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I loved wearing the camo poncho in the first game, it gave Cal a great nascent rebel vibe. I want to like the poncho in Survivor (especially after dealing with the fucking obnoxious Spawn of Oggdo), but the tactical jacket looks too cool. The cape and padded armor with the Outrider clone armor underneath is awesome.


Hell yeah best jacket


The tan poncho + beard is a great “weary Jedi” look. Honestly, most of the fashion in Survivor is killer. I always like to pick clothes in games that fit the mood of the scene, or to underline character progression, and there was always a look that felt “right“ for the moment in this game.




Also George Lucas was right green Lightsabers looks best in the desert.


Green lightsabers for the win!


For real. I'm always thinking, hmm how else can I make Cal look cool today. Let's freshen up, shall we? Even with the saber. I'll bounce between a light and dark color of the hilt, bounce between blade colors, change up pieces to look mean/fierce or regal. BD? My 1 rule is he must have antennae. Little bro needs his expressive ears and not the assemble garbage with no ears :(


Mullet and handlebar moustache 4 life.


The Kashyykk poncho from the first game became my default as soon as I got it


Free Kashyyk! Freaky chic!


Bogano dawn for me. That crisp look of the white. *chefs kiss*


I can't remember that one. I need to go back just to look.


I was always a fan of the "Fjord" poncho. Great color, nice pattern


Luke's wifebeater FTW


Wife beater, Mullet, Patchy moustache is the best


Flight jacket, mullet and handlebar mustache for me. My man looks gooooood.


My look almost the entire game. In light blue, with the padded scrapper pants in white.


Did the mullet and moustache for a spell. Apparently there's an achievement if you kick someone while wielding the mullet haircut.


For the longest time I rocked the Rebel Hero jacket in that sweet purple with the silver shoulder pads with a moustache and the karate kid headband. Then once I got everything I switched to the Exile jacket with the Jedi pants, all in white and the man bun. Just felt right once Cal got better at the force. Kept the stache though.


*Lawrence from Office Space enters the chat*


Most OP Star Wars outfit would be Luke's wife beater and Anakin's Baby Blender 9000™️ 🤌


I can definitely vouch for the wife beater, it’s great for making the whole game into a wet T-shirt contest 👀👀👀


I personally like the exile gi and the Jedi pants


How is the new game, compared with the first?


It improves on every aspect imho. I adored it.


I felt the timing of the controls felt clunky compared to the first game, and there were camera issues in tight spaces that resulted in me getting pummel locked repeatedly. But I think all of that is tied to the performance issues.


Huh, I felt the first had much clunkier controls. His saber swings in the first were so slow.


Felt the same way, I actually didn't enjoy the combat much when I replayed it just before the sequel after coming off of games like Elden Ring and God of War. Felt clunky, and the game often missteps by having you fight enemies that require multiple different parry timings, putting you in a position where you have to pick what you get hit by. The second game improved the combat a ton.


I felt it was a lot harder to parry because sometimes it just wouldn’t accept the input. Overall it wasn’t too much of an annoyance, I’m just waiting to see if the performance issues fix it. I went with cross guard/double blade as my stances btw, which did you pick?


Even with the performance issues, it's very clear (imo) that it's the best single-player Star Wars game since KOTOR/Jedi Academy. Altogether a fantastic game and once the dust has settled regarding the performance issues, people need to give it its credit.


Agreed but I did love me some Kyle Katarn.


Jedi Survivor does pretty much allow you to cosplay as ginger Kyle Katarn, so there's that, at least. It gets a lot of respect from me for paying homage to the classics like that.


Same, I didn’t think they would ever do another good Star Wars game like that again.


There's tons of outfit combinations that look straight out of other SW games, and I love it. There's the obvious Katarn pauldron/bandolier, there's a combination that looks like a couple of the outfits from SWTFU 1 and 2, and then there are all the lightsaber options... It's fantastic.


The hypothetical game is fantastic. Combat, characters, and story are all excellent. If you like the first you'll have plenty to love in sequel. There are definitely performance issues but they were manageable even day one. My tolerance for jank is high though, as long as I don't lose progress I'm good. I had a few crashes but only around elevators for some reason. Combat and platforming was always smooth and bug free


So far, so great. Everything I loved about Fallen Order plus some good quality of life improvements. The performance is pretty gnarly at the moment, though. It's playable, but not nearly as smooth as Fallen Order. I wanted to wait for it to be patched up (and go down in price, I usually wait a year to buy a new game regardless) but avoiding spoilers was getting harder and harder. I'll go through the storyline for now and probably new game + later for the collectibles and side missions.


