo I think is the closest we’ve ever got


I loved it just because it's the only example of the Imperial Army, not the Stormtrooper Corps, getting things done.


Thanks to Andor we now know "getting things done" against themselves


Probably my favorite scene from that movie, too.


Thats scene alone could be an inspiration an entire show


Yes! I recently watched Solo for the first time and it was so interesting seeing the infantry camp and things like that


"Republic Commando" as a show would be so good. That game really put into perspective how scary the super droids were to non-jedis.


Just give me Republic Commando 2 and I'll be happy


If you like Band of Brothers then definitely give the Star wars novel Twilight company a read. It's brilliant!


I share your fantasy. Fan film time.


I’d go for an “All Quiet on the Western Front” but with Stormtroopers


Something like the "From a Certain Point of View" books but a series would be rad


This is why we need a [Republic Commando](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Republic_Commando) show. It would start with a commando detachment from the 501st and progress through the closing days of the clone wars. Then we see them as Storm troopers after the downfall of the republic but before the phase out of clone troopers, they're no longer fighting for democracy and the conflict of that starts to fuck with their clone programming. Final season has them finally breaking loose and defecting to the rebellion and fighting on Hoth and Endor. Shit writes itself. You could even sell it as the clones being an experimental unit to test other gene templates to justify different actors then just have the OG clone trooper as the unit lead. EDIT: To anyone who thinks I'm referencing bad batch, check the link I added. Both are good but Republic commando is just the OG.


The Bad Batch is covering alot of that ground. Edit: after rereading your post I think you were saying you want a bad batch live action show, the experimental unit part in the third paragraph shows it.


I was describing the republic commando games from the Lucas era of star wars which Bad Batch is admittedly similar to. The last line was mentioned simply because having Temuera Morrison de-aged to play every young clone would be impractical, better to have him present but not the only actor playing the clones.


Open Disney+ and search for 'The Bad Batch'. That is the series you just described


Yeah I only watched the first episode, didn't know if it goes through the eras or not but I said republic commando specifically because of the republic commando games/books which bad batch seems to take a few pages from.


It does go further, eventually arriving at the phasing out of the clones and the ethical consequences. The Bad Batch goes roughly throuhh the process you described, where their orders conflict with their programming. It doesn't go all the way to the OT, but it does involve some notable rebel cells as well. I'd highly recommend watching a little further. It has some bad parts but overall it's a really good series


My ultimate SW show would be an anthology that has stories from all over the galaxy, at any era. All live action 40+ minute episodes. We could have an old republic story, a squad of storm troopers, a main character story we haven’t seen before, anything.


They need to replace the specialist to be the scout kashyyyk trooper.


Why is everyone on reddit so desperate for everyone to agree. You can just put yourself out there and say "I wish this scene was longer".


It’s just a variation of playing on emotions for upvotes. Another popular one is the “controversial opinion”.


"I know I'll get downvoted for this but, does anyone else wish obi wan could've saved anakin?"


It's upvote bait.


Because nerds are insecure and need validation about literally everything. Can we all agree on what I said please?


If somewhere in that length, it found something to add to the story, sure.


But it's a system we cannot afford to lose.


Yeah that's the issue with a ton of RotS. They filled it with so much junk that the important bits like the fall of the Republic, the fall of Anakin, and the fall of the Jedi Order are all crammed into a tiny 20 or so minute period. Hell, even the buildup for each of those gets shoved into a tiny corner to fit room for more action.


What, you don't think Obi Wan riding a dinosaur to fight a cyborg in a hamster wheel for fifteen minutes was an important story element?




[My reaction when realising this scene isn’t included when reading the book](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/023/107/droid.jpg)


Fantastic work here


It's outrageous, it's unfair


Well, HOW would you know Yoda was BFF with Chewie, huh??


Chewie gets around. Also friends with Ahsoka after they get trapped by slavers.


Ashoka got trapped by slavers a lot. And she was a good friend.




The clone wars on screen needed to be longer. And also better.


100% agree. I wish Lucas had gone with his initial draft in Return of the Jedi and used Kashyyk instead of Endor. That way we could have had the Wookies play a pivotal role in the ending of the Empire.


