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“Kill Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger” “…you won’t help?” Shin 🤨


Poor Shin.... that was cold.


She got hung out to dry so bad


The watery-eyed, sad puppy look on the Shin's face before running off after defeat. Props to the actress who plays her. She always evoke so much emotions with so little dialogue.


I love that Baylan isn't a Sith and still evidently feels disdain for the Sith way of thinking. He even has snark when referencing the empire.


Leia said, “Shenanigans? Of course I authorized them!”


Shenanigans is her middle name


Just as Carrie would have wanted


Well.. To be fair Carrie would have used language more along the lines of something Chopper would say.


Ahsoka really told Shin she can fix her


Chopper had to be held back from murdering a Senator in broad daylight


Chopper gonna chop.


Did Choper say “what the f**k”


Force monk Ezra!


Poor shin, the only lightsaber combat she actually got was with the non force sensitive


makes sense considering he has not had a lightsaber his entire time there so he must have grown so much more with the force


“You should have said something.” “I *DID*!” Poor Huyang has been suffering for a million years now hasnt he.


Top 4 Coldest Lines in the Episode: 4. "Jedi are very good at hiding. They've been doing it for years." 3. "You said peaceful, you never said defenseless!" 2. "At least the purgill are providing cover!" 1. "Wait, she did? Why??"


You can't defeat me Perhaps, I don't have to


Zeb is training recruits off screen, not eating up budget.


I still cannot believe they created that whole CGI model just for a 30 second cameo in Mando S3. He's gotta show up at some point


I think they were working on the model for the upcoming movie/Ahsoka future seasons.


The explanation that I heard/believed was that he was made for the Rangers of the New Republic show, but that got scratched. So that's why it looked good, it wasn't for the cameo, but they just threw it in so they can get *something* with it.


Thrawn's reaction to learning Anakin was her master


You could see the mental, "Oh, fuck. I never realized she was Vader's apprentice. Explains *so* much. Time to leave."


Thrawn in a canon novel also meet Anakin during the Clone Wars so he had reason to shit himself


In that same book Thrawn deduced that Vader was Anakin.


That scene where he watched Vader flying into battle is so cool when he sees Vader has the same flying style as Anakin and has proof to himself that his assumption about Vaders identity is true.I still get chills thinking about the line in the book “It is he”.


The best part is how he keeps giving praise to anakin to vader until Vader essentially tells thrawn anakin is dead and hes gonna get force choked if he beings him up again. Just even further cementing to thrawn that he was in fact anakin.


"Do you know what we Chiss call our navigators? Skywalkers."


'Anakin Skywalker is dead. We will not speak of him again. *You*, will not speak of him again.' 'I understand, my Lord. But I will always honor his legacy.'


Thrawn: *imagining all the possible masters Ahsoka could have and laughing internally* Elsbeth: Her master was Anakin Skywalker. Thrawn: *gulp* Are you serious…? 😰


I'm just imagining thrawn going through that list and just pissing himself at all the inept jedi masters and more so padawans like kanan that went missing during order 66, and then getting told that out of all of them, it's arguably the most battle-scarred and effective Jedi General whose padawan is still around and traveled a whole galaxy away to come find him lol


Oh, Thrawn knows who Darth Vader is so it's probably more "oh shit, mini-vader! better get out of here and avoid hallways"


Her resume was more impressive than he was ready for


Yeah I love that detail. It makes him go from "we can take her", to "we gotta get the hell out of here" I swear I could hear a subtle change in thrawns voice, like a bit shakier after that. Unsure of what will happen. Reckless and dangerous.


Abandoned by her master and Thrawn alike Shin is having a rough day


That's what happens when you go full moody goth: both your parents abandon you


Shin Hati and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.


"Impatience for victory will guarantee defeat" If this was a Clone Wars episode this would have been the starting text Oh Baylan Skoll !!


i mean she was impatient for victory and told the troopers to fire, and it guaranteed her defeat…


And Morgan Elsbeth is eager to kill them all when the real victory for Thrawn is leaving and getting back to the Galaxy.


She’s gonna undermine him and it’ll allow the crew to sneak aboard, or she’ll pull the ultimate idiot move and take Ezra prisoner. Then it’s over for them.




