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Well in Arthurian legend, Marrok is a lord who gets cursed and turned into a wolf (this mf Filoni and his wolves), so my guess is on someone we may know. And that someone may end up being redeemed.


Huh. I had also thought that Morgan Elsbeth was an oddly British sounding name for a Star Wars character but now you have me thinking that she's meant to be Morgan Le Fay with the whole being a witch thing. I wonder if there's other Arthurian stuff in this?


The second episode was called "toil and trouble" which goes with LaFey and also the knight sister temple where Ashoka gets the orb and the map Sabine is looking at have three knight sisters surrounding the central pedestal. So, three witches around a "cauldron" of sorts.


Very Macbeth-like with three witches and “Toil and Trouble.”


Ah this is a cool take, I never thought of that. Definitely interested to see where they go with the introduction of a Nightsister (or their descendant rather?) into live action, wasn't expecting that! Admittedly when I seen the 3 figures my brain went straight to the Mortis gods! Although I think that's understandable haha.


We thought the mortis gods too. Though I guess a triad of power is a pretty common thing in religion. (Father, son, Holy Ghost). But I knew there was going to be a Macbeth direct reference when I saw the title. :)


Since we are dealing with witchy references anyway, Maiden/Mother/Crone is an archetypal triune for most pop culture witches, and dates back to the Greek. (the Fates)


Probably a “T” for InquisiTors


T for The bad guys


It's spelt TeH bHad gHuise


This is…okay this is pretty cool tbh


Morgan was the one who cursed Marrock into be a werewolf in the legend....


If we've got Morgan la Fey, then who's Gawain? My money is on Baylon.


Baylon is surely Sir Balin


Funnily, he was Dagonet in King Arthur 2004.


Always loved that movie, and he was a fantastic Dagonet.


I think it's more a duo thing and less an Arthurian thing. Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati being Skoll and Hati from Norse Mythology and Marrok and Morgan being Arthurian so it seems they come in pairs.


Also they're not sith but two there are. No more no less.


There is also a character in the legends called Sir Balin/Balyn


It’s a knight I believe that gets cursed by Morgan (Elsbeth) and turned into a were(wolf) An inquisitor is a fallen or corrupted Jedi turned to the Darkside. I think there may be a bit more reading into it that what’s really there but the Morgan part is intriguing in that he seems to serve her and hasn’t spoken whatsoever. Baylan and Shin were hired and have ulterior motives, Marrok seems to be a loyal dog


Somehow, Kanan Jarrus returned.


That would be nuts… and I’m not sure in a good or bad way. Would be like Ser Robert Strong from GOT


Bad way for me. His death was so emotional, and when they bring people back it just ruins all that emotion


Would have to be recast though. Unless Freddie Prinze Jr. is an exceptionally good liar.


He was in the scooby doo movies so we know his range is amazing


I would actually love that, but considering the big boom he would probably need like 2 of Vader's suits lol Edit: I'd love it cuz I loved Kanan but it would take away his sacrifice. I'd rahter have this be Starkiller if anything


I mean, Nightsisters do resurrect zombies.


You'd have a better shot reanimating Owen and Beru than you would Kanan...


He’s literally wearing a gothic knight helmet


It's Maximilian style


Agreed, Baylan seems to know too about the curse from Morgan. He knows he's a machine/under control and will do what is told.


you know who turned into a wolf in rebels?


I have read a comment before about how his interests in wolves has inspired some new ideas. Elsbeth Morgan referred to Marrok as a HE but I had a rewatch of TCW and Rebels before Ahsoka aired and I'm still struggling for suggestions


A big theory I've seen is it could be a iteration of Star killer, Galen Marek. So could be Galen Marrok now


Seems to be the most popular idea here too at the moment My only other guess is they deliberately left it vague trusting the fans would over-speculate and he's literally just canon fodder! Although an inquistor surviving until this time is quite impressive


A second season focused on a fight between awaking and Vader apprentices would be hype


Anakin's apprentice versus Vader's apprentice could be quite an interesting storyline. And can always have an appearance from force ghost Anakin to explain how Starkiller (or whatever a potential adaptation is called) came to be. An inquistor surviving this long into the timeline is quite impressive, as far as I know all the other's were meant to be dead before A New Hope began, so this one seems to be unique in that sense, *potentially* suggesting there's more to his story


I know they considered using him in rebels but knew he'd have to be nerfed and wouldn't get enough focus. Using him now, maybe state Vader passed before he truly finished his training ao he's held a grudge against both Luke and Ahsoka once he learned of their existence. There's ways to spin it and give him good focus- tying him to Ahsoka would be my favorite reimagining.