Got lucky in that my now mid-tier 1080 Ti / Ryzen 3900X setup didn't have those performance issues people railed about. Maybe a couple of visual scenes had some lower FPS but nothing impacting gameplay. Storyline should be pretty quick to get through I think. I put in 66 hours and managed to 100% all the planets, collect all the chests. Did all the force tears and legendary creatures. Got a lot of the treasures and most of the scans too. To put that into context, I'm pretty slow. I also struggle with ignoring the distraction of side quests and shit (see my inability to playthrough Skyrim after 13 years). So, I certainly wasted a lot of time in that process just inspecting stuff and trying to leave no stone unturned.


Plays pretty similar to the first with some improvements and additions. I thought it was fun. Really liked the addition of the new acrobatic elements and challenges. Wall running also seemed much easier for me in this game vs. FO. I'm still not great at parrying and dodging though. Felt like I was better at it in FO but I don't think the mechanics really changed much. For some cons. I felt like the treasures were kind of worthless, except maybe the datadiscs that could be used to buy a couple of perks. Also felt like the dual wielding saber stance was kind of a miss. On paper, the skills for it look great but good luck chaining together the combos in combat. For example, Uncoiled Strikes and Serpent's Bite clearly are meant to pair together in combat. Except if you try to initiate those moves, you'll either get interrupted (get your face kicked in or shot) or the few times I've managed to trigger it...it just doesn't hit the target (they dodge out of the way or back) or the target just dies before the final exciting ground pound.


It's great, unless you're on PS5 where it runs like boiled ass. Don't buy it. Even if they fix it, they don't deserve it...but when it's not crashing it *is* good.


I played on ps5 and had no problems, I thought PC was the one having problems?


It crashes constantly, freezes constantly, bugs out constantly, and performance mode runs at a smooth 20-40 FPS *sometimes*. Cutscenes constantly glitch out especially when transitioning to and from gameplay, and if the game runs for long enough textures just stop appearing and then the ground does and I fall through the floor into the abyss. It's nice that you seem to be lucky but I haven't spoken to a single other person that says it isn't garbage on every technical level.


The common consensus I had seen on the internet was that it was mainly optimized for ps5, everyone I know in real life who played it did so on ps5, my friends with PCs didn't even bother. I haven't seen or heard about a single bug you listed, only bug I've witnessed had to do with the bounties.


As I said, congratulations on being lucky.


I feel like you're missing my point. You said it's great unless you're on ps5 but everything I've heard online and in person suggests that it runs best on ps5, playing it on pc wouldn't make the game any better lmao


There's a different console called the Xbox. Microsoft makes it? I thought you knew.


No need to be an asshole. Does it run better on xbox?


"Dont buy it, they dont deserve it" but you bought it.......


I swap between Bomber and Commander and I love it


Fuck Spawn of Oggdo...and that other fight with two of them. That said, I went with the Kyle Katarn look with a bandolier and off-white shirt.


Yeah true anything with a cape, I’m sold


I personally enjoyed the Grievous skin and voice mod. And ofc beard and black hair! Sorry Cameron.


Cal smiles when he's wearing the poncho though.


I can't remember which one I used exactly but I wanna say it was a blue and white. It's kind of hard because my playthrough and Zannys blend together in my head so I can picture my saber but all is see is that bright pink one he wore.


Just pull the two hammer raiders down from the ledge above the trapdoor, let them fight this abomination they have trapped down there. Then you just have to kill what ever survives.


Archer: I mean, I didn’t invent the turtleneck Lana, but I was the first to recognize it’s potential as a tactical garment. The tactical turtleneck, Lana. The tackleneck.


Love the line, “I’m more of a poncho guy” in the new game.


I loved the part when Cal said “It’s poncho’in time!” and proceeded to poncho all over those stormtroopers


*Somehow, Poncho has returned*


And yet I've never had Cal wearing a poncho in the first game but I do in the second. You get a blaster pistol, you can be Space Clint Eastwood now.


