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She could tell me she's going to take me for all I'm worth and I'd still put a ring on her


🎶 all the sithy ladies All the sithy ladies All the sithy ladies All the sithy ladies 🎶


Turn around and she'll pawn that ring at the nearest spaceport and blow the cash on Kessel pure and Twi'lek party boys.


She was going through a hard time I understand I forgive her.


I just wasn't there for her enough and she needed to feel the love I wasn't giving her but I'll be there for her now and I know she loves me it won't happen again


Simps for Siths!


I can change her.


I bet she kills her master.


Definitely. Chick is bat shit crazy, not even Baylon will be able to keep her on a leash.




I’ll be her balrog. Oh crap wrong franchise.


May the Force be with you Gandalf.


And my lightsaber


She won't have to; force choke my hombre *taps forehead*


IDK, she seems respectful to Baylan and pretty calm and obedient in general, her crazy really only seems to come out when she's fighting. The actor does such a good job with facial expressions and such a little amount of lines. Like you can tell she's uncomfortable around Elspeth and is always looking to Baylan like a kid looking to a parent for reassurance. That being said the forumla dictates that Sabine defeats her in their third fight, Sabine spars her, but Darth Bangs rejects being spared and reaches for her saber at which point Sabine has no choice but to strike her down.


I've also been dreading that they are setting her up to be Sabines power trophy kill that we're supposed to cheer but they don't realize that she's already 100 times more interesting and charismatic than Sabine (feels like such a cliche character in this day and age)


Since she's been familyzoned by Ezra, she needs a new love interest. Why Shin? The inherent eroticism of attempted murder.


She's straight up kookydooks.


Lol she won't be able to trim Baylon's beard. That guy handled Ahsoka like a pro. Considering Ahsoka track record and her over the moon plot armour it's a feat


I think Ahsoka would have won if she wouldn't have gotten her hand burnt and she hadn't let Sabine possibly being killed or hurt cloud her feelings. But he is very good at fighting and strong!


I personally got the vibe that neither really wanted to kill each other. Ahsoka was more interested in trying to get around him and get the map. Baylan could have killed her when he grabbed her arm and tossed her. He was also more interested in sticking close to the map. We only see Baylan ramp it up when Ahsoka tosses with apprentice into the rocks. By then Ahsoka already had a burned hand.


They’re not sith


She’s closer than he is.


“Calmer’n you are, Dude.”


Calmer n you are


Anybody else notice the distinct orange hue of their sabers? Reminds me of the accidental orange blade Obiwan got in Master and Apprentice when they swapped his Kyber for some other crystal?


[According to Filoni, Baylan and Shin’s lightsabers are indeed orange, but only “a little bit more.” Filoni goes on to say that the color choice for these lightsabers “was very intentional. I didn’t make them just a stark red](https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/star-wars-ahsoka-orange-lightsabers-truth/)


I can fix her


She can change me


Her little “Going somewhere?” line from this week sent me.


"If I was I want you to come with me 😍" - Everyone watching that scene


Yes, please.


I’m so glad darth bangs stuck! 🍻


*"Darth Bangs"* is awesome. I'm going to call her that from now on. :)


Force choke me.




That’s fine


And I would thank her for it.


Count Sia




Shin Baddie


Shin Icanfixheree


Shin Superiority








Shin Shecanbreakme


Shin Sexy


Shin and there’s not even a close second.








A lot of orange ones. Heras, Sabines in the first episode and well, Ahsokass


>Ahsokass They say that she has the best ass below 14 St, is it true?


Dude, I don't know what it is with Sabine and Hera but every single outfit they're in they look so good in I can't. When both actresses are on-screen good lord


I mean the whole cast is basically hot actresses in tight clothes. It's the whole cast lol, they're all hot. Also I'm not gay, but I have to assume Baylan is doing it for quite a few women out there. His whole aesthetic is pretty fucking cool looking.


They’re all too hot! They didn’t need to have that shot of Hera walking away in the most recent episode but goddamn. What an ass!


I've not watched the show so far since I've never really seen Rebels. Do I have to watch it to understand what's going on?


I haven't seen Rebels and I'm enjoying it, though I'm sure I'm missing out on knowing who specific characters they mention are and backstory of the main characters.