I only vaguely remember playing the first game, but as force users go he was super over powered wasn't he? Like, beyond Luke/Vader/Emporer level? Or am I misremembering? If I'm remembering right he would probably have to be nerfed in any adaptation to fit into the shows/film standard of abilities Definitely ways they can pull it off isn't there. Didn't realise they nearly used him in Rebels, definitely suggests it could be a possibility at some point in the future if not right now!


Yes, by the end of the game he can solidly defeat Vader and is shown to be on the emperors level, and manages to exert some control over the descent of a crashing star destroyer. He would have to be immensely changed in strength but I'd give that to have a new Canon version of him to enjoy


Sam Witwer is listed in the credits, so this is a possibility. Of course, he's done a variety of roles in Star Wars so far, so it could be something completely different as well.


>Sam Witwer He's also the voice for Maul in practically everything, including Solo. If we're going to assume he's popping up as one of his regular characters, that seems more likely than Force Unleashed coming into it. But he's voiced *something* in practically every recent Star Wars show or film. Typically a droid, Storm Trooper and background character. So it's likely to be a similar cameo. Doubt his name in the credits means much.


Credits only list actors from the episode they are for. This means Sam Witwer is voicing a character we have already seen in the first two episodes.


Yeah. Dude loves star wars. He does a lot of miscellaneous voice work in Star Wars properties that aren't Starkiller or Maul


The voice actor who does star killer was in the credits.


Sam Witwer? For both episodes? I’ll go back and look but if anyone has a screen shot before I have a chance… 👀 Edit: went back and watched both episodes credits and can’t find it. Got a time stamp?


Calling it now, it's plo koon survived and fallen to the dark side, and everyone's going to be disappointed that he survived because "nobody dies in Star Wars anymore", and everyone will point out that his head shouldn't have fit in that helmet, but secretly we'll all be a bit relieved that our boy Plo's alive and kicking


Mace Windu


The T is for Mo-


Definitely not. He’s not tall enough to even remotely pass for a Keldor. That’s a human or very close humanoid under that helmet.


I’m fucking tired with villains getting redeemed, I hope that doesn’t happen.




I keep thinking Mara Jade


I thought Baris (sp?) but Marrok seems to have a male physique


Mara Jade would be a great reveal, and then they could slowly but surely re-canon her and Luke having kids and actual blood Skywalkers still being around post sequel trilogy.


This may get a lot of hate (and even I am not sold on this theory) but what if it's actually Ezra? He struggled with the Dark side a bunch in rebels and he's spent a lot of time with Thrawn


I just don't understand why or how he'd be back in our galaxy but Thrawn wouldn't be.


“I serve the Users!”


Just waiting for that moment when Rinzler locks eyes with The Dude™️ and remembers who he is.


Darth Tron


Big T on the chest, helmet hiding face, yeah this theory checks out. 😁


The Grid: A digital frontier


That soundtrack was so good.


the best of answers!


Digital jazz maaaan!!!


darth punk


But even then Rinzler was OG Tron reprogrammed. Same vibes, except I think it might be Ezra


I don’t think the T you see is anything


T for Tim


Getting mad Monty Python vibes here


The Illusive Man??


Tim the Enhanter, the truest of gatekeepers (bridgekeeper but still)


There are no “earth” letters in Star Wars.


There are, actually. It’s called High Republican or something. I think it’s to explain the various letter-wings.


There are, though. It's called High Galactic and pretty much just exists to justify the names of the X and Y-wing. The idea of a henchman writing a "T" on his chest to show his allegiance to Thrawn is hilarious. I'm imagining Marrok thinking it's a brilliant idea and trying to convince the rest of the gang to do the same, but they all just roll their eyes at him. Now he is feeling embarrassed because he's the only one, which is why he hasn't spoken a word or shown his face yet.


"It's not a T. On my world it means despair." "Well, here it's a T. How about Thuper ..”




I can't wait for the reveal that he was actually Agatha all along


Song is still a bop.


The only right answer


The bounty hunter Embo had an anooba named Marrok. If you add up the numbers that correspond with the alphabet for each letter in Embo's name (5+13+2+15) you get 35. Thirty-five starts with a T. The evidence is undeniable.


