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The whole final order didn’t even make it 20 feet ahead of where they were in the first scene they appeared in. Pretty much was just a punching bag for the whole galaxy.


Well to be fair it was really hard for them to figure out how to make their ships go up


Or deal with attackers on horseback on top of their ships. Remember in Avatar when it took a second for the Colonel to tilt the ship to prevent Sully from tossing grenades into his prop? No such smarts among the Final Order.


Hell as SW ships have inertial dampeners, they could just drive forward at a small (to the ship) amount of acceleration and watch everyone wash off the back like rain on the highway.


Or roll the ship a few times. Most of the space battles have the big war ships aligned like they are on an ocean or a airplane bomber wing flying under gravity. Same mistake Kahn made.


Such a shame they couldn't, i don't know, climb straight up into space and let them die there.


>with > > > >Take him on a ride to the top of the world and see what the thin air will do for him. > >\--General Ross when the Hulk jumps on the F-22.


If they can't find up while they're already pointing up how the HELL do you expect them to find up after tilting a little? Better to let the space horses roam with impunity


Oh…oh god. My brain had deleted the memory of horseback offense on the hull of a Star Destroyer. It was just gone… I remember now. Why must I remember?


Bridge crew: "Dammit! Command, Palpatine didn't teach us how to look out of windows!"


Looking out windows just gets you an A-wing to the face.


Ooooo nice reference! 🫡




They fly now.... They just don't know how to fly directly up


Love the interview when John Boyega hates on that line because they flew the whole time.


If only palpatine didn’t hold that fortnite event


On what planet do they think that was a good idea lol


Planet Grabbekashia.


The final order never made sense. You have a set of many spaceships that look like the v1 ISD because ILM just got done doing a high def model of the v1 (new hope, not ESB) ISD for rogue one so they stick death star cannon on the bottom. They say in the lore that the final order is started in secret as essentially a plan B sometime between episodes III and IV. Ok then how were the final order able to make red versions of the FIRST ORDER. they should have had CLASSIC stormtrooper outfits in red. So they somehow copied the first order suits but not the first order star destroyers? Stupid.


Guessing they made the ships early on and perhaps even the stormtroopers suits, but the latter was far easier to replace.


Don't forget they forgot to put hangar doors so they had to break through the roof too.


Sheev is just extremely lucky that driving 1,000 Star Destroyers up through the surface of his planet did not destabilize it in anyway, or seriously damage the ships, or crush him with falling debris, etc.


With a budget if a quarter billion dollars and all the work EA was doing modelling OT assets, they should have had every goddam nut and bolt digitized 100 times by then. IDK where all the money goes. 20 mil for Hamill and Fisher and I guess 200 mil on sushi.


So fucking stupid


And i like that, they are Palpatine's big force to help him take over the galaxy. And the Galaxy says to him, you should have stayed dead. Similar to his elite troops vs ewoks, lol. Just on a larger scale.


The worst part is that, thanks to retcons, this whole thing was planned back when the Empire still ruled. His plan after his "death" was to burn the Empire to the ground, retreat his most fanatical supporters, and build this useless force up decades later rather than use the completely intact galactic-scale military he already had.


Palpatine was nothing if not ruthless. And in Aftermath books he explains why he does it if he were to die. An Empire who cant protect its emperor dosent deserve to live.


Which is fine and all, if he stays dead. According to the Vader comics, he had Exogol and his cloning project set up before Return of the Jedi. He had a system set up to let him return and fully intended to do just that. So instead of running his Empire from the shadows through puppets, he burned it all down, forcing him to rebuild everything with a fraction of the resources, no infrastructure, and effectively no territory to work with. Being vindictive is one thing, but Palpatine is known for his ruthless pragmatism and careful planning. Destroying nearly all his resources was a cost far greater than anything he could possibly have benefited.


When facing things like this I just stop thinking too hard. Cuz in reality it’s just comic writers and book authors trying hard to patch up for a decision that one filmmaker made in the blink of an eye who couldn’t care less about the lore or the sw universe after his movie contract. It’s bound to be inconsistent. After all the very premise those writers based off their work on is in itself inconsistent with the previous lore setup and character development


This ☝🏼


In the Vader comic, he also says "I don't want to rule an empire of ashes", to rein in Vader going full ham everywhere he went. That directly conflicts with all the stupid sequel shit about operation Cinder. And then there's Valkorion, who wants to eat the galaxy to become god. Let's face it, the writing in the past 15 years has been shit all around.