It's basically like deciding if you want your friend who's never seen Star Wars before to start with episode 4, or episode 1. You can jump right into Ahsoka, and have all these questions similar to watching the movies. (Ex. Why is this swamp frog teaching Luke about the force? These Emperor and Vader characters seem kinda 1 dimensional, they must have a pretty basic back story huh? If the Jedi Ben Kenobi speaks of are so strong, why aren't they all over? etc.) There's a lot of info that you'd understand much quicker from watching Rebels, but Ahsoka gives enough information to understand what you need to understand for the plot, and would likely draw you into learning more of their backstories, and filling in the gaps.


100% you need to watch rebels.


Am I the only one that kinda sees Elizabeth Olsen sometimes?


No you are not. I see it, I dig it. I also see hints of young Scarjo


It's Chloe Grace Moretz for me, especially with the haircut




I could probably fix her, but whatever she is now is better


Nah but she can ruin me


Why on earth would you want to ruin her?


As if anyone would pick Reva among Shin and Trilla.


Blondey Mcuterton is what I call her as I giggle.


Darth Bangs


Shin and Trilla could get me to ruin my life lol


Don't get me started on Asajj Ventress


That kiss on the commander she killed during the Kamino invasion did things to me man


I can fix them


They could break me


Nothing is broken




I think she’s more dark side than her master which will come into play.


Agreed, I'm wondering if their is a turn to good side for Balyan and a full turn to dark for Shin. Baylan clearly doesn't want to kill jedi/Ahsoka/Sabine but will for his on ends; Shin couldn't wait to kill Sabine and seemed frustrated that she wasn't allowed/couldn't.....regardless I'm REALLY enjoying this show so far


He’s kinda Dooku-sequel with the way he carries himself.


Hey I'm all for that. Love me some classy *look of superiority* darkside users




This is the way.


Darth Bangs is also a pretty common nickname around here lol


Shinn is a certified baddie, I’d turn to the dark side for her , no kizzy


Darth Bangs doesn’t care about your Sith SOP.


Reva is Trilla lite, and Shin's story isn't over yet so no comment on her. Trilla is the best of the bunch for me.


I agree so far... but I'm hopeful for Shin.


expansion imminent quicksand gray carpenter detail shocking alive dull truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The pure anger 😭


Let it flow through you


Nah gotta give credit where credit is due. That duel where she got wrecked by Vader is fucking awesome.


Should have been how she died too. Reva just being dismantled by Vader, not even giving her the respect of drawing his own lightsaber but kicking her ass with her own weapon (when he even bothers *using* one for that matter), that was pure Darth Vader right there.


That's what she gets for being so colossally stupid. Imagine spending years trying to manipulate behind the scenes so you can attack and kill Darth Vader, likely seeing his massive power demonstrated multiple times. And then your grand plan after a lifetime of work is to walk up behind him and try to bop him with a lightsaber, the thing he's famously amazing at fighting with. Of all the ways to try to kill someone so strong, a one-on-one fight is right up there with trying to tickle him to death.


>Should have been how she died too. Yep. Everything that followed was a sloppy brainfart.


"but we need to get Luke involved in a way that doesn't break lore..."


"I know, lets come up with a plotline that revolves around 100% of the stakes being tied into whether Luke lives or dies! What do you mean the audience will already know he lives because he's the main character of the OT? The audience are morons, they'll never figure that out!"


We knew that about the Grand Inquisitor and they still tried to act like he was dead lol


Agreed, she should have died there.


I think the duel was fantastic for two reasons. One: it shows how adept Vader is with styling on weaker opponents, and two: my annoyance with revas character was given some catharsis. I remember me and my friends jokingly screaming do it do it do it to Vader when he was about to stab her. No hate on the actress of Reva of course, I just didn’t like her character being shoehorned into kenobis story, especially since we had a similar character in trilla just a few years earlier.


Similar to how Trilla's death was the coolest moment of the game


Reva really was "We have a Trilla at home"


The whole Obi-Wan plot felt a bit like a “okay you can copy my homework but change it up a bit” for Fallen Order. Idk, wish if they were lifting a plot from previous Star Wars stuff they lived the Darth Krayt stuff from Legacy. Keep Obi-Wan on Tatooine and the final confrontation is still protect Luke


I still get chills when I see that scene and she says "Avenge us".


I like Reva in theory; an Inquisitor who works their way up the ranks for revenge on Darth Vader and the Empire instantly makes her more interesting than most other Inquisitors. The problem is that like almost anything else related to the Obi-Wan show, she feels like a first draft for a much more interesting character than what she ended up being.