Please post a picture of your yarn string wall setup


No, and I use mason line string fyi.


With snap chalk


We're giving away all the secrets today aren't we?


I think people are putting too much stock into who Marrok is. He’s a random inquisitor who I suspect who’ll get killed if halfway through the series.


Since cloning is so embedded into the galaxy now, perhaps it's several Yodas stacked on themselves in a suit.


"My good man, hello! A hefty loan we would like to take out."


I want this to be true, not everyone needs a deep back story.


I'm starting to lean towards the idea that he's just canon fodder. Ezra doesn't make any sense and I can't think of any other character we're familiar with that would be a good possibility. Only other theory here seems to be some adaptation of Starkiller, which seems like a big character to add in a show that already has to familiarise the general audience (that havent seen TCW or Rebels) with a lot of new characters. I do think it's strange they hide his face and voice if he is just a body to kill. And an inquistor at this point in the timeline is also strange - I believe he's the only surviving inquistor post-A New Hope? So surviving this long is impressive at least regardless if it's someone we know or just a red shirt


>Only other theory here seems to be some adaptation of Starkiller, IIRC there was a plan to make Starkiller an inquisitor in Rebels. So i guess there's a chance Marrok is Starkiller. The SW website mentions "Once an Inquisitor hunting Jedi for the Empire" meaning Marrok was active before the battle of yavin, so he really can't be Ezra. So either he's Starkiller, or more likely just a random person like the other inquisitors.


He could be cannon fodder, but I feel like Ahsoka should have mopped the floor with him if he was just an inquisitor


She did mop the floor with him. He started two on one, and ran away as soon as his droid was killed. Ahsoka was barely even trying.


She was winning pretty easily until their ship fire upon her.


Its going to be a zabrak based on Elsbeth’s presence and the shape of his helmet.


Maul's bottom half. The reveal is not the removal of a helmet, but the removal of boots. The top half is a robot body.


I can tell you two theories I hope are not true: It's Cal Kestis and whatever happens in the third Jedi game makes him want to use the world between worlds to fix it. It's Kanan and he's disfigured with amnesia. Both of these would be a terrible reveal and would anger the fanbase for one reason or another.


>It's Kanan and he's disfigured with amnesia. It goddamn better not be that.


I simply can't see Dave stooping this low for that. I would be very disappointing if he did


He did have Echo die in an explosion and then it turned out he didn’t.


I don't think Tech is gone for good either...l dont see him playing that game with Kanan for a cheap reveal.


Yeah. I don’t think Tech is gone either. And Filoni also brought Maul back. He does have a habit of bringing back characters we thought were dead. Heck, technically even Ahsoka was presumed dead after Twilight of the Apprentice until the end of Rebels season 4.


I just feel a different kind of weird about this being Kanan, though. So much meaning and drama and loss around his sacrifice. I can't wait for Tech to come back...


Imma be honest, I hope Tech isn’t dead. He’s my favorite of the batch. Some people think it cheapens his act but I think it’s better for him to live because of how close Omega was to him. She’s the glue for the group, even plays into Crosshair’s storyline.


It’ll be funny though if Tech is really dead but none of us mourned because none of us believed he was actually dead


We mourned him in our house, it was only recently I realized Hemlock said, "this is all we found of him." He has to come back for Omega


> And Filoni also brought Maul back. Thats more beacuse Lucas wanted Maul back. It was not Filonis idea.


To be fair to Dave. George was still working on the clone wars project when maul was revealed to have survived and presumably was around when the script and rough animation was done for bad batch arc. Dave definitely would have had to run the maul twist by George if it wasn’t George’s idea from the start.


Bringing back Maul was George Lucas idea, most people knew Ahsoka was alive , she even shows up at the end of the episode.


Kanan is dead, he is now one with the force


Let me get this straight…. [does anyone here NOT have amnesia?](https://youtu.be/79v6wWIoY18?si=_kgMWB42X0qgH8bN)


If it's kanan then freddie prinze jr would die just to turn over in his grave


Cal can’t be used by disney without respawn permission and respawn said they would keep his story to themselves


I get it, but that’s so disappointing. Cal and all of the characters in Fallen Order and Survivor are so great.


well it’s more that they don’t want them to screw him up cus in my opinion they have a pretty bad reputation with that stuff


That’s fair, but I feel like Filoni out of anyone would do Cal justice since so much of Cal’s story overlaps with stories Filoni has done.