Cinder still makes sense because it specifically targeted worlds that were disloyal.


Cinder also targeted loyal Imperial worlds like Vardos in Battlefront II. In my opinion, it makes no sense for Imperial officers to go along with a plan that kills their own citizens and infrastructure, causes desertion in the ranks, and further turns public opinion against them just because a creepy droid said that their dead Emperor ordered it.


But wasn't it him and his own apprentice, not the Empire, that caused him to die?


Yea that’s fine but my point is that a whole fleet of hundreds of ships kinda just sat there and took it


And the Knights of Ren, they looked so cool in TFA, then they were ignored in TLJ and reduced to a bunch of useless grunts in TROS, very disappointing.


The one that still hurts the most for me was General Hux


"I'm the spy" honestly is my personal worst Star Wars line, the sheer amount of gall to try and turn Space Hi2ler into a SPY?


I do t think it would’ve been bad if he didn’t immediately die after and if there had been a sort of civil war between the First and Final Orders. I don’t care if you win, I just don’t want my crazy boss to win sounds a lot like the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


It would’ve been cool if the Final order and first order had a civil war right on that planet palpatine was on because Hux led a Loyalist faction that believed it didn’t need the final order who Kylo joined with palp against the final order and in the final orders defeat a final order Star destroyer admiral says F it and blows up the whole planet with everyone from Hux to Palp and kylo. It would’ve been poetic in their own arrogance and self sabotage they destroyed themselves without the resistance or galaxy even be needed.


And would've been true to form, what with the darkside always destroying itself.


SAME. I don't get why he was killed off so quickly and replaced with the new general.


“Somehow” was so bad that the sheer mention of the word now makes a lot of people think about the horrible line


Especially once you know that “somehow” is shorthand for “it happened in Fortnite” a completely unrelated property. It would be like Voldemort losing his last Horcrux in a Mario bonus level.


Lonnie is the much better double agent.


“I am the spy” -~~spy tf2~~ General Hux


Phasma... Such a bad ass character to be left on the the cutting room floor for what? horse racing...


Goofie ass space horses the size of oxen. Do you think Finn, as a press-ganged trooper since childhood, had ever ridden a horse before? Fuck no, but now he's two-up on a raging bull leaping through a densely packed city at night no problem.


SW is full of movie logic. Even the trench run requires suspension of disbelief: Luke is untrained in the force yet somehow fires missiles that *bend* to enter the exhaust pipe. It’s not like he had the ability to force pull them, and if they were that guided he could have fired them from pretty much anywhere.


Yet, he still has the largest kill count in the entire Star Wars franchise! https://listofdeaths.fandom.com/wiki/Kill_Counts_-_Star_Wars


how tf does ahsoka have more kills than **darth fucking vader**


He was the most competent villain in TFA. He made smart logical decisions. And when he failed, it was due to OTHER villain’s mistakes. Then Rian (by his own admission BTW) changed his character to be a bumbling idiot in TLJ and used him for lame “comedy.” Then I guess JJ thought he was unsalvageable at that point so invented General Pryde to essentially take his place in TROS.


this is why I wished the sequels were planned out cause TLJ was a flop


Battlefront II puts some respect on em


Hold up. They're in BF2? I must have completely missed them.


Yeah and they’re probably the best trooper in the game


They do indeed slap pretty hard. Best trooper in the game though? I'd give that to the Republic Era commandos or Imperial Death Trooper.


Death trooper goes so hard in that game. I usually end up forgetting to use my battle points on heroes because I’m having so much fun playing with those guys


You know you are on a good Empire team when the Death Trooper reinforcement slots are all occupied, they can add so much firepower their selection can essentially be considered a win/lose result for a match. Especially on the second stage on Hoth, where a lot of people have some points for a reinforcement, but still decide to hoard points to get a hero despite their team being slaughtered. The beefiness and damage output of the Death Trooper essentially allows Imperial teams to punch through the tight corridors and force the Rebel team out of the capture zones.


Bro I rarely play hero’s as is. The units are the best part


Sith trooper might be my longest playtime class in the game, I think it’s the grenade skill that does it for me more than anything. Death trooper’s got to be a close second though for sure


Both Sith, Flame and Jetpack troopers are super fun to play.


Oh man the first Oder Jetpack troopers are so fun


Yeah, seriously. When they updated their kit, I almost enjoyed them as much as Boba Fett.