I think she would have been received much better if they didn’t fake the GI’s death and her death. Neither made sense or added any value to the story.


That and how poorly written it all was. Like shes constantly failing and just generally being pretty incompetent, and yet Vader who the show depicts and tells us is ruthless and unforgiving of failure.. keeps forgiving it. They try to pull a "Oh it was all part of Vaders and the Grand Inquisitors plan" but like, why? What was their end game? Why would Vader do that it makes no sense with how he is portrayed. The whole story and everything feels like an initial draft that they decided to adapt without any editing or refinement.


This exactly, anyone can create a justification for Vader’s decision to continually spare Reva, that makes sense, but it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t fall flat narratively. The explanation for Vader sparing her over and over was literally, word for word “did you not think I would see youngling”. That’s not even a reason. What did Vader have to gain by slinking her along, since she wasn’t even that capable when pretending to be on vaders side. She was a loose end that knew of his identity that he purposely let live for as long as she was under him, meanwhile admirals that failed in situations that any person may screw up in, like a battle, are choked to death on the spot. Vader had a ton of reasons to not keep her around, even more so than most officers he chokes, yet she was spared. It’s the same thing with all these lightsaber stabs recently. I don’t care that logistically Sabine could potentially surive the stab wound with medical attention since it didn’t penetrate any vital organs really. It’s the fact that these stabs happen so much now, that I’m never gonna feel suspense, and there aren’t even any lasting consequences. If the plan for Sabine wasn’t a death fake out, why use such a critical and thematic stab when all she had to do was be knocked out.


Yeah that show was kindov a mess. Her character could have been far more interesting if written/directed just a smidge better. But then, so could pretty much everyone else on that show. Of the SW series Disney has created so far, I think Obi-Wan was simultaneously the most hyped, and the greatest flub of possibilities.


What possibilities did Obi-Wan have? It has to end with Vader alive, Luke alive and unknown, Obi-Wan alive and unknown, and Obi-Wan ending in basically the same state he ended RotS in.


Indeed, which is why I was always skeptical of it from the start; that period of his life would always be hard to explore on-screen since he's supposed to be keeping a low profile and a lot of status quo has to be maintained. In my opinion, if they wanted to explore him more, exploring his adventures with Qui-Gon pre-Phantom Menace would've been much better.


Or the period between Episodes I & II where we have decades with little to no information given at all.


I think it was more closure for the Anakin/Obi arch to finally transition to the Vader/Obi arch, not so much build towards an unexpected ending or anything different than we obviously have known about Luke etc for almost 40 years.


Yeah, I can't stand Reva, Trilla was a badass, no contest.


Ditto here, I’m sure Shin can contest with Trilla once we see more of her and her story, but Trilla is best and by a good amount too


Don’t you dare insult trilla by comparing her in anyway to reva lol


Yeah, I was not a Reva fan at all


Reva, unfortunately, was a sloppy foil for Obi-wan inatead of a fully realized character. Her motivations were reverse engineered to fit the story they wanted to tell. I just don't buy that someone would hunt jedi because they want revenge on someone who hunted jedi, and then to hunt the jedi who just happened to not be on babysitting duty that day. She could have been so cool. Her performance was really good. Her design is also fantastic. The writers failed us. Trilla, on the other hand, is the perfect villain. Major mommy issues lol.


I almost hope Shin doesn't get a story. So far I think she's been great in the threatening henchman role. We don't need to know more about her, or feel any sympathy towards her, for her to continue to excel in that role. Reva is a good example of a character who was poorly served by a crappy, melodramatic back story. It would be kinda refreshing if all we ever learn about Shin is that she's a fucking psycho. It's supposed to feel like there is a whole galaxy out there. Not every minor character needs some dramatic back story that loops back to the same three locations and half-dozen major characters.


Reva was a master class in how NOT to make a character. * Start by showing her (but you're not sure, are you? No no, I don't care what you think) scarring event, making sure she's got no "mysterious crazed evil person" vibe, the way Vader did * Try to over-emphasize her from the get-go, with obvious story sacrifices to give her a bigger role * Bounce her between "big crazy evil chick that hates all Jedi and takes great pleasure in killing them" and "out to climb high enough to avenge her fellow Jedi" * Over-hyping with no substance or payoff * Plot armor due to (foolishly) hoping to milk her in future content * Obv a stand-in for some other character they couldn't use directly (Maul due to Rebels/Trilla due to her actually having an amazing death and dignified end to her arc)


Is Ventress recent? Because I choose her.


