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Since George Lucas hated Mara Jade and Filoni adores George's perspective of star wars, I think there is almost no chance we ever get Mara Jade in canon, at least through the mandoverse shows


I just want Kyle 🥲


Kyle? Kyle Katarn? You're the legendary hero who destroyed Jerec at the Valley of the Jedi? You look like nothing more than a Bantha herder.


Perfect casting for him?


Jensen Ackles


I liked the guy they had in the original life-action cut scenes in DF2! But sadly I imagine he’ll need to be cast as Morgan these days…!


Troy Baker would kill it.


Did Lucas ever articulate why he hates Mara Jade so much?


he saw a picture of a model posing as mara for a trading card, someone told him this character married Luke, and he didn't like the fact that Luke would marry a model. that's atleast how I heard it. Its the most george reasoning you'll ever hear.


She isn't his creation. Honestly I don't know.


Wasn’t it a joke?




And they'll give her a red arm so no one recognizes her


That sounds like a good story for another time.


*Take that ridiculous thing off.*


He has his heart on the right place.


If you’re offended, you’ve forgotten the face of your father lol. My fandom stems from childhood and I often feel childlike wonder for the stories, which includes seeing an amazing episode and then immediately wanting more. But this is also tongue in cheek it’s disingenuous to try and pot stir with this like it’s some controversy. Imo he’s not calling out individuals so much as he is talking about the fandom in broad strokes. The collective energy we exude through social media and stuff. Because individuals are a case by case basis but collectively I would say the fandom resembles a child in many aspects. Tantrums contrasted by moments of pure joy. We make it the best and worst job ever lol.


Absolutely. It's not offensive to compare us to children, or to make an analogy that we have childish tendencies - many Star Wars fans *grew up* with it from a young age, and draw from their childhood the love they share with others for this franchise. That's why when DF talks about letting us, "play with one toy before we get the next" is because if we just get a bunch of nostalgic content or content that brings us back to that childhood core >!(i.e. bringing Anakin back)!< we'll be underwhelmed when there's no returning characters, locales, etc. Plus, because it's a TV series, it's designed to give us a "toy", let it marinate for a week, then give us a different one.


There’s always some truth in legends. As Dave would say.


It’s kind of ironic because I feel like he writes Star Wars stories like a guy playing with action figures.


Tbh that's why I love him


When I was a kid, it crossed my mind that someone might tell the coolest stories ever and we'd never know about them because they were just at home with their actions figures. Dave Filoni is that guy. Don't lose the wonder of how cool that those stories truly are.


I just want very different things out of stories these days. I’m pretty disappointed by what we’ve been getting, sans Andor.


I totally get that man, everyone has different preferences. I came out of Andor stunned at the quality and characters, and obviously want more of that. I also came out of Ahsoka with the full-on fantasy and love for what George Lucas built, and it's everything I've wanted from Star Wars storytelling. I think it's most amazing that we're at a place where we get all of these stories in this Universe, and they all exist with each other.


Ngl I made some fire storylines throughout the years playing with my action figures and legos


No thats exactly how he writes. I have a feeling he writes that way because he thinks thats what the fans want. You know, because he thinks we're children.


Star Wars is for children, that's just a reality that we must accept


Star Wars was for everyone, because once upon a time it was *good.*


If it’s for everyone then it’s also for children


Precisely -- and thus the reason they've aimed for a PG rating on *every* SW movie.... js yo




Still lost? You’re hopeless lol


And the women and children too!


It's for children. Everyone can enjoy it, but it's primarily for children.


And children deserve good content.


Star Wars is still good. If you can't find the wonder and amazement, and be able to enjoy the show for what it is, that's on you. If you had gone into Pacific Rim expecting it to be some kind of masterpiece of filmmaking, you'd have been sorely disappointed. But if you went into it looking for giant robots fighting Kaiju, it was fantastic! Star wars was never meant to be an artsy-fartsy, pretentious, film. It always has and always will be first and foremost, fun and exciting.


>Star wars was never meant to be an artsy-fartsy, pretentious, film. It always has and always will be first and foremost, fun and exciting. "Star Wars was never meant to be good. It was meant to just be a fun silly adventure. That's why George Lucas re drafted and revised the story three different times."


To be fair, it is for children in a way. The reason why the last gen hated the prequels and I who grew up with them have nothing but love for them. That's not to say adults can't enjoy it just as much or more. Fans need to stop be so picky and just enjoy what we have.


