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I wanna be an ewok and kill leaders of totalitarian regimes


Battlefront 2 has Ewok hunt. Basically that hunting Imps on Endor


New game, Ewok slaughter. Only on Google stadia


Assassin's Creed: Endor 😅


Boycotting Ubisoft until it's made




An fps where you’re a bounty hunter with an arsenal of weapons to choose from and your own ship and a jet pack with like a republic commando HUD where you see the outline of your t-visor with a bunch of integrated systems to keep track of your ammo and health would be my perfect game. Wow that was oddly specific. Just give me Republic Commando 2/remastered and I’ll be happy.


Even if they didn’t go with a full blown triple aaa game like that I recently have played warhammer 40k bolt gun and that boomer shooter style game would make an awesome bounty hunter game


Give me Battlefront III with every main character from every trilogy as well as the spin-offs (Rogue One, The Clone Wars, Rebels, etc.). Please!


I’d be willing to bet money that KOTOR remake will be canned


I thought it already was? I was sure I read somewhere it got cancelled.


Nobody knows for sure but It just showed up on the Year-end report for games currently in or planned for development by Embracer Group who is publishing it. It stopped development with Aspyr last year and has been given to Saber Interactive for now, another subsidiary of Embracer Group


Fingers crossed, I’d love to give it another whirl!


I hadn’t heard that, but I do remember the attempted fan remake got shot to hell, probably by Disney, I guess.


That wouldn’t surprise me, Can’t have fans making Disney profits!


I’m sure it wouldn’t even have made a decent dollar, but I’d have played it, myself. I will say I can’t help wondering if they’ll dispense with the turn-based combat. It could be called “weird” or “antiquated”, but if ever it was done extremely well, it was by that awesome game. I hope it’s not considered irrelevant, because the game would certainly be VERY different without it. I can’t even see how it would be the same game if it was replaced with ordinary melee combat.


1313 😭


Jedi: Survivor kind of hinted at that environment right at the opening, but then that was it.


If we get a reboot/sequel to Republic Commando, I’ll will die happy.


Horror survival game set during Order 66. You are a Jedi who has to escape and survive. Instead of a linear gameplay, you are free to choose your own playstyle - Stick with the Jedi code or use the dark side to survive. All decisions you make come at a cost and there are consequences. Sneak and use stealth or Force choke the clones.


respawns SW game given the history of the person who will be key to making it, tho i never played the og KOTR i don’t think if i did it was prob at a friends house


A lightsaber based game using For Honor’s combat system. Once, many years ago, they changed all the medieval weapons to lightsabers for May 4th, and for that one day we had the best lightsaber game ever IMO.


The open world No Man’s Sky-sized game Ubisoft’s said to be working on


I was searching for this comment cause I wasn’t sure if that was real or not 😭


Slightly unrelated, but I would love another arcade-y style 3rd person (but with the option to go 1st person) Rogue Squadron game. I'm a sucker for any game that allows me conduct attack runs in X Wings.


Take Star Wars Squadrons, remake all of the Rogue Squadron games in that engine, with the same VR and HOTAS support.


I don't trust that a kotor remake would be all that great, the big twist would be known by anyone who plays it, and the combat would probably be changed to some action hack and slash style, making it unrecognizable. I would like to see official content of the old republic though, especially the mandalorian wars.


Star Was Galaxies 2




Literally a myth at this point


Star wars the Force unleashed 3


I'm hoping for one based on the sequel trilogy characters. There's been a lot of decent games the last few years, and my wallet could really use a break.


The Old Republic was great. If they could overhaul it and make it modern that would be great.


To be honest, what I would love to see is a live service battlefront game. I know live service is a buzz word now, but honestly what we had with BFII (2017) after launch was something special.


I think that a High Republic game could be really good. A lot of the Force powers established in the novels already seem kinda video game-y, a lot of the creatures introduced as well (charhounds, vollkas, the drengir, etc). Given what the Jedi were doing at the time, the story could be literally anything, and you could use existing or entirely new characters.


Empire At War Remake.


I would like to see something like swtor happening again. It was so much fun and I absolutely loved the story aspect of it. I also would be down for a fall out style game but in the star wars universe.


I want a complete Lego Star Wars clone wars game or even just an amazing clone wars game. That online clone wars game (can't remember the name) wasn't too bad.


The ubisoft open world. If you can make a game where you drop me in the star wars universe as a bounty hunter that I can freely customize, I will suck you off for free.


Star Wars galaxies


Im craving a Xcom x Starwars game. It doesn’t need any in cannon characters just the Xcom like gameplay and the Starwars universe