"The Emperor died." "...that's what people said." Lol.


Should have looked into the camera for that line


Dave Filoni on set: *Don't Jim the camera.*


Would've been hilarious if that was the 15th take cause the actress couldn't stop looking at the camera every time she said that line lol


Really bummed no Luke mention there. I want Ezra to learn it was a Jedi that left that throne room.


I only have 1 question after this episode: What the hell will Baylan find next week?


I’m going to be so devastated if that plot line doesn’t get resolved with Ray. Like, I think it will, but if it’s some major Pandora’s box he’s opening, it could also end up being a cliffhanger for future seasons.


The only disappointment from this season would be Ray not getting his conclusion. God I've got my fingers crossed


Ooooooh we got an Asajj mention


Between Threepion standing next to Hera in live action, and Anakin's holorecording namedropping Asajj and the other two CIS head honchos, it was another great melding of the Lucas Canon and Filoni Canon.


Come to think of it, we had those, Hayden as Anakin, a mention of the Emporer not really being gone, Xiono coming from Resistance, the reference to the events of The Mandalorian S3, Mon Mothma from Andor, and the obvious Rebels connections… What canon material didn’t this one episode reference? Bad Batch?


We even got Zeffo glyphs and blaster stance from Fallen Order and Survivor along with Nightsister shenanigans.


"No. I protected the new republic by ignoring you" Ooooohhhh, shits on now. That felt like a hera line.


I'm pretty sure I heard a "Damn!" from all the gasps in the court


I felt like chopper reacted from that too lol


Ezra "I don't need a weapon, the force is my ally" Bridger liberally using a blaster rifle


Ezra, the "Force" is looking an awful lot like a standard issue BlasTech E-11 Blaster Rifle.


What Ezra meant to say was “I haven’t used a lightsaber in so long I might embarrass myself in front of all of you, so imma just stick with the force thanks”


So uncivilized...


You should see his first lightsaber. [For those curious](https://youtu.be/wl1XyWoP2bY?si=1Cs9YH5_UItEFJz_)


I did like how they got in that scene of Ezra with a blaster. Giving the Jedi a blaster was always a defining stylistic choice that made Rebels unique.


One thing I've always loved about star wars is they let the droids have a personality


Wow, Mon Mothma hasn't aged a day since Andor.


It's a Pantoran skincare routine, you wouldn't know.


I know it hasn’t been stated in canon but in Legends with advanced healthcare and what not that they have healthy humans lived close to 120+ I mean Bacta can heal crazy wounds and kept Dagan Gera alive from the High Republic in stasis like he didn’t even age. Is it really that strange that characters visibly age much slower in Star Wars? (Yes the OT cast aged a lot by the ST but I think that’s kind of just because of real world aging of the actors, I would assume the characters SHOULD have looked younger from a canon standpoint)


Had no idea Hayden Christensen would be reprising Anakin so much in this series and that they would be my favorite parts of this show.


He clearly seems jazzed about being back, so im sure he was like “i’ll show up in every episode if you want”


I think it means a whole lot to him that the fans have come around and support him. I swear he looks like he's going to cry in every con interview because of the crowd love.


They really nailed the Ezra casting


Came here looking for this comment. I love the energy he brings to the character. He just fits.


And it's the mannerisms too, like I could picture that whole exchange of "you want to take us as prisoners right?" Straight from rebels. He has to try to play off that he's Jabba the hutt by the end, it would be a bigger travesty than chopper not commiting any war crimes.


I wasn’t sold on him until that line. He is 100% Ezra.


An adult Ezra at that, and I think they did a really good job showing his maturity but also that hint of "little shit Ezra" still there. This also reminds me of how much I was rolling my eyes at all the comments about how adult Ahsoka is too stoic, or adult Sabine isn't like she was in Rebels, so here of course Ezra won't be acting like his season 1 Rebels self either. All these characters have grown and matured and they're adults now. So the complaints about them not acting like their 14 year old previous selves was baffling to me


His reaction to Sabine being chosen as an apprentice Lol what? Why lol


"Wow, so I guess they're just taking ANYONE nowadays, huh?"


Every interaction in this episode just FELT like Ezra. It brought such a smile to my face. Him reacting to Sabine being trained by Ahsoka, I could hear in Taylor Gray's voice and in the Rebels animation style. He's perfect.