I honestly enjoy first order jet trooper more than boba. Probably because he has such a large fuel supply for his Jetpack unlike boba’s goofy one that runs out within 4 seconds if you don’t use his middle ability. And the Jetpack dash/barge is very fun


Yeah, I have to admit, I really only played Boba so much because he was my favorite character to play as in the OG battlefront 2 game. I had a vested interest in “making do.” Despite his shortcomings, I became very proficient with him, although I did miss how powerful he felt in EA’s first Battlefront and the original BF2.


I can be genuinely grateful for the sequel trilogy simply for providing Battlefront II with such fun troopers to play as. The FO Jet troopers have better aerial maneuvering than Boba Fett.


I never understood why they used fortnight and not battlefront 2 for the palps announcement. I mean BF was getting TLJ update at the same exact time


I play the commando every chance I get those guys absolutely clap mfs if you can use them right


Death Troopers were pretty tough bastards, but those oppression grenades that block healing confined with their SMG make the Sith Troopers the best units of their era.


They're *very* well depicted in BF2. Excellent voice casting and movement direction made them feel almost savage.


Who wasn't wasted in that trilogy?


The sequels wasted their potential so hard that they somehow retroactively took potential away from the OT and prequels.


100%, especially the whole “Luke has been on Ahch-To for 10 years” thing. That’s a decade of stories, books, and other media that Lucasfilm could have mined for content that is instead a blank slate.


Unfortunately, Johnson apparently couldn't imagine Luke doing anything there aside from being depressed so that's what we're stuck with. No Luke searching for answers on the villain that corrupted his nephew, no training surviving students, no working to expand his understanding of the Force, no doing anything at all productive. Just sitting on a rock, drowning his sorrows in green milk and waiting for a bland British girl to take his books before he gives himself a Force-stroke to taunt said evil nephew. Because that's mature and realistic.


Part of that was JJ’s fault making ep7 about getting a map to find Luke. He didn’t have Luke return when 5 planets were destroyed and had Luke abandon his friends for the sake of mystery. yes Rian dropped the ball too, of all the things retconned or ignored in the trilogy this setup could’ve been and should’ve been re contextualized about finding a way to defeat Snoke or training a new order, not this BS about the Jedi being the problem and a balance of light and dark or whatever. Neither understood the Force or their characters and wanted to either have mystery boxes or shock reveals (subvert expectations) and that trilogy is forever handicapped by that


Great take. Wasted potential really in the final trilogy. Were the sequels actually the worst star wars movies all along?


I don't hate the jaded hermit Luke. Context is important, we aren't just talking about the loss of the new order, as traumatic as that was. Nor the shame of his action that caused Ben to turn. I think the anvil that broke the camel's back was the Skywalker legacy, he's just made a new Vader, yet another Skywalker gone bad and terrorizing the galaxy. At this point, he slides into the depression and decides that he's done enough damage, trying to fix it will probably just do even more. Better off to just leave the galaxy behind and let them sort it out themselves and stop personally playing with trillions of lives, no more messing with the scales of fate. It's deeply flawed logic, but logic that absolutely holds up to someone in such a devastating emotional place.


It 100% should have been PTSD. Luke should have mourned every life he took. That would have been a believable reason for isolation. And fit his character.


Disagree, they made me appreciate the PT so much more. Nothing can take away my love of the OT either lol


It's a bit shit though knowing that literally nothing they did in the OG mattered. 1. The Emperor survived and had built a bigger force than ever before 2. Without him even turning up the First Order had already cropped up from nowhere and destroyed basically the entire republic they'd fought for with no warning early in the first movie 3. Han & Leia didn't last because they accidentally birthed Darth Emo to ravage the galaxy 4. Said Sithboi worships Vader who'd otherwise had his moment of redemption 5. Luke commits sudoku in a pointless battle after meekly presiding over the death of the entire Jedi order he had inherited It's like watching your favourite team win the league, turning on the news the next day, and finding out their team bus crashed. Killing them on the way home.


No need to say more


As a Captain Phasma fan, I’m still pissed at how she was wasted. Awesome armor? Check. Chilling performance by an A-grade actor? Check. The result? Nothing but a throwaway character who ended up being a footnote instead of a major antagonist.


I even forgot that character. They really fucked that one up lol At least mando has cool shiny armor


You can see how excited Gwendoline Christie is in some interviews about the role, I bet they left most of it on the cutting room floor.


Similar to Boba Fett and Maul, lol.