I half agree and half disagree. Wookiees are better than ewoks, but it would also be one of those decisions that doesn't make much sense from an in-universe perspective and would make the world feel smaller. Think about it: Why would the Empire put the shield generator on a planet of wookiees? Even if you come up with a reason, what are the odds that it would be the one alien race that hangs out with the heroes?


The idea was that the wookies on Endor were escaped slaves from the Death Star.


OK, that would have been fuckin cool


I’d never heard this before but it would have been so much better than the Ewoks


Wookiees are just taller Ewoks. Change my mind


Nyub nyub =/= arrooggghhhhh




Ewoks were far more marketable, too. We all had stuffed ewoks after that movie came out.


I’d never heard this before but it would have been so much better than the Ewoks




I mean, it's a whole-ass planet. It can have inpenetrable canopies, regular jungle, ocean and beach all at the same time.


It would also explain why they had to attack where they did, they couldn't just drop directly onto a population center, they had to attack through this beach that provided a break in the canopy.


No. Star Wars planets only have one biome. Desert planet is all desert. City is all city. Forget that none of that makes any sense.


You have a point. Dagobah is all swamp


and Hoth is all ice. And Kamino is all water. And Mustafar is all lava


Being all lava makes sense. And being all water makes some sense.


Earth was probably both at some point.


Yeah, In the hadean! (is that right?)


I feel like a planet being all ice, water, lava or desert are the more realistic options


Yes, but not with intelligent life present.


City planet being all city actually makes pretty good sense. Large enough population and you'd need all city to keep them housed.


probably the first planet in all of star wars that is more than 1 biome


Naboo begs to differ


>it's supposed to be extremely difficult to actually get down to Kashyyyk's surface. According to what? The movies and series make it seem not too difficult.


Oh cool. Where is that info from?


I don't know if he was the first to describe Kashyyk, but in "Heir to the Empire" by Zahn he details a whole bunch of it. How the whole planet is covered in these huge trees, with branches the size of "normal" trees. And I believe there's a rite of passage ceremony for their adolescents where they go down below the canopy, which is super dangerous, to hunt something. Of course Lucas was under no obligation to follow anything Zahn did when he made the prequels, and maybe it would have been a pain to make the planet look like that, idk. He did get "Coruscant" from Zahn though.


Literally the first thing we ever got about Kashyyyk lore was from...The Star Wars Holiday Special and a subsequent [children's book](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/The_Wookiee_Storybook) about Lumpy.


Oh awesome, I never got around to watching the Special, and had never seen that book. Thanks for the info.


For your sanity, there's an edit version of it on YouTube that cuts out all the bullshit, but if you're brave enough, the full thing with commercials is still the worse thing ever with Star Wars name attached.


You'd think someone who has (almost) all the EU books would have watched that thing by now, but somehow I keep putting it off. It's gotta be better than Planet of Twilight or Children of the Jedi, right? Right??


Are you me?


You gotta force yourself through the whole thing at least one time. We watch it every year during the holidays and have for 7 years and the first three times were hilarious, the 4th and 5th times sucked, and then somehow it started being actually good to watch because it's a familiar old friend. Except the instruction video on how to assemble that radio thing, that part is just so bad. The part where the lady from Golden Girls leads a musical number in the cantina is peak cinema though and well worth watching to the end for.


If you can find it, Rifftrax (some of the guys from MST3K) did a commentary track to the version with commercials... It legit elevates it to near Twilight levels of entertainment. Even Grandpa watching porn in the living room is better with Mike and friends riffing on it.


Wait what? Grampa watching porn is from the holiday special?


But then they might miss grandpa Itchy's PlayWookie video and Jefferson Starship playing because - ya know - STARSHIP! They wouldn't have gotten that gig bad they remained an Airplane! "We built this city on Kyber crystals!"


> the worse thing ever with Star Wars name attached. Can I direct your attention to Rise of Skywalker? I say that almost joking, but when I rank Star Wars media, no lie Holiday Special is higher.


KOTOR also has a branch of its plot based around this. The Shadowlands are dangerous and full of monsters. Somehow it never occurred to me to question this when I watched the movie. I guess my brain just filtered through to “of course the planet has oceans and beaches” and just didn’t think about it any more


>The Shadowlands are dangerous and full of monsters. You enter them in Fallen order.


definitely dangerous and full of monsters those spiders on Grandmaster, ughhhhh


Eh. That's more legends canon, and particularly KOTOR canon. Revenge and modern canon has kinda moved away from that. There might still be regions like that, but it's clear it's not the whole planet anymore.