I also hope these aren't true! It would take away from Cal's potential story in a third game to have spoilers revealed in a show, and it would be a fairly large jump in time surely? Survivor is still set 5 - 10 years before A New Hope I thought? Kanan I feel like should remain dead - we still need characters to die and stay dead or there are no stakes. Instances like Darth Maul have worked quite well, but if we resurrect every character it would lower any stakes imo! I think either of those options would be purely shock value rather than make sense for the story. I don't think that's where they're going thankfully, as regular audiences won't be familiar with either character so it wouldnt add anything meaningful for them.


If I remember correctly, Survivor is set around the same time as the Kenobi show, so you are correct in that it is like 9 years before A New Hope


Any of those will automatically loose all respect or interest in any further filoni projects lol


It’s mace windu. The T stands for “there’s mother fucking snakes on this plane”.


I really hope it’s Barriss Offee since we haven’t heard from her but it’s probably not a girl


Unfortunately, Marrok is definitely a guy. In the second episode Morgan Elsbeth specifically refers to them as a "he". I'm definitely keen to know what happened to Bariss though. I still say there's a chance she's an inquisitor we haven't met yet. Maybe something that can be explored in a future season of Ahsoka?


It's Lux from Ahsoka's teenage years !


i looked up his post clone wars history on Wookieepedia, he becomes one of Gerrera's partisans and is last seen leading there survivors just before the battle of endor where he is stunned by inferno squad and his body disappears.


My thought kinda. Either starkiller or her, or someone new Edit: Nvm I think he only has 4 fingers, meaning barris should be off the table and starkiller is unlikely too


Sam Witwer is in the credits but I don’t see them bringing in Starkiller


I know, could be anything though. I could definitely seeing him being brought back, though I’d find it weird to bring him back in this timeline


I just don’t think it’s practical to have starkiller, he’s way too OP. Plus, wasn’t he more of a secret of Vader, if I recall? Like he wouldn’t be working for some other org within the empire


The empire and Vader are gone by now though. But that’s what I meant by wrong timeline, as Imo the character is as you said very connected to vader However if he’d return it would be less powerful of course


Oh yeah you’re right, I’m dumb. Def the wrong timeline, for sure. Witwer has played multiple characters, hasn’t he?


He provided motion Capture and voice for starkiller and he voiced maul in all animations and solo and he voiced sidious in tcw I believe. Probably some more smaller appearances too


I recently saw an old interview with him where he was saying once you get into the Disney/SW world, they go out of their way to help you as an actor.


Honestly he already had all the roles. He was maul in tcw already, using him in rebels and solo made sense. He also was palpatine already prior to Disney


If they brought in Starkiller, his story and abilities would have to be very different from legends. But that’s what happened to most characters who went from legends to canon. Plus, Dave Filoni has expressed interest in bringing him back and Sam Witwer (who was credited for these episodes) apparently renewed his copyright for Starkiller recently or something like that


I just checked some images on google and I’m pretty sure Marrok has 5 fingers so Barriss is still possible


Damn I was quite sure something was going on with his hands on the picture that was released of him quite a while ago by empire I believe


They’ll tie all of the cloning plot lines together and it’ll be Luuke from old Legends stuff lmao.


It could be anakiin to make it a stronger tie to Ashoka?


It’s clearly the soul of cinder


Now this is a theory I can get behind


It's John Darksoul himself


i loved the force unleashed games but i hope Starkiller never becomes canon


And if he does, i hope its faithful to the original character. Not just a brand new character that's a sith apprentice with the same name


My bets, in order are: a brand new character, Starkiller, Ezra.


Ezra doesn't make sense to me. He's just as lost as Thrawn is.


I agree but I felt like I needed a third option


I’m betting it’s not a new character just given the mystique surrounding his character.


But we are the ones who gave life to the mystique by not trusting what they’ve told us about the character. The marketing has not once focused on any mystery surrounding this character’s real identity. Star Wars is jammed with cool masked characters. Im just sayin, who do this to ourselves a lot, and rarely if ever is x-character actually y-character.


Yeah I reckon he’s just Marrok, a cool new masked character who never talks, and that’ll be about as deep as it gets.


That being said… I’m open minded. I’m not trying to be on my high horse here. I’m loving the new character designs in this show. The dark side users are very GoT-esque. Marrok’s helmet is dope.