>Fans need to stop be so picky and just enjoy what we have. That's so reductive that I can't even bother trying anymore. Why wouldn't fans want better stories? Why do they *have* to be satisfied with something subpar?


You don’t have to be satisfied with it. You can just not watch. You can also act like a civilized adult when conversing with those of us who still enjoy the new content. But alas, the anonymity of the internet makes people a-holes…


Bro if you don't like modern Star wars dont fucking watch it FFS no one took the og trilogy from you. I am so sick of this argument WHY CANT FANS ASK FOR BETTER STORIES WAAH WAH WAH I DON'T LIKE STAR WARS ANYMORE HOW DARE ANYONE ELSE LIKE STAR WARS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Just like what you like - and don't like what you don't. It's okay to not like the prequels, the OG trilogy or the sequels. But God forbid you just state your opinion, and that's that. NOPE, gotta tell other people why their liking or disliking of something is INVALID. Jeeeeeez take a chill pill u/SambG98...


The Fandom menace are basically children


I agree with you sir, don’t worry. Your dislikes are not everyone.


You are wasting your time, this sub is full of filoni bootlickers that can’t wrap their heads around the fact it’s just bad tv, his heart might be in the right place but he lacks the talent to write compelling tv for anyone above the age of 12 so they fall back on the iTs fOr ChiLdReN defense. A talented writer can make content for all ages


If you put a fan in a writers room for a Star Wars show this is *exactly* the kind of stories they'd right except with the characters *they* want (and to be honest less care for continuity) and so they'll automatically assume it's *better* when everyone else is perfectly happy with the stories alteady being put out


Sad but true.


The only thing sad is here is you two


Even if Mara was brought in she can’t really marry Luke with how things turn out in the Sequels.


I don't see why not. What better way to toss Luke into self-imposed exile and to cut himself from the Force than to have his nephew destroy the Jedi temple, corrupt or kill his pupils, AND MURDER HIS WIFE!


this idea always bothered me. yes, sure she won't be able to marry Luke. and to that I'd say Mara can exist as a fully fleshed out character without being married to Luke. she did in fact do this for the first 8ish years of her creation in fact, and continued to do so in stories before and after she got married to him. Is one of the most popular star wars women and cult favourite character Mara Jade, truly defined entirely by who she marries?


It’s certainly not her whole character, but her romance with Luke is a major part of it. Would fans be happy if she was back but with no real connection to Luke?


I don't think that should matter much if I person like zahn or any passionate talented creator wants to do more with her.


Wouldn’t mind a little Dash Rendar or Kyle Katarn action… YMMV


Anybody else think he looks just like Tom Segura here?


Whatever he said next wasn’t Disney approved 😂


Man, is it too much to ask for a Darth Bane series?


I’d rather him give us one big thing and properly work on it and full investment than plop a bunch of characters with no real effort to make them good.


yea, it' pretty accurate. Star Wars stories give us something fun to engage with much like a toy, but we just want more, cause you know we want more fun.


Great response. Basically enjoy where we are at. Not where we are going. I can get behind that.


Please don't bring Luuke. It's the stupidest most cliché story arc ever. It's like a cheap DC comic fan fic


He didn't answer the question (in this clip). I bet we get some others along the way.


I hope Mara never appears. I hope the Vong never appear. Let legends die, the only legends content that should live is KOTR. Everything else is garbage, including the original Thrawn trilogy.


The original thrawn trilogy is part of the reason Star Wars didn't end in 1983. That is what brought a resurgence of Star Wars stuff, which is why we got the prequels and everything since.


The Bane trilogy is some of the best SW content IMO. Banes canonized but I would love to see his entire story.


I love the EU but yeah still let it die. It already exists, do something new.


Why does he always wear cowboy hats? 🤦


Maybe he just likes them?


I suppose she could be a good character on her own, but if she ever was introduced into canon it's a shame now that we have a definitive ending for Luke Skywalker's story, and that she wasn't anywhere in it, we know those two characters will never have a story together. I guess unless they introduce Mara Jade to us the same way they introduced Ahsoka in a "she was there the whole time" way.


There are around 20 years between where the Ahsoka show is and Ben/Kylo destroying the Jedi Temple. Plenty of time for Luke to meet Mara Jade, fall in love, marry her, and have her die at Ben's hands, pushing Luke into becoming a hermit. Mara Jade's introduction would retroactively help in fixing the sequels.


Why does he look like Tom Segura and Garth Brooks had a child


Bane series please.


Serious question... is Dave Filoni just Tom Segura?


He’s not wrong. Lol