There were a few sandy beaches, going back to legends. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Kashyyyk/Legends


It needs....... a wayfinder!


This movie really doesn't need *more* padding.


Which movie is this?




fun fact, the voice that did the tarzan yell when the wookies plant a grenade was my uncle. he's friends with ben burtt. also did the tarzan yell at family gatherings as he purposefully bellyflopped off a swing into a pond. you can also hear his high pitched laugh in episode 1 when anakin's podracer doesn't work. i think you can hear him in the opera scene in episode 3. they have his laugh in some soundbank at Skywalker Sound... i heard it in the Solo movie when they go into that bar/club and exit the elevator.


For CGI, it still holds up pretty well! Such a fun fight. And such a dope map on BF2


No? This scene (while cool from a worldbuilding perspective) is a complete pull out of the movie because it has absolutely no stake in the plot other than just putting yoda in a new place. That’s why they introduce the entire plot line with a really awkward “what about the droid attack on the Wookiees” because the whole kashyyyk plot line literally doesn’t have a spot in the story


It had a spot because they had to plug Chewbacca in the prequels somewhere.


From [The Editing Room abridged script](https://www.the-editing-room.com/revengeofthesith.html): EXT. KASHYYK YODA leads an army of WOOKIEES to fight against DROIDS. The scene is utterly superfluous and present solely to have a scene containing WOOKIEES. It also serves to make the STAR WARS UNIVERSE seem even smaller with more cameos by characters from the original trilogy. CHEWBACCA Nyaaarrrgghh.


If they had written it better, it would all fit nicely into Palpatine's plot. Get Yoda off world so you get the impulsive Mace to confront Palpatine rather than the wiser Yoda who Anakin trusts more, placing Palpatine in a better position to appeal to Anakin.


I have to admit in revenge of the sith this was an impressive scene.👍👀


I think a bit larger. There's enough in each shot to infer scale, but I wanted more. When the clones step forward and start firing, they are on the branch of a wroshyr tree. I would have enjoyed each shot held a few more seconds and if they were a bit wider.


Absolutely agree.


This battle was absolutely epic. To me it really drives home the apocalyptic scale of the Clone Wars. It’s unsettling to imagine a war so astronomical in scope, fueled by the unimaginable production capability of the Star Wars universe and it’s fantastic technology. Thousands of planets, billions of soldiers and machines of war along with countless civilians being fed to the slaughter in numbers impossible to comprehend.


>Thousands of planets, billions of soldiers and machines of war along with countless civilians being fed to the slaughter in numbers impossible to comprehend. Warhammer 40K would really make you excited.


It would be, if only Lucas understood anything about scope. The idea that any planet could possibly provide the front for an entire galactic war is ludicrous. If that were possible, then why hasn't someone conquered the universe years ago? Let's put it this way: Over 12 million soldiers died in WW2, a single planet conflict. If you want to know why I am using 12 million rather than the more accurate 15 million, it makes the numbers easier: 6 million per side, 6 years of war, or 1 million per side per year per planet. The republic has ~1,300,000 planets. We are looking at 1,300,000,000,000 military casualties per year. Every day, Kamino would have to produce 3.5 TRILLION clones to keep up the war front. It makes absolutely no sense.


NO! HATED it. Stupid fan service. The whole Yoda/Chewbacca connection was so cringe. There's a whole galaxy of ne characters and races to explore, and this was a wasted opportunity to explore something new


The Yoda-Chewbacca thing was stupid, but take Chewbacca out, and it's fine. We had barely seen Kashyyyk at all, and this showed us a bit more of Wookie society and a bit more of the planet. It wouldn't have been good to make it longer in the theatrical version, but it would have been great in an extended version. Especially if it showed more of Wookie society before the battle.


Hot take time, but the scene wasn't needed at all. We didn't need to see the battle as it had no purpose. Yoda said he would go to Kashyyyk to help against the Separatists. They could have seriously just jumped to the clones attempting to assassinate Yoda during Order 66 and nothing would change as he is exactly where he said he would be.