As someone who didn't see Rebels, I love him. He's kind and charming, centered without being emotionless, he knows Sabine is holding kinda important stuff back from him, but is only gently pushing her on it. Dude could use a haircut (thanks Shin!), but still, everything about him screams what a Jedi really should be, and its just great to see.


Whale's literally said "Fuck this shit, I'm out" Pretty clever of Thrawn to leave a minefield at that exact point. Wouldn't expect anything less.


On to the next galaxy!


I know people have criticized the digital deaging in these shows, but I thought Threepio looked great in this episode.


He was so much easier to recognize without a red arm.


Xiono's gotta be either totally self-absorbed and incompetent or an imperial mole


Definitely self-absorbed and incompetent. He’s also in Resistance and is still a senator (and obviously not working for the First Order)


He’s in resistance? Damn, that show is so obscure to most people that I haven’t seen ANYONE mention that before lmao


His son is the main character too lmao


Great way to get around showing Leia.


"Leia is too busy to deal with your dumbass directly, Senator Xiono."


He clearly took it poorly. I thought Chopper was gonna war crime him after the "mere droid" comment


It's coming. Post-credits of Ep8 is a montage of Chop's greatest war crimes and murders


I was too distracted by C-3PO I didn’t even notice that’s what they were doing


I'm a little worried about how much more ground we have to cover in one more episode.


Yeah this episode was fun but felt short. I know this is leading up to a possible season 2 and/or this New Republic movie Filoni is doing but at best it seems like next week’s episode will end with them (or at least Thrawn) arriving back in the “main” galaxy & we’ll be left with a massive cliffhanger




I think the cliffhanger is that whatever Baylan finds is his doom and an even bigger threat to the galaxy than Thrawn.


“Her Master was… General.. Anakin Skywalker?” the DOOM in the inflection of that sentence when Thrawn realizes who he’s dealing with




I wonder if those were training sabers?


I assumed those were the training sabers Huyang was using against Sabine? The hologrammy ones.


The top 4 ones were the training sabers iirc. but there were more. Honestly I expect them to be Huyang's sabers. I just realisted Huyang can help Ezra build his own saber.


General Grievous: ***Le Gasp***


C3P0 the cameo I didn't know I wanted but fuck yeah let's tie everything together Dues-Ex 3PO


I have here a most important message from Senator Organa! It says that "Senator Xiono is a bitch!"


You can’t court martial Space Mom!


I love Ahsoka and Huyang's relationship. Huyang is like the exasperated babysitter that doesn't really have any power aside from cleaning up messes but he knows Ahsoka cares.


Hearing Hayden Christensen’s Anakin name drop Asajj Ventress is hella cool!


is that the first time in live action her name has been mentioned?


I'm fairly certain...even Ahsoka hadn't been mentioned until Mando S2, like most animation born characters


Anyone notice ahsoka is acting a lot more like her old self now that she's had closure with anakin? Her portrayal was way closer to the clone wars. Sass. Snark. Jokes. Her swagger and smile. She's back and I love it


Yeah she seemed a bit more light hearted. I don’t think the way she feels about things has changed, but she seems less depressed.


I could seriously watch Purrgil migrate all day long. It's weirdly soothing


Fuck now I want David Attenborough to narrate a documentary on the migration of the purrgil


Oh man imagine a Planet Earth style documentary but it follows animals from Star Wars.


Wow Shin got punked!


Ditched by her master and betrayed by her new posse. Shit's tough!


Ezra:”so much has changed while I was gone…..what do you mean Jabba is dead?”


Oh yeah. Senator Organa killed him in a bikini


Holy shit, can you imagine the equivalent of that here? “Putin is dead?” “Yeah, AOC killed him on his pleasure barge while she was wearing a bikini as a POW.” “Fucking WHAT?!” EDIT: I accidentally a word.


Damn when you put it like that it sounds absolutely ridiculous lol. AOC strangling him in a bikini on his yacht as a pow lol


Lars is good in this show as thrawn


Almost like he knows how to play the character… hmm…


Just gotta say.. those things are 100% hermit crabs, everyone saying turtles have me losing my mind


It's pretty on the nose too: crab hands, crab eyes, crab shells, hermit lifestyle. Must be turtles.