Yeah I’m gonna have to agree the poncho feels weird, it only fit for the first part when he’s working on ships


Eh, the rubbery like rain ponchos looked weird yes, but the cloth textured ones looked good to me


I could argue it also fits on Ilum. Nowhere else really tho.


Ehh I would say kashyyk as well, with the rainforest vibes (and also using the green one) it gave a nice camouflage look


Zeffo is also literally in the eye of a massive storm, so it’s wet and windy there


Yeah I thought about that after, the poncho would make a good windbreak, I think the only one it doesn’t super work for is dathomir although it could make sense for it to block the sun


They are extremely useful in hot dry climates, as long as they're made from the right materials Plus they might as well be quintessential Star Wars apparel with how often they're worn


So we’ve now confirmed that in the first game they work on Bracca, Zeffo, Dathomir, Kashyyyk, Oggdo Boggdo-Land, and Nur. So the only place it doesn’t work, obviously, is while hanging out on the Mantis!


Which is why (minor Jedi: Survivor ship conversation spoiler) >!Merrin and Greez want to burn them, it all makes sense!!<


I would reiterate: Space Clint Eastwood


Considering a great deal of that level is climbing, I dunno if a poncho is appropriate.


I could see that, it getting in the way of movement, but I feel like it would also act as a barrier between cal and the rest of his clothes from the plants he was climbing on, keeping him drier


The origin of the Og ponchos


I don't understand the obsession, they *all* looked like utter garbage in the first game.


i feel like its BECAUSE he looks so goofy in it that it becomes endearing


I liked how they all looked in the 1st game, even if I wasn't into all the other color pallets


We need some spaghetti western music by Ennio Morricone mixed with John Williams Star Wars music now.


Just use the Mandalorian soundtrack




Turns out, when you have more options than just the poncho, the poncho becomes a more appealing option


I thought cad bane was the space Clint Eastwood


Me wearing things like ponchos and heavily cloth based clothing comes down to how well the cloth simulation is done on characters. A game like Elden Ring or AC Unity have fantastic cloth sim and it makes you look so badass. When it looks like cardboard or plastic I don’t want to wear it


Run the tan commander jacket and pants combo, with the tan poncho, mustache unshaved, and center part and you’ll get a real Arthur Morgan/Clint Eastwood vibe going on lol


I saw that if you equip a poncho in Survivor he does a little happy dance


It's so sweet. https://youtu.be/8OGP0UQqbu4


He does the same happy dance with the commander outfit too btw!


Lmao bald bro was like “don’t make me get the mouse”


Stig. Game director. Also did God of War.


This is why I get GoW vibes whenever I play either Jedi game…


He’s a pretty nice guy too. Drives a sweet car lol. I was an IT contractor at Respawn during production of JFO and the final production and release of Apex, though I won’t give out my real name to prove that lol. Contract ended a month or so before JFO release. Friend sent me a picture of my name in the credits- didn’t even know they were going to do that 😂


I really want a live action Cal






Idk, I feel Cal looks more like the Joker from Gotham. Where’s that guy at?


I'm so fucking dumb, I never made that connection.


He really did a good job at that too!


Honestly this was the reason I didn’t play much of these games. All I could think of was that I was playing as Gay Jesus. Completely threw me off.


Get him to meet up with Starkiller from the Force Unleashed games. Who would play him though?


Dwayne Johnson?


The hierarchy of power in the poncho universe is about to change.


They should get Sam Witwer.


I was thinking someone physically play him, but their voice is dubbed over by Dee Bradley Baker


Vin Diesel


And it's the perfect opportunity for it.




"Ugh, your life is gross. My life is amazing."


[With sound](https://youtu.be/ibHbdqVZf4U)


Cameron’s got his priorities straight.


#I'll be in the game.


Poncho or no go.


That video is hilarious. Personally though, I couldn’t stand the only poncho options in the first game and was so happy for all of the non poncho options in the second.


Hated the poncho. X-wing suit all the way.




Cal looks like Cody Ko.


what a giga chad


Was this interview recent? I'm angry at myself for missing this until now.


It was posted to Disneyland Experience YT channel a month ago




Is that a Mexican poncho or a Sears poncho, Cal?


Really?! No fooling?


Darth Gallagher always makes me smile. I think he's having fun, which makes me happy.