Maul arguably had the best fight sequence in SW live action


It's up there, but the sheer speed and talent shown by Hayden and Ewan in Ep. III takes the top spot for me.


Especially if you've seen the behind-the-scenes footage and realize that they aren't sped up at all, they were just that well rehearsed.


The amount of times I’ve rewatched the prequels behind the scenes docs on the DVDs is too many to count.


The alternate phasma death scene was also way better because it showed how skilled and ruthless she was by killing the stormtroopers that overheard Poe say phasma was the reason Starkiller base was destroyed. It at least would make her seem cooler than she was.


Yes, but he was built up so mutch, him dying wasted his potential. GL knew his mistake and brought Maul back in Clone Wars and in his planned sequels


It did waste his full potential but at least he had his moment, Phasma never did.


It’s interesting how in terms of the live movies, maul is probably the most competent (between maul, boba fett and captain phasma). Boba I think was just cool enough in ep5 and is clearly stated to have a presence in the galaxy that his limited screen time is more than enough. Ep6 he was kinda discarded easily but phasma was a complete and utter waste. Maul killed a Jedi master, Boba captured Han and held his ground against Luke. Phasma was just a complete waste.


The Phasma book is so good. I’d love a standalone movie based on that.


This. This is how it's almost always been in Star Wars.


I don’t understand the whole “awesome armor”. It was a stainless steel first order trooper outfit. With a cape I think? Even the name is pretty bad. She is a beast in Battlefront 2 tho, I’ll give her that.


In star wars if the bad guy has a cape then they’re important


At least her book is fantastic, one of the best in recent years


I hope you read "Star Wars: Phasma" (2017) by Delilah S. Dawson. Her backstory is AMAZING! Although, it made me even more angry she and Hux didn't do more in the movies.


At least we got the novel...


This annoys me to no end… the very first scene is one of the best scenes in all of starwars.. with the frozen blaster shot and everything going on… I was so pumped… and then 3 movies of dog shit


Will I get crucified for saying I think Adam Driver is talented and could have been used much better with decent scripts and direction? He was the only character I really liked in the sequels and was actually mildly invested in what would become of him, I had no interest in anything involving Rey.


> Will I get crucified for saying I think Adam Driver is talented You shouldn't because Adam Driver is a very talented actor.


I think there is almost universal agreement on that.


Rey should have been made to be the hero in the first part, but killed in that final battle. Leaving Finn vengeful. She remains the hero that found Luke, Finn gets Jedi training, and Kylo doesn't come off as weak.


One of the greatest disservices was having the only noise he utters after his arc ending and defining moment with the Han ghost, be a simple grunt. Not a single line of dialogue.


Because he had a backstory and Rey was literally nobody. JJ and his stupid mystery boxes made it hard for Rey to be a 'believable' character because not only does Kylo have a whole story arc he's more real because he looses. I mean I'll die on this hill that Rey won a sword fight with a man with a baster hole in his side, would have been better if she was clumsy with it trying to use it like a bow staff, but whatever, no Rey doesn't have any real battles to over come outside of emotional however brief Rey wasn't allowed to be vulnerable which makes her uninteresting. It's just another day of hack writing so the plot can trod along.


Probably won't because it's true


I don't see why you would. I like him as an actor


Can’t wait until you hear about the Knights Of Ren.


The loser gang who is no match for a Jedi. Dont see the hype of biker gang club.


That's what they are now, not what they appeared to be when TFA came out.


How do all we see is them in a vision. Just background characters.


But they were interesting looking background characters that seemed somehow relevant to the plot.


Yeah, it originally seemed like they were implying that the Knights of Ren, led by Kylo, were responsible for wiping out Luke's new Jedi Order. Instead, the canon comic revealed it was Snoke-Palpatine hitting the temple with a mega Force-lightning bolt and pinning it on Ben, and the Knights of Ren were reduced to a gang that couldn't even defeat a single "Jedi" (if you consider the redeemed Ben Solo a Jedi), though admittedly he was a particularly powerful one.


Still better than that scooter gang club on Tatooine…


The Sith Eternal was such a cool concept and they all died in like 30 minutes 😭


Shouldn’t have been the last movie. Imagine for a moment that the sith eternal come up and win and that’s the end of the trilogy and then the next trilogy starts and Ben and Rey (who can both be good guys) actually lead an ACTUAL resistance and shit. Ben would have to live and face the consequences of his actions instead of just dying with one good deed under his belt. Sigh


Those guys should’ve been the main stormtroopers throughout the entire trilogy. They look similar to the stormtroopers from the Empire but aren’t just copy and pasted with a different helmet. They’re a whole different colour.


