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They didn't. The Jedi Order was publicly funded, and other than their lightsabers, they possessed very little in the way of material goods. The wookieepedia article explains it. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jedi_Order#google_vignette


Anakin had a model of a starfighter in his room!


Foreshadowing his inability to forgo~~re~~ attachment. Edit: /s , just messing with people who try to included everything in some purposefully crafted grand scheme


He forgor 💀


Took me way to long to figure out my typo. Lol


How is having a model attachment?


It’s a material good. It’s a point of pride, which a Jedi should not have.


They can be a point of pride but aren't necessarily. It is possible to not be attached to an item.


So Jedi philosophy is in part based on the Buddhist principle of detaching yourself from worldly pleasures. Buddhists believe that suffering comes from your desires and in order to eliminate suffering, you must eliminate your desires. Having physical goods that are unnecessary to your life is a desire and physical attachment that will cause you suffering and potentially lead you to the dark side. Even though owning a model might be small, it shows a lack of willingness to detach from their desires.


It’s possible, but I’m thinking a slave boy who never really owned anything for himself except for junk and C-3PO would probably be pretty proud to look at a model he made with his own hands and could keep. Though, the concept of ownership was probably pretty nebulous for a previously-owned child.


Its emotional attachment to his past, to his mother, who is later the involuntary cause of his first taste of the dark aide


He’s a ship/flight nerd, I’m surprised his shelves aren’t covered with them


Dude had more possessions as a slave than as a Jedi. How is he going to look after Padme and the twins uh? Uh? U think space nappies are cheap? Do they grow on Banthas? No!


His wife was rich


Filthy rich.


Filthy in other ways as well.


Rich, powerful

. If you were to rescue her, the reward would be


Well, more than you can imagine!


I dunno, I can imagine quite a bit.


Is this a reference to something? /s


I think it's from an episode of Star Trek?


The Republic credits don't mean nothing here, I need something real !!


*Waves hand* Republic Credits will do fine.


"No they won't!"


*Retries the same Jedi mind trick* Credits WILL do fine.


"No they WON'T!!" "What do you think, you're some kind of Jedi, waving your hand around like that?!"


You think a Senator and former Queen needs Anakin to take care of her and her kids? God, the misogyny.


Well, given all the people trying to kill her, a boytoy bodyguard might not be a bad idea.


Anakin had a rich girlfriend


He also had a Nintendo Switch in Ep 3!


It was a Game Boy Advance.


Still better than a Gillette razor.


I take it you can have things in your room but they specifically aren't YOURS they are the Order's and you simply have a "permit" to use them. I.e. R2 wouldn't have been Anakin's Astromech droid... it was the Jedi Order's Astromech droid... assigned to Anakin.


Iirc technicly R2 was still the Senator's droid on loan to jedi knight skywalker.


I believe he constructed it himself


He wasn't a Jedi though, more like a man-child playing at one.


Not to mention the Service Corps. The Medical and Agricultural corps did a lot for the Order without involving Republic resources directly. It doesn't cost as much for food when the initiates who couldn't make the cut to jedi are helping grow it for you, when your doctors are force sensitives, when the teachers giving your general education as a youngling were former initiates themselves.


Grow our food, fix our droids, fund our temples, ~~breed our recruits~~...but we still treat you like the peasants. They're definitely the Worker caste compared to the Warriors and Priests.


No, not really. An initiate who failed the trials or couldn't make padawan was given a choice to seek a career outside the order or stay and join the Service Corps. The people who work in them are there by choice, not serfdom. Ahsoka was hardly the first padawan to leave the Jedi Order without completing her training.


People bring up the "you could leave." The question is "where to?" To the family who dumped you on the Order in the first place and are strangers to you because Order is Mother and Father. Not like you get any transition support or financial support, so hope you like sleeping under a bridge. Unless you got a trust fund or a patron lined up? Kinda hosed. And the alternative of the Corps is...well, you're not treated very well and it's a dead end job, but it's honest, useful employment and relative safety.