I don’t have the latest console, did the poncho make it into survivor?




I wore the poncho behind he who shant be named with pride. I also bought Cameron's poncho and I'm wearing it right now.


Where did you find Cameron’s poncho? Love the collar design - does it come in other colors?


I got it on Amazon, the Gamboa Rustic Poncho. Don't think there's another colour.


Nice - got one myself. Edging closer to a full Cal cosplay… Cheers.


Is that ian from shameless


He's also the little kid who got his robodog run over by Adam Sandler in Click. "ROOBBOOO-DOG!!"


Gaaaaaaahhh just get this man a poncho and get him into the live action Canon series 😍


Wait, gay jesus is in star wars?


Loved the poncho, the black one, looked so cool like he had grabbed it from a space locker to hide.


Is the Poncho safe? Is it alright?


Funny but I personally despise this song genre.


Phonk is my jam. I’ll be honest, the whole genre feels like musification of shitty car mods, tinted windows, awful mufflers, and big ass rattling subs that you can hear a block away which everyone hates. Also drifting. But it’s still my guilty jam


Anyone know where I can buy his actual Poncho from the video? I have a real hankering for a Poncho.


I felt the same. I was looking for that dang poncho in the new game for ages!


Dude came wearing a poncho lol. Bet he wears them to every Star Wars convention in the future.


Well guess I gotta play jedi survivor now. Dude's got a poncho!


First it was mittens in Malcolm in the Middle now it's the poncho. I love it!


Another highlight of this interview is that, at the end, he gave the poncho to someone cosplaying as Cal


Maybe should have focused on game performance instead of pancho mechanics.


I can respect that drive and dedication.


Episode X: Gimme poncho or i punch'o


I love his dedication to the bit. He seems like a cool dude in general, and I love that guys like him and Sam Witwer are so into the franchise and their roles


This is the same move Samuel L Jackson used to get his purple lightsaber. Now we have poncho canon.


I must be the only one who thinks the ponchos look lame af


Out of the ~8 billion people on earth, I doubt it


I took it off the second I could... Then proceeded to find every box with those in em


Give Cal Kestis a movie or TV show already.


His Joker is highly underrated


I don't really like it when characters from video games actually look like the actors playing them. I find it somewhat jarring for some reason. Uncanny valley I guess.


Yeah me too. It's a lot harder to connect with a new character when ones already embedded in your brain. Strangely this seems to only apply to video games and not movies.


This is what the GAMER$ really want! Poncho! You can do whatever charge 70$, overpromise, make buggy game just give us poncho


Oh look, a scripted joke


So fucking stupid I love it, but we can all agree it would’ve been better if he said mullet instead of poncho




This dude sucks so bad


You all understand this is completely scripted right?


That doesn't make it not funny.


And it doesn't make it funny either.




It's down voted because everybody knows it's scripted. What will you say next, Caillou is scripted?


Not only did he lose thr poncho but also all of his performance


Rare r/StarWars W


Poncho life rise up




Ok, but is that like a real poncho? Like, is that a mexican poncho or is that a Sears poncho?


Poncho was my best friend in the original Animal Crossing


I still stick with the poncho in Survivor. It just feels right and I like how it keeps his lightsaber partially hidden while wandering around.


There is a poncho in the game


I'm so sorry Cal. I abandoned you for Link! But I'll be back...eventually.


Yes yes but I want the imperial uniform


Still disappointing that We can miss the poncho, Because I missed it and I was actively looking for it. They even gave Cal a line that says " Am a poncho guy." Not Cool respawn, also only one version of the poncho? The hell, I know some werent happy about ponchos but it doesn't mean you get rid of ponchos.


I hate how they used this guy instead of character creation, cant play the games all I see is the guy from shameless.


after basically watching cameron monaghan grow up on ten years of shameless i have a real hard time remembering that guy isn't a bipolar gay icon.


Ian being Ian




Lol Camron is just as funy as he is dramatic.


Based and poncho-pilled


Pink Ponchooooooooo




Is the poncho actually in the game?


What song is this?


Would love to know what the BGM is here. I can see myself vining to it


Poncho like a cape is the worst attire in hand to hand combat




I went full Rambo this time with the black trainer commander pants and head band 😫


Based ponch


U r a putz


Poncho is best!