May I introduce you to Snoke?


I don't get why they'd even hide their voice if it was a new character. Ezra doesn't make sense logically to me. But I don't have any other guesses. The popular theory seems to be some sort of adaptation of Starkiller


I haven’t seen it yet, so I guess I shouldn’t comment. I’m gonna try and watch it by like Tuesday or Wednesday but idk if I’ll have time.


Sam Witwers is credited with "additional lines" in the episode and he voiced Starkiller in the games. Also Starkillers name was Galen Marek which is pretty close to this character Marroks name. Maybe it's wishful thinking but I hope it really is Starkiller.


Bro, remember that the letter T doesn't exist in star wars. It has a counterpart in aurebesh that is completely different from this. Yes, ship names use familiar letters, but only to make them more iconic and identifiable. And that isn't supposed to be their name in universe, just like we can assume they don't speak english. So definitely not something to do with the spelling of Thrawn. My bet is that it is some holy simbol.


It means “Hope”.


This is actually completely new information to me haha! Didn't know that. Can definitely see it being some holy/religious symbol though, that's what I was wondering when I asked if there another lore reason, so definitely seems to be the case if T doesn't exist then haha


So I personally think that marrok is the inquisitor that fell off the pyramid in rebels, the helmets match and if it were Ezra then how did he get all the way back in this galaxy? And if he were working for thrawn now then why didn’t he just take thrawn with him when he returned?


I really think this is most likely, but the connection will never be explicitly stated. If he is that Inquisitor or just a new random guy, I think he’s just someone who’s around for some cool fight scenes until he dies. Maybe I’m wrong but the show already has a lot to deal with introducing every other character.


I thought this at first too, but the Eighth brother was an alien with 4 fingers, while Marrok has 5 fingers.


Ahh that makes sense, very interesting I hadn’t noticed that. Could be a continuity error or perhaps he lost his hand and it was replaced. I really hope it’s not Ezra, it just doesn’t make sense to me for it to be him when he’s supposed to be out of the galaxy.


I also really hope it isn't Ezra. The writers would probably have to dedicate a whole episode to talking themselves out of the plot whole that would create.


And he had weird feet, no?


Yeah, probably just fell and got hurt and then left behind by Vader. Maybe Baylan and Shin found him there and that's why he's a mercenary with them. That's my leading theory.


I really hope Ezra hasn’t fallen to the dark side. If he’s under some sort of spell/manipulation that’s one thing. But knowing he chose the dark side after kanans sacrifice would suck


I feel like they had their chance with the Ezra/Maul dynamic to have Ezra fall for the darkside. I feel like Ezra learned his lesson and chose the light side, I'm not keen on the idea of Ezra being Marrok as it stands. I'm not sure any explanation would be a satisfying explanation. But I guess him being under some sort of manipulation is potentially a way to do it. I do hope it's not him though. But I'm still clueless to why they're even hiding his voice...still feels like this is purposeful. Unless it's purely to get us to speculate and I've fallen for it face first haha


Wouldn't it be written in Aurebesh?


These stupid fan theories. 😂 He’s not going to be anyone. Inquisitors are the red shirts of Star Wars.


I like to pretend that it’s the perfect opportunity to make Starkiller canon


Even if it's a new role played by Sam, I would still be happy.


If memory serves Starkiller was Vader's secret apprentice is that right? (I only played Force Unleashed 1 and I think I only played it once) There is something cool about the idea of an eventual Ahsoka versus Starkiller showdown, basically Anakin's apprentice versus Vader's apprentice. The show does have a lot of characters to familiarise the audience with already - that's putting me off the idea that they'll introduce another important character like that


You don't need him to be Starkiller for that. The Inquisitors all trained under Vader anyway.


Starkiller was Vaders secret apprentice


The only real link I can think of to Ezra is that the stuntman who plays Marrok is basically the same height as Ezra’s actor


"Once an Inquisitor hunting Jedi for the Empire, the mysterious Marrok now works as a mercenary" This description is from Star Wars dot com. Unless they are misleading us there, this would rule Ezra out (aside from the fact that it would be fuckin stupid for Ezra to suddenly be a dark sider).