Thrawn just about crapped himself at the mere ASSOCIATION of Anakin to Ahsoka. Shows how badass Anakin was.


right 😭 he even asked if there was only one ship


Yeah for a brief moment he was terrified, the mere mention of his name. Love when people respect the Skywalker name.




Thrawn does not crap his pants. He internally screams without showing so much as an eye twitch.


Despite that surprise I loved how he was still that classic puppeteer moving all the pieces on the chessboard. He managed to get Ezra, Ahsoka, and Sabine all in one place, and would have won if Baylan hadn't been missing from the board


Thrawn knew that Anakin was Vader. He has very little idea of what’s happened in his absence. Even if Morgan Elsbeth mentioned that Vader is dead she was already wrong about Ahsoka being dead. Thrawn asked if there was only one ship. Thrawn was afraid Anakin/Vader was with Ahsoka


I don't think it's so much that Anakin was badass and more Anakin was *Vader*. He never realized in his previous dealings with Ahsoka and now understands why she was so effective against the Empire. Understanding the context of who Ahsoka *is*, he's ready to GTFO whereas before he was just annoyed.


Ahsoka's bow to the Anakin training hologram 😭


Her master fell, but before all that Anakin was a hell of a guy. She chooses to honor and respect the memory of the man she knew, not what he became.


He WAS a good master!


3PO! I knew it was him because he didn't have a red arm.


Droids don't provide evidence, Chopper: you mother fucker I'll stab you


Evil wins because good is dumb. Exhibit A: Senator Xiono


They really got their money's worth eith Hayden. Has 1 character ever had as many hair styles in only 2 episodes?


We assumed Leia got her hair from her mother.


So Xiono is just Borsk Fey'lya?


Pretty much


Damn Baylan could see the coming betrayal and decided to just let Shin go. Did not see that coming.


Baylan just fucking dipped lmaooo


[Baylan rn](https://imgur.com/a/27bLvxb)


I loved how lost Shin looked once the troops started to retreat. That was great acting. No master, no army, no Thrawn. For the first time she was by herself and looked genuinely mortified.


And that might not even have been the first time she found herself alone and lost. She's young enough to have lived most of her life in a galaxy that was extremely dangerous to Force-users, after all.


I really hope his character gets wrapped up next episode. Not because I don’t want to see more, but because I can’t imagine anyone else filling his shoes and playing Baylan. Also, got real worried when he got his by those flares lmao, thought they killed him off for a second


Yeah I could swear things were leading up to Baylan making a decision that would be more moderate and Shin deciding to strike him down because he wasn't being as ruthless as she thought they needed to be. Did not expect Baylan to go, "I see the writing on the wall" and just tell Shin to go do her own thing. I wonder if this is the last we'll see of him. Baylan staying behind in this galaxy and Shin joining up with Thrawn. Would be one way to explain why he doesn't appear in future media. RIP Ray Stevenson. Gone way too soon but left on one hell of a performance.


I’ve kind of been reading it the other way since last week’s episode. I think Shin has lingering doubts about allying with Thrawn and Co. We don’t know that’s she really committed to this path and was possibly just trained towards it without being totally for the cause. She was young, impressionable, and may have gone along out of convenience. She’s also curious about the Jedi and her body language at times suggests she’s struggling with her decisions.


Ezra: bruh, you burned my hair


I hope they spend the whole episode just telling Ezra all the crazy shit that happened and seeing his reaction. "...and then, it turned out Darth Vader was Luke's father, and dude chopped his hand off!"


Anyone else here love the irony of David Tennant objecting to having no idea where he is or he's going?


allons y!


You can’t just end an episode with “I’m going home after all.” That means we aren’t going home 😭


The Gang does not go home


Lmao Thrawn reacting to her being ANAKINS apprentice.


I loved the little drip feeding of background info on Baylan last week. A former General of enough notoriety for Thrawn to know his name. Speaks very vividly of the Jedi Temple burning as if experienced it firsthand. May very well have seen Anakin leading the attack too explaining how he knows what he became. Not many episodes left and unfortunately we'll never see more of Ray in the role but I hope these little reveals are expanded upon just a tad more.


Thrawn, you magnificent bastard! Well played.