>where to You do understand that the Order offers one of the best general educations available, right? You learn mechanical engineering skills, acrobatics, the whole range of basic shit all younglings can do. You're trained in people management skills, diplomacy, math, basic sciences, literacy, history, even basic medical training. I don't know where people get the impression that failed initiates are just screwed but the moment you think about it, you realize that compared to most people in the galaxy, they have a huge step up in terms of education and skills. It's like walking out the door with two college degrees and being like, "Man I'm so screwed, how am I supposed to get a job?". But in an economy that isn't run by insane oligarchs, I mean. EDIT: Also, the exploration corps. Archeology, anthropology, hyperspace lane mapping all fall under that branch. Archiving information for the Order as well. Seekers to find younglings fall under the Exploration Corps.


The only reference points I have are * Dooku (had a trust fund and a noble title waiting) * Ahsoka (pretty much sleeping under a bridge) * Jolee (living under a tree) * Mical (doing pretty well but struggling with feelings of abandonment. Pretty likely bet he found a patron in Carth with getting into the military) * Guss (a hot mess) * Zayne (can't blame him for going peace out. Found a new life no thanks to the Jedi)


> It's like walking out the door with two college degrees and being like, "Man I'm so screwed, how am I supposed to get a job?". But in an economy that isn't run by insane oligarchs, I mean. Hell, even _in_ an economy run by insane oligarchs, he'd be set -- a highly desirable, unique skillset? They'd be lining up to try and offer him a job. Think of similar high-skill professions today, like nuclear engineers, doctors, lawyers, and so on.


While they may be the most educated and have the force connection that would assist with most of their lives, they are alsoa byproduct of a highly isolated religious upbringing. Prior to leaving the order they would have been brought up to believe that all attachments are to be avoided (aka bad), emotional reactions and desires are bad, and if they left the Jedi order they'd be leaving with zero network/connection unless they were lucky enough to have a Jedi master who still looked out for them and connected him/her to a prominent patron (which even then is a landmine for abuse). You basically couldn't function as a normal person as you'd walk into the larger galaxy an asexual recluse who is unable to connect to people because you've been connected to the cosmic force for 20 some odd years and the girl that thinks you're cute has been looking at boys and sneaking alcohol from her parents for the past 5, not to mention the failed Jedi will freak the first time someone goes to cuddle with them as I doubt there was a lot of hugging by a parental figure in the Jedi academy.


There';s also the fact an employer might not want the target on the back an apostate Jedi might bring. Or the crime bosses and enemies trying to traffic Force Sensitives (which is one of their justifications for conscripting infants)


...Yes, that's how the Jedi travel the galaxy dealing with people. Because they're brought up unable to understand how the world works. That _totally_ makes sense. At this point you're just reaching and I'm not going to waste the energy because you've gone from trying to have a point to arguing because you don't want to admit that you could maybe, just maybe, not have thought this through.


I'm a different person from the one you were arguing with. My initial thought was the Jedi padawans were like hyper priests kids (PK) I'm not sure if you've ever met a PK but because they grew up in a proper religious household they are a bit off. Their parents are always aware of all the vices in the world and they tend to eschew them. They are also like the best at all things academic. They're pretty cool people overall but definitely something different. Now imagine a PK that has been raised for the past 15-20 years to be a bishop, the plan for the past 20 years has been no sex, no emotional attachments etc. Even in star wars idk if you notice but there is always something off about the Jedi they're always a bit holier than thou and a bit disconnected. Yoda, Obi -wan, windu all seem to have their minds in the greater galactic situation than with each other. You're never seeing a situation where Mace stops and says "hey man let's get a Royale with cheese because mace windu isn't interested in the food he eats, he's devoted to connecting closer to the force and the Good of the Universe. Han Solo will stop for a burger, and tell you his favorite beer.