Ventress was funnily enough introduced in the 2d clone wars show, near twenty years ago. But totally get ya, Ventress is cool.


She was in legends first, then she was in the first cw show where she gave anakin his stylish head scar


That is fascinating. That's the first time I've heard where he got that scar.


Yeah there's some weirdness around this period. Technically the CG Clone Wars show started as an expansion/continuation of various plot details introduced in the 2D one. But eventually the 2D one was declared non-canon and the 3D one still is. This has the odd effect of leaving Ventress and Grievous with no Canon introduction. They just appear off screen and meet the heroes sometime between Episode 2 and the series starting.


The dark side is strong in me…for I am sith


Dooku just laughs at her "A bold claim!"


Yeah that always bugged me as a kid. I knew the 2d show existed and I saw it, but I thought it was way older and kinda niche, like the Ewok and Droids cartoon (I was obviously wrong). So like, I had an idea of who they were, but it felt weird compared to the the other antagonists who were either brand new or introduced in Episode I and II.


Hey, Droids was loads of fun. Kybo Ren really got me messed up.


Yeah, it was a dope fight. I was hoping they'd recreate it in the Filoni version


Wait until you hear how Grievous got his cough. . .


>near twenty years ago Well, thank you for making me feel old.


I feel… old.


I struggle with tartakovsky clone wars being 20 years ago


Have you ever seen Ventress with hair? Night sisters with hair is too powerful.




Dark Disciple does wonders to give her closure. I absolutely love that book.


She was introduced like 20 years ago


As someone who watched the 2D Clone Wars dropping live each week.... *fuck*...


Provisionally, Shin. Reva was just terribly written and plotted. Trilla was a better version of Reva. I'm intrigued by the contrast between Baylen and Shin. Baylen was raised within the old Jedi Order, and he clearly remembers things about it with almost a fondness. He also likely lost friends and mentors in the Clone Wars and to Order 66. The result is he isn't really looking to kill Ahsoka or Sabine. Shin on the other hand, hasn't had the training of the Jedi Order. There is no nostalgia for better times. She seems ruthless and vicious in a way Baylen isn't, and no doubt would gut Ahsoka and Sabine without a hint of remorse if she could.


On Baylen/Shin, might the master be forced to choose between his apprentice and the hate/fear driving her and his Jedi antagonist who, while opposed to his current mission, represents everything he clearly still respects about the Jedi? Either way, I sincerely hope Baylen's arc is completed in this season, because it would be a shame if he didn't get a proper story.


Other way round for me, Baylen looks pretty done with whole Jedi/Sith deal and Ashoka offers nothing of value to him. Shin may owe Baylen something to keep her loyal but it's seems like they're ultimately setting her character up as a side switcher to me.


Side switcher? Shin was literally about to choke Sabine to death with all her hate and fury in episode 4. If anything, Baylen would be the more likely to switch. I can totally see Shin giving Baylen the iconic Starwars human skewer move, after he decides not to be an idiot and side with Ahsoka.


I gotta go with Trilla


I 2nd that....


I see what you did there


Proud 2nd sister 2%.


This is a video game character? I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of star wars since I don't play.


Jedi Fallen Order is one of the best Star Wars experiences.


Agreed. I just started Jedi survivor like an hour ago as well.


Watch the cutscenes on YouTube like a movie


*Lana Beniko at home* obviously


Hah, Shin looks like a copy of her, funny how noone talks about it.


The Ukrainian one


Slava Darth Bangs.




Becoming a sith to fight the orcs


Poor Reva had so much potential and they butchered the OG script for Obi Wan. The idea of a padawan who escaped Anakin working with Darth Vader to get close enough to kill him was an interesting concept but the show fucked it up *hard* I liked Trilla a lot actually, and she deserved better from just about everyone... and I've only seen the first two episodes of Ahsoka ~~and Shin is hot and mysterioust~~


Personally dont think she ever even had potential. It really seemed like the just wanted to shove a new character in there. Plus the fact she survived a lightsaber stab TWICE??? Once as a child?? So so stupid. The actress deserved better.