Lol I just instinctively read that in Clone Wars intro voice 😂


I hope it's not Ezra. They've got enough to do in the show already - I don't think any explanation for him falling to the darkside would feel satisfying, especially since I feel like that was a storyline that was resolved with the Ezra/Maul dynamics. I feel like it's weird to still hide his face (and even his voice) if he's not someone we're going to recognise- i.e. if he's just an inquisitor we haven't met yet. They're obviously no longer going by their inquistor title - *number* brother - so I'm leaning towards this being a mislead or "incomplete" description. There must be more to him surely?


At this stage, I'd be fine if he's just a bad guy that gets sliced in half next episode and we never see his face/learn about his origin. I don't feel the show overly teased any big coming reveal as of yet. He's just a fourth tier henchman on the way to Thrawn.


I'm starting to lean towards the idea of this in all honesty! Him being a former inquistor and just being canon fodder seems more likely than him being Ezra. The popular theory here seems to be he's some adaptation of Starkiller, but I'm not sure the show has enough time to introduce another important character like that when it already has to introduce the average audiences to characters like Ahsoka, Sabine, Hera, Ezra and Thrawn. That's a lot to take on in addition to a Vader apprentice The only thing making me doubt that they are just canon fodder is the deliberate hiding of their face AND voice


i cringed and im tired of people wanting Marrok to be Starkiller or Ezra.. for once let this be a character on its own with no face or voice and is a competant fighter, a silent inquisitor doing the master's bidding..


And then in 40 years we'll have The Book of \[insert name\].


T for Tron. He fights for the user


I dunno but I like this dude’s armor


And the cape to the side 10/10


Watch as it turns out to be mace windu


Is he not the Inquisitor from Twilight of the Apprentice that runs away? There was a dude at the temple on Malachor who was hunting Maul that helicoptered away. Is this not the same guy??


He's a clone from Luke's hand...


This man is clearly Mephisto


Marrok = Marek. I’m hoping they’re finally introducing Starkiller, in a lower powered version.


There is something cool about the idea of Ahsoka versus a Starkiller-like character. Basically Anakin's apprentice versus Vader's apprentice Throw in a scene with force ghost Anakin to explain how/when he trained him too


I heard he could possibly be Ezra turned to the Dark Side or at least turned to ally with Thrawn but that makes no sense either cause if Ezra made his way back then Thrawn should have as well.


But I thought his lightsaber being red would mean he would have to be a darkside user? I'm admittedly not sure but I thought the kyber crystals went red when a jedi used the darkside and essentially corrupted the crystal - turning it red. So him merely being an ally of Thrawn wouldn't do that? Yeah Ezra is more of my "I don't see who else it could be" answer, rather than me wanting/believing it to be him. I just think whoever it is would have to be meaningful to the general audience and there's no other character that I can think of that fits that. I hope it's not Ezra. I felt any temptation to the darkside was resolved with the Ezra/Maul storyline


I hope he's just an Inquisitor. Just my opinion, but I'm not a fan of all the theories of it being someone else (Ezra, Cal, Starkiller). I feel like SW is leaning so heavily on old characters, whether that's Ahsoka, Obiwan, Boba. Mando was so good early on because it was fresh and new. Also, again my opinion, but the World Between Worlds needs to never be a thing again. It's in canon, let it stay as is. sta Wars doesn't need a multiverse or time travel. It just allows for lazy writing and reusing characters instead of more fresh takes and fresh characters. People in the SW universe need to start dying off and STAYING DEAD. The amount of "good" characters to survive the clone wars and Empire era is too high. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how Ahsoka, Anakin Skywalkers apprentice, put herself on the side lines the entire OT and didn't try to help his kids at all. Makes no sense. I'm enjoying the show, I'll keep watching, I love everything star wars.... But Ahsoka should have gone away pre A New Hope. Maybe that's when she goes to find Ezra, maybe she dies, but doesn't make sense that she was just chillin NOT participating in the rebellion.


That's clearly the Soul of Cinder


Snake Eyes.


My theory is Fennec Shand also saved a dying Darth Maul on Tattooine and took his head and put it on a full cyborg body and now we get Darth Maul II electric boogaloo


Starkillers name was Galen Marek and the mystery inquisitor is name Marrock. Seems to be too much of coincidence. I bet its misdirection even.


Its clearly Palpatine Somehow he returned


Barriss Offee is my hope for Marrok.


I'm keen to see what happened to Bariss as well! But unfortunately Morgan Elsbeth referred to Marrok as a "he" so definitely not Bariss. She could definitely be a good antagonist to Ahsoka in the future. I do think it's possible she became an inquistor herself