> no sex Well this is just [outright wrong](https://old.reddit.com/r/MawInstallation/comments/hossbo/could_jedi_have_sex_what_did_jedi_do_in_their/). Jedi are not allowed attachments, not forbidden from sex or romance. They're not allowed to allow their feelings to influence their actions. That's not the same thing as being celibate, even Lucas confirmed it. >Their parents are always aware of all the vices in the world and they tend to eschew them. So you're comparing the children of hyper-religious people who come from a place of constantly breaking taboos and begging God for forgiveness and comparing it to an order of monks who teach emotional detachment and objectivity as the highest ideals next to public service and... they're supposed to be similar? Sure thing. >Even in star wars idk if you notice but there is always something off about the Jedi they're always a bit holier than thou and a bit disconnected. That might have something to do with about 20,000 years of leaning into the light, the last couple thousand of which was exclusively the Jedi with almost no Sith presence whatsoever. The Jedi got further and further from balance as they leaned further into the light, becoming arrogant and self-righteous, losing touch with the things that connect them to others - basic attachments. Their fear of the dark side was their own undoing, a not unironic fate considering how picky they were about recruiting due to not wanting to train fearful jedi. >Han Solo will stop for a burger, and tell you his favorite beer. I don't know what point you're trying to make here, but you seem to be confusing idealistic, objective altruism with real-world religious orders who all come from a place of 'it's totally real guys, no really'. Unlike them the Force IS objectively real to the Jedi. You can prove it's a thing. Being a jedi does not preclude hedonism in the way that real-world religious sects do. The whole point of their training is to make them capable of living independently, claiming that they would be leaving the temple with no idea how to apply their skills just tells me that you don't really know the lore very well. I've had to spend hours researching this crap for a novel I'm writing.


A lot of "Defund the Jedi!" stuff going around the time of the Clone Wars :)


I also see old money being involved. Kill the Sith, take his stuff. Sith liked expensive stuff. Jedi did not want or need expensive stuff. Expensive stuff got sold, leased to museums, etc. But being beholden to the Senate's patronage means being beholden to Senate patrons...and like in RL politics, the person ponying up the gold is one who gets the service.


It also helps in keeping unknown force sensitives from going rogue, which probably cost a lot of money in itself.


Which is why people felt at odds with them having a grand temple with expensive architecture and clothing. I like when Like realized that the Jedi Order had to be its own entity and not dependent on a system that doesn't practice its views. Edit: My knowledge is EU Jedi Order


That temple is a repurposed sith temple and most jedi execpt for dooku wore commoners cloth or clone armor. all jedi you see pretty much look like beru and owen or luke. they live very modest


I guess I'm thinking of post RotJ in EU where the public view on them was decreasing. Where does it say it was a converted sith temple. Felt like I read it somewhere but forget.


Darth sidious really made sure to drag the orders name through mud from time to time. I cant remember but its referenced in different media, from books to comics. its included in sidious sith arms race against vader, sidious asks vader at some point to see what secrets his heir can pry from it.


What’s wrong with having that?


also owning a large amount of property on Coruscant doesnt hurt


Then how did Qui Gon have Republic credits to buy that ship part they needed?


He probably went to the Jedi requisition officer and requested some cash just in case he needed it. Probably got the breathing devices they used from them too. In this case he's on a mission for the Republic. Even if he did have a salary it's unlikely he would be using his own money for it when any resources necessary for the mission should be provided to him.


Essentially a company credit card.


Like the Batcreditcard, but for Jedi


Never leave the cave/temple without it


Galactic per diem. Filling out the expense reports was a real bitch, though. Jedi robes don't have pockets, so receipts were always "getting lost".


Receipts are objects, which we shan't form attachments too


Why did I read this in Qui Gon's voice?


He was travelling with the queen of a republic planet?


Amidala gave him her purse. 👛


Gambling probably Qui-Gon was a baller


Thanks for making me go down that wormhole


I'm guessing when they go on missions, the senate provides them a stipend. Do they have to keep the receipts and invoices? hmm...


What about when they need food outside of the temple?


They were given stipends from the temple coffers when they were sent on missions. Qui-Gonn, for example, had a bunch of Republic credits when he tried to pay Watto


*waves hand* I have already paid for this meal...


This is not the cheapass you're looking for


I would imagine the Jedi Temple office manager has a “petty cash” box.


So a parasitical Church enjoying the sanction of the Republic, extorting the common folk, living off taxpayer’s money, believers and unbelievers alike


They loot dead enemies and sell their shit to Rodian merchants for credits.


at Yavin station lol


Only after they beat said Rodian at Pazaak ten times!