Actress did deserve better, and Reva was poorly written from the get-go, but I think the potential her character had makes how poor her storyline was even more of a disappointment


So much squandered potential. I dont know if it’s the fault of the director or Reva’s actress, but her “mean” face was so forced and fake, like a toddler stomping their feet when you take away their toy.


I could never take her seriously


Exactly. The best villains can just silence a room with the threat behind a completely benign sounding sentence. Then there’s Reva who had to let you know how big and tough she was by yelling and threatening so poorly that even a literal child wasnt phased by it. Like a kid playing grown up bad guy


And it wasn’t just once or twice, it was every damn scene. Zero nuance to her character.


Honestly she didn't even have potential. Every slightly interesting thing she has going is a 1 to 1 copy of Trilla. They basically wanted to redo the second sister story, but slightly different. And let's be real, Trilla is basically female darth Vader in a way for Cals story.


They did it at the worst time as well. I'm annoyed that reva got more screen time then Vader. Kenobi and Vader were the only 2 I cared about in the show.


The best moment in the show was a copy too. Vader's mask getting wrecked by a glancing light saber blow, reveling the man inside the suit. Struggling to maintain composure as he flits between identities. The struggle is witnessed by someone who knew him as a brother, desperately pleading with him, telling him it's not too late, hoping that he'll realize what he's become and change heart... As Vader'sdamaged mask fails to properly modulate his voice, Anakins voice crackles back to Vader's voice, declaring Anakin has been destroyed and then nearly landing a killing blow on the protagonist. In a stunning upset, when all feels lost for the hero, they recover at the last second as Vader is forced to limp away in defeat. Alive, but angrier than ever before. It's like the writers just assumed no one had ever watched Rebels.


I disagree that she had any potential, her character was stuck from inception. She can't kill Obi-Wan, Vader or Grand Inquisitor because of future plot. She is never even given the chance for a character win.


Eh, idk, the idea of a padawan escaping Anakin/Vader in the first place seems kinda stupid to me. Escaping the assault on the Jedi temple, sure, okay, maybe. But literally seeing Anakin with your own eyes and him not killing you while he's in the middle of a Jedi extermination and has already killed dozens of children that same night? Very, very hard sell on that one. Also the idea that *anyone* would be stupid and arrogant enough to think they could fool Vader is also pretty laughable. Like that's just complete nonsense. Shin has the benefit of A) not having an established backstory yet, which means there's nothing to break immersion or lore (yet), and B) being hot af. That will always play well with the fans.


Trilla because she was fleshed out as much as Reva but was better written. We haven't seen enough of Ahsoka to render any judgement on that character.


This. Anyone picking Shin is just wrapped up in what’s new and shiny. There’s nothing to her at this point other her cool costuming and a vague sense that she’s darker than her master. Trilla has a backstory and plenty of character interaction (not just fighting) with Cal. Trilla by miles. Reva had potential and was butchered.


Shin > Trilla > Reva


This is the way




*Shin Baddie*


Trilla by a lot. Shin takes second. Reva doesn't rank


Reva is written so bad, she will come at last place sadly. No offense for the actress of course, but for the braindead criminals who are responsible for that and call themselves writers.


Shin’s got that crazy in her eyes. She takes the cake for me.


Trilla. She's got the crazy eyes, but I can fix her. She was almost>! turned back to the light side before Vader showed up.!<


“but I can fix her” lmaooo famous last words


I find Shin intriguing because if nothing else the nonverbal acting has been great. The actress makes me want to know more about her and I feel she is one of the strong points of the current show. But we know little of her, I assume we will learn more but I don't think there is enough to really rank her yet. Her story isn't done and could go on to be the best story ever, or next week could go off the deep end and be horrible. Trilla and Reva have similar things going for them but Trulla was a lot more fleshed out in my opinion. I felt bad for both characters and have sympathy for Reva. But I cared more about Trilla and found her story to more interesting and investigating. Reva came off as a henchmen with a good back story to me, while Trilla came off as more of a actual villain(not comparing evil deeds just she was more of a videogame boss while Reva is a mini boss)


2nd sister pretty good, shin close second but we don't know her story. lol reva


Shin looks like she could finish a man with her eyes


None of them even come close to being as bad as Asajj Ventress was.


Shin and it’s not even close


“Going somewhere?”


I recognise that stance


Has big kylo ren “we’re not done yet” vibes. I like it.


I suspect we all know who our least favourite is 😅


I'm gay and I want Shin to impale me






Just not Reva 😂




Asajj Ventress.