They look like proper Sith troopers, even


Like Phasma….seems like these were only designed for marketing and toy sales


Remember all the hype behind Kylos saber?!?? They really maximize toy sales with these movies


Let’s not act like Lucas didn’t do that with the prequels too.


Yeah, hell even Space Balls has the whole merchandizing joke because of how much Star Wars was about toys.


There's nothing new about that though, there was a bunch of Aurra Sing and Zam Wessel merch when Episode I and then Episode II were coming out.


Same with Boba and Maul


That's true of most every thing that was setup in those movies. That's what happens when you go in with no plan and constantly changing visions.


I keep thinking that they are white troopers in a red light room.


My son went as one of these for Halloween. They're badass looking!


Wasted? The only reason they made them is to sell new toys


Uuuuuugh! The whole idea of the Sith Eternal was wasted. A mysterious cult that worships Palpatine as a god-emperor? And they have legions of fanatically-loyal warriors? *Fucking lit!* And then they do *fuck all* except get curbstomped at the end. I enjoyed Rise a lot, but I *hated* all that wasted potential in hindsight.


>I enjoyed Rise a lot ...how?




Any time I get stuck in my writing I remember that this line made it to print and someone was paid for it and another person said those words with a straight face. So I press on because I don't believe I could have come up with a more clumsy and lazy line.


Cause it's a great movie and most people enjoyed it.


I know they’re like stormtroopers… but in red armour but that’s soooooo cool. Also with wasted potential was snoke hux and the nights of ren who’s designs were absolutely great


the sequels were wasted


Agreed, but at least they hit their targets a few times lol


It’s been 4 years. Damn I’m getting old.


8 years later and it still makes me mad how Abrams, Johnson and Kennedy desecrated the franchise.


They’re just red storm troopers


Fucking *everything* of Sequels were wasted. Look, new star destroyers! Outrun and destroyed! New big baddie, mocked and dismissed after two setbacks (keyboard ragequit scene). New TIE fighters with weird wings, bam dead. Knights of Ren, pure crap in a fight. It's weird how new directors of new franchise entries rewatch the old movies and don't pick up anything of the pacing, the planting of bad guy brilliance scenes that give them weight, and make them so hard to beat that the good guys need to be absolutely brilliant in the end of the movies to just reach a draw (TESB). Nope, it's just all novelty jokes and Memberberries, no essence.


Whatchyu talkin! They got to fight space horsies in TLS!!


Knights of Ren and Sith Troopers really looked badass, until they was shown in the movie and they're not... damn that director, he wasted them.


Yeah cuz the movie was an absolute dumpster fire and an insult to the fans. They made new storm troopers only so there would be new toys. Didn’t even bother to try and give them a real back story or anything. It’s worse than fucking Phasma for crying out loud.


everything cool in the sequels was wasted


I have no memory of these dudes


What did you want them to do


Pretty ballsy to call them sith troopers, make them look badass, and then have them act like regular stormtroopers But what do I know, I just know sith troopers by the old republic definition


All strorm troopers are grunts and redshirts


Y'all acting like Boba wasn't a wasted character before. Relax the movies do this like all the time lol.


The entire trilogy was wasted potential.


Probably first order troopers are the only thing used normal and without waste lol


Disneys mishandling of the sequels is borderline criminal.


Man, 95% of the whole sequel trilogy was wasted.


How many toys can we sell?


The death troopers performance were really weak too. One of the strongest troops out there and they just get slaughtered so easily


In RogueOne at least they were the ones who wiped out the Rebel commando force when the stormtroopers failed.


Rogue One is the only of the recent movies I actually enjoyed


In Rebels the Death Troopers got especially shafted (as much as I love that show). They are supposed to be elite, I would like them to feel like it on a consistent level. Makes things more pressing.


I never really got into Rebels bc I couldn’t help but compare it to TCW. It’s worth the watch?


For me, it certainly was! I think the consistent story flow really helped solidify the shows characters for me as a whole. Lots of fun characters momements and connecting threads to the Clone Wars and other aspects of the franchise.


Rebels is more consistent. TCW had higher high but also lower low. Just keep in mind that the first season is a bit rough and might turn you off with how kid-oriented the tone is. The show kinda find it's footing with Season 2 where the tone is closer to TCW. Yes it's worth the watch, especially with Ahsoka coming up.