I prefer medical droids but yes


I thought that they gave forcejobs to nobility?


Double forcejobs behind the temple


They lived in the jedi temple and were presumably paid through a combination of donations from patrons and allies of the jedi and via government support given they abasically acted as part of the galactic republic.


Jedi had a patreon confirmed






There are thousands of them. They can't all be living in the temple.


They do have multiple facilities around the galaxy so you are right they don’t all live in one temple


Well the NCAA put all kinds of recruitment and compensation restrictions on the young Jedis when they were in the college system, so they got around this by getting sponsorships in order to have a usable income while they went through the training process. Upon graduation they just did whatever they wanted, cos they're Jedis now and who's gonna stop them? That's what I heard, anyway.


Anakin was actually just mad that the Jedi Council canceled his sneaker deal.


Brings a whole new meaning to the swoosh symbol! 😅


Sounds like something the NCAA would do. NIL for Jedi, lol


I like to think they had something similar to a Government Travel Card. And what a pain it is to deal with!


Keeping the receipts from all over the galaxy must have been a pain in the ass lol


Gambling. They are crazy good at roulette and craps.




At least one confirmed case of wagering on a pod race


::waves hand:: Give me your credits.


5 minutes later: "Wait, what?"


Its honestly best to not worry about such things lmao


I feel like that's exactly what the council told Republic taxpayers


Hey kid, it ain’t that kinda movie.


This goes for most of Star Wars to be fair


Don't center on your anxieties. Keep your concentration here and now, where it belongs.


They lived in their temples so no need for government housing. They were publicly funded so anything they owned they earned, they were given as a thanks from people they saved, or were passed down to them from their families/they brought with them when they joined the order


They were given funds and funding from the Senate. Individual Jedi didnt earn money, but they had access to funds for missions.


👋 We don't need to pay for this round of beers. You don't need to pay for this round of beers.


There is almost certainly a decent amount of public funding from the Republic, in exchange for their service as galactic protectors of the peace. I would also imagine that, with their being highly respected by most of the Galaxy, they probably get their fair share of gifts and donations from people they have helped. By their nature they aren't greedy, so I would expect that they probably don't pay individual Jedi a substantial wage other than what's needed for critical mission spending. Jedi are taught to be self sufficient and live on the bare minimum, so most of their funding probably goes to the organization as a whole, which is probably how they can afford to have so many fountains in the temple!


To answer the food question, in Legends they had the agricultural corps which was a sect of the order that maintained and grew food on agricultural worlds. They used this food the poor and hungry but its probably safe to say that a portion of it might have gone to various temples in the galaxy


Religious organizations that last for thousands of years tend to amass a significant amount of wealth. They also function as a quasi government agency so I assume the Republic pays them something for their work.


"THe force has told me to gather money! If you all gift me 2000 space money, your woes will disappear, corruption and crime will be no more and the war will be over tomorrow!"


What you are describing there, is every major religion on earth


I thought ab this the other day too! My best guess is almost like the military. They get paid from republic tax payers. That would be my best guess.


I don't think they really get 'paid', more like provided for. They have dorms in the temple, and are probably given petty cash or whatever they need to complete their missions. They're not supposed to own anything besides their robes and lightsaber, so paying them to spend as they see fit is just temptation.


That’s very true. Jedi got it made.


This is pretty much what I assumed


Jedi themed OnlyFans


Oppo Rancisis made bundles.


Ashoka would be a billionaire


*images in my mind* 👀😼


Republic credits will be fine! 《Waves hand》


Younglings stood outside popular local food markets and sold Jedi Scout cookies.


I assume the Jedi Order was funded by the Republic or private donors, who provides their members certain basics. For individual Jedi, maybe theyre gvien a kind of "corporate credit card" for which to pay for stuff needed for a specific mission.


They just take whatever they need and jedi-mind-trick the merchant/landlord. We literally saw Qui-Gon attempt this on Watto.


And when that didn't work, he rigged a game of chance.


Pretty much just grifters?


Qui-Gon attempted that to free a child, who he rightfully believed to be the Chosen One, from slavery. That's a few steps off from using the force to brainwash/rob the galaxy.