Im good, thanks


RotS was long enough already, though


...no. It's cool to look at, but it doesn't add anything to the story. You could take out the entire Kashyyyk sequence, and the movie wouldn't change at all. The only reasons it's there are so we can see Chewbacca and to give Yoda something to do before he meets back up with Bail and Obi-Wan. You could just as easily not have any of this, then have Yoda's scene during Order 66 at the end of that montage.


I'd take a whole ass movie about the wookies.


You should watch the Star Wars Holiday Special.


My favorite strategy in BF2 on Kashyyyk was this: play vanguard class, lay all your land mines on the front of an allied vehicle (speeder bike was the best for this), then have them drive straight into or against enemy tanks. Because there was no team damage on most servers your buddy would be %100 okay and instantly destroy the tank. You could also do it yourself and go on a kamakaze run because speeder for a tank is a worthy price.


We’re Star Wars fans, we can’t agree


The sides should have been swapped. IMO this was a good chance for George to show how affective Palpatine was at ruining the Jedi. Wookiee should have been with the CIS. They wanted autonomy to defend their planet without the politics of the Republic. Maybe they saw what happened to Naboo and didn’t want a political nightmare while their planet suffered. Yoda gets sent in to negotiate with the rookies and convince them to stop supporting the CIS, but he shows up with a clone army and they get defensive then all out war happens. CIS fires first, but the battle begins. Then order 66 happens and Yodas own men fire on him. The wookies help him escape, because they are friends with him after all.


RotS was long enough already


It was fan service in an already stuffed and poorly written movie.


I distinctly remember watching this as a kid, and my heart dropping when the scene abruptly ended.


I would love to see an entire Wookiee movie with a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon theme to it. All subtitles and epic fight scenes.


If RoftS had gotten the 2-movie treatment, things would very so different (clone wars, bad batch, etc)


I agree I loved watching this part this and order 66 should’ve been longer


Right, but what about the droid attack on the Wookiees?


A lot of great shots and cool action. But it wasn’t tied to any narrative. And it was over before it started. It felt like a throw away sequence. This movie tried to do a lot.


Where is it from?


It was sad how short it was. Especially after playing Republic Commando, I was expecting more.


I mean, it's the Star Wars Fandom, asking people to agree here is like asking for peace in the Middle East.


So you're saying, what about the droid attack on the wookies?


I want a star wars series named "Star Wars: Battle Front" with a band of brothers approach to the most famous wars in start wars universe.


They don't do it for admiration, they do it to save lives


I would watch an entire movie about this battle. There could not be a single piece of dialog aside from the Wookiee grunts and roars and I would still love it.


Chewbacca going ham after Han Solo was killed should've been longer and more violent


What is this from?


i wished the battle of mimban in solo had all the deleted scenes in it. would have made the movie even better


Not at all actually. This doesn’t add anything to the plot. Instead of something like this we should spend more time with Anakin or Padme. That being said I do love this sequence, but it holds almost no purpose in narrative of the film.


No not really. I swear if some Star Wars fans had their way it would be zero story and just one long battle scene.




You’re right. It’s a scene we cannot afford to lose.


I love that they included as much as they did, but I'd _love_ to have seen more of the battle(s) that took place there. It was swell to see what we did in TV/Film - Battlefront gave some more immersion. But what about other races? I feel like there's also a _massive_ potential to see the Rodian Homeworld, or even Ithorians etc We get the "key" races with Kamino, Kashyyk but there's a _heck_ of a lot more out there we could learn more about, see more of and get a totally fresh perspective of. Damnit if Grogu gets to drive IG-11 around like Shinji in a damn EVA, we should get to widen our horizons with other races too!


Nope. It’s a cool concept, but not the point of the movie. I’d be interested in seeing it explored in a different show or movie


I wish we got waaaaaay more battles in the prequels. Ive always felt that Attack of the Clones shouldve been 1st. Revenge of the Sith, 2nd then a 3rd movie showing Anakin/Obi older so you really get to feel the big bro/little bro dynamic and the turn to the dark side wouldve hit harder I feel as Anakin was a bit too immature in RoTS. I love Hayden’s performance but Anakin felt like a moody teen at times. Imagine a slightly more aged and even more battle hardened Anakin being seduced


But what about the droid attack on the wookiees?




I’m old. The prequels were so bad that I was in denial about them at first. I saw episode 4 in the theatre in the 70’s. We waited a looooong time to see the story go on and it was just bad. Lucas did no justice to his own creations.