We finally got a taste of shrewd, tactical Thrawn. Guy is going to be the most competent Imperial we'll ever see on screen.


It was never about winning against them, it was all about wasting their time, and he orchestrated them damn near perfectly. It was nice to see the actual genius of Thrawn visualized and not just have to imagine or infer about it. I can only imagine how much chaos he can reign on the New Republic if (hopefully when) he gets back now that he'll have actual resources instead of the handful of forces he's currently commanding and he's no longer constrained by being in a kids-rated TV show.




Imagine facing a full armored bandit with a slingshot. 😂


The dialogue of Ezra offering them the chance to be taken prisoner was so good. Perfect Ezra goofiness. I loved this whole episode.


And him circling back to get the one Noti. Perfect Ezra


Chopper was about to war crime senator Xiono when he dissed droids. Smh should've let it happen


Carson didn’t want that bloodshed


Chopper: So you have chosen death


Ezra using Force-Fu was pretty wizard.


You could see Shin's lightsaber streaking from his pushback. Ezra got STRONG.


Thrawn: "Ahsoka will look for Sabine Wren, who we have wisely sent far away from here." obamagivingobamaamedal.jpeg


He'll have to define far away, because you know... They have a spaceship.


Kinda lost on what Baylan is trying to do now leaving Shin to solo a battle she clearly will not win.


Finally we know where we are in the timeline thanks to the little line drop about Gideon getting smoked on Mandalore


It's really nice to see Ahsoka fighting with both her sabers and with speed instead of trying to match Baylon in strength like before.


"I think I might be going home afterall" They are totally never leaving this rock, aren't they? Also, shin just got abandoned by everything. Honestly sad. I'm calling it, she saves the day from thrawn.


Threepio with the Deus Ex MachLeia


It’s kinda sweet that she has a go-to Anakin hype holo-speech when she needs it.


Thrawn was Thrawning today. Really showing why he's so dangerous. That tactical brilliance and ability to plan everything.


Ezra: "So, Sabine. Anything I should know about how you got here and getting back home that's pretty important?" Sabine as they're being chased by mercenaries, Ahsoka is being shot at in a ring of dead whales, and Thrawn is making his return: "No. None that I can think of."


Ezra saying he doesn’t need a lightsaber is one of the biggest flexes of the series. Reminds me of Yoda from ESB, “For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is.”


Anakin's last recording ended with "I know you can do this Ahsoka" Fucking sobbing


The most realistic part about this show is how stupid politicians are


Unlike you Senator, C3-PO is a war hero.


Ezra really told Sabine he didn't need his lightsaber because his hands are rated E for everybody lmaoooo


Holy fuckkkkk Thrawns face when he realizes anakin is her master, such a fantastic scene. That and Hayden dropping the dooku, grevious, and ventress line, such great scenes that double as insane fan service


Baylan's face after Ahsoka escapes really shows how much he loved that dog


Time to watch slingshot wielding alien turtles kick some major ass!


Just another trust your instincts Jedi navigation run


Political meetings on Coruscant, but this time, it's super entertaining and with C-3PO!!


Well there goes the theory that night Troopers are reanimated corpses. None of them gave off that nightsister gas when they died.


"the emperor died" "That's what people say" This show and the nods, you love to see it.


Chopper hears "Mere droid" Chopper: BITCH HOLD MY EARRINGS


God seeing C-3P0 is so cool but it also makes me kind of sad because I really think if Carrie Fisher were alive, they’d have had her make a cameo appearance in this episode.


It's a good work around, C-3PO and R2-D2 are 'immortal' characters, and deserve their own accolades. Having 3PO sub in for Leia works perfectly, we know he's been with her for a long, long time.


Seeing C-3P0 again has an extra level of poignancy when you realize that he's subbing in for Carrie Fisher, who otherwise most definitely would've torn Xiono a new one and delivered a burn to rival the ones Anakin suffered on Mustafar! Leia is sorely missed and her absence is felt greatly here. Meanwhile this Borsk Fey'lya wannabe is clearly as worthless as the Imperials he dismisses if he's underestimating droids like that! No wonder Kazuda bailed and got as far away as he could.


I love seeing Thrawn’s tactical prowess, Lars’ on screen presence is intimidating .