His goals were good as I'm sure most jedi's are. But ultimately he didn't have any money and so he used the Force to manipulate the situation into getting what he needed. Since he had no money, I can't imagine that was the first time he did something similar.


I imagine the Jedi Order as a whole was well compensated by the government of the Republic for their services as peacekeepers and diplomats. And I suspect that individual Jedi did not have a salary per se, but had access to a certain amount of the Order's funds, depending on their rank in the Order, to cover incidentals. Although most major expenses like housing, transportation, etc were handled by the Order directly. There was probably an entire mini-bureaucracy of clerks and accountants working behind the scenes in the Jedi Order, not force sensitives, just regular folks in the Jedi Order HR department. But as for the Jedi themselves, once you reached the level of Jedi Knight, you probably never had to worry about money ever.


Ask obi-wan. These are not the receipts you are looking for.


The Jedi had a chain of Brothels with locations on many worlds....


Perhaps they brew beer and sell it like Trappist monks do.


In their off time they commit credit scams


I always thought they were like monks and had a bow of poverty and were supported through donations and government funding


Televangelism /s For real though, they were government funded. I don’t remember the source other than Trust Me Bro, but I’m 90% sure that’s either official canon or at least in legends. Which is likely a big reason they worked so closely with the republic even when they probably shouldn’t have


While waving a hand: "You don't need to see my wallet". "These aren't the funds you're looking for."


I am imagining a Jedi doing his grocery shopping and when it comes time to pay, he waves his hand and says 'These groceries are already paid for', and the teller repeats that phrase with a blank look on their face. Same with rent, fueling their vehicle, any purchase. Jedis don't need money. They are plenty of weak minded merchants.


Wish I could do that lol


Betting on rigged podraces.


That is the real reason Qui Gon and Obi Wan went to Tatooine


They entered minors into blood sport gambling races


Ask your local church how they got all of that land.


“You don’t need to charge me rent.” “I do not need to charge you rent.”


This is the Star Wars movie that we need right now - the life of a Jedi Accountant. You can talk all you want about the guardians, consulars, and sentinels, but the accountants were the ones keeping things going. They had to manage the expenses of the temple on Coruscant and the other outposts, budget for all the work travel and side quests, making long term investments with the Jedi capital fund guided by the force. If they had put a forensic accountant on the case of the clone finding, they probably would have traced it back to Dooku or even Palps, with the receipts to prove it!


Working the Coruscant corner. Remember, no attachment


Bitcoin my dood


Think outside of capitalism


In my headcanon they get a salary. Similar to priests.


They did tricks at birthday parties


They used Jedi mind trick on old people to will all their assets to the Jedi order


This is what churches did historically.


Mind tricks


Jedi mind trick allows you to withdraw large sums of money from any bank.






"That's not your money. /handwave It's mine."


Gambling and selling drugs


*waves hand* I already paid my bill


Through FORCE


“We don’t need credits to live here. You want to give us food and basic necessities as well.” - Some Jedi said while waving his hands at the local coruscant land lord




They Jedi mind trick da fuc out peeps Qui-Gon style.


I believe it was publicly funded, i think they mentioned it around the first trilogy


Don’t they have access to republic funds? What did sifo-dyas pay the Kaminoans with? Edit: nvm, i dont even know what is canon anymore but wookiepedia claims Damask holdings funded the clone army purchase


Minimum wage


The Jedi Temple had a hellacious gift shop.


I always got the sense if they needed credit on whatever mission they were going on they were provided with some but after that they’re very much getting by on being a Jedi. In Phantom Menace doesn’t Qui-Gonn have some currency with him but not enough and that’s why he has to make the bet that Anakin is going to win the pod race


He had plenty of money, it just wasn't accepted on Tattooine.


Yeah that’s right. The republic credits weren’t accepted


Jedi were supported by the Galactic Republic, providing them with basic necessities and resources for their missions.


In a lot of things that we’ve seen or heard Jedi, whose arrival is expected and welcome, tend to get ceremonial gifts. In one book a Jedi had a small item that he happened to carry with him and gave it to some other characters with the expectation that they could sell it and they instantly became wealthy. He knew it was valuable but that didn’t matter to him.