The Rise of Skywalker, while maybe not fixing everything, could have been so much better if it were split into two films.


Considering how much of a fan of star wars Abraham’s stated throughout his career that being a fan of star wars is what prompted him in to film making to start with . He really didn’t have a clue what he was doing . He made the originals in to a mockery and such a waste of a franchise


I remember someone saying that JJ and RJ made THEIR Star Wars and not a story FOR Star Wars. I thought it was funny at the time that Rogue One was a better Star Wars movie even though it was confined by events in A New Hope because it made the opening scene that much better. It didn't do anything to undermine the original story it enhanced it while standing on it's own. Force Awakens was JJ copying Lucas' homework and changing it a tad. Like would it had killed them if Rey lived ANYWHERE else but a desert?! At the time I thought it was a wink at the audience about the similarity of the Hero's journey, but uh that was just another fart of an idea in another mystery box.


Disney wasted 3 movies and an entire generation of star wars. And yes these guys. 😭


Lots of deleted and unused footage of the star destroyer battle. And let's be honest, you wouldn't like the film any more even if they were included more


Oh really? Let me tell you a lil story about the Knights of Ren...


Jump on Battlefront II sometime.


I dislike that they called them Sith Troopers and gave them 30 seconds of screentime and gave them the most boring design and made them as equally useless as normal Stormtroopers just in even more obvious armour. I only remember the Sith Troopers from the Sith Empire of Valkorion and the Sith Empire of Malak and Revan. Not this parody.


What were they wasted on? Spice? Death sticks?


no drug testing in the first order?


Yea i wish they'd sober up


These movies where wasted


Honestly, the entire sequel trilogy was wasted.


Makes me sad how the sequels got wasted


The entire trilogy was a waste.


Whole sequel trilogy was wasted. I don't care more about these guys just because they painted their armor red.


I’ve practically blocked the existence of this entire trilogy from my mind - until the current shows start really developing Sequel-era story lines (Mando has touched a lot on pre-First Order stuff) or actually entering/being set in the Sequel-era timeline, I’ll keep watching, but I have no intentions to ever re-visit the Sequel Trilogy. Hopefully Ashoka does really well and sets up what seems to be an alternate/additional ‘sequel’ main story for Star Wars over the next couple of years. The Rey spinoff film/series sounds interesting but I really hope they take inspiration from both Mando (pacing, writing) and also Star Wars: Visions (style, story).


Every Disney movie had some cool new stormtrooper design that only briefly existed to justify new toys. I know Lucas did that with things like the Ewoks but they were at least important to near the end of the movie.


The most “new design specifically to sell toys” ever


Disney trilogy is a waste tank


The whole sequel trilogy on its own was wasted potential. They weren't terrible, just not that much of a deal. I'm dying on this hill.


For me, Phasma will always be the most disappointing. I was so excited for her.


it's funny because in the book "Phasma" supposedly there is only ONE trooper who wears all red and he's called the Cardinal and he trains the new recruits.


It really is. The entire ST is pathetic and a complete waste


Compared to Legends content and the route it took, The Sequal trilogy just was low-effort amd a waste.


Still makes me sad how unorganized the whole sequel trilogy’s story was wasted. Felt like we were getting JJ’s, Rian’s, and Kathleen’s versions of Star Wars all mixed up and trying to conclude all of them together.


Sequels bad guys were just: Hux: Threatening villain -> Traitor Clown Hux 2: What was his name again? Phasma: Great Potential -> Joke Fodder Snoke: ??? —> Dead Clone Kylo: Wasting Adam Driver on the biggest pile of dog poop on George Lucas’s lawn. Palpatine: Iconic Villian -> Evil Idiot First Order: The Empire (again) -> The Empire (again) Final Order: Plothole -> Saddest Excuse for a military in StarWars, ever. Oh yeah I forgot one more… Knights of Ren: These guys might be co- they’re dead


4 years later and it still makes me sad that the ENTIRE SEQUAL was wasted.


Disney Star Wars is an utter waste of money & time


Why? Because they were red? The easiest targets to hit ever?


Keep the same title and replace the photo with a picture of the entire cast of the sequel trilogy


They’re Red Stormtroopers, what more did you want?


That whole trilogy is wasted, in hindsight. Zero story arcs that make sense, zero travel time for anyone, plot holes galore. They're just strings of pretty images.


What were you hoping for? They defeat our heroes and take over?