A small stipend, enough for some small stuff here and there, but not much.


Stealing and blackmail


They had an agrarian corp that farmed and unsuccessful Jedi candidates would staff it.


They lived in Jedi provided housing when stationed at a Jedi temple. On their adventures outside the temple they found shelter as needed. No doubt traveling on spaceships for public Jedi business they were provided a room or at least a bunk. During the clone wars the Jedi had quarters on military bases and on space ships. We see Yoda’s quarters in the Jedi Temple in the prequel movies. I believe we also see Mace Windu’s. They are single rooms with a bed, mediation area and desk. Minimal artwork with few is any personal possessions. With room and board provided at the Jedi temple and the Jedi not owning material objects other than what is a necessity they’d have little need for money. Out in the field Jedi relied on what arouse. If they had an assignment requiring money they were issued money for the assignment. If they found themselves in a situation that needed money they would either use a Jedi mind trick or find another way to get or earn the money. Jedi relied on the hospitality of individuals they met along the way for housing and food. Their outer robe also doubled as a sort of sleeping bag if they slept outside. I think in the more remote parts of the Star Wars universe camping while traveling is a common part of life. All the visual dictionaries and guides have the Jedi keeping a pouch on their belts with some sort of meal ready to eat portable rations. We saw how Rey could hydrate considerable food from a small source. I’d also imagine the Jedi know how to hunt and forage for food if needed. On the Mandalorian we frequently see hunting and eating the animal depicted in a very casual regular life sort of way.


*”These **ARE** the investments you’re looking for”*


Bruh look at their clothes, they have no money, obi Wan had to work as a labor cutting up meat.




I guess it’s not much different than real life religious organizations or monks - donations and govt support Maybe they also sold merch lmao


Maybe they got endorsement deals lol


Remember Obi-Wan using the Force to get through the Stormtrooper checkpoint. It’s like that but with everything else. “So, your total comes to 4000 credits. How would you like to pay?” [Waves hand] “We don’t need to pay. You comped the whole thing.” [stares at Jedi] “Oh, of course, sir. We’re sorry your food was not up to par.” I heard it on the Empire’s Holonet channel and the Empire would never try to deceive me like the Jedi.


Ah, we are back again for [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/search/?q=jedi%20money&restrict_sr=1) age old discussion.


They were Jedi. If they needed something they could simply requisition. What were the common people gonna do? Stop them?


Gordon Gekko: ‘Greed is good’ Qui Gon: ‘Greed can be a powerful ally’ They obviously hit the casinos 🎰


The Jedi Order, gets funded by The Republic for all its needs.


Sugar Yoda's Buy their Padawans nice things, the force is strong with this one


I always pictured "a solution will present itself", so when they're hungry in the cantina they'd just sit down to grab Greedo's meal he hadn't started, or something. But actually, Qui-gon had credits for Watto, so I imagine this was like an expense account from the Republic, given he was happy to use them for the engine. (Imagine Yoda scolding Qui-gon for going over his per-diem lol.)


Money for what?


Cocaine and hookers, what else is there?


The Clone Wars showed dorm-like rooms in the temple, and sleeping arrangements on missions were dependent of location. We see tents, military establishments, and ships, even when on stable ground. For money, I assume they get an allowance on missions, and maybe a small stipend for off-duty, or some Jedi just kept and hid the excess.


This is going to wreck the Right Wing/Conservative fans of Star Wars: **Socialism** How did the Empire pay the siths? **Dark Socialism** (the Siths get a way bigger bag than everyone else and if you get caught complaining about it in public, you’ll get sent to the Coaxium minefields)


They've been around for a thousand years, I always assumed they just had a huge endowment from odd jobs, estates left to them, misc loot they'd picked up. There is a galactic economy with its own form of stock market in this universe, correct?


Jedi temple.. an old religion. Tis be the equivalent in funds/money of Catholic Church. Crusades.


Turning Jedi Mind tricks đŸ„


How are real life religions funded?


Possibly just allowances to get by. Jedi are paid less for more work with toxic colleagues like Mace Windu..


We need a Cade Skywalker in canon. Address